The Menstuff® library lists pertinent reference books for men.
The ones marked with "*" are recommended bathroom readers. They
contain pieces for every length of stay.
Chase's Calendar of Events 2005 : The
Day-By-Day Directory to Special Days, Weeks and Months. A
day-by-day guide to special events happening throughout America in
the year 2005, offers information on holidays, anniversaries,
special birthdays, historical celebrations and much more. ISBN:
0-07-144676-1 Buy
This Book!
Resource Calendar, 2001. This calendar focuses primarily on
the US. It includes entries of religious holidays and festivals,
historical/cultural events, and birthdays as well as months
specially designated by congressional or presidential
proclamations for special themes. They have included events and
historical dates that recognize that discrimination has occurred
against groups such as people with disabling conditions and
gays/lesbians. They have also included a Resource Section with
detailed information about most events to encourage an informed
awareness of these events that will make interactions with other
cultures an experience of learning, appreciation and mutual
or 800.865.5549
Mystic's Wheel of the Year 2004: A multifaith calendar
reflecting eco-egalitarian spirituality. It features holy days
reflecting the non-patriarchal, mystical God-Goddess roots of
Judaism (Kabbalism), Christianity (Wisdom Tradition), Islam
(Sufism), Baha'ism and Buddhism (Tantra/Zen). In includes a focus
on milestones, teachers, and activists in mysticism and
environmentalists, and the human rights and peace movements,
PO Box 77167, Washington, D.C. 20013, 800.821.6604 or
Page Two, 2002, ISSN 1092-8855
- Attenborough, Richard, The Words of Gandhi, Newmarket,
- Abercrombie, Nicholas, Dictionary of Sociology,
Penguin, 1984
Ash, Russell, The Top 10 of Everything
1999. The ultimate illustrated book of lists. An irresistible
mix of facts and trivia, this intriguing book is impossible to put
down. Covering every area of human achievement and the natural
world, the depth and breadth of the information presented is
unmatched by any other publication. More than 1,000 lists revised
and updated annually. DK Publishing,
1998 ISBN 0-7894-3523-3 Buy
This Book!
August, Eugene, Men's Studies: original edition. 1985
August, Eugene, New Men's
Studies: A Selected & Annotated
Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 2nd edition. Even while
Alexander Welsh was making his whimsical suggestion about
"gentlemen's studies" in 1982, a whole new kind of men's studies
was already taking shape in the academic world. Since that time,
this new men's studies has slowly but surely taken its place in
forwarding thinking universities throughout the United States,
Canada, Europe and elsewhere. Neither a fad nor a backlash, the
new men's studies is the logical complement to women's studies and
a necessary component of any balanced gender-related scholarship.
Since the first edition of this bibliography appeared in 1985, the
growth in men's studies has been steady and dramatic. The growth
can be seen in the increasing number of men's studies courses
offered at U.S. universities. From 1984 to 1993, the number
expanded from 30 to approximately 300. These courses are offered
by various departments, usually sociology, psychology, history and
literature, but many of the new courses are interdisciplinary. At
some universities, professors in women's studies have begun to
include segments on men in their established courses. At this
writing, no full-scale men's studies program is yet in place, but
efforts to formulate such programs have begun on several campuses,
Berkeley, California has had a Center for Men's Studies, and a
handful of U.S. universities appear to be making plans to create
similarly centers. The most dramatic growth in men's studies can
be seen primarily in the torrent of men's books that has been
pouring forth from publishers since 1990. Before that time, the
prevailing wisdom in publishing houses decreed that books about
women would sell while those about men would not. However, when
Robert Bly's Iron John stayed on best seller lists for
nearly a year, the publishing logjam was broken. Other books like
Sam Keen's Fire in the Belly and Robert Moore and Douglas
Gillette's King Warrior Magician Lover also achieved best
seller status, thereby confirming publishers' suspicions that the
market for men's books was a healthy one. Since then the stream of
scholarly and popular books about men has slowed. Libraries
Unlimited, 1994, ISBN 1-56308-084-2 Buy
This Book!
* Ultimate Visual Dictionary.
With over 50,000 terms and more than 5,000 color photographs and
1,000 stunning illustrations, this is a fascinating new kind of
reference book. The pictures, each meticulously annotated by a
team of experts, reveal the secrets of a vast range of subjects.
