1999 Books by Publisher

Menstuff® has broken down the books that we received that were published in 1999 by publisher. We received a total of 144 of such books - at least one in 52 of the 92 men's issues we have broken down. They came from 102 different publishers - an average of 1.4 books per publisher covering a subject with a close to distant connection to a men's issue.

It is becoming more and more evident that men's issues are being represented more and more through small, independent publishers. This also means that most men's books don't receive much promotional support or distribution. First, start reading. Women buy over 75% of the books published. So, we men have to start taking some responsibility to buy, give, read and pass on recommendations on books we like. Then, starting asking your local bookstore to start a men's section, if they don't already have one (we'll tell you what to say) and order books they don't have. Especially small bookstores are loosing out to the chains and internet, and their problem will only get worse if they don't service special markets like men's books. Can't wait?  Want to buy a book now and support The National Men's Resource Center at the same time? Click here to go to the bottom of this page and connect up to Amazon.com and order away. We'll all benefit!

See Books for a comprehensive list of over 3,500 books on 100 men's issues. When you buy books, go first to a bookstore that has a separate men's section and if they don't have a separate men's section, click here to find out How to start a section? Second, buy books at Amazon.com through us. We're a non-profit, and it would help us expand this web site even more. Order through the icon at the bottom of this and each issues and book page.

Books Published & Reviewed in 1999
By Publisher

Abbeville Press
Brott, Armin A., The Single Father: A dad's guide to parenting without a partner

Adams Media Corp
Langford, A. T., When Men Marry: Insights from men about what makes them ready for marriage
Newman, Amanda, Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Hell

Albion Press
Rose, Louis & Roy Malone, Make the Jerk Pay: Tracking down a deadbeat dad and getting child support

Ant Hill Press
Roth, Dick, "No, It's Not Hot In Here": A husband's guide to understanding menopause

April House
Fitzgerald, Matthew, Sex-Ploytation: How women use their bodies to extort money from men

Art Hill Press
Roth, Dick, "No, It's Not Hot In Here": A husband's guide to understanding menopause

Gower, Timothy, Staying at the Top of Your Game: A man's guide to peak performanc
Hine, Thomas, The Rise & Fall of the American Teenager

Kellerman, Jonathan, Savage Spawn: Reflections on violent children
Kindlon, Dan & Michael Thompson, Raising Cain: Protecting the emotional life of boys
Linn, Denice, Quest: A guide for creating your own vision quest
Sheehy, Gail, Understanding Men's Passages: Discovering the new map of men's lives

Hales, Dianne, Just Like a Woman: How gender science is redefining what makes us female. Throw out the stereotypes!
Lichtenberg, Greg, Playing Catch with My Mother: Coming to manhood when all the rules have changed

Barefoot Books
Evetts-Secker, Josephine, The Barefoot Book of Father and Son Tales

Basic Books
Glassner, Barry, The Culture of Fear: Why Americans are afraid of the wrong things: crime, drugs, minorities, teen moms, killer kids, mutant microbes, plane craches, road rage, & so much more

Bergin & Garvey
Lunneborg, Patricia, The Chosen Lives of Childfree Men

Broadway Books
White, Barry, Love Unlimited: Insights on life & love

Citadel Press
Gardere, Jeffrey, Smart Parenting for African Americans: Helping your kids thrive in a difficult world

Vienna, Veronique, The Art of Imperfection: Simple ways to make peace with yourself

CMB Publishing
Stoler, Mark, Viagra & You: New treatments for potency and sexual health

Ford, Judy & Anna Chase Wonderful Ways to be a Stepparent
Gosline, Andrea Alban & Lisa Burnett Bossi. Mother's Nature: Timeless wisdom for the journey into motherhood
Pollar, Odette, Take Back Your Life: Smart ways to simplify daily living
Seaward, Brian Luke, Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backward: Rising above life's challenges with humor, hope and courage

Contemporary Books
Thicke, Alan, How Men Have Babies: The pregnant father's survival guide
Wild, Russell, Why Men Marry: 150 guys reveal what prompted them to pop the question

