The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books concerning divorce
and general issues surrounding divorce. Photo upper left "It's just
not the same without dad." There are just some things that a mother
can't teach her son. Without the father involved, the son too often
grows up with a distorted picture of what a man, and possibly himself
as a father someday is. Fathers - stay involved! Mothers -
allow the father to stay involved! And, that's more than weekends
twice a month. See also books divorce-women and
Issues divorce.
The WriteConnection Program. As the numbers of divorces
increase and fathers and children are being kept further and
further apart, here's a solution. It's a complete kit that gives
great ideas of how to stay connected, especially through the mail.
Keep honest communication going without upsetting most custodial
spouses. 800.334.3143
Family Code: Deering's California desktop code series with many
research references. This is the Family Code, accompanied by
the Juvenile Court Law provisions of the Welfare
& Institutions Code and the Family Law and Juvenile Court
Rules. It offers you the following helpful reference
aids: a table of contents in each volume; a table of
sections affected by 1998 legislative changes, boldfaced italics
to indicate changes in the text of amended sections; carefully
selected research references; and a detailed and comprehensive
index for each volume. www.lexislawpublishing.com
Lexis Law Publishing, 800.562.1197 1999
ISBN 0-327-06544-3
- Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Haworth,
Abraham, Jed, From Courtship to Courtroom: What
divorce law is doing to marriage... The author, an attorney,
explodes the myths about divorce in this candid, often cautic,
book about the ways in which dvorce laws are unfair to men.
Drawing upon his extensive experience, he sketches a compelling
picture of what men can expect during court battles over alimony,
child support, division of property and charges of domestic
violence. Forget your illusions about amicable separation and fair
divorce laws. He details the economic and emotional hardships that
beset many men during, and long after, the divorce process. It is
also a helpful guide to men who want to avoid the drain of
divorce. At first suggesting that they not marry at all, but also
acknowledging that many will, he warns men to prepare before
marriage for the wrost that might happen if the knot unravels. He
makes concrete, feasible suggestions about selecting the right
mate, pre-nuptial agreements, spousal bank accounts, and how to
change the law. Any man considering marriage, or going through
divorce, will want to read this book. Block Publishing, 1999
ISBN 0-8197-0692-2 Buy
this book!
Ahrons, Constance, Good Divorce: Keeping your family
together when your marriage comes apart, HarperPerennial,
Allen, Elizabeth & Donald Mohr
Affordable Justice: How to settle any dispute, including
divorce, out of court.In response to the failure of the legal
system to meet people's needs for affordable justice, noted
experts have written the first step-by-step guide for the general
public about how to settle disputes out of court. For individuals,
as well as businesses of all sizes, this informative and
entertaining book, written in plain language, offers practical
information and advice to eveeryone who wants to avoid the
nightmare of a legal battle. It covers: Divorce, workplace
disputes, contract disputes, real esatate ddisputes, insurance
claims, prenuptial agreements, post-divorce modifications,
neighborhood conflicts and more. It includes an expanded directory
of referral sources and providers, listing mediators and
arbitrators in the U.S. and Canada. West Coast Press, 1998,
800.494.9866, or www.ctcmediation.com
or staff@ctcmediation.com.
ISBN 0-9655876-6-5 Buy
this book!
Averbach, Leo, Breakup. Forged in
divorce hell. In this compelling and brutally honest memoir The
author draws you into the cauldron of marital disintegration.
Written as a journal in real time, this book interweaves the
writer's daily ordeal and the couple's ongoing travails with the
insights and experience of psychotherapy. It chronicles the
author's struggle to cope with his wife's betrayal and its
implications for their family. His first-person narrative, which
is confessional and deeply reflective, reveals everything in
describing the acrimony and emotions as the marriage falls apart.
But what begins as a tale of anguish and despair becomes a story
of transformation and regeneration, leaving the author to a new
life. Llumkina Press, www.llumina.com,
2009, ISBN 978-1-60594-427-2 
- Belli, Melvin, Divorcing: The complete guide for
men & women, St Martins, 1988
- Berner, Thomas, Parents Whose Parents Were Divorced,
Haworth, 1992
- Bernstein, Robert, Divorced Dad's Handbook: 100
questions & answers, Bluebird, 1995
- Bienenfeld, Florence, Helping Your Child Through Your
Divorce, Hunter House, 1995
Boyan, Susan M. and Ann Marie Termini,
The Psychotherapist as Parent Coordinator in High-Conflict
Divorce: Strategies and techniques. This book offers a
practical model for psychotherapists working as parent
coordinators in collaboration with the Courts. It provides
professionals with an understanding of high-conflict divorce and
its impact on children and families. This comprehensive guide lays
out a step by step roadmap with tools and directives to help
therapists develop and market a parent coordination practice.
Haworth Clinical Practice Press, www.haworthpress.com,
2005, ISBN: 0-7890-2215-X 
Braver, Sanford & Diane O'Connell,
Divorced Dads: Shattering the Myths, The uprising
truth about fathers, children and divorce. Millions of
mothers, fathers, lawyers, judges and in many cases, second
spouses rely on today's prevailing wisdom on divorce to create the
best possible child-rearing arrangements after parents separate.
But what if most of the "known facts" about fathers, children and
divorce - the very material on which many of these arrangements
rest - are flatly wrong, the result of glaring errors, sloppy
studies or faulty research? In this revolutionary work,
the author, who led the largest federally funded study ever on
issues confronting divorced fathers - shows how millions of
well-intentioned parents, judges, lawyers, educators and other
caregivers have been repeatedly and tragically misled by the most
widely accepted social data about divorce and parenthood. Writing
with deep compassion and a constant understanding of the needs of
both parents, the author unravels the six myths commonly held
about divorce and divorced fathers. He explains that when divorced
fathers do disconnect from their children, they often do so
because they feel they are "parentally disenfranchised" by the
divorce system now in place. This book posits a new, more hopeful
idea of how parenting can function after a split, with the more
active participation of a father figure who is often hidden from
view: someone with deep emotional and financial
commitment to his children, whose presence can ease the trials of
divorce for both child and mother. Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam www.penguinputnam.com
1998 ISBN 0-87477-862-X Buy
This Book!
Brennan, Carleen and Michael, Custody for
Fathers: A practical guide through the combat zone of a brutal
custody battle. This book is a roadmap through the complex
maze of family law courts which are heavily mom-biased. Discover
over 100 strategies and tactics which have won custody for other
fathers. Improved conduct in mediation, dealing with difficult
judges, using the court wisely, countering dirty tricks, and
handling setbacks and adversity are all covered in great detail.
Self-published: Brennan-Publishing, 250 E 17th St, Costa Mesa, CA
92627, 1996 ISBN 0-9644157-2-0 Buy
This Book!
- Brown, Laurene Krasny, Dinosaurs
Divorce: A guide for changing families, Little
Brown, 1986
Buser, Sam J. and Glenn F. Sternes, The
Guys-Only Guide to Getting Over Divorse and on with life, sex and
relationships. There's no end of advice for men about the
financial and legal aspects of divorce. But, what about
YOU personally - your adjustment to a new kind of life, your
uncertainty about how to start over. Your time has
come! Whether you are newly separated or finalized your
divorce last year. This book answers questions from hundreds of
men just like you about how to get on with a better life!