Together they build into a treasure trove of knowledge for the
family. From the inside of a golf ball to the surface of the sun,
from the skeleton of a platypus to the anatomy of an elephant,
from the mechanics of a jet engine to the interior of a Roman
temple, this book shows you what other books only tell you. Great
to keep in the reading room (the bathroom, to me.) It
works for short, medium and long stays. Good side-by-side
companion to the The 20th Century Artbook. below.
DK Publishing,
1998 ISBN 0-7894-2874-1 Buy
This Book!
Castle, Sue, Old Wives' Tales. Feed a cold, starve a
fever...Milk is good for an ulcer...Brown eggs are more nutritious
than white...If a dog's nose is dry, he's sick...Old wives' tales
you've heard them all your life, but can you believe them? Find
out in this book. Globe Digest Series,,
1999 Direct purchase: Globe Digests, PO Box 114, Rouses
Point, NY 12979-0114 $3.24 includes P&H.
ISBN 7098906870
Cohl, H. Aaron, The Book of Mosts. The
most facts, the most fun, the most fabulous trivia book ever.
Well-to-do poodles. Death-dealing floods. Nevadan devotees of the
goddess Ninkasi. Man-killing volcanoes. Rich husbands willing to
pay anything to get rid of their wives. Vanna White, the gameshow
hostess with the mostest, who earned that title by clapping a
record 720 times per episode. These are only some of the real-life
excesses that inhabit this book. Covering every facet of human
existence, from crime to nutrition to the movies, the factoids are
alternately fascinating and hilarious. For example, did you know
that married men earning over $60,000 a year are the most likely
to stray? Seventy percent of them do...and many
affairs, a whopping 28 percent, begin with just a casual meeting.
From weird to wild, fun to fascinating, these are facts you won't
find anywhere else, and they're almost too wild to be true - but
they are, each and every one of them. This is trivia '90s style -
addictive, fast-paced and impossible to put down. St. Martin's
Press 1997 ISBN 0-312-15482-8 Buy
This Book!
Costello, Elaine, Getting Started in
Signing. Master the basics of American Sign Language. This
unique learner's guide and dictionary provides the basic building
blocks of American Sign Language (ASL). In this easy-to-use book
you'll learn 500 of the most important signs for everyday,
practical signing. Each new word or concept comes with a clear
illustration that shows how it's formed. There's also important
information about hand shape, orientation, location, and movement.
And the manual alphabet is included, so you'll learn how to finger
spell. Living Language,
2000, ISBN: 0-609-80653-X Buy
This Book!
Crystal, David, The Cambridge
Factfinder. This book is the most comprehensive,
authoritative, and up-to-date general fackbook available. Since
its first publication in 1993, the book has been regularly revised
and updated, gaining a reputation for its accessibility and for
the breadth of its coverage. Unlike most factbooks, this has a
very full index (running to some 130 pages), which allows users to
find information quickly and reliably. Helpfully organized into
thematic sections which cover everything from science and
technology through sports and games, to religion and mythology,
with a very thorough summary of statistics relating to countries
of the world, the economy, communication, and world history, the
book provides accurate answers to the widest possible range of
questions. This is the ultimate one-stop reference work for anyone
with an inquiring mind or a regular need to check facts and
figures. Cambridge University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-521-63770-8
This Book!
Doll, Pancho, Day Trips with a
Splash: The swimming holes of California. Secluded
waterfalls, remote two-person tubs, hidden pools, all of them at
least six feet deep. All are in creeks and rivers less than three
hours from the trailhead. None have any man-made structures
visible from them. Privacy is listed for each entry along with
icons indicating the best season to visit, the difficulty of
approach, and the overall rating, whether fair, good, excellent or
classic. Dog owners can tell at a glance if four-legged hikers are
appropriate. Families with small children can easily determine if
the journey is a good one for the little dippers. Topographic maps
for each hole are annotated with coordinates so GPS users will
finally have some routes they can program into their navigation
units. Severe techno-dweebs can even download the waypoints from
our website. Navigation nerds aside, anyone with a home computer
can copy a map and direction for printout at home - way more
convenient than lugging the whole book into the hills when you're
only using two pages. Hiking for its own sake is fine. It's great.
But wouldn't you rather have a hike with an objective? This
book tells you the best places to go...and where not to go. The
back of each chapter has a "Why Bother" section listing
places that aren't worth your time. After all there are only 55
hours until Monday. Might as well make the weekend count. Running
Water Press
1997 ISBN 0-9657686-4-3 Buy
this book!