Contemporary World Issues
Kinnear, Karen L., Single Parents: A reference handbook

Martin, Edwin, Stopping the Train: The landmark victory over same-sex sexual harassment in the workplace

Cornell University Press
Eisenberg, Susan, We'll Call You If We Need You: Experiences of women working construction

Creative Arts Book Company
Pasquale, Robert di, Men Like Trees, Walking, Seven stories

Sanders, Summer, Campions are Raised, Not Born: How my parents made me a success

Becker, Gavin de, The Gift of Fear and other survival signals that protect us from violence
Ivey, Mark & Ralph Bond, The PC Dads Guide to Becoming a Computer-Smart Parent
Rowe, John & Robert Kahn, Successful Aging:: Learn the surprising results of the most extensive, comprehensive study on aging in America. Find out how the way you live, not the genes you were born with, determines health and vitality
Whitehead, Douglas E. & Terry Malloy, Viagra: The wonder drug for peak performance

Pelzer, Dave, A Man Named Dave: A story of triumph and forgiveness

ECW Press
Silcott, Mireille, Rave America: New school dancescapes

Faber & Faber
Edson, Margaret, W;t: A play

Factor Press
Litten, Harold, Best Erotic Fantasies: How to enjoy and understand the sex in your head

Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Trillin, Calvin, Family Man

Finish Line Press
Letson, Tom, 4 Downs to Anger Control: Control anger and strengthen character with football concepts and principles

Firefly Books
Zelinski, Ernie J., Off the Wall: Graffiti for the soul

Four-G Publishers
Brown, Ron, My Father has Left Me and I'm About to Go Off! A guide to raising a young son

Four Winds Publications
DeRohan, Ceanne, Indigo: The search for true understanding and balance

Free Press
Bondoc, Anna & Meg Daly, Letters of Intent: Women cross the generations to talk about family, work, sex, love and the future of feminism
Garbarino, James, Lost Boys: Why our sons turn violent and how we can save them
Shalit, Wendy, A Return to Modesty: Discovering the lost virtue
Young, Cathy, Ceasefire! Why women and men must join forces to achieve true equality

Globe Digest Series
Justice, L.A., Why Men Leave! and How Savvy Women Make 'em Stay!

Golden Books
Tiger, Lionel, The Decline of Males

Goofy Foot Press
Joannides, Paul, A Guide to Getting It On

GTC Press
Wolf, Ken G., Marriage Vows 2000: The new marriage contract for the next millennium

Guilford Press
Gartner, Richard B., Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic treatment of sexually abused men

Harbor Press
Urbaniak, Eva, Healing Your Prostate: Natural Cures that Work

Harper Collins
Beck, Aaron, Prisoners of Hate: The cognitive basis of anger, hostility and violence
Berland, Warren, Out of the Box of Life: Being free is just a choice
Briggs, John & David Peat, Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Timeless wisdom from the science of change

Harper Paperback
Gerstman, Bradley, Christopher Pizzo & Rich Seldes. What Men Want: Three professional single men reveal to women what it takes to make a man yours

Harper Perennial
Glasser, William, Choice Theory: A new psychology of personal freedom
Glasser, William & Carleen Glasser, The Language of Choice Theory
Siegel, Bernie S., Prescriptions for Living: Inspirational lessons for a joyful, loving life

Harper Resource
Tomkiw, John & Beth, Total Sex: Complete guide to everything men need to know and want to know about sex

Harrington Park Press
Dotson, Edisol Wayne, Behold the Man: The type and selling of male beauty in media and culture

Harvard University Press
Brody, Leslie, Gender, Emotion and the Family

Haworth Press/Pastoral Press
Lynch, John & Christopher Kilmartin, The Pain Behind the Mask: Overcoming masculine depression
Weatherford, Ronald Jeffrey and Carole Boston, Somebody's Knocking at Your Door: AIDS and the African-American church

Hay House
Carroll, Lee & Jan Tober, The Indigo Children: The new kids have arrived

