The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books involving Gen X,
13th Gen, the twenty-something to thirty year old group.
Carrel, Annette, It's the Law! A young person's guide to
our legal system. "Put your hands in the air! Place
them on this wall. Keep your hands there and take two steps back.
Spread your legs. You are under arrest!" By now you
should be pretty uncomfortable. This book is about the law 0 and
YOU! It's also about what happens if you break the law.
This is a book for young people - boys and girls, young men and
women - just like you. Partial contents: What is a
law? Justice. Control. When people break the law. Under
arrest! The right to a trial. Juvenile Justice.
Challenges. Glossary. It's all about you. Volcano Press, 1994
ISBN 1-884244-01-7 OOP
Cohen, Michael Lee, Twenty-Something American
Dream: A cross-country quest for a generation. "Numb
and Dumb." "The New
Petulants." "Slackers." Many labels have
been attached to today's twentysomething generation. Now this
groundbreaking collection of interviews goes beyond the sound
bites to reveal the thoughts and souls of Americans in their
twenties. Are they disenfranchised, disillusioned, and
disconnected? Do they believe that the American Dream is
alive and well or that it has become the Impossible
Dream? We meet Adam, twenty-five, a Wall Street
investment banker who wants to be fantastically wealthy...Diana,
twenty-five, a native of a Latino working-class neighborhood in
Houston, who is on her way to the Texas legislature...and Lavonda,
twenty, who shines shoes and writes screenplays and dreams of
becoming a female Spike Lee. These are some of the forty-three men
and women who make up this vivid, vital chorus of voices that
confound the familiar stereotypes. These people are living proof
that there is more to this generation than McJobs, MTV's "The Real
World", and Generation X. This important book surpasses the
generalizations to show that much of the negative media hype is
unsubstantiated and that the twenty-somethings make up a
fascinating, diverse group confronting the challenges of the
future. Plume, 1994 ISBN 0-452-27230-0 
Diller, Lawrence, Running on Ritalin: A physician
reflects on children, society and performance in a pill. In
1997 alone, nearly five million people in the U.S. were prescribed
Ritalin - most of them young children diagnosed with attention
deficit disorder (ADD). Use of this drug, which is a stimulant
related to amphetamine, has increased by 700 percent since 1990.
And this phenomenon appears to be uniquely American: 90
percent of the world's Ritalin is used here. Is this a cause for
alarm - or simply the case of an effective treatment meeting a
newly discovered need? Important medical advance - or
drug of abuse, as some critics claim? The author has
written the definitive book about this crucial debate -
evenhanded, wide-ranging, and intimate in its knowledge of
families, schools and the pressures of our speeded-up society. As
a pediatrician and family therapist, he has evaluated hundreds of
children, adolescents, and adults for ADD, and he offers crucial
information and treatment options for anyone struggling with this
problem. This book also throws a spotlight on some of our most
fundamental values and goals. What does Ritalin say about the old
conundrums of nature vs. nurture, free will vs.
responsibility? Is ADD a disability that entitles
us to special treatment? If our best is not good enough, can
we find motivation and success in a pill? Is there
still a place for childhood in the performance-driven America of
the late nineties? Bantam Books, www.bantam.com
1998 ISBN 0-553-10656-2 OOP
Erickson, Judith, Directory of American Youth
Organizations: A guide to 500 clubs, groups, troops,
teams, societies, lodges and more for young people. Written
for young people who want to try something new, share a special
interest, make new friends, and get more involved, this directory
is an easy-to-use guide to 500 groups. They include hobby groups,
career and vocational education groups, organizations for peace
and global understanding, conservation and humane education
groups, and much, much more. Each organization listed in the
directory is adult-sponsored, non-profit, and national in scope.