Dotson, Edisol Wayne, Behold the Man: The type and
selling of male beauty in media and culture. The first
comprehensive study of how images of male beauty are projected
onto society. This book examines the role media and society play
in creating the image of the idealized male. This book explores
how these images are interpreted by all genders and sexual
orientations in order to investigate the phenomenon's effect on
the self-esteem of adolescent and adult males. This book provides
you with research and examples that identify this problem from
many angles to help you realize that being a man is more than
merely possessing muscles and good looks. Harrington Park Press,
1999 ISBN 1-56023-953-0 Buy
This Book!
Dunn, Katherine, Why Do Men Have Nipples? and other
low-life answers to real-life questions. What's a car bra -
and why? Based on the premise that truth is stranger
than fiction and the unknowable should sometimes stay that way,
the author has for years fielded a wide range of readers'
questions in her column "The Slice," featured in the prize-winning
alternative newspaper Willamette Week. Now, the best Q's and best
A's from her column are brought together in one book, including
Where does kissing come from>? Why do we do it? and How
come I see millions of pigeons - but never any pigeon
babies? From why men have nipples to how the space
shuttle toilet really works, the irreverent, indefatigable
"Slicer" reveals the answers to life's great and not-so-great
questions - and if she can't, she'll invent a theory. Warner
Books, 1992 ISBN 0-446-39412-2
- Erickson, Judith, Directory of American Youth
Organizations: A guide to 500 clubs, groups, troops,
teams, societies, lodges and more for young people, Free
Spirit, 1994
Heymann, Tom, On an Average Day...What the
average American buys, eats, watches, reads, cooks, spends, and
does... America, by the numbers. Who are we? What do we
do? How long do we spend doing it? And how much does it
cost? From prime-time to crime, dollars to diets, business to
pleasure, here is a complete statistical portrait of America. Did
you know that on an average day: Americans spend $2,021,918
on exercise equipment? And $3,561,644 on tortilla
chips? 8 Americans receive hair transplants? 225
Americans receive nose jobs? 5,056 Americans move to Los
Angeles? Americans spend $434,246,575 on
toys? 6,301,370 videos are rented? Some food for thought
from the book that gives you American in a nutshell. Fawcett
Columbine, 1989 ISBN 0-449-90453-9
Heymann, Tom, The Unofficial U.S.
Census: What the U.S. census doesn't tell you. Go figure,
America! Every ten years, at a cost of $2.6 billion,
the US government deploys a team of 520,000 professionally
trained census takers to draw an exact statistical portrait of
America. But of all the meaningless statistics the census
generates, the only one we can understand is the $2.6 billion,
because that's what we pay for it! For a real picture of what
makes America tick, you can count on the "People's Demographer,"
to sum up the situation. In this book, you'll find the truly vital
statistics of everyday life that the government doesn't see fit to
print. Fawcett Columbine, 1991 ISBN 0-449-90622-1
- Johnson, Otto, Information Please Almanac: The
ultimate browser's reference, Houghton Mifflin, 1996
Johnson, Sterling, Watch Your F*cking
Language: How to swear effectively, explained in explicit
detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday
life. This book takes a no-holds-barred approach to taboo
words and expressions. It shows you how to use them to your
advantage - and have fun doing so. Building on the success of
English as a Second F*cking Language, this book emphasizes
traditional English swears as well as powerful (and forbidden)
expressions from other cultures and languages. Through numerous
examples, it puts the real language of real people into context.
The name of the game is communication and this book shows readers
how to hammer home their message with confidence and gusto. Thomas
Dunne Books,,
2004, ISBN 0-312-31871-5 
Kalian, Linda and Bob, The Best Free
Things for Seniors. For 24 years the authors have searched out
the great things life has to offer us free or at amazing
discounts. Now they have turned their efforts to doing the same
for seniors. As a senior, the government will now help you change
careers, get free legal help, lower your taxes, help you with
money to fix your home or start a business, buy food, or get
prescription drugs. They'll even give you money to pay for your
children's college and lots more...when you know how to get it.