Bayou Publishing, www.bayoupublishing.com,
2009 ISBN 0470087870 
- Charnofsky, Stan, When Women Leave Men: How men
feel, How men heal, New World, 1992
Cohen, Alan, Happily Ever After: Can
you be friends after lovers? The author illuminates the keys
to enjoying a better relationship with your former partner and
opening the door to richer love. This groundbreaking book is a
wealth of wisdom, offering practical tools for moving from pain,
fear and separateness to mutual empowerment, greater aliveness and
peace of mind and heart. In these pages, you will meet more than
two dozen couples who have found creative ways to love themselves
and their former mates, and who have gone on to more satisfying
relationships with their former spouses, and eventually, their new
partners. These dynamic concepts and techniques will empower you
to find healing, mutual support and win-win solutions to the
issues that have challenged you in past relationships, end
self-defeating patterns and pave the way to a new and better
relationship with your next partner, and learn to love, honor and
cherish yourself so deeply that you have no doubt that you are
worthy of the relationship your heart truly desires. Hay House,
ISBN 1-56170-629-9 Buy
this book!
- Connie, Jon, Fathers' Rights: The sourcebook for
dealing with the child support system, Walker, 1989
- Covington, Lee, How to Dump Your Wife, Fender,
Crowe, Alicia M., Real Dads Stand
Up! What every single father should know about child support,
rights and custody. Every year thousands of fathers just like
you go into custody and/or child support proceedings in family
court. When they know what to do, they can get through it
successfully. When they don't, the consequences can be brutal. You
can maneuver the system. Yes, it is possible. This easy to read
guide takes you through every step of the child support and
custody process. Whether you are divorced, single father or
mother, you will benefit from this book. Inside this book you will
find out how to...Exercise your legal rights. Avoid 'baby mama
drama', navigate the child support system and avoid the pitfalls
of child support enforcement, gain and maintain access to your
children, find and work with an attorney, plan your strategy and
be ready for court, go for custody or enforce your visitation
rights, settle issues without going to trial. This guide also
includes standard forms to use as guides, website information and
other valuable tips and resources to help you. www.realdadsstandup.com,
Blue Peacock Press, www.bluepeacockpress.com,
2005, ISBN 0-9764772-0-3 
- Darnall, Douglas, Divorce Casualties: Protecting your
children from parental alienation, Taylor Publishing, 1998
ISBN: 0878332081 Buy
this book!
Eads, Michael, A Man's
Feelings: Finding closure after divorce. This book
addresses the difficulties many men must confront after divorce, a
word synonymous with failure, disappointment and heartache. Any
man who loved his wife and went through divorce feels the stigma
and loss. The courts use these words: dissolution,
irretrievable and broken. These heartless terms create turmoil to
a man going through divorce. They don't even account for or
describe the agony a man endures during this crisis. This is a
personal account of how the author went through these hard times
and how he came out the other end with a positive atittude and a
vigorous new life. Going through this crisis, he found his own
identity and self-esteem in question. His whole life was a
question mark from the day his wife first said the word,
"Divorce", but with a step-by-step process and help from friends
and counseling, he got through it. In his research of divorce
books, he found that almost all deal with the legal ramifications
of divorce. Few deal with the stigma, heartache and emotional
turmoil that a man must face during separation and divorce. This
book exposes the most basic need in all men after divorce, that
is, the overwhelming desire to find some semblance of happiness,
well-being and ultimately, closure. This book helps. www.redsanpublishing.com,
2008 ISBN 978-0-9798-4843-8
Edelman, Marian Wright, The State of
America's Children: A report from the Children's
Defense Fund, Yearbook 1998, Beacon, 1998 www.beacon.org
- Edwards, Harriet, How Could You: Mothers without
custody of their children, Crossing Press, 1989
- Epstein, Joseph, Divorced in America: Marriage
in an age of possibility, Dutton, 1974
Everett, Craig, Child Custody: legal
decisions & family outcomes. This book is a library
MUST for all family therapists, attorneys and judges who work
with families impacted by divorce. It contains up to the minute
research on the wide range of issues surrounding the complex
problems of divorce...offering the clinician new insight or at
least a reminder of what their clients are experiencing and the
long range impact of the process. This interesting and scholarly
book will help professsionals working in the field of divorce put
some theory behind their interventions. Haworth Press, www.haworth.com
1997 ISBN 0-7890-0387-2 Buy
this book!
- Everett, Craig, Children of
Divorce: Developmental & clinical issues,
Haworth Press, www.haworth.com
- Everett, Craig, Consequences of
Divorce: Economic & custodial impact on
children and adults, Haworth Press, www.haworth.com
- Everett, Craig, Divorce Mediation: Perspectives
on the field, Haworth Press, www.haworth.com
- Everett, Craig, Divorce Process: A handbook for
clinicians, Haworth Press, www.haworth.com
- Everett, Craig, Divorce & the Next
Generation: Effects on young adults' patterns of
intimacy & expectations for marriage, Haworth Press,
www.haworth.com 1992
- Everett, Craig, Economics of Divorce: The effects on
parents & children, Haworth Press, www.haworth.com
- Everett, Craig, Healthy Divorce: For parents &
children, an original, clinically proven program for working
through the 14 stages, Jossey-Bass, 1994
Everett, Craig & Sandra Volgy Everett, Healthy
Divorce: For parents and children - an original,
clinically proven program for working through the fourteen states
of separation, divorce and remarriage, Jossey-Bass, 1994
- Everett, Craig, Marital Instability
& Divorce Outcomes: issues for therapists
& educators, Haworth,
www.haworth.com 1991
- Everett, Craig, Minority & Ethnic Issues in
Divorce Process, Haworth,
www.haworth.com 1988
Fisher, Bruce, Rebuilding When Your
Relationship Ends. It is said that it takes about a year, on
average, to get past the really painful, negative stages of
adjustment after a breakup. The author says it is important to
realize that the pain that follows a failed romance is real and
should not be ignored. "Pain is natures way of telling us that
something in us needs to be healed, so let's get on with the
healing." The route to healing requires dealing with denial,
loneliness and feelings of guilt and rejection. There is grief and
anger to overcome. One must learn to let go of the failed
relationship, develop a healthy self-concept, cope with the
inevitable lost friendships and the need for new ones, and
identify leftover traits that contributed to the collapse of the
last relationship. Rebuilding requires a reexamination of what
love is and the realization that only those who love themselves
are able to give and receive love. Trust must be reestablished,
sexuality needs to be seen honestly and in perspective, and
responsibility must be accepted. BooksWithImpact@compuserve.com
Impact, 1996
Fisher, Bruce, & Robert Alberti,
Rebuilding: When your relationship ends. It is said that it
takes about a year, on average, to get past the really painful,
negative stages of adjustment after a breakup. The author says it
is important to realize that the pain that follows a failed
romance is real and should not be ignored. "Pain is natures way of
telling us that something in us needs to be healed, so let's get
on with the healing." The route to healing requires dealing with
denial, loneliness and feelings of guilt and rejection. There is
grief and anger to overcome. One must learn to let go of the
failed relationship, develop a healthy self-concept, cope with the
inevitable lost friendships and the need for new ones, and
identify leftover traits that contributed to the collapse of the
last relationship. Rebuilding requires a reexamination of what
love is and the realization that only those who love themselves
are able to give and receive love. Trust must be reestablished,
sexuality needs to be seen honestly and in perspective, and
responsibility must be accepted. www.impactpublishers.com
Impact, 2000 Paperback. ISBN 1-886230-17-X Buy
this book!
- Gardner, Richard, Boys & Girls Book About
Divorce" For children & their divorced
parents, Bantam, 1971
- Garfinkel, Irwin, Fathers Under Fire: The effects of
child support policy on nonresident fathers, Russell Sa, 1998,
ISBN: 0871543036
Get Out Smart,
Out Smart (Instead of Outsmarted, Tarred,
and Feathered): Divorce strategy for intelligent
men. This is a book no one wants you to
read: especially your wife and the lawyer she will hire soon.
