The Dads and Daughters organization asks: "What
do women starving themselves to fit an
unattainable, ideal body image have to do with
selling Asko appliances?" Asko's ad in
Sunset 2/02 says: "Like most Swedish
supermodels, they consume next to nothing." Do they
think it makes good marketing sense to associate
their appliances with an eating disorder, a mental
illness with the highest mortality rate of any
mental illness? Would they run an ad that said
"Asko dishwashers eat dirt like cancer eats
By joking about the seriousness of this
disorder, Asko not only reduces the value of their
name, but also degrades the estimated 8 million
Americans that suffer from eating disorders. Ads
like Asko's directly contribute to deaths caused by
eating disorders by dehumanizing the disease and
reducing the public's sense of urgency to give aid
to those struggling and prevent others from
contracting this horrible disease.
As of today, the issue has been resolved.
to Asko.
Source: Sunset magazine,
2/02 and

For Asko's response, click
here. Joe Yoder Director of Marketing,
or 800.367.2444 or
Send a note one to Sunset magazine and the
Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval folks, to
heighten their awareness on just how easy it is to
numb out on subtle adveritisng like this.
ASKO Appliances would like to apologize for any
offense caused by our advertising campaign. We
certainly understand that eating disorders affect
millions of Americans, and it was not our intention
to add to that problem.
This advertising campaign was already due to be
replaced, and the offending ad will not run
We want to thank you for reminding us of our
obligation to not only provide the most
environmentally-conscious products but also to
promote them in a socially responsible manner.
Joe Yoder
Director of Marketing
* * *

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