This book shows you exactly how. But the government isn't the only
source of free things. Companies give away all kinds of things to
introduce you to their products. And all around you, there are
discounts on everything from movie tickets to auto
insurance...yours just because you're a senior. Included is a
listing of the very best internet sites for seniors plus a whole
lot more! Rolin Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-934968-21-7 
Kanner, Bernice, Are Your Normal? Do you behave like
everyone else? Find out how you fit into the American norm.
From sea to shining sea, Americans are remarkably alike,
incredibly different, and just plain strange. In this clever, fun
and fascinating peek into the private lives of real Americans, the
author shares a delicious slice of American pie with humorous
facts like: Four out of ten of us admit we've been so mad
we've hurled footwear at another person. Almost one quarter of us
regularly check ourselves out in store windows and mirrors. 7 out
of 100 Americans have flossed their teeth with their hair. Now you
can join in the fun. St. Martin's, 1995 ISBN 0-312-95592-8
This Book!
Kramarae, Cheris, Feminist Dictionary. A dictionary with a
difference. It places women at the center of language and uses
definition and quotation to take us on a fascinating journey
through the development and use of the English language from
diverse feminist perspectives. It illustrates women's linguistic
contributions: the ways in which women have sought to describe,
reflect upon and theorize about women, language, and the rest of
the world. This is a unique source book that will serve as an
interesting work of reference for many years to come. Two
definitions I found most interesting: Misogyny:
"Woman-hating. Includes the beliefs that women are stupid, petty,
manipulative, dishonest, silly, gossipy, irrational, incompetent,
undependable, narcissistic, castrating, dirty, overemotional,
unable to make altruistic or moral judgments, oversexed,
undersexed. Such beliefs culminate in attitudes that demean our
bodies, our abilities, our characters, and our efforts and imply
that we must be controlled, dominated, subdued, abused and used,
not only for male benefit but for our own". Misandry, however, is
defined as "Hatred of Men. It means (1) A refusal to suppress
the evidence of one's experience with men; (2) a woman's defense
against fear and pain; (3) an affirmation of the cathartic effects
of justifiable anger." So, it's okay to hate a man, but to think a
woman might be manipulative, off with your head. Definitions are
direct quotes from page 275. Pandora, 1985
ISBN 0-86358-015-7
- Kronenberger, Louis, Viking Book of Aphorisms: More
than 3,000 selections from more than 400 authors, Dorset,
Kynaston, Nic, Ed, Guinness World Records
2000: Millennium Edition, Nic Kynaston, Ed. In 1759,
Arthur Guinness founded the Guinness Brewery at St. Jasmes' Gate
in Dublin, and by 1833, the brewery was the largest in Ireland. It
became a limited liability company in London in 1886, and by the
1930s, it had two breweries in Britain producing its special
poster stout. While at a shooting party in County Wexford,
Ireland, in 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the company's managing
director, was involved in a dispute as to whether the golden
plover was Europe's fastest game bird. In 1954, another argument
arose as to whether grouse were faster than golden plovers. Sir
Hugh realized that such questions could arise among people in
pubs, and a book that provided answers for debates such as these
would be of great use to licensees. Chris Chataway, the
record-breaking track star, was then a brewer in training at
Guinness' Park Royal Brewery in London. He recommended the ideal
people to produce the book - the twins Norris and Ross McWhirter,
whom he had met through track and field events. The McWhirters
were then running a fact-finding agency in Fleet Street, London.
They were commissioned to compile what became The Guinness Book
of Records, and, after a busy year of research, the first copy
of the 198-page book was bound on August 27, 1955. It was an
instant success and became Britain's No. 1 bestseller before
Christmas. The English edition is now distributed in 70 different
countries, with another 22 editions in foreign languages. Sales of
all editions passed 75 million in 1994 and will reach the 100
million mark early in this decade. 2000. ISBN 1-892051-00-1
This Book!
Lapham, Lewis, Harper's Index
Book: 1,159 numbers - America's favorite list of vital
statistics, How many Americans say that the US has never
used a nuclear weapon in a war? 11 percent. The number of write-in
votes in the 1985 Boise, Idaho, mayoral election cast for Mr.