Ad each is practically guaranteed to cure boredom. Free Spirit,
1994 ISBN 0-915793-63-6
Gibb, Stephen, Twenty-Something: Floundering and off the
yuppie track, a self-help guide to making in through your
twenties. The future looks bright when you turn twenty. And
why not? No job. No spouse. No kids. No mortgage. In a
word: freedom. College life is almost too good to be true. It
can't last. And it doesn't. After graduation, reality sets in:
leaving the college scene behind, finding a job that pays the
bills, moving away from home (or, in some cases, moving back
home), making new friends in a strange city. For most, their
twenties are an exciting but confusing time. This book takes a
look at the experiences common to people trying to negotiate the
challenges of coming of age in the Nineties. Noble, 1992
ISBN 1-879360-03-9 
Hawk, Tony,
Hawk: Occupation: Skateboarder. The world's most
renowned skateboarder has been dubbed the Michael Jordan of
skateboarding. Now he tells his extraordinary story. From his
early days, when he couldn't afford to eat at Taco Bell, to
winning twleve world championships, to the rise of his
multimillion dollar company, Birdhouse, his story is an
inspiration for anyone who wants to follow a dream. In the book he
describes his journey from hyperactive "demon kid" with a 144 IQ
to world-class athlete - and his amazing relationship with his
father, who supported him without fail, from building skate ramps
for him in the yard to starting the National Skateboarding
Association. His road to superstardom hasn't been easy, however.
He tells of his rise to fame in the '80s, his crashing descent in
the early '90s, and his incredible comeback to where he is today:
at the top of the skateboarding world, and a devoted father and
husband. His striking autobiography delves deep into the world of
skateboarding, where you're only as good as your next trick. He
has invented close to fifty maneuvers, and made history by pulling
a 900-degree aerial turn in the 1999 X Games. Off the ramp,
he has soared to fame with his #1 selling Playstation video game,
Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater. His skating was the inspiration for
Tarsan's jungle movement in the Disney blockbuster Tarzan,
and he was featured in ad campaigns for Got Milk? and The Gap.
Learn about one of the greats who paved the way for the commercial
success of skateboarding. Regan Books, www.reganbooks.com,
2000 ISBN 0-06-019860-5 
Hoose, Phillip, It's Our World, Too! Stories of
young people who are making a difference with tactics you can use
to bring about change, Little Brown, 1993
Howe, Neil, 13th Gen: Abort, retry, ignore, fail?
Americas 13th generation, born between 1961-1981. Written in an
interesting style, with computer jargon and symbols. Lots of side
comments on every page - quotes from songs, movies, ads of the
time. And interesting look at the generation, on every page. Some
of the chapters are: We don't even have a name. Something of a
national curse. Woodstock-Blech! Born a little late. Are we being
tested on this? Is it all downhill? Room to move as a
frycook. Trusting ourselves, and money -period. The new jack
school. Sometimes we get sick of sex. The choices are ugly and
few. Trying to strip things down and simplify. The 21st century
breathing down our necks. Vintage, 1993 ISBN 0-679-74365-0

Lewis, Barbara, Kids with Courage: True stories about
young people making a difference. The student had a loaded gun
and a room full of hostages. Police surrounded the school. Then
Ruben Ortega got mad...It was the middle of winter, and the woman
had no shoes. Frank Daily looked down at his Nikes and made a
decision...Andrew Holleman had practically grown up on the
wetlands. He loved its plants, creatures and gooey mud. Then he
heard about the developer's plan...Norvell Smith knew there would
be gang members in the audience. But she looked right at them and
gave them a piece of her mind...As fun to read as fiction, these
exciting true stories prove that anyone, at my age, in any life
circumstance, can make a difference in the world - including you.