As a man facing divorce, this book will help you avoid the
vicious, expensive, debilitating experiences it usually brings. It
will also empower you with a working philosophy that will carry
you to victory. Compiled and composed by a broadly experienced
group of professionals, this first publication is aimed at
leveling the playing field of divorce for everyone involved, not
only her and the children, but for you as well. Xlibris, www.getoutsmart.org,
2004, ISBN 1-4134-4309-5 
Goldstein, Joseph, Albert Solnit, Sonja Goldstein and Anna Freud
The Best Interests of the Child: The least
detrimental alternative. What principles should guide the
courts in deciding the fate of hundreds of thousands of children
involved every year in parental divorces and family
breakdowns? What should justify state intrusion on the
privacy of family relatinships? How should
professionals - judges, lawyers, social workers, psychiatrists,
and psychologists - conduct themselves in pursuing "the best
interests" of children who have been abandoned, negleceted or
abused? Now in one revised, updated volume based on
their landmark trilogy, the authors speak in one voice in
concluding that the continuity of care - the continuity of a
child's relationship with his or her adult caregiver - is a
universal essential to the child's well-being. Now more than ever,
this book is essential reading for anyone charged with the
protection of children in the legal process. The Free Press
www.simonsays.com 1998
ISBN 0-684-83546-0 Buy
this book!
Haman, Edward, How to File Your Own Divorce. Step-by-step
guide for filing for divorce in all 50 states and the District of
Columbia with forms. Explains all aspects of divorce including
child custody, child support, spousal maintenance (alimony) and
what to do when you can't find your spouse. Why spend thousands of
dollars on an attorney when you can easily file for divorce
yourself? There are also individual guides for CA, FL, GA, IL, MA,
MI, MN, NC, NY, PA and TX by various authors. Sphinx Publishing
1998 Buy
This Book!
Pearle, Guerilla "Divorce" Warfare: For Men Only: How to
Win, Pearle Harbour (must be a man's pen name) puts a
different spin on issues that evoke deep feelings of anger and
depression - divorce, fathers' rights, and an uncaring legal
system. This guide is full of practical tips and tactics to
navigate the legal system and protect yourself from divorce games,
if you can set aside the author's personal anger with women while
reading it. An example is a quote from the author "The new name
given Soccer Moms should bring forth a venomous wrath from nearly
all the female population." Why this is done, I do not understand
because of the millions of women who support our cause to be full
and active parents. If you can read around these statements, there
is good advice for anyone about to get a divorce or has been
through a divorce, plus elected officials and divorce lawyers.
Self-published, Pearle Harbour, 9838 Old Baymeadows Rd, Ste 243,
Jacksonville, FL 32256 www.freeyellow.com/members2/heller2/index.html
- Hill, Gerald, Divorced Father: Coping with problems,
creating solutions, Betterway, 1989
Hinchey, Sean, Backpacking through
Divorce: How to deal when you've been dumped. Have you
been divorced or are going through one now? Don't know which
way to turn or what to do next? Do you feel betrayed, hurt or
angry? Join the author on his European travels that
began just after his divorce. You'll appreciate how a change in
your thought process will help you cope with your situation and
create new possibilities for a fulfilled life. sean@backpackingthroughdivorce.com
Liquid Footprint Publishing, 2005. ISBN 0-9763595-0-2

- Hodges, William, Interventions for Children of
Divorce: Custody, access and psychotherapy, John Wiley
& Sons, 1991 ISBN: 0471522554 Buy
this book!
- Ives, Sally Blakeslee, Divorce Handbook: A guide
for kids & families, Waterfront, 1985
- Ives, Sally Blakeslee, Divorce
Workbook: A guide for kids
& families, Waterfront, 1986
Jenks, Richard J., Divorce, Annulments, and
the Catholic, Church: Healing or hurtful? This book
explains in easy-to-understand terms what annulments are and what
the acceptable grounds are for annulment as it takes you
step-by-step through the process of obtaining one. This book also
compares the personal experiences of married Catholics with those
Catholics who have sought an annulment in order to remarry within
the church - and with divorced Catholics who have not tried to
annul their marriages at all. This well-referenced book explores
the factors that lead to divorce, provides a theoretical
perspective as to why people either support or oppose annulments,
examines the Church's influence on divorce and remarriage, and
presents recommendations for petitioners, respondents, clerics,
and members of tribunals who act as advocates, defenders, and
judges. The Haworth Press, www.haworthpress.com,
2002. ISBN 0-7890-1564-1 Buy
this book!
Jeynes, William, Divorce, Family Structure
and the Academic Success of Children. This book examines the
effects of various influences on children's emotional and
educatoinal well-being, looking at divorce and remarriage,
single-parent families, nontraditional family structures, ethnic
background, socioeconomic status, mobility, and more. With clear
tables and incisive arguments, this is an ideal single-volume
reference on the history, methodology and current theory on this
vexing sociocultural problem. Haworth Press, 2002,
ISBN 0-7890-1487-4 Buy
this book!
Kaganoff, Penny & Susan Spano Men on Divorce: The other
side of the story. Following the widely admired Women on
Divorce: A bedside compassion, this collection explores from a
man's viewpoint when marriages go wrong and what it takes for a
marriage to endure. Divorce is difficult, painful, often lonely,
yet it is nonetheless, a pivotal experience shared by millions.
These original essays probe the subject from a variety of angles -
political, ethical, religious, ethnic. They bring a personal
dimension to a discussion that men have probably too rarely
joined. From the ritual of Japanese divorce to the cultural logic
of infidelity, from a moment's glance of an ex-wife in a parking
lot to a last night of sex after the divorce has been finalized,
this book offers a window into the inner lives of men and their
experiences of domestic strife. Harvest Book 1997 Hard back
version ISBN 0-15-100115-4 Buy
This Book! (See paperback below.)
Kaganoff, Penny & Susan Spano Men on Divorce: The other
side of the story. Harvest Book 1998 ISBN 0-15-600547-6
Paperback Buy
This Book!
- Karoly, Paul, Children of Divorce: Empirical
perspectives on adjustment, Gardner Press, 1988 ISBN:
0898761204 Buy
this book!
- Kimball, Gayle, Kids' Advice to Kids: How to
survive your parents' divorce, Equality=Press, 1994
- Kling, Samuel, Complete Guide to Divorce, Simon
& Schuster, 1967
Kranitz, Martin A, Getting Apart
Together: The couple's guide to a fair divorce or
separation. Guess which couple got more of what they
wanted: Charles and Charltte, who worked out a negotiated
settlement together? Of John and Joyce, who let the
court settle their differences? Couples who want to
negotiate their own divorce settlements now have a comprehensive
self-help guide, complete with ground rules, agendas for
discussion, sample forms, and options for divorce mediation
without "bloodshed." Not quite a "do-it-yourself" manual - you'll
still need an attorney - but packed with real couple examples of
successful agreements on Co-Parenting, Custody, Financial Support,
College Planning, Property, Insurance, Taxes...An organized,
thorough guide to the important issues for every separating
couple, and an effective aid for those who seek professional
mediation. "Your chances of getting the outcome you want are best
when you take control of the decision-making process," says the
offer. Impact Publishers www.impactpublishers.com
2000 ISBN 1-886230-21-8 Buy
this book!
- Krantzler, Mel, Creative Divorce: A new
opportunity for personal growth, Signet, 1974
Leporowski, Deborah Kidd, Bitter or Better: Your choice
after divorce. For the millions who are struggling with the
aftermath of divorce, the author's insights provide a private,
economical program that will challenge you to use your divorce as
the perfect opportunity to re-examine all aspects of your life and
will convince you to leave bitterness, anger and resentment
behind. Make superior, conscious life-choices with the aid of the
insight and knowledge of an experienced clinical psychologist.