Potato Head? 4. The number of Americans who die Budget for
one episode of "Miami Vice"? $1,500,000. Annual budget for the
Miami vice squad? $1,100,000. Provocative numbers such
as these have made the Harper's Index - a single page of the
month's most startling stats - one of the most imitated features
in magazines today. This book is organized as a philosophical
dictionary, with entries such as "Appetites," "Fads",
"Liaisons," and "Ploys"; the statistics under each heading
combine to form miniature commentaries on our times. Henry Holt,
1987 ISBN 0-8050-0325-8
Lederman, Ellen, Vacations that can
Change Your Life: Adventures, retreats & workshops for the
mind, body and spirit. A most interesting book that talks
about a number of adventures listed in our Calendar (i.e.,
individual workshops like: Healing the Father Wound, Leadership
Training program, New Warriors, Opening the Heart, Outdoor
Leadership Seminars, Joyce & Barry Vissell's Shared Heart
Training and retreat centers that offer men's and couple's
retreats and gatherings like Breitenbush, Esalen Institute,
Hollyhock Farms, Kirkridge Retreat Center, Mount Madonna Center,
New York Open Center, Omega, Option Institute and Rowe Center.
Whether you want to indulge your sense of adventure or spiritual
curiosity, this book invites you to plan an experience that will
affect you in a permanent way. From oceanside yoga retreats and
communication workshops to photography excursions and wilderness
challenges, this remarkable guide tempts us to challenge our
psyches, bodies and boundaries. Treat your mind, body and spirit
to the most enriching vacation of your life! Sourcebooks, 1996
ISBN 1-57071-124-0 Buy
This Book!
- Maggio, Rosalie, Nonsexist Word
Finder: A dictionary of gender-free usage for over 5,000
sexist words and phrases, Beacon, 1988
Masoff, Joy, Oh Yikes! History's
grossest, wackiest moments. All the best stuff about the worst
stuff that ever happened. The real Dracula. Gladiators and
guillotines. Life before toilet paper. Famous monsters: the
Adominable Snowman, the Loch Ness Monster, Henry VIII. Attila the
Hun's raw-meat saddle, disgusting medieval jobs, how nights in
armor went to the bathroom, and why saiolors liked eating in the
dark. (Hint: you can't see what's crawling out of your
food.) What the author did for science in her perennial
bestseller, Oh, Yuck!, she now does for history. An
illustrated grossopedia of mankind's freakiest, funniest, weidest,
and wildest moments. Plus: Son-of-a-gun cowboy stew, how to
make a "toilet" clock, X-periments, and more. Workman Publishing,, 2006,
ISBN 0-7611-3684-3 
- Miller, Casey, Handbook of Nonsexist Writings for Writers,
Editors & Speakers, Lippincott & Crowell,
Neft, Naomi and Ann Levine, Where Women
Stand: An international report on the status of women
in 140 countries. Find out information on a multitude of
important issues, and discover facts pertinent to anyone concerned
about women's issues and women's status in the growing global
community. Based largely on United Nations documents and
unpublished reports commissioned by the U.N., this book provides
the latest "facts" on women in the world around us. Two
complementary sections illuminate pressing issues and essential
statistics about women's status around the world. The first
section provides a global progress report on women's political
representation, education and employment. It also deals with
marriage and divorce, family planning, and violence against women.
The second section uses these topics as criteria to profile 140
countries, 21 of them in depth. With ample graphs, charts and
tables, no other book offers so much information in such an
easy-to-access format. Random House
Odean, Kathleen, Great Books for
Girls: more than 600 books to inspire today's girls and
tomorrow's women. The first reference of its kind, it is an
invaluable list of titles - picture books, novels, mysteries,
biographies, folk tales, sports books and more - that will
encourage, challenge and ultimately nurture in girls the strong
qualities our culture so often suppresses. The author has gathered
and annotated a list of books starring bold, confident heroines
for children from toddlers to age fourteen. In these books, girls
and women are creative, capable, articulate, and intelligent,
solving problems, facing challenges, resolving conflicts and going
on quests. They are not sidekicks or tokens, waiting to be
rescued; they are doing the rescuing. Nor are they waiting for a
male to provide a happy ending; they are fashioning their own
stories and their own endings. Ballantine 1997 Buy
This Book!
Odean, Kathleen, Great Books for Boys:
More than 600 books for boys 2 to 14. Parents, grandparents,
teachers and librarians, we all need a tool that guides us to the
books that will inspire boys to read and keep them coming back for
more. The author of Great Books for Girls has compiled and
annotated a unique collection of picture books, novels, mysteries,
biographies, sports books and more - that will fascinate and
educate boys. More than just a pastime, literature is the key to
the unexplored. And the boys who discover reading from the books
here will embark on an adventure that will fuel their dreams for
the rest of their lives. Ballantine 1998 Buy
This Book!
