The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on General
Mythology and Women's Mythology.
- Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales, Pantheon, 1972
- Metamorphosis, Transformation in Action, 1993, Self
published, Metamorphosis, 330 19th St, Ste 69, Oakland,
CA 94612
- Absher, Tom, Men & the Goddess: Feminine
archetypes in western literature, Park Street, 1990
- Amadio, Nadine, Pacifica: Myth, magic &
traditional wisdom from the South Sea Islands, Angus
& Robertson, 1993
Baker, Carolyn, Reclaiming the Dark
Feminine: The Price of Desire. FINALLY. A book that dares to
look at this issue from a woman's perspective. She takes a unique
look and approach to the questions of gender reconciliation and
relationships. It's controversial and sometimes disturbing. She
challenges political feminism and the renewed fascination with the
goddess, saying they are inadequate to restoring wholeness to the
feminine psyche. Mythopoetically, she weaves together the symbolic
and the literal, developing solid ground on which men and women
can join in their quest for union with both the feminine and
masculine energies within themselves and with each other, fully
intact. New Falcon, 1739 E Broadway Rd STE 1-277, Tempe, AZ 85282
1996 ISBN 1-56184-088-2 Buy
This Book!
Barton, Edward Read, editor, Mythopoetic Perspectives of Men's
Healing Work: An anthology for therapists and others.
Midlife is the stage of generativity versus stagnation. As a man
realizes that he has lived more than half of his life, he will
look for new ways to be generative with this family, as a father,
in his community, and to others in general. Otherwise, he runs the
risk of stagnation. There is little-published theory, research, or
evaluation of men's programs for men at midlife. There is even
less of these types of materials published about men at midlfe
involved in activities structured in a mythopoetic perspective or
about men actively involved in mythopoetic men's work. This volume
fills that void. Bergin & Garvey,
2000, ISBN 0-89789-646-7 Buy
This Book!
Begg, Ean, Myth and
Today's Consciousness. The author, a respected Jungian
analyst, explores the myths which mirror our consciousness, in
legend, Gnostic tradition, literature, the tarot, astrology and
religion. Behind the acceptable face of modern consciousness lurk
repressed impersonal forces represented by the deities banished by
Christianity (see book cover.) Even in modern times we
are at the mercy of the ancient war god, Wotan, and we are still
haunted by Lilith, the first wife of Adam. The author concludes
with a plea to bring our unconscious pantheon into conscious play;
in this way the self is remembered. Conventure, 1984.
ISBN 0-904575-30-6 Buy
This Book!
- Bettelheim, Bruno, Uses of Enchantment: The meaning
& importance of fairy tales, Vintage, 1976
- Blumenfeld, Larry, Voice of Forgotten
Worlds: Traditional music of indigenous people, Ellipsis
Arts, 1993
Bly, Robert, Iron John: A book
about men. When Bill Moyer's PBS special on the author
aired in the winter of 1990, it brought forth an unprecedented
flood of calls and letters from both men and women attesting to
the pain and confusion experienced by many contemporary men. This
is the author's long-awaited book on male initiation and the role
of the mentor, the result of ten years' work with men to discover
the truths about masculinity that get beyond the stereotypes of
our popular culture. In the tradition of Blake, Yeats, and D.H.
Lawrence, the author has turned to the most ancient stories and
legends to remind men and women of welcome images long forgotten,
images of a vigorous masculinity both protective and emotionally
centered. He takes as the frame of his book the tale of "Iron
John", which the Grimm brothers collected in the early nineteenth
century, but which in its themes and motifs goes back thousands of
years. In the story, an ancient "hairy man" - Iron John - becomes
a mentor to a young boy, and each event or adventure is regarded
as a stage in male growth. As the author retells the story, he
stops at times to reflect on initiation rituals for men which
still go on in some parts of the world or are still remembered in
epics such as The Odyssey. As the book progresses, it
brings together a rich and coherent picture of what it has meant
through time to pass from boyhood into manhood. Throughout that
long history of initiation the role of the older men has been
central. Yet in our own time, the young men he observes are
hungering for the father and the mentor as intensely as they
hunger for food. Some say stuck in the "tough guy" mode. Others
linger in the naiveté that destroys relationships, so
doubtful of themselves that they can be life preserving...but not
life giving. This book is at the same time a new version and a
very ancient vision of adult manhood, one that has depth,
vividness, and solidity. It reconfirms the power of ancient
stories to guide, to heal, and to convey the deepest truths.
Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1990 ISBN 0-201-51720-5 Buy
This Book!
- Catford, Lorna, Path of the Everyday Hero: Drawing on
the power of myth to meet life's most important challenges,
Tarcher, 1991
Cotterell, Arthur, Dictionary of
World Mythology. The powerful gods of Greece, Rome and
Scandinavia, the more mystical deities of Buddhist and Hindu
India, and the stern spirits of the African and American
continents all reflect very different civilizations, yet they also
demonstrate the unity of mankind in its fundamental need for
explanations of the unknown. The author sets out clearly the chief
myths of the world and explains why different mythologies arose in
different lands. Comprehensive coverage in seven main sections of
West Asia, South and Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, America,
Africa and Oceania. Clear and informative section introductions
highlight the history and lifestyle of ancient peoples and the
landscape in which they lived. Illustrated with black-and-white
photographs and maps of each key area. Oxford Paperbacks, 1997
ISBN 0-19-217747-8. Buy
This Book!
Cotterell, Arthur & Rachel Storm,
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology. The myths and
legends of the ancient worlds, from Greece, Rome and Egypt to the
Norse and Celtic lands, through Persia and India to China and the
Far East. A comprehensive A to Z of the classic stories of
gods and goddesses, heroes and mythical beasts, wizards and
warriors. This is an important new volume, the ancient mythologies
are brought to life in the most comprehensive coverage yet
produced. Over one thousand color images make this book the
ultimate evocative and detailed guide to the fabulous myths and
legends of the ancient Western World, and to the powerful pantheon
of gods and goddesses of the East. Lorenz Books, 1999
ISBN 0-7548-0091-1 Buy
This Book!
Cousineau, Phil, Once and Future
Myths: The power of ancient stories in modern times. This
book will take you on a fascinating journey through time. This
bestselling author weaves historical information, narratives about
the arts, and his own personal stories into a compelling look at
how, consciously and unconsciously, the power of myth affects
every aspect of our lives. By becoming aware of the mythology of
creativity, time, mentorship, travel, cities, and sports, in both
their historical and present forms, you can come to know the world
better. And it is through this understand that you will see the
origins of your own drive for work, love, home, creativity, and
spirituality. Conari Press, 2001. ISBN 1-57324-146-6
This Book!
- Downing, Christine, The Long Journey
Home: Re-visioning the myth of Demeter & Persephone
for our time, Shambhala, 1994
- Eliade, Mircea, Myth & Reality, Harper
& Row, 1975
- France, Peter, Hermits: The insights of solitude, St
Martins, 1996
Friedman, Robert Lawrence, The Healing
Power of the Drum: A psychotherapist explores the
healing power of rhythm. Drums and their rhythms have brought
joy and self-expression to mankind since the dawn of time. In this
book, the psychotherapist and drum facilitator weaves an
extraordinary tapestry of personal experience, fascinating
anecdotes, and compelling research, demonstrating the hand drum's
capacity to provide significant health benefits for everyone. This
breakthrough book examines the use of hand drums in treating
at-risk adolescents, stressed-out employees, Vietnam veterans,
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and
more. Find joy and self-expression in this book. White Cliffs
2000. ISBN 0-941677-87-7 Buy
This Book!
- Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm, The Little Book of Iron
John, Element, 1993
Guggenbuhl, Allan, Men, Power and
Myths: The Quest for Male Identity. In this book, a Jungian
analyst develops a completely new psychological theory about men.
He maintains that traditional psychotherapy has failed to tackle
the main objectives that motivate men in their private and public
lives. When men dedicate themselves to work, fight for social
causes, start families, or get crazy over sports, they are
enacting concealed mythic patterns - patterns that lie at the very
heart of our culture. Men have a natural affinity for myth and
myth making which, the author maintains, results in grandiose
aspirations and what often appears to be the purest sort of
self-indulgence. At the same time, such thinking also helps to
explain a seeming helplessness that men have in dealing with their
own feelings. Once all of this is understood, a true equality in
relationships, based on the differences between the sexes, may
also be attained. Men can thereby achieve a greater understanding
and more realistic appreciation of their strengths and weaknesses.