This book will help you reframe your divorce as an oportunity to
create a better life. Self Help Books, selfhelpbooks.com,
2002, ISBN 1-58741-110-5 Buy
this book!
Leving, Jeffery, Fathers' Rights: hard-hitting and fair advice
for every father involved in a custody dispute, Jeffrey
Leving. The mistaken notion that fathers are somehow secondary as
parents may well be one of the most significant variables in the
moral decline of our society. Almost without exception, American
family courts show bias against divorced fathers over issues of
child custody. The ingrained assumption that women are naturally
better parents than men shapes most legal divorce and separation
decrees, all but excluding many fathers from actively
participating in the raising of thief children. Every year,
countless disenfranchised, frustrated fathers are forced to expend
large amounts of time and money in drawn-out and frequently
unsuccessful custody disputes. This is a hands-on survival guide
for any man involved in negotiating for the right to see and help
raise his children. It weights the real and psychological costs
and gains of both litigation and negotiation and suggests
negotiation strategies that have proven successful for many
fathers while still keeping an eye on what is best for the child.
With an estimated 17.4 million children growing up fatherless in
American, this book offers a wider view of the proven societal
consequences of growing up fatherless, including a related
increase in criminal activity, violent behavior, academic failure,
physical and mental illness, teenage pregnancy and even suicide.
Basic Books 1997 Hardback ISBN 0-465-02443-2 Buy
This Book!
Leving, Jeffery, Fathers' Rights: hard-hitting & fair
advice for every father involved in a custody dispute. The
mistaken notion that fathers are somehow secondary as parents may
well be one of the most significant variables in the moral decline
of our society. Almost without exception, American family courts
show bias against divorced fathers over issues of child custody.
The ingrained assumption that women are naturally better parents
than men shapes most legal divorce and separation decrees, all but
excluding many fathers from actively participating in the raising
of thief children. Every year, countless disenfranchised,
frustrated fathers are forced to expend large amounts of time and
money in drawn-out and frequently unsuccessful custody disputes.
This is a hands-on survival guide for any man involved in
negotiating for the right to see and help raise his children. It
weights the real and psychological costs and gains of both
litigation and negotiation and suggests negotiation strategies
that have proven successful for many fathers while still keeping
an eye on what is best for the child. With an estimated 17.4
million children growing up fatherless in American, this book
offers a wider view of the proven societal consequences of growing
up fatherless, including a related increase in criminal activity,
violent behavior, academic failure, physical and mental illness,
teenage pregnancy and even suicide. Basic, 1998 Paperback edition.
ISBN: 0-465-02362-2 Buy
This Book!
- Lyster, Mimi, Child Custody: Building agreements
that work, Nolo, 1995
- MacDonald, Ian, When She Leaves You, Millennium,
MacGregor, Cynthia, The Divorce Helpbook
for Kids. When his parents divorced, Jamie raged at them for
shattering his once safe, familiar world. "Why can't they make up
like they're always telling me to do with my friends when we
fight?" he demanded. "What's going to happen to me now? Why
does everything have to change?" Kids don't have the resources
adults do for coping with difficult situations. They need
reassurance that their world isn't ending - even if it feels like
it. This book steers youngsters through what can seem like a
minefield of changes triggered by their parents' divorce. The
author of 31 books for parents and kids, she draws on her own
experience as a divorced mom to champion the power of a family not
just to survive a divorce, but to thrive after it. Communication,
compromise, and "brainstorming" workable ideas together are key
healing realizations. Packed with practical answers for children,
parents, grandparents, and for child and family therapists, this
book offers a wealth of information and inspiration in kid-sized
portions. Including a list of ways kids can hlep themselves feel
better and suggests adult allies they can turn to if they're still
confused. It also includes a Bill of Rights for Children Whose
Parents Are Divorced, a glossary of divorce-related items, a list
of books and videos for parents, age-appropriate titles for
children, and useful websites round out this uplifting guide that
reaffirms the unbreakable ties of love that define a family.
Impact Publishers, www.impactpublishers.com,
2001 ISBN 1-886230-39-0 Buy
this book!
MacGregor, Cynthia, The Divorce Helpbook
for Teens. As if life wasn't already hard enough...now you're
dealing with your parents' divorce, too. You know that there
aren't any easy answers on how to get through it all, but this
book is going to give you some ideas about how to handle the tough
questions you now have (and maybe even some of you haven't thought
of yet): Why do parents get divorced? How will the
divorce change our lives? What can I do to feel less
depressed? Who can I talk to about my
problems> What's going to happen next? How do you
tell absent parents that they don't visit enough? How do you
say "no" to a parent who wants you to carry messages to, or spy
on, your other parent? What is there to talk about when you
visit a parent who's moved away? And much more. Impact
Publishers, www.impactpublishers.com,
2005, ISBN 1-886230-57-9 
Margulies, Sam, A Man's Guide to a
Civilized Divorce: How to divorce with grace, a little class,
and a lot of common sense. While divorce is painful for both
husband and wife, the process presents unique emotional and
logistical problems for men. All too often, men lack the proper
model when it comes to divorce. Men are told that it is either "go
to war" or "get taken to the cleaners" The myth that there are
only two options leads to protracted, destruction, and costly
proceedings. Worst of all, it helps neither party accomplish the
true goal of divorce -- to move on with life. Fortunately, it does
not have to be this way. In this comprehensive guide, renowned
divorce negotiator and mediator Sam Margulies leads men step by
step through the divorce process -- from the initiation to the
signing of the final papers. Using real-life examples from the
thousands of cases he has helped mediate, Margulies covers the
emotional, financial, and legal issues men face during divorces.
Delivering his expert advice in the straightforward tone of a best
friend, Margulies provides the guide for any guy who wants to keep
his honor while avoiding useless wars. Rondale Inc., www.rodalestore.com,
2004 ISBN 1-57954-799-0
Column introduction.
- Mason, Mary Ann, From Fathers' Property to Children's
Rights: The history of child custody in the United
States, Columbia University Press, 1996 ISBN 0231080476
this book!
- McKay, Matthew, Divorce Book: A practical
& compassionate guide to all parts of a divorce from
emotional stages to sex to remarriage, New Harbinger, 1984
ISBN: 0934986061 Buy
this book!
McNight, Marilyn & Stephen
Erickson, Mediating Divorce: A client's
workbook. This is a very thorough look starting with the
emotions involved in divorce, going to mediation, what to do in
your initial consultation with the mediator, how to establish a
parenting schedule, budgeting future living expenses, dividing
property, reviewing progress and pulling it all together and
finalizing the memorandum of agreement. Jossey-Bass Publishers,
www.josseybass.com 1999
ISBN 0787944858 Buy
this book!
Monkhouse, Cosmo, Letters from a
Deadbeat Dad and other stories: Confessions to a teenage
daughter and other subtitles. It's a long and often painful
tale. Don't read it if you are leading a normal, happy life in a
functional family, unless you want to know about places where you
would never choose to go - places where you wouldn't want anybody
to go. Apart from its most obvious intention, as a message from a
father to his estranged teenage daughter, this book is direct
toward millions of men (and their families, friends and relatives)
who have journeyed through the terrain the story attempts to
depict. It is a landscape of America at the beginning of the 21st
Century, the heart of the greatest empire the world has ever
known, which is inhabited by a population living in a culture of
hypocrisy and denial, in a society littered with fatherless
children and the corpses of broken families. The book attempts to
reach out to all men who have ever been defamed as Deadbeat Dads,
as the lowliest of social scum in the popular culture, and to all
people who have found their strange childhood origins transformed
into troubled adult relationships, and who then have sojourned
through various levels of hell, in the world of difficult
marriages, divorces, child custody battles, and paternity suits.