Phaidon, The 20th Century Artbook.
More than any other era, the twentieth century offers us an
unrivaled galaxy of styles and approaches to art. The last ten
decades have been a fast-moving epoch of inventions, discoveries
an political upheavals. As a result, the art scene has also
radically changed: it has become more international, artists have
experimented with new media, including oil paint, collage,
sculpture, ready-made objects, installation and video. 500
full-page color plates present celebrated works alongside future
classics. Each image is accompanied by an incisive text, shedding
light on the work and its creator. One of the best, most concise
learning tools for fathers to share the world of art with their
children. Good side-by-side companion to the Ultimate Visual
Dictionary above. Phaidon Press
1999 ISBN 0-7148-3850-0 Buy
This Book!
Poretz, Mel and Barry Sinrod, Do You Do It
with the Lights On? Americans reveal their most intimate
habits. America uncensored! What are the sexual
preferences, practices and perceptions of the American male and
female? What goes on behind their bedroom and bathroom
doors? And finally, how do your sexual and personal habits
match up with the rest of the country? Now, in a book
based on a unique, recently completed national survey, the authors
have come up with the answers. They offer an intimate and
intriguing look at America undercover and under wraps, posing the
questions you've always wanted answered - but would never ask. If
it's private or privileged information, you're sure to find it in
this book - the book that gets down to the bare essentials!
Fawcett Columbine, 1991 ISBN 0-449-90571-3
Reiser, Judy, And I Thought I was Crazy! Quirks,
idiosyncrasies and meshugass that people are into. This book
is really for entertainment. Have a good time. Laugh. Chortle. And
gasp at the quirks people are involved in. It will make your
behavior seem all right. Or, on the other hand, it will point out
to you how sick you really are and depress the hell out of you.
Should that happen, don't worry. Just wave your hands wildly over
your head, wash an avocado with soap and water and stick it in
your ear. That always works for me. Fireside Book, 1980
ISBN 0-671-25399-9 Katalin Media,,
2001 ISBN 0-9707619-0-2 Buy
This Book!
Ries, Paula & Anne Stone, Women and Politics: The
American Woman 1992-93: A status report. This is the
fourth volume in the widely praised American Woman series of
reports documenting the current social, economic and political
status of American women, with a special focus this year on women
and politics. Included are profiles of five prominent and powerful
political women, among them Governor Ann Richards, Senator Nancy
Kassebaum and Representative Maxine Waters, providing articles
about women in public office and the gender gap at the voting
booth, a comprehensive statistical portrait of the American woman
today, and, for the first time, international data allowing the
comparison of women in the US with their counterparts abroad. The
Women's Research and Education Institute (WREI) was established in
1977. Located in Washington, DC, WREI forms a critical bridge
between researchers and policy makers, translating research into
action by analyzing the effects proposed legislation will have on
women and putting practical and timely analysis in the hands of
decision makers. (Editor: To date, there is no such organization
doing a similar thing on men's behalf, mainly because men either
don't understand how not having a lobby like this can negatively
affect their lives, or they just don't seem concerned.) W. W.
Norton, 1992 ISBN 0-393-30871-5 Buy
This Book!
Rowen, Beth, editor, Time for Kids 2005
Alamanac. Fascinating facts at your
fingertips! Information on every subject from the ultimate
reference source,
Hours of fun. Tons of TFK puzzles & games that test your
brain power! Hundreds of full-color photographs, diagrams,
maps and illustrations. Learn the vital steps of the writing
process from the writers and editors of TIME For Kids - from
organizing your thoughts and writing a first draft to revising and
copyediting your work. Find out the best way to study for a test,
conduct an interview, do research on the Internet, write an essay
and much more. Plus loads of useful homework tips!,
Time for Kids Books,,
2004, ISBN 1-931933-67-7
(Read more - Dedicated
- Rufus, Anneli, World Holiday Book: Celebrations for
Everyday of the Year, Harper, 1994
Seabrooke, Kevin, editor, The World
Almanac for Kids 2003. The World's #1 selling kids' almanac,
completely new for 2003, with tons of the cool facts kids love.
Great for homework help and for checking out your favorite stars.