Robert Bly said "This is a brave book - it is politically
incorrect and doggedly outrageous." Continuum Publishing 1997
This Book!
Harding, Christopher, Editor,
Wingspan: Inside the Men's Movement. This book takes
you behind the scenes of one of the most important, and least
understood, phenomena of recent times. Feminist Betty Friedan
called this new tendency of men to look inward and back into
history "a deceptively quiet movement." What is driving
men in ever increasing numbers into the woods to beat drums and
share grief that they can't articulate in their everyday
lives? What are men discovering that keeps them coming
back to support groups week after week? This
straight-from-the-shoulder book is written by and for men who are
rethinking traditional views of masculinity. For women, who will
never get to experience men's events firsthand, these amazing
gatherings come alive, here, in words and pictures. The most
prominent thinkers and leaders of the movement introduce its key
ideas, while less well-known writers share with humor and
compassion what it feels like to venture into this exciting new
territory. St. Martins, 1992 ISBN 0-312-07886-2
This Book!
- Hope, Murry, Psychology of Ritual, Element Books,
- Johnson, Robert A., Femininity Lost
& Regained, Harper & Row, 1990
- Johnson, Robert A., He: Understanding masculine
psychology, Harper & Row, 1989
- Johnson, Robert A., Lying with the Heavenly
Woman: Understanding & integrating the feminine
archetypes in men's lives, Harper, 1994
- Johnson, Robert A., Owning Your Own
Shadow: Understanding the dark side of the psyche,
Harper, 1991
- Johnson, Robert A., Transformation: Understanding the
three levels of masculine consciousness, Harper, 1991
- Jung, C.G., Aspects of the Masculine,
Princeton/Bollingen, 1989
- Lazaris, Working with Your Shadow: An imperative on
the spiritual path, NPN, 1995
- Lederer, Wolfgang, Kiss of the Snow Queen: Hans
Christian Andersen & man's redemption by women,
University of California, 1986
- Mann, Nicholas, His Story: Masculinity in the
post-patriarchal world, Llewellyn, 1995
- Matthews, John, Choirs of the God: Revisioning
masculinity, Mandala, 1991
- McNeely, Deldon Anne, Animus - Aeternus: Exploring the
inner masculine, Inner City, 1991
- Monick, Eurege, Castration & Male Rage: The
phallic wound, Inner City, 1991
- Monick, Eugene, Phallos: Sacred image of the
masculine, Inner City, 1987
Moore, Robert and Douglas Gillette, King
Warrior Magician Lover: Rediscovering the archetypes of the
mature masculine. This book is an exploratory survey of the
implications of this research for understanding the masculine
psyche. It is the first of a forthcoming five-volume series on
masculine psychology based on this paradigm. Subsequent volumes
are planned that will elaborate the wider implications of this
theoretical model for human psychology and spirituality. The
authors' purpose in writing this book, however, has been to offer
men a simplified and readable outline of an "operator's manual for
the male psyche." Reading this book should help you understand
your strengths and weaknesses as a man and provide you with a map
to the territories of masculine selfhood which you still need to
explore. HarperSan Francisco,,
1991, ISBN 0-06-250606-4 
- Newman, Kenneth, Tarot: A myth of male
initiation, CG Jung, 1983
- Norman, Dorothy, Hero: Myth, image, symbol,
Anchor, 1980
- Parker, Harry, Iron John, Reflections: Choose -
one previous thing, Texas Tech University, 1992
- Pearson, Carol, Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve
archetypes to help us find ourselves & transform our
world, Harper, 1991
- Pearson, Carol, Hero Within: Six archetypes we live by
- wanderer, martyr, warrior, innocent, orphan, magician,
Harper & Row, 1986
- Pedersen, Loren, Dark Hearts: The unconscious forces
that shape men's lives, Shambhala, 1991
- Perry, John Weir, Lord of the Four Quarters: The
mythology of kingship, Paulist, 1991
- Qualls-Corbett, Nancy, Sacred Prostitute: Eternal
aspects of the feminine, Inner City, 1988
- Richardson, Alan, Earth God Rising: The return of the
male mysteries, Llewellyn, 1990
- Stewart, R. J., Celebrating the Male Mysteries,
Arcania, 1991
- Thompson, Keith, To Be a Man: In search of the deep
masculine, Tarcher, 1991
Toussaint, Pamela, Great Books for
African-America Children. This book brings you a compendium of
more than 250 books that celebrate the African-American
experience. This comprehensive guide for children of all ages -
from preschoolers to young adults - features: A list of some
of the best books available, including out-of-print books.
