on Men 
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Women on Men.
See also books Men on Women.
Barrows, Sydney Biddle, Just Between Us
Girls: Secrets about men from the madam who knows. Not from a
therapists couch, this sassy, classy and refreshingly honest book
contains priceless advice and inside information about men from
the Madam who made it her business to know. She holds nothing back
as she discussed exactly what men want - in the bedroom, out on
the town, and from a relationship. For years she was the ultimate
male confidante. And now, as she shares her knowledge from her
unique perspective, you will come away knowing more about men that
you ever thought possible, with information only the Mayflower
Madam can give. With her candid advice and keen insight into the
world of men, she gives you solid, practical, non-nonsense
information that can be used - both in and out of the bedroom. St
Martin's Press, 1996
Giles, Fiona, ed., Dick for a Day: What
Would You Do if You Had One?. While not really a book directed
to men, versus at men, this review offers a look into the thoughts
of a small group of women writers - feminists, scholars,
performers and artists. Left with this outrageous question to
celebrated women, the results are serious, humorous and downright
strange. What's most exciting is that every man will be able to
ponder his own response - and discover the basis for arguments,
fantasies and gender benders of the most provocative kind.
"Breasts for a Day" just doesn't have the same ring to it,
somehow. www.randomhouse.com
ISBN 0-679-77353-3 Buy
This Book!
- Ingham, Mary, Men: The male myth exposed,
Century, 1985
Jones, Karen, Men Are Great: How to
build a relationship that brings out the best in both of you.
Where are all the good men these days? Everywhere! We
see it in the media, in our e-mail, and, all too often, in our own
heads: men are commitment-phobes, liars, untrustworthy,
cheats, unemotional and irresponsible. We are all still navigating
the changes brought about by the women's movement. This movement
brought about many desperately needed changes for women, from
equal pay for equal wortk to greater involvement in politics and
corporate boardrooms. But somewhere along the way, our society
began to lose respect for men. In this book, the author, a
relationship coach, provides tips to help readers see men's
greatness, interviews with today's leading relationship experts,
and real-life stories from women about great men - and from great
men themselves. She explains how showing genuine appreciation for
men will go far toward healing what's wrong in today's male/female
relationships and will help men and women find what we all want:
to be loved, accepted and apprecaited for whom we are. This book
will help women attract a higher caliber of men and celebrate the
ones you have, learn - or remember - how powerfully you influence
the men in your life, and pass on this positive energy to other
women. Believe in a man's best, expect to see it, and you will!
ISBN 978-0-6151-4110-7 
Jong, Erica, What Do Women Want? Reflections
of a century of change. This is a book of inspiration, humor,
and provocation - an intimate conversation between the reader and
author. In these personal statements, the auther addresses many of
the questions that concern women and men today. Are women better
off today than they were twenty-five years ago? Why do
powerful women evoke ambivalence? Why do mothers
continue to be blamed for working outside the home? How
does the mother-daughter relationship influence cycles of feminism
and backlash? What is the connection between
pornography and the creative spirit? Who is the perfect
man? With her characteristic wit and her refreshing
refusal to bow down before political correctness, the author
tackles these and other issues. Grappling with the writers she
loves and the hypocracy she hates, she reveals her own original,
quirky take on the world we live in. HarperPerennial www.harpercollins.com
1998 ISBN 0-06-098445-7 Buy
This Book!
Kammer, Jack, Good Will Toward Men: Women talk
candidly about the balance of power between the sexes. "This
book is a truly heartwarming experience for anyone who believes in
equality. It is a series of interviews wth women who are talking
openly about their perceptions of the balance of power between men
and women in society. The insight, sense of fair play, compassion,
and just common decency shown by the interviewees gives me hope
that the tide is turning in the war against pop-feminist
idological nonsense. Many of the women interviewed are in the
"helping professions", some of the others are attorneys or
writers. The common thread in every case is that they came to the
conclusion that, while feminism in its more positive forms has
indeed liberated women to realize more of their potential, much of
it has degenerated into an attack on men and an attempt to use
claims of victimization as a political weapon. Some of these women
acknowledge the tremendous sexual leverage that many women have
over men, and how this causes men to compensate by trying in one
way or another to even things up. This is a great book. It is a
must-read for any women who really wants to love men and know she
isn't alone, and for any man who needs to see that not every women
in the world is Andrea Dworkin." - Wilbur Wormwood. St. Martin's
Press, 1994 ISBN 0-312-10471-5 Buy
This Book!
- Kaufman, Lois, Women on Men: Views on the
opposite sex, Peter Pauper, 1990
Miles, Rosalind, Love, Sex, Death & the Making of the
Male. Each day the news is filled with fresh horor stories
about male violence in our society - rape, murder, child abuse,
gang warfare. But why are men the more violent sex? Is it
nature or culture: are men raised in a way that contributes to
this phenomenon? This book not only looks at how boys
are raised but also explores our definition of masculinity and
exposes the many myths underlying the notion of manhood. Drawing
widely on hstory, psychologogy, literature and science, as well as
on interveiws with more than five hundred men, the author
investigates the origins of violence in a new way. She explains
the rites of passage for men in our society, from relationships
with parents, siblings, and friends to the initiation rituals of
gangs, sports teams, and the military. She notes how these
experiences contribute to an image of power and strength that is
synonymous with "being a man" in Western culture, and how this
image too often becomes the twisted source of domestic violence
and child abuse. This devastating - and often devastatingly funny
- book looks behind the phallic swagger and macho posturing to
investigate and reveal the exorbitant emotional price that men pay
for their dominance. For in a society where the force of feminism
has often made men feel uncertainty about their status, the author
finds that men have frequently turned their violence on
themselves. She believes that there is hope for the future, as men
strive to become moe self-aware, but this search cannot be
sustained on its own. We all contribute to this violent making of
the male, and we all must contribute to its unmaking. Summit, 1991
ISBN 0-671-74492-5 Buy
This Book!
- Miller, Jane, Women Writing About Men, Pantheon,
- Shapiro, Joan, Men: A