Chock-full of puzzles, jokes and games. An education in a single
book. World Almanac Books,,
2002, ISBN 0-88687-878-0 Buy
This Book!
Smith, Douglas, Ever Wonder Why? Here
are the answers! Everyone knows that donuts have holes. We
clink glasses before saying a toast. Golfers yell "fore!" before
teeing off. We nod our heads yes and shake our heads no... But how
many of us know why? You'll learn the answers and a whole lot
more in this fun and fact-filled almanac. And all you have to do
is ask WHY?1 Fawcett Gold,
1992 ISBN 0-449-14746-0 
- Spender, Dale, Man Made Language, Pandora, 1980
Symons, Mitchell, Why Girls Can't Throw
and other questions you always wanted answered. Are you
perplexed by the mysteries of the universe, confounded by the
workings of the human body, prone to pondering the great
imponderables? At long last, the answers are here for every
inquiring mind that's not afaird to face up to the cold, hard
facts of life. The author, who brough you That Book...of
Perfectly Useless Information now addresses the quirky, the
eclectic and the essential conundrums of our age. HarperCollins,,
2006 ISBN 0-06-083518-4 
Toussaint, Pamela, Great Books for
African-American Children. This book brings you a compendium
of more than 250 books that celebrate the African-American
experience. This comprehensive guide for children of all ages -
from preschoolers to young adults - features: A list of some
of the best books available, including out-of-print books.
In-depth reviews of each book - including information about awards
received. The main moral value of each book plus thoughtful,
exploratory questions to ask your child. An index that lists each
book by title, author, and moral value. A list of reading
resources parents can use to find websites, magazines, videos, and
bookstores specializing in African-American subjects...and more.
Including a complete appendix and entries about poetry collections
and speeches, this book is an invaluable resource for parents and
children. Plume Book
1999 ISBN 0-452-28044-3 Buy
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Truss, Lynne and illustrated by Bonnie Timmons, Eats, Shoots
& Leaves: Why, commas really do make a
difference! A panda walks into the library. He eats a
sandwich, then draws his bow and shoots an arrow. "Why did you do
that?" asks the librarian as the panda walks toward the exit. The
panda shows her a badly punctuated book. "I'm a panda," he
says. "That's what it says we do.": The librarian looks at
the page: "PANDA Large black-and-white bear-like mammal,
native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves." Just look inside this
book to see how forgetting to include a comma or placing one in
the wrong spot can completely change the meaning of a sentence -
with hilarious consequences. This book isn't The Elements of Style
but is sure to elicit gales of laughter and better punctuation
from all who read it. G.P. Putnam's Sons,,
2006 ISBN 0-399-24491-3 
Weiss, Daniel Evan, The Great
Divide: How females and males really differ. Vive la
Difference. Here are thousands of enlightening facts about how
males and females act, dress, work, play, shop, learn, eat, love
and die. Culled from over 200 sources, this book is the most
comprehensive profile ever compiled of the differences between men
and women, what they think of just bout everything in the world,
and how the world treats them. Simon & Schuster 1991 ISBN 0-671-70982-8
Weiss, Daniel Evan, 100% American.
The American people - their character, institutions, habits,
beliefs, and opinions - have been captured as never before in this
fascinating compendium of over 1,500 surprising, sometimes
alarming, often hilarious facts about how we life, love, eat,
think, dress, play, shop, sleep, vote, worry, diet, dream and die
- all told in percentages of Americans, from 1% to 100%. Culled
from hundreds of surveys, polls, census and government reports,
here is the true American character revealed in all its amazing
facets. Poseidon Press, 1988 ISBN 0-671-66872-2
Wright, John W., The New York Times
Almanac: The world's most comprehensive and authoritative
almanac. Drawing on resources of the world's premier news
organization, it provides readers with a wealth of data about the
U.S. and the world - in a readable and more easily accessible form
than other fact finders. Unrivaled in scope and unsurpassed in
comprehensiveness, it pays careful attention to significant
issues, topics and developments of the day and sets them in
historical context. It gives the stories - and the stories behind
the stories. It is the first choice for students, journalists, and
researchers - for anyone who needs timely, accurate information
about the US and other nations around the globe. Penguin
1999 ISBN 0-14-051457-0 Buy
This Book!
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The secret to having a good relationship with a woman is honesty.
Once you can fake that, you've got it made.

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