Meet young people of all ages who take social action, fight crime,
work to save the environment, and even perform heroic acts. Find
out what gives them the courage to speak out, come to the rescue,
and stand up for their beliefs, they may inspire you to do great
things, too. Free Spirit, 1992 ISBN 0-915793-93-3 
McKowen, Clark, Get Your A Out of College, mastering the
hidden rules of the game. This book will get anyone through
school with top grades. You won't get frustrated and you won't
waste any time. This book is a guide not only to top grades but
also to easy learning, maximum material absorption, and study
habits that are almost fun. It reflects over twenty-two years of
high school and college teaching and service as department and
division chairman at both levels. This book covers every aspect of
college life. It even teaches the student to deal with specific
fears: fear of being ignorant, fear of failure, and fear of
teachers are discussed, and positive tactics are offered to deal
with them. This should be at the top of every students' reading
list. Crisp, 1979
Nuwer, Hank, Wrongs of
Passage: Fraternities, Sororities, Hazing and Binge
Drinking. There is an epidemic of destructive, demeaning binge
drinking and hazing on American college campuses. What forces
young men and women to accept inhuman and degrading rituals in
order to belong to a social club, sorority, fraternity or sports
team? Are they the same forces that have made college
binge drinking a national epidemic? Why do college
administrators and Greek fraternities and sororities continue to
allow practices that occasionally lead to death or permanent
psychological damage? Why are black fraternities more
prone to violent rites of passage than their white
counterparts? Why do some elite and outwardly prim
sororities insist on cruelly humiliating their pledges while
others subject young women to branding rituals? Is it
inevitable that today's victims will become tomorrow's hazers?
This hard-hitting investigative report, which was adapted for an
NBC movie-of-the-week, tells the story of the alcohol-related
death of Chuck Stenzel at Alfred University and his parents'
response to the tragedy. It examines hazing's fundamental legal
and historical roots, provides many instances of abuse and
criminal behavior, and proposes workable reforms that universities
should enact to end a practice that is both deadly and demeaning.
He includes a chronology of documented cases in which college
students lost their lives as a result of hazing. Indiana
University Press, 1999 (Ed What we didn't see here was the
importance of replacing the Wrongs of Passage, with an
appropriate Rites of Passage. For more information on this, see
the Bonds: A Positive Fraternity Pledge Program for the 21st
Ponton, Lynn, The Romance of
Risk: Why teenagers do the things they do. This
remarkable book takes readers inside the minds of fifteen troubled
adolescents to provide a compelling look at today's teenager
experience. Included in the case studies are Jill, a 13-yer-old
thrill-seeking runaway; Hannah, a privileged daughter of suburbia
who suffers from anorexia; and Joe, a high school senior with a
serious drinking problem. The author proposes that teenage "acting
out" can be understood in terms of "risk-taking" and that by
redirecting this natural impulse into healthy channels parents can
minimize the dangers inherent in today's teen culture and help
their children develop into stable adults. Challenging traditional
views of adolescence and offering a constructive new model for
understanding teen behavior, this is an essential book for parents
concerned about their children's well-being in this age of drug
abuse, rampant violence and AIDS. Basic Books www.perseusbooks.com
Raines, Claire, Twenty-Somthing: Managing
& motivating today's new work force. "You can't get
good help any more." This statement is truer today than ever
before. Frustrated managers across the nation la re complaining
that the new worker has no work ethic, is materialistic, spends
too much time around the water cooler, asks only "What's in it for
me?" and doesn't have the basic skills to handle entry-level
tasks. This book examines the work orientation of today's new
workers, offering managers and supervisors in business of all
sizes and types a practical guide to better understand and manage
their employees. If you're an executive, manager or supervisor who
is franstrated in your efforts to motivate younger workers, maybe
you need to understand the values that drive their behavior.