The message of the book to all such people is that you are not
alone, and that there are ways to resist being destroyed.
www.AuthorHouse.com, 1st
Books Library, www.1stbooks.com,
2002, ISBN 1-4033-0205-7 
- Myers, Michael, Men & Divorce, Guilford,
- Oakland, Thomas, Divorced Fathers: Reconstructing a
quality of life, Human Sciences Press, 1983
ISBN: 0898851017 Buy
this book!
- O'Brien, Douglas, Families with Divorce: Fathers
& mothers in "the system" & the legal paper game,
what to know & what to do to help yourself, a client, or a
friend when "the system is out of control, Skid Eight, 1997
ISBN 0963749617 Buy
this book!
- O'Brien, Douglas, Where Have All the Good Fathers
Gone? Child support & custody, Skid Eight,
1997, ISBN: 0963748625 Buy
this book!
Parke, Ross & Armin Brott,
Throwaway Dads: The myths and barriers that keep men
from being the fathers they want to be. Are fathers really
important? Of course they are. Yet we as a society have
wittingly and unwittingly built nearly insurmountable barriers
that restrict men's involvement with their children and families.
Here the myths of neglectful, uninterested, abusive, deadbeat and
lazy dads are challenged with real life studies and statistics.
They explain why the largely negative portrayal of fathers in
books, in movies, and on television is both inaccurate and
harmful, training young boys and girls to see men as having little
or no role in the family. They also examine, in balanced fashion,
the dubious achievements of both the men's and women's movements
in reevaluating the roles of both sexes. Complete with proposals
for steps that men, women, employers, the medical community, the
media and the government can take to promote men's involvement in
their children's lives, the authors offer a comprehensive book at
how our entire society can experience the benefcfits and joys of
active fatherhood. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1999 ISBN: 0395860415
this book!
- Peters, Deanna, Divorce & Child Custody: Your
options & legal rights, Career Press, 1994
ISBN: 1564140849 Buy
this book!
Pickhardt, Carl E., The Case of the
Scary Divorce. Just as Dr. Watson chronicled the exploits of
Sherlock Holmes, this book tells the story of a boy's intriguing
adventures with the wise and mysterious Jackson Skye. One
afternoon, the boy wanders out of his mother's house to mull over
his feelings about his parents' recent divorce and to hunt for a
valuable item that has vanished. When Jackson Skye, Helping
Investigator (as his card says), appears out of the blue on the
sidewalk, he helps the boy solve the disappearance - and
establishes a fast friendship. Professor Skye returns again and
again, enlisting his new friend's assistance in resolving strange
cases for other young people around the neighborhood. While the
boy helps solve other kids' problems during each unexpected
arrival - and disappearance - of Jackson Skye, he also learns how
to deal with his own difficulties: how to handle his feelings
about the divorce, how to stop worrying, why he is being treated
differently from his sister, how to stay loyal to both parents,
how to tell painful truths, and more. You'll look forward to each
adventure with the mysterious Professor Skye, and cheer on his
young assistant as he makes one important discovery - and
self-discovery - after another. www.carlpickhardt.com
Magination Press, of APA Books, www.apa.org/books,
1997 ISBN 1-55798-457-3 Buy
this book!
- Pransky, George, Divorce is Not the Answer: A
change or heart will save your marriage, TAB, 1990
Prengel, Serge, Still a
Dad: The divorced father's journey. This is a
touching story of a man's journey into maturity as a father and a
human being. It begins with a family in crisis, and details the
consequences of being processed through an adversarial divorce
system that fails to provide a foundation or resources that would
support former spouses and their child in establishing a peaceful
and harmonious life. It is an allegorial rale. His personal drama
gives expression to a cultural inheritance that has deep,
collective resonance. His story is also an evolutionary tale. Out
of his experience of anguish and despair, he has reached the
sacred. Along his journey, he offers a roadmap showing where he is
and where the forks in the road lead. It took him years to ripen
into the understanding that he did not have to wait for the
legislature to make new laws, for a generation of judges to
retire, or for his former-spouse to become a new person - but
rather than his right to be a participatory, conscious, attentive
parent was secured by the depth of his own commitment to doing it.
The Mission Creative Energy, 1999 ISBN 1-892482-00-2
this book!
Rein, Stewart, Betrayal of the
Child: A father's guide to family courts. Never
before has society been faced with such a challenge-deciding what
principles should guide lawmakers, parents and the courts in
protecting the rights and needs of children involved in divorce
and custody cases. Tens of millions of children are being deprived
of their human and psychological rights to treasured relationships
with male parents. Why? How can fathers fight for
justice? This book was written with compassion and insight,
refutes single parent theology and concludes that only two parents
can serve the best interests of children. Lotus Press, www.iuniverse.com
2001 ISBN 0971147205 Buy
this book!
Reynolds, Greg, Why She Cheated, and It's
Your Fault. Your wife is going to cheat, unless you do
something to stop it. Women have changed and they want
A LOT more out of their marriages than our mothers
wanted. Men sit around banging their heads trying to figure out
what it will take to make their wives happy, and the answers are
right in front of them. Right now is your chance to learn what it
will take to keep her happy and faithful. This book was written
for men, and it has the answers, finally, that we have been
waiting for. Stop being naive. At least 50% of women admit to
cheating on their husbands. Are you really secure enough to think
you are going to dodge that bullet? PublishAmerica, www.PublishAmerica.com,
2008, ISBN 1-60672-979-9 
Ricci, Isolina, Mom's
House, Dad's House: Making two homes for your child.
A complete guide for parents who are separated, divorced or
remarried. Can children flourish in any custody
situation? If their parents read this revision to the
original 1980 edition, the answer is "Yes!" This unique
ground-breaking classic, which has become the standard for two
generaitons of parents, is again breaking new ground-revised,
updated and expanded, with examples, self-tests, checklists and
guidelines. This comprehensive guide looks anew at the needs of
all concerned with even more creative options and commonsense
advice in the legal, emotional and practical realites of creating
two happy and stable homes for children. Fireside, www.SimonSays.com
1998 ISBN 0-684-83078-7 Buy
this book!
Ricci, Isolina, Mom's House, Dad's House for
Kids: Feeling at home in one home or two. The author adapts
her time-tested advice on maneuvering the emotional, logistical
and legal realities of separation, divorce, and stepfamilies to
speak directly to children. Alongside practical ways to cope with
big changes she offers older children and their families key
resiliency tools that kids can use now and the rest of their
lives. Kids and families are encouraged to believe in themselves,
to take heart and to plan for their lives ahead. Kids can't get
their parents back together, but they can help themselves get
stronger and go on to succeed in life. This book shows them how.
Fireside Book, 2006, ISBN 0-7432-7712-0 
- Ricci, Isolina, Mom's House, Dad's House: Making
shared custody work, Collier, 1980
- Rog, Divorce without Court, Worldwide Interfaith Peace
Mission, 1993
- Roman, Mel, Disposable Parent: The case for joint
custody, Penguin, 1978
Rose, Louis & Roy Malone, Make the
Jerk Pay: Tracking down a deadbeat dad and getting
child support. The nation's child support system is a scandal.