In-depth reviews of each book - including information about awards
received. The main moral value of each book plus thoughtful,
exploratory questions to ask your child. An index that lists each
book by title, author, and moral value. A list of reading
resources parents can use to find websites, magazines, videos, and
bookstores specializing in African-American subjects...and more.
Including a complete appendix and entries about poetry collections
and speeches, this book is an invaluable resource for parents and
children. Plume Book
1999 ISBN 0-452-28044-3 Buy
This Book!
- Von Franz, Marie-Louise, Shadow & Evil in Fairy
Tales, Revised Edition, Shambhala, 1995
- Wall, Steve, Shadowcatchers: A journey in search
of the teachings of Native American healers, Harper Collins,
Deanna, The Language of Gifts: The essential guide to
meaningful gift giving. This is the definitive resource guide
to the symbology of gifts; it will inspire you to eloquently
express your feelings and give a gift that will be treasured -
whether it costs $1 or $1000. The author has included symbology
from cultures and religious from around the world and throughout
history. She illuminates the meanings behind everything from
trees, numbers and flowers, to astrological signs, scents and
animals. Choose a deeply meaningful gift for any
occasion: anniversaries, graduations, birthdays, weddings,
Valentine's Day, Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, and countless other
occasions. This wonderful gift giving companion will help you
choose the ideal present or compose the perfect sentiments for a
gift already chosen.
Conari Press,,
2000 ISBN 1-57324-190-3 Buy
This Book!
Woodman, Marion & Elinor Dickson, Dancing in the Flames:
The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness. This
book " us a remarkably rich and deep knowledge of the Dark
Goddess. Her hidden presence in the psyches of men and women
becomes visible through the authors' perceptive insights. Seen and
unseen, appreciated or denigrated, in history, myth, and culture
as well as in individuals, the Dark Goddess carries transformative
power and feminine wisdom which are revealed in this beautifully
conceived book that can affect the reader like a major dream or
evocative poem." Jean Shinoda Bolen. Shambhala
- Wyly, James, Phallic Quest: Priapus
& masculine inflation, Inner City, 1989
Young, Jonathan, ed, Saga: Best New Writing
on Mythology. This is an annual collection of the most
innovative articles published each year in the area of myth and
ritual studies by the most outstanding thinkers in the field. The
wisdom of ancient storytellers has been handed down to us by a
long succession of inspired men and women in the form of great
mythic narratives full of guidance and encouragement. Some of
today's finest writers and scholars have turned their attention to
unraveling the secrets of these timeless tales to explain their
value in contemporary life. White Cloud Press, 1996
Women's Mythology
- Mad & Bad Fairies: Fairytales for
feminists, Attic, 1987
- Birkhauser-Oeri, Sibylee, Mother: Archetypal image in
fairy tales, Inner City, 1988
- Fierz-David, Linda, Women's Dionysian Initiation: The
villa of mysteries in Pompeii, Spring, 1088
- Franz, M. L. Von, Feminine in Fairytales, Spring,
- Jung, CG, Aspects of the Feminine.
{Princeton/Bollingen, 1982
- Perera, Sylvia Brinton, Descent to the Goddess: A way
of initiation for women, Inner City, 1981
- Von Franz, Marie Louise, Interpretation of Fairytales,
Spring, 1970
* * *
Contemporary man has rationalized the myths, but he has not been able
to destroy them. - Octavio Pax

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