Master Media, 1990 ISBN 0-942361-62-8 
Rubin, Nancy, Ask Me if I Care: Voices from an
American high school. Now it's time to hear their side of the
story...what do teenagers think about? Why not ask them
- the author did: Sex, parents, appearance, future,
weekends, their girlfriends, religion, school work, heritage,
that's what gives me power. My abortion tomorrow. For over
seventeen years, the author has been teaching Social Living
classes at a large public high school. She bases her class, and
this book, on her students' own writing - journals that cover an
incredible array of issues. This book combines these journals,
teacher insights, and the latest statistics with letters from
former students, guest speakers, and parents for a compelling
portrait of contemporary American youth. Including honest, frank
discussions of sexuality, STDs, homosexuality, substance abuse,
AIDS, racial identity, self-image, suicide, violence, television
and much more. This book is by teenagers, about teenagers, for
teenagers and for everybody - students, parents, teachers,
counselors, family, friends. Ten Speed, 1994
ISBN 0-89815-597-5 
Rushkoff, Douglas, GenX Reader: An underground look
at the twentysomething gen, explained by those inside. Here we
are. Most of our elders have already cursed our existence, but we
refuse to be daunted by the appraisals they dump on us. A
generation whom outsiders have derisively perceived as ignorant
and apathetic will ultimately reveal itself as insightful and
influential. Our time has come. Generation X means a lot of things
to a lot of people. We are a culture, a demographic, an outlook, a
style, an economy, a scene, a literate, a political ideology, an
aesthetic, an age, a decade, and a way of life. Until now,
Generation W has been explained to the public by people who fear
and detest us most. Unable to see through the guise of apathy and
anger worn by twenthsomthings, the many chroniclers of Generation
X have reduced us to, at best, a market segment and, at worst, the
downfall of the Western World. But we, the members of Generation
X, reject this categorization and our own writings tell a very
different story from those of our elders. The Gen X Readers
is a collection of our most revered voices, demonstrating that
while twenty-somethings may, indeed, have dropped out of American
culture (as it is traditionally defined), we also stand as a
testament to American ingenuity, optimism, instinct and
brilliance. We are the thing that will replace you. Ballantine,
1994 ISBN 0-345-39046-6 
Silcott, Mireille, Rave America: New
school dancescapes. American raves have gone from parties
involving a few hundred people to commercially sponsored festivals
drawings tens of thousands. This is the first book devoted to this
massive phenomenon. Through hundreds of interviews with DJs,
recording artists, producers, promoters, drug lords, club
celebrities and nightworld casualties, the author explores the
deepest recesses of America's electronic dance culture uncovering
secrets and stories never before seen in print. This book begins
with a whirlwind tour of American club culture in the 70s and 80s,
then plunges into the diverse sounds, sights and histories of some
of America's most vital rave territories: the deafening walls of
sound of DJ Frankie Bone's earliest New York Storm raves; the
acid-fueled dreams of San Francisco's hippiefied Full Moon beach
parties; Florida's DJ Icey and his factions of teenage
breakdancers on Ecstasy; the dark Satanic techno rituals of the
Midwest's Drop Bass Network; and the 12-hour
post-AIDS "muscle raves" of cross-country gay circuit
parties. This book winds its way through the dreams and nightmares
of a pre-millennial country after dark. ECW Press, 1999,
ISBN 1-55022-383-6 
Tanenbaum, Leora,
Slut! Growing up female with a bad reputation.
This is a groundbreaking account of the lives of young women who
stand up to the destructive power of name-calling - written by one
of the rising young talents of journalism today. This book
seamlessly weaves together three narrative
threads: powerful oral histories from an impressive and
diverse group of girls and women who tell us their stories and how
they finally overcame sexual labeling; the author's own
fascinating story; and her cogent analysis of the underlying
problem of sexual stereotyping. A girl may be labeled a slut or ho
for any number of reasons, including expressions of sexuality, but
also for nonsexual expressions of independence or openness, or
because she was raped. The author herself was labeled a slut in
high school. The confessional article she wrote about the
experience caused a sensation after it was published in
Seventeen (it was ranked the No. 1 story for that issue in
a readers' poll) and led her to write this book. Seven Stories
Press, www.sevenstories.com
1999 ISBN 1-888363-94-0 
* * *
If you want to get in the rat race, remember there is no prize for
outrunning a rat.

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