Support is collected in only one of five cases. Millions of
fathers don't pay and get away with it. (Actually, there is a
larger percentage of deadbeat moms, but no one dares talk about
them. - Ed) Their children often end up on welfare. We all pay the
tab for jerks who abandon their kids. State agencies are
overwhelmed by 19 million cases. About $40 billion is owed in back
support. More than 30 million kids are being stiffed by a deadbeat
parent. This book is for you - single parents who need help in
getting the child support your kids are entitled to, but are
ignored by overworked or indifferent caseworkers. It tells how the
system is supposed to work, but fails too often. It expalins
clearly how to pursue your child support case. Read moving
accounts of mothers who wouldn't quit and beat the odds. Make the
system work for you. Learn how you can do some sleuthing to track
down a missing parent, even if he's fled to another state, and
uncover his income and assets. (Sections like "How to find
him" and "how to make him pay" can be used as well
to find deadbeat moms. - Ed). Albion Press 1999
ISBN 0-9606846-3-8 Don't
buy this book But If Your Must!
Schwartzberg, Joel. The 40-Year-Old
Version: Humoirs of a divorced dad. In a very funny and
endearing collection of personal essays, award-winning and
nationally-published writer shares stories of his ever-evolving,
self-defining dadhood. This is a great book for any parent,
particularly dads trying to sharpen their role and looking for
insight through hysterical, heartbreaking, and heroic example. The
essays are short and sharp, and many have been previously
published in major newspapers and magazines. www.bookfordad.com,
Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, www.WyMacPublishing.com
2009, ISBN 978-1-932279-98-6 
Seidenberg, Robert, The Father's
Emergency Guide to Divorce-Custody Battle. In a court hearing
as brief as half an hour, you can lose your children, and be set
on the road to financial disaster. What happens at the earliest
stages of a divorce-custody dispute can affect your life for the
next 20+ years. Yet the average father doesn't have a clue he's
going to court until the day he's served with a summons. This book
rips the veil from the divorce-custody industry. Co-authored by a
fathers'-rights activist and an expert divorce lawyer, it shows
why and how fathers are being brutalized in America's
domestic-relations courts. It dispels the mystery of legal jargon
as it takes you step-by-step through the typical patterns of
action that unold in a child-custody dispute. It explains why
fathers rarely win custody, reveals the only strategy that can
consistently win for fathers, and charts a course through the
minefields of false domestic violence and child abuse allegations.
This is a book that could save you thousands of dollars and years
of heartache. At the very least, it could save your sanity. Read
it before it's too late. JES Books, 1997,
ISBN: 0965706206 Buy
this book!
Sheindlin, Judy (Judge) Josh Getlin,
Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining: America's
Toughest Family Court Judge Speaks Out "American fathers are
led down a primrose path every day in our family courts, often
with disastrous legal results. They wind up in the Land of Gender
Bias, where they are systematically stripped of their rights,
often without the slightest idea of why it is happening to them."
"If you think the mother-father disparity is outrageous, consider
the sexual abuse syndrome, and how it affects visitation and
custody disputes. Here, the judicial impotence and chronic
blindness to men's rights would appall you." "Courts are supposed
to approach cases of child custody, support payments, and
visitation rights in what we call a gender-neutral posture. It
sounds fair, and it is fair. But it is a myth. Judges are not
enforcing these gender laws fairly, and few seem to care." "We
will see more of these problems until fathers organize to demand
fairer treatment. So get it together dads: You have a legitimate
legal beef and you need to make this a public issue. Right now the
courts don't hear you." 1996, ISBN: 0060173211, Buy
this book!
- Shepard, Moris, Divorced Dads" A practical plan
with seven basic buioldlines, Berkeley Books, 1979
Sherman, Ed, California Marriage Law.
From prenuptial agreements to divorce planning plus advice for
unmarried couples and separated parents. Entering into or ending a
marriage has legal consequences that will affect every aspect of
your life for years to come. Living together unmarried has
important legal consequences you should know about also. Separated
parents should know the rules. Here is important, practical advice
for people who are: Married, getting married, unmarried
couples, separated parents, victims of domestic abuse, those
thinking about divorce. For a generation, this practical handbook
has been the best source of information for those who want to
understand how California law affect their personal lives and
relationships. Nolo Press, 1997
Sherman, Ed., How to Do Your Own Divorce
in California.This book tells you about the practical things
you need to think about if you are considering divorce. It gives
you information and advice to help with the decisions you must
make. It shows exactly how to do your own divorce and provides the
forms you will need to do it. Over 1,000,000 people have
successfully done their own divorces with this book. So can you.
And, you're not alone. Divorce Helpline has top quality family law
attorneys who will help you with information, advice and a full
range of services for people who are handling their own cases.
Drawback: While the book devotes considerable space to child
support enforcement, it lacks substantially in helping the
non-custodial parent insure they get visitation. Get information
and help at www.divorcehelp.com
Nolo Press 1999
Sherman, Ed, How to Settle Child
& Spousal Support with CalSupport Software. Lawyers
charge up to $250 to run support calculations - just
once! Now, you can work through your variations as
often as you like. Easy to use! Step-by-step guides.
Worksheets help you gather information. Extensive help for each
entry. Kidcare timeshare calculator. On-line glossary is like
having your own lawyer to call. Helps you communicate
& negotiate. Reports you can understand and use. Nolo
Press, 1998
Sherman, Ed, Make
Any Divorce Better. Over 90% of all divorces can be
completed without court battles or high attorney fees. Here's how!
Define your goals and identify the steps that are most important
to your success. Learn all the things you can do that are better
than anything an attorney can do. Then do it. Includes a CD with
worksheets, a sample settlement agreement, sample parenting plans,
links to useful web sites and more. www.nolodivorce.com
Nolo Press, 2008, ISBN 0-944508-64-0 
Sherman, Ed, Practical Divorce Solutions, Nolo Press,
Smith, Cynthia, Why Women Shouldn't Marry, Lyle Stuart,
Inc. 1988
- Smith, C. W., Uncle Dad: The dramatic account of
a divorced father's struggle to keep his children's love,
Berkeley Books, 1987
Stahl, Philip, Parenting After Divorce:
A guide to resolving conflicts and meeting your children's
needs. "Mommy and Daddy don't love each other anymore. But we
both still love you very much." It's one of the most agonizing
declarations a parent can make. Yet every year the parents of one
million kids struggle to offset the damaging effects divorce can
have on the family's youngest members. How do you put aside your
differences for the sake of your children when you are angry or
hurt? How do you raise your kids to be healthy,
well-adjusted individuals despite ongoing strife with your former
spouse? This book focuses on understanding your
children's developmental needs and formulating an effective
parenting plan despite your problems with your former spouse.
Detailed topics include supporting your child's relationship with
the other parent, enhancing your own parent-child relationship,
and handling your feelings constructively. For special problems
such as the alienation of children, domestic violence and abuse,
and a difficult former spounse, the author outlines interventions
including mediation, parent education, custody evaluation and the
use of a co-parenting counselor. Pointing out that "adversaries
always lose," he proposes an alternative vision for courts
discouraging litigation as a means of solving family problems.
Impact Publishers, www.impactpublishers.com.
2000 ISBN 1-886230-26-9 Buy
this book!
Stahl, Philip, Leslie Drozd, editors,
Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases. What's changed
over the past several decades? Parents are quite mobile.
Mothers are working more and continue to be active participants in
the lives of their children. Fathers are more involved in the
daily aspects of co-parenting and working. In divorce cases, both
are asserting their parental rights. The result is seemingly
insurmountable conflict. Judges, attorneys, child custody
evaluators, mediators, mental health professionals, and public
policymakers often need help to resolve what can be highly
contentious issues. This book offers a firsthand look at how
evaluators investigate relocation questions and make
recommendations; how judges reach decisions based on those
recommendations; and how individual states deal with relocatoin
cases. The Haworth Press, 2006 www.HaworthPress.com,
ISBN 0-7890-3534-0 
- Stanley, Jacqueline, Divorces from Hell, Sphinx
Publishing, 1995
- Steinbreder, John, Fighting for Your
Children: A father's guide to custody, Taylor
Publishing, 1998, ISBN: 0878339418 Buy
this book!