Health Communications
Canfield, Jack, Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 stories to open the heart & rekindle the spirit
Friel, John & Linda, The 7 Worst Things Parents Do

Henry Holt
Melchiode, Gerald, Beyond Viagra: A commonsense guide to building a healthy sexual relationship for both men and women
O'Nana, Stewart, A Prayer for the Dying
Pollack, WIlliam, Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood

Houghton Mifflin
Mauer, Don, A Guy's Guide to Great Eating: Big-flavored, fat-reduced recipes for men who love to eat
Parke, Ross & Armin Brott, Throwaway Dads: The myths and barriers that keep men from being the fathers they want to be

IDG Books
Bodian, Stephan, Meditation for Dummies: A reference for the rest of us!
Inlander, Charles, Men's Health for Dummies: A reference for the rest of us

Impact Publishers
Fisher, Bruce, & Robewrt Alberti, Rebuilding: When your relationship ends, 2000
Stewart, Judge James W., Divorce Handbook for California: How to dissolve your marriage without disaster, 2000

Indiana University Press
Nuwer, Hank, Wrongs of Passage: Fraternities, Sororities, Hazing and Binge Drinking

Jim-Jac Publications
Berry, Jack, Unfustified Damnation

Kipnis, Aaron, Angry Young Men: How parents, teachers and counselors can help "bad boys" become good men
McNight, Marilyn & Stephen Erickson, Mediating Divorce: A client's workbook

Keep It Simple Press
Huber, Cheri, The Depression Book: Depression as an opportunity for spiritual growth

Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Denniston, George C., Frederick Mansfield Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos, Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, legal, and ethical considerations in pediatric practice

Lexis Law Publishing
Family Code: Deering's California desktop code series with many research references

Lionheart Publishing
Mares, Theun, The Quest for Maleness: Avoiding emasculation. Releasing the creative powers of the true male

Little, Brown & Co
Hirschfeld, Tom, Business Dad: How good businessmen can make great fathers (and vice versa)
Hooper, Edward, The River: A journey to the source of HIV and AIDS

Llewellyn Publications
Andrews, Ted, Animal-Speak: The spiritual & magical powers of creatures great & small

Fulghum, Debra & Harris McIlwain, The Unofficial Guide to Conquering Impotence: For when you want more than the official line!

Men's Studies Press
Clark, J. Michael, Doing the Work of Love: Men & commitment in same-sex couples

The Mission Creative Energy
Prengel, Serge, Still a Dad: The divorced father's journey

William Morrow
Barron, James Douglas, She's Had a Baby - and I'm Having a Meltdown: What every new father needs to know about marriage, sex and diapers
Faludi, Susan, Stiffed: The betrayal of the American man
Lawrence, Barbara Kent, Bitter Ice: a memoir of love, food and obsession
O'Hanlon, Bill, Do One Thing Different: and other uncommonly sensible solutions to life's persistent problems

New Society Publishers
Kivel, Paul, Boys Will Be Boys: Raising our sons for courage, caring and community
Macy, Joanna & Molly Young Brown, Coming Back to Life: Practices to reconnect our lives, our world

New York University Press
Lamb, Sharon, ed, New Version of Victims: Feminists struggle with the concept

Nolo Press
Sherman, Ed., How to Do Your Own Divorce in California

North Point Press
Smith, Jeffery, Where the Roots Reach the Water: A personal & natural history of melancholia

Meyer, Chuck, Twelve Smooth Stores: A father writes to his daughter about money, sex, spirituality and other things that really matter

NTC Publishing Group
Magezis, Joy, Teach Yourself Women's Studies

Oxford University Press
Black, Donald W., Bad Boys, Bad Men: Confronting antisocial personality disorder

Gillan, Maria Mazziotti & Jennifer, Identity Lessons: Contemporary writing about learning to be American
Karp, Marcelle & Debbie Stoller, The Bust Guide to the New Girl Order
Klatte, William, Live-Away Dads: Staying a part of your children's lives when they aren't a part of your home

