Menstuff® has compiled the following
information on a case of turning a pedophile's
wedding into a star event as if everything's all
better now that the molested child is an adult.
The June 5, 2005 issue of People magazine
provided a two page spread plus a lead on the cover
to a pedophile's wedding to the former sexually
abused child. The student was 12 when the affair
began, the teacher was 34. (Click on the photo
above to see the feature on the cover.)
People made the wedding of the former
student and the pedophile all positive with lines
like "The 225 guests waiting in an orchid-filled
tent...", "The crowd cheered as the bride
materialized... Dressed in white, she glided down
the aisle as one of the cousin's sang the gospel
number 'His Eye is on the Sparrow.'" So, the
pedophile gets married to cheers from the crowd and
People reported that "now their strange
liaison bears the sanctity of marriage."
Her mother and four of her five siblings
boycotted the wedding. People reported that
"It's sad more of her family didn't come." To
see a child molester, of a 12 year old child, no
less, be legally married to the victim.
Six "wedding bliss" pictures were included in
the two-page spread romanticizing the whole
The question: If the pedophile was a 34
year old man and his student a 12-year-old girl,
would the public not be outraged. (Oh, I'm sorry. I
forgot to tell you that the pedophile was a woman
and the student was a boy.) Would People
magazine sanctify pedophilia by devoting a two-page
spread and partial cover to the event?
I haven't seen that happen, but time will
My question: Does she have to report her
home address as a pedophile or did the law in
Washington romanticize her situation and let her go
free. In most states, once a pedophile, always a
pedophile, and they are required to provide their
address to the local community for the rest of
their life, regardless whether they receive the
"sanctity" of marriage or not.
Final note: Entertainment Tonight
and The Insider taped the event. Giving it
almost as much press as the Tom and Kate romance
they shared the cover of People magazine with. Wow.
It seems that they make more out of weddings where
one of the parties is a criminal and when two
honest people get married. I guess whatever sells
magazines. And, whoever buys magazines supports
this kind of acting out making this quite a
dysfunctional culture. The runaway bridge who lies
to police and gets a great book deal. The
child-abusing Catholic Bishop that the church gives
special, positive recognition to. And, the list
goes on. Imagine the messages our children are
getting from all of this. I hope you're talking
with your children about this and things like this.
They've got to get a better story than they're
getting from the press. Molesting a child is just
plain wrong and shouldn't be glamorized in the
press. That's why we've got a free press. They can
do what they do, and we can do what we do. Ask
people to wake up, wash aside the glamorization of
crime, and tell the media what you think.
magazine, June 5,
Related Topics: Pedophilia

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