Stewart, Judge James W., The Child
Custody Book: How to protect your children and win your
case. What really happens in child custody litigation. What to
expect at each stage. How courts make custody decisions. How to
make your strongest case. How to protect your child. If you're
involved in a child custody case, you need this book. The author
will help you avoid heartbreaking and costly mistakes by teaching
you: How custody decisions are made, how to conduct
yourself in a custody evaluation, how to protect your child, how
to handle child abuse - and false accusations of abuse, how to
devise a workable joint custody plan, how to deal with gender bias
in the courts, how to work out a fair child support schedule, how
to handle relocation of one parent, how to work with your
attorney, and more. Impact, 2000 ISBN 1-886230-27-7 Buy
this book!
Stewart, Judge James W., Divorce Handbook
for California: How to dissolve your marriage without
disaster. Day after day, the author watchers battling couples
needlessly squander their life savings on unnecessary and costly
legal maneuvers. If you are involved in or contemplating a
divorce, the author's advice may prevent you from spending far
more than you can afford. What you learn here may spare everyone
involved the agony and financial devastation that can accompany a
difficult divorce. You'll see how to: find and hire a good
attorney, control an attorney's actions and fees, effectively use
mediation, deal with the emotionally charged issues of child and
spousal support, protect your children in a sometimes harsh legal
atmosphere, and more. Impact Publishers, www.impactpublishers.com,
2000. ISBN 1-886230-23-4 Buy
this book! or 5th Edition, 2002 ISBN 1-886230-52-8
this book!
- Strauss, Steven, Ask a Lawyer: Divorce & child
custody, W. W. Norton, 1998 ISBN: 0393317293 Buy
this book!
- Sugarman, Stephen, Divorce Reform at the Crossroads,
Yale University Press, 1990, ISBN: 0300048319 Buy
this book!
- Syeinzor, Bernard, When Parents
Divorce: A new approach to new relationships,
Pocket, 1970
Tansley, Robert M., The Anatomy of
Divorce. This book is a journey from love and bliss to
destruction and vengeance. Stories have chapters and so do our
lives. This book outlines one divorce, one experience of divorce.
The title reflects how the author felt as his story unfolded,
leading to divorce. In a word he felt exposed. The true meaning of
his relationships and psyches functioned just outside his
awareness. We are somehow numb to the mechanics of living, the
dynamics of it. Relationships work day to day, the routine, work,
house, children, family, just keep going, and moving ever forward.
Underneath that, is someone's soul, his/her deepest thoughts and
feelings, that is where the real stuff happens. He wanted to
explain, if not only for himself, how a relationship, a
commitment, can have happiness, joy and then begin to come apart
and explode. How does it happen? Where are the
vulnerabilities and how do they emerge? How does change
happen? How do people change and why? Then, after the
crisis, the collapse, how do we rebuild? How does healing
occur? How, after an attachment is torn apart leaving an open
wound, do we rebuild? Divorce is an enigma all too common,
yet so unique when considered in each case. Everyone's pain is so
personal, so powerful. He thought if he told his own story others
would benefit. This is a story of hope, a journey of healing
fraught with obstacles, challenges and barriers. The Key
Publishing, www.thekeypublish.com,
ISBN 978-0-9780431-8-6
Tesler, Pauline, Peggy Thompson,
Collaborative Divorce: The revolutionary new way to
restructure your family, resolve legal issues, and move on with
your life. About half of all marriages in the United States
end in divorce. The unfortunate reality is that most of these
divorces result in unnecessary collateral damage, as the family
issues involved are far too complex and personal for a court to
address. Now there is a better way. This is the first complete,
step-by-step explanation of the groundbreaking collaboratie
divorce method that is revolutionizing the way couples end their
marriages. The authors, two pioneers who train collaborative
professionals around the world, walk you through the stages of
collaborative divorce. With real life examples and practical
exercises, they provide useful insight into how divorce can be
handled constructively and entirely outside of the court system.
2006 www.cdadivorce.com or
www.lawtsf.com. Regan Books,
www.reganbooks.com ISBN
Todd, Janice, Custodial/Non-Custodial Parent Record Keeper,
Cope More, 1995 copemore@softcom.net
- Vail, Lauren, Divorce: The man's complete guide to
winning, Souvereign, 1979
- Volgy, Sandra, Women & Divorce/Men
& Divorce: Gender differences in separation,
divorce & remarriage, Haworth,
- Walker, Glynnis, Solomon's Children: Exploding
the myths of divorce, Arbor House, 1986
- Wallerstein, Judith, Second
Changes: Men, Women & children a decade after divorce,
who wins, who loses - and why Ticknor & Fields
- Wallerstein, Judith, Surviving the
Breakup: How children & parents cope with
divorce, Harper, 1980
Wallerstein, Judith, Julia Lewis, Sandra
Blakeslee, The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25
year landmark study. Twenty-five years ago, the author began
talking to a group of 131 children whose parents were all going
through a divorce. She asked them to tell her about the intimate
details of their lives, which they did with remarkable candor.
Having earned their trust, she was rewarded with a deeply moving
portrait of each of their lives as she followed them from
childhood, through their adolescent struggles, and into adulthood.
Here she offers us the only close-up study of divorce ever
conducted - a unique report that will change our fundamental
beliefs about divorce and offer new hope for the future. For the
first time, using a comparison group of adults who grew up in the
same communities, the author shows how adult children of divorce
essentially view life differently from their peers raised in
intact homes where parents also confronted marital difficulties
but decided on balance to stay together. In this way she sheds
light on the question so many parents confront - whether to stay
unhappily married or to divorce. This book should be essential
reading for all adult children of divorce, their lovers, their
partners, divorced parents and those considering divorce, judges,
attorneys, and mental health professionals. Challenging some of
our most cherished beliefs, this is a book that will forever alter
how we think about divorce and its long-term impact on American
society.. Hyperion, 2000 www.hyperionbooks.com,
2000, ISBN 0-7868-6394-3 Buy
this book!
Judith, Sandra Blakeslee, What About the Kids? Raising
your children before, during and after divorce, Judith
Wallerstein, Sandra Blakeslee. In the tradition of the best
parenting guidebooks comes a new work by renowned child
psychologist Judith S. Wallerstein on a subject that vexes
millions of American moms and dads: How can you genuinely
protect your children during and after divorce? She answers
this important question with knowledge gathered from thirty years
of in-depth interviews with children of divorce and their parents.
You'll learn what you should say and do for children at each age
and stage of development. You'll discover the many ways that
divorce will change your family in the years ahead. You'll
understand the challenges of how to be an effective parent outside
of marriage, how to choose the custody plan that is best for your
child, what you need to know to create a healthy remarriage, and
what to say to your children when they reach adulthood. Divorce is
not a single event but a lifelong trajectory of changed
circumstances that demand a different kind of parenting than we
have ever known. With compassion and wisdom, she shows how to
create a new kind of family. Her experience has educated her
in the ways that work, and in the ways that don't. For the first
time, she shares her deep understanding of raising children after
divorce, and how you and they can make use of the second chance
that divorce can provide. Hyperion, 2003, ISBN 0-7868-6865-1
this book!
- Walsh, John, Tears of Rage: From grieving father to
crusader for justice: The untold story of the Adam Walsh
case, Pocket Books, 1998, ISBN: 067100669X Buy
this book!
Walton, Barbara, 101 Instructions for
Surviving Your Divorce: A no-nonsense guide to the challenges
at hand. In the meditative style of Life's Little
Instruction Book, this fact-filled, one-step-at-a-time guide
to the divorce process holds the reader's hand through the maze,
mystery and mire of divorce attorneys, court procedures, custody,
mental health issues, child support, property settlement and more.
