The Half-Million
Dollar Nipple
Janet Jackson Says
Breast-Baring Was an Accident: Entertainer Appears
on David Letterman's 'Late Show
The Half-Million
Dollar Nipple
The Prude Police are at it again. Janet Jackson's
nipple gets exposed and on a "family show" (the
SuperBowl) and the network gets fined over a
half-million dollars. That's from an administration
that tried to impeach a President for lying about
having sex in the Oval Office but covers up
starting wars, outing Counterintellegience Officers
to get revenge (a felony, by the way), abusing
prisoner's of a preemptive war (the firsts in our
nation's history), and terrorising nations with our
WMDs while killing Moselum babies with our bombs
and, at the same time, holding forth the importance
of an un-born fetus. American women can be arrested
for breast feeding their baby in public while women
in many other countries walk the beaches topless
and noone stares or hides their children's eyes,
except for the occasional American tourist. What's
wrong with this picture? Well, just in case
Janet's nipple was the first one you ever saw, the
November, 2004 issue of Maxim brought us 500
different ones.
Janet Jackson Says
Breast-Baring Was an Accident: Entertainer Appears
on David Letterman's 'Late Show
Janet Jackson was reluctant to discuss her
controversial halftime "show" with David Letterman.
Unlike the last time she appeared on CBS, Janet
Jackson was bleeped by censors Monday while talking
to David Letterman - for saying ''Jesus.''
The exclamation, made in apparent exasperation
as Letterman asked the singer about her famed Super
Bowl ''wardrobe malfunction,'' was edited out for
broadcast, a show spokesman said.
Jackson told Letterman that her breast-baring,
when a piece of clothing was yanked off by duet
partner Justin Timberlake during the halftime show,
''was totally an accident. It wasn't a stunt.''
Another piece of clothing was to have been in
place to conceal the breast from view, said
Jackson, who conceded the maneuver wasn't
On the ''Late Show,'' she wore a red dress that
exposed cleavage and her navel, which was affixed
with jewelry. Despite being booked on the first of
a round of national television appearances to
promote her new album, ''Damita Jo,'' Jackson
repeatedly told Letterman she didn't want to talk
about the incident.
''You're going to make me relive this?'' she
asked. ''I want to put all that behind me. I truly
She told the audience she was ''sure you're sick
of hearing about this.''
''I'm not so sure they are sick of hearing about
it,'' Letterman replied.
Pressing for further details, Letterman said it
looked to Super Bowl viewers that the breast-baring
was intentional.
''Oh, Jesus,'' Jackson said, according to an
unedited tape of their conversation.
She said it was ''very embarrassing to me, to
have so many people see this little breast.''
''Well ...,'' Letterman said, indicating Jackson
was doing some verbal downsizing.
The singer said she learned from the incident
that she had reserves of strength like her
Jackson and Timberlake's duet sparked a round of
recriminations and complaints about broadcast
standards. Jackson later canceled an appearance on
the Grammy Awards. Timberlake appeared but
apologized for the Super Bowl incident.
Jackson told ''Access Hollywood,'' in an
interview to be broadcast Tuesday, that she was
''straight up asked not to go'' on the Grammy
Awards show. CBS has said Jackson would have been
welcome if she apologized like Timberlake but she
Asked whether she was still friends with
Timberlake, Jackson said, ''at some point, he and I
need to talk.''
* * *
All Nature wears one universal grin. - Henry

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