The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on AIDS.
Ault, Van, The Radiance Technique & AIDS,
How a gentle energy-restoring method nurtures and empowers people
challenged by HIV. What happens when people with AIDS/HIV and
their caregivers find a way to naturally restore their energy and
vitality? This heart lifting book documents astonishing
discoveries by people who learned how to nurture, balance, and
empower themselves with this technique. This technique opens wide
a gateway of possibilities, exploring uncharted terrain. A gentle,
self-help method for living in wholeness. Self published:
Resources for Renewal, 3739 Balboa St #111, San Francisco, CA
94121 415.487.7694 1996 ISBN 0-9635155-3-5 Buy
this book!
Hooper, Edward, The
River: A journey to the source of HIV and
AIDS. Based on over a decade of research, involving more than
600 interviews and analysis of more than 4,000 scientific texts,
this book examines the myriad theories about the origin of the
AIDS epidemic - and reaches a stunnng and startling conclusion.
Many doctors and scientists think the transfer was "natural", the
result of human/chimp encounters - either from the keeping of
chimps as pets, or from hunting and skinning chimps for food. That
AIDS appeared only recently is due, they argue, to the
massive social changes in Africa over the last few decades,
including the large migrations that occurred after World War II
and the end of European control of Africa. Others, including the
author, believe it more likely that the transfer was the result of
American and European medical interventions in Africa during the
1950s - and specifically the administration of more than a million
doses of an experimental oral polio vaccine, some batches of which
may have been manufactured from chimp kidneys. The author's
extensive investigations and interviews in America, Europe and
Africa lead to some remarkable revelations, which include
previously unpublished details about where the vaccines were given
and the locations of the earliest traces of HIV and AIDS, as
revealed by archival blood and tissue samples. The maps of
vaccinations and early AIDS cases are extraordinarily
similar. Little, Brown & Co., 1999
ISBN 0-316-37261-7 Buy
this book!
- Jonsen, Albert & Jeff Stryker, eds, The Social Impact
of AIDS in the US, National Academy Press, 1993
Levy, Elinor & Tom Monte, The 10
Best Tools to Boost your Immune System: A total
health prescription. Out of the nightmare of AIDS has come an
understanding of the human immune system that scientists are
calling a new form of health. Here, a microbiologist and an expert
science writer have paired up to offer a clear explanation of this
cutting-edge information, along with an easy-to-follow program to
put it all to use. Unlike the restrictive and often gimmicky
programs found in many health books, the immune boosters in this
book are straighforward diet and lifestyle choices involving bot
the body and the mind - choices that readers can easily adapt to
their invididual needs. This is essential reading for people with
chronic illness who are seeking to improve their depressed immune
systems, as well as for those who want to keep up-to-date with the
latest research on wellness. Houghton Mifflin, 1996
ISBN 0-395-69460-4 Buy
this book!
Patton, Cindy, Fatal Advice: How safe-sex education
went wrong. The American public responded to the first cases
of AIDS with fear and panic. Both policy makers and activists
were concerned not only with stopping the spread of the disease,
but also with guiding the public's response toward those already
infected. This is an examination of how the nation attempted, with
mixed results, to negotiate the fears and concerns brought on by
the epidemic. A leading writer on the cultural politics of AIDS,
she guides us through the thicker of mass-media productions,
policy and public health enterprises, and activists projects as
they sprang up to meet the challenge on the epidemic, shaping the
nation's notion of what safe-sex is and who ought to know what
about it. There is the official story, and then there is another,
involving local groups and AIDS activists. Going back to
early government and activist attempts to spread information, she
traces a slow separation between official advice and that provided
by those on the front lines in the battle against aids. She shows
how American anxieties about teen sex played into the nation's
inadequate education and protection of its young people and
chronicles the media's attempts to encourage compassion without
broaching the touchy subject of sex or disrupting the notion that
AIDS was a disease of social and sexual outcasts. Her
overview of the relationship between shifting medical perceptions
and safe-sex advice reveals why radical safe-sex educators
eventually turned to sexually explicit, including pornographic,
representations to spread their message - and why even these
extreme tactics could not overcome the misguided national teaching
on AIDS. She closes with a stirring manifesto, an urgent cal to
action for all those who do not want to see the hard lessons of
AIDS education and activism wasted, or, with these lessons,
the loss of so many more lives. Duke University Press, 1996
ISBN 0-8223-1747-8 Buy
this book!
Pohl, Mel, Deniston Kay, Doug Toft, The Caregivers'
Journey: When you love someone with AIDS. Addressing the
needs of caregivers, this book helps friends, family members or
health care professonals work through their feelings, develop
tools for acceptance, and udnerstand the common stages in caring
for those battling AIDS or ill with other chronic diseases.
The authors make the vital distinction between healthy caregiving
and codependent caretaking and controlling. They offer a solution
through interdependence of "the art of loving without being
consumed." It is the art of caring for another without denying
oneself. Hazelden, 1991 ISBN 0-06-255339-9 Buy
this book!
Weatherford, Ronald Jeffrey and Carole
Boston, Somebody's Knocking at Your Door: AIDS and the
African-American church. Examining the black church's response
to AIDS, this book analyses sexual ethics and homophobia in the
black church to provide pastors, social workers, and health
professionals with intervention strategies for parishioners or
members of the community who have AIDS. Through the voices of
leading clergy, AIDS advocates, and people living with AIDS
(PLWAs), you'll find tips on ministry development, prevention
education, and pastoral care and explore the history of activism
in the black church, AIDS statistics, and exemplary
AIDS ministires. This book urges church officials to welcome
PLWAs into the church and help prevent AIDS infection through
education. Haworth Pastoral Press, 1999 ISBN 0-7890-5075-1
this book!
* * *
What AIDS shows us is the limits of tolerance, that it's not enough
to be talented, because when the shit hits the fan you find out how
much tolerance is worth. Nothing. - Tony Kushner

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