Each brief and incisive "instruction" offers hope, encouragement,
and authoritative guidance from a practicing attorney who has
"been there" with her clients again and again. An essential
real-time companion for those going through the divorce process.
Features: Practical guidance for all stages of divorce. Warm
and supportive advice. Professional expertise and personal
experience. "Short takes" in a reader-friendly style. If you're
just thinking about getting a divorce or she has already impled
one, get a copy. If you're going through the process now, get two
and give her one. Hopefully, the book, and your attitude, will
bring some sanity to the process and save abusing your children
with a nasty divorce. Impact Publishers, 2000
ISBN 1-886230-24-2 Buy
this book!
- Warner, Ralph, California Marriage Law: The
people's guide to, Nolo, 1976
Watnik, Webster, Child Custody Made Simple:
understanding the laws of child custody & child support,
Webster Watnik. Whether youre separated, divorced, or never
married, this indispensable guide will answer all your questions
about child custody and child support. Written in clear, simple
language, it reveals what really happens when parents separate or
divorce. Packed with expert tips and techniques, this informative
book unlocks the secrets of family courts and shows you how to
succeed in the brave new world of single parenting. You will learn
what custody decisions are really based on. Who usually wins a
custody trial. Where to find the best lawyer possible. How to save
thousands of dollars on legal fees. When to fire your lawyer - and
when not to. How to respond to emergencies such as domestic
violence, parental kidnappings, false allegations, and custodial
interference. Why judges follow support guidelines - and how to
influence them. Five strategies to improve your chances of
collecting child support. Eleven ways to enforce a child support
and much much more. Single Parent Press childpress@aol.com
1997 Buy
This Book!
Webb, Dwight, 50 Ways to Love Your Leaver:
Getting on with your life after the breakup. In this
compassionate, engaging guide to examining the emtional wounds of
loss, the author helps you discover your own personal way of
grieving, learn to express yourself in healthy, productive ways,
and avoid the blame and bitterness that can seriously affect your
physical, social, psychological, spiritual and sexual life. Why
should you love your leaver - the person who betrayed your deepest
trust? Possibly your best friend? Why should you
be loving when you're angry? Anger is okay? It stems
from self-love. However, it will not serve you if it becomes your
weapon of revenge. If your motive is to even the score, your
anger, like a volcano, will destroy everything in its path and
leave you smoldering. Drawing on the work of Dr. Elisabeth
Kubler-Ross, the author has developed 10 steps of grieving
relationship loss. Using this model along with revealing exercises
to help you chart your own process of grief and recovery, you can
work through your feelings of initial shock, denial and anger.
This process gradually moves you toward understanding, acceptance
and taking charge of your life with renewed faith in yourself. The
fifty ways of "loving your leaver" cultivate self-discovery and
building the joyful optimism and self-confidence vital to learning
to trust again. Among his tips for rekindling the spirit of your
more open, sensual, sexual, romantic and playful self, he suggests
you: Let in the truth and deal with as much reality as you
are able to and still cope. Find support with friends and famly
when you can, and a professional counselor when necessary. Let go
and wish your former partner well. The goal is to grieve the loss
and come up stronger, smarter and happier. It is not just recovery
to where you were, buy beyond to a stronger and clearer state of
consciousness with greater stability and balance. Impact
Publishing, 2000 ISBN 1-886230-22-6 Buy
This Book!
Wemhoff, Rich, Divorce: The best resources to help
you survive. Find full-page reviews of over 100 resources on
divorce, including books, websites and more. Our recommendations
identify the best resources to use for: Making an effort to
heal a troubled marriage. Managing the different stages of
divorce. Guilding your children through the trauma of divorce.
Dealing with child custody issues. Understanding the financial and
legal aspects of divorce. Creating a new life after divorce. Use
this book as your guide to knowledge, understanding and confidence
in dealing with the challenges you'll encounter during your
divorce. A Resource Pathways Guidebook Paperback. 1998
This Book!
Wemhoff, Rich, Divorce: The
best resources to help you survive. Find full-page reviews of
over 100 resources on divorce, including books, websites and more.
Our recommendations identify the best resources to use
for: Making an effort to heal a troubled marriage. Managing
the different stages of divorce. Guilding your children through
the trauma of divorce. Dealing with child custody issues.
Understanding the financial and legal aspects of divorce. Creating
a new life after divorce. Use this book as your guide to
knowledge, understanding and confidence in dealing with the
challenges you'll encounter during your divorce. A Resource
Pathways Guidebook 1997 hardback. Buy
This Book! See above for the paperback.
Wilson, K.C., Where's Daddy? The
mythologies behind custody-access-support. This book offers
striking insights into our perceptions of ourselves and other. The
author contends that only when we examine our social practices in
their cultural context do their distortions become clear, as do
the equally obvious solutions. If you must endure divorce, should
the process itself be more destructive to all than the separation
alone? Or should the process act to preserve as much of
the family as possible, accomodating only changes in the parents'
relationship, ensuring only their separation? No other
society has so thoroughly removed the father from the family. Even
notions of male nurturing are gone, his only use, money. The
divorced male continues cast in public as a villain, even when
divorce was not his idea. Maleness as villainy has never seen such
heights as today. But if we simply commit the same abuse to
mothers in the name of gender balance, if we simply become more
"equal" in which parent is denied to a child, which parent
stripped of the dignity of their parenthood, is this
progress? This is not a male-remale issue. It is an
issue of social justice, especially for children. The author
contends that we do not need more gender wars, themselves another
symptom. Being equal parts of the same whole, men and women need
each other to be strong and independent. All the more so, children
need both parents, for both similar and different nurturing, and
need each to have their strength and dignity. Our current divorce
practices not only fail to ensure this, but undermine it. This
hurts everyone who would otherwise be part of a child's life and
heritage. Why? On what self-hatreds are these practices
based? In this book, the author contends that we must understand
what needs correcting, or we may "correct" the wrong things. It
examines the five myths most used to defend
Custody-Access-Support. Many things that have worked for us in
some ways, defeat us in others. Seen in their contect, we can tell
them apart, and make choiecs for our benefit and mutual strength.
The answers are easy and close at hand, sometimes too obvious to
see. This book is not just about divorce. It has profound
implications for all social policies. Harbinger Press, 2000
ISBN 0-9674736-5-9 Buy
this book!
- Wishard, Bill, Men's Rights: A handbook for the
80's, Cragmont, 1980
- Wooley, Persia, Custody Handbook: Summit,
- Wymard, Ellie, Men on Divorce: Conversations with
ex-husbands, Hay House, 1994
Zwack, Joseph, Premarital Agreements: When, Why, and
How to Write Them. (Also wrote Annulment: Your
chance to remarry within the Catholic Church)
* * *
50% of women and 77% of men say they would marry the same person if
they had it to do all over again.
Divorce - Women
- Athearn, Louise Montague, What Every Formerly Married Woman
Should Know: Answers to the most intimate questions formerly
married women ask, David McKay, 1973
- Chesler, Phyllis, Mothers on Trial: The battle for
children & custody, McGraw Hill, 1986
- Norris, Gloria, Working Mother's: The complete
handbook, Button, 1979
- Virtue, Doreen, My Kids Don't Life With Me
Anymore: Coping with the custody crisis, Comp Car,
- Weitzman, Lenore, Divorce Revolution: The unexpected
social & economic consequences for women & children in
America, Free Press, 1985
* * *
Ah, yes, divorce..from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's
genitals through his wallet. Robin Williams
For every 1,000 married women there are 156 divorced women. For every
1,000 marrried men there are 110 divorced men.

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