Menstuff® has compiled the following
information on Time Magazine's "Common
Sense" Ad (3/3/03)
We Wrote:
Dear Time Magazine:
As requested in your ad in the March 3 issue,
I''ll "Join the conversation." There are a lot of
better ways to encourage people to join the
conversation than using what might seem as an
obvious extreme national security measure as an
example but isn't.
"Whoever design and approved this ad obviously
doesn't know that many Vietnamese children, who had
been accepted by the GI's in Viet Nam to shine
shoes, do their laundry, etc, were then wired with
explosives, went back into the same GI barracks and
were detonated, killing not only themselves but
many U.S. military personnel. So, if security
becomes lax, I wouldn't assume that this tactic
wouldn't be used again. A terrorist could look like
you or me. Your next door neighbor might be one and
s/he may be under 10 years old."
Their Initial
Dear Reader:
Thank you for writing. We welcome timely,
insightful reactions to material we have published,
and we can assure you that your observations found
an attentive audience among the editors. Should
your comments be selected for the column, you will
be notified in advance of publication. Again, our
thanks for letting us hear from you. We hope that
you will write again should you discover something
of particular interest in the news or in our
reporting of it.
Best wishes.
TIME Letters
As of 2/16/04 there has been no further response
from Time.
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