Perseus Books
Ghiglieri, Michael, The Dark Side of Man: Tracing the origins of male violence

Be Your Self: Q&A for gay, lesbian and bisexual youth
Our Daughters & Sons: Q&A for parents of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people

Pilgrim Press
Yost, Merle James, When Love Lasts Forever: Male couples celebrate commitment

Deida, David, Blue Truth: A spiritual guide to life & death and love & sex
Deida, David, The Red Realm: Adventures in sexual spirituality

Toussaint, Pamela, Great Books for African-America Children

Pocket Books
Hendrix, Harville, The Parenting Companion Meditations and Exercises: for giving the Love that Heals

Prima Publishing
Zelinski, Ernie, Don't Hurry, Be Happy! 650 smart ways to slow down and enjoy life

Prometheus Books
Thompson, Lana, The Wandering Womb: A cultural history of outrageous beliefs about women

Public Affairs
Gephardt, Richard, An Even Better Place; American in the 21st Century

Random House
Peters, Tom, Seuss-isms for Success: Insider tips on economic health from the good doctor
Tannen, Deborah, The Argument Culture: Moving from debate to dialogue

Greiff, Barrie Sanford, Legacy: The giving of life's greatest treasures. Loving, learning, laboring, laughing, lamenting, linking, living, leading, and leaving

Riverhead Books
Sardello, Robert, Freeing the Soul from Fear

Rodale Press
Kennedy, James "Jimmy the Bartender", w/Denis Boyles, Jimmy the Bartender's Guide to Life: Advice on women, money, sex, work and other stuff that screws up men's lives

During, Simon, ed., The Cultural Studies Reader
Ingraham, Chrys, White Weddings: Romancing heterosexuality in popular culture

Seven Stories Press
Tanenbaum, Leora, Slut! Growing up female with a bad reputation

Shambhala Publications
Kabir Helminski, ed, The Rumi Collection

Simon & Schuster
Lamm, Steven, & Gerald Secor Couzens The Virility Solution: Everything you need to know about the FDA-approved potency pill that can restore and enhance male sexuality
Steinsaltz, Adin, Simple Words: Thinking about what really matters in life

Smart Publications
Wright, Jonathan & Lane Lenard Maximize Your Vitality & Potency for Men over 40

Evans, Susan & Joan Avis, The Women Who Broke All the Rules: How the choices of a generation changed our lives

Jeremy P Tarcher
Huerta, Christian de la, Coming Out Spiritually: The next step

Farrell, Warren, Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say: Destroying myths, creating love
Some, Malidoma Patrice, The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding life purpose through nature, ritual and community

Temple University Press
Ehrhart, W. D., Ordinary Lives: Platoon 1005 and the Vietnam war

Thunder's Mouth Press
Bernstein, Robert A, Straight Parents, Gay Children: Inspiring families to live honestly and with greater understanding

Times Books
Irwin, Cait, Conquering the Beast Within: How I fought depression and won...and how you can too, one teenager tells her inspiring story

Cohen-Sandler, Roni & Michelle Silver. "I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You!" A new understanding of mother daughter conflict. Surviving and thriving during your daughter's teenage years

Villard Books
Segell, Michael, Standup Guy: Masculinity that works

Walk the Talk Co
Harvey, Eric, Walk Awhile in My Shoes, Too: Straight talk from parents and teachers to children and students

Ditzler, Jinny, Your Best Year Yet! Ten questions for making the next twelve months your most successful ever, 2000
Millman, Dan, Everyday Enlightenment: The twelve gates to personal growth

*    *    *

The Write Stuff: Famous storyteller Hans Christian Anderson couldn't spell.

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As our awareness and understanding builds around the fact that the world and relationships can't improve without inviting men to join in, books, tapes and videos are some great ways of allowing men to do some of the important individual work in preparation for their full participation with others. Review the following. Consider giving yourself and a friend a gift of some of this knowledge. Please purchase/order books from bookstores who have shown their support for men by setting up a separate men's issue section (refer to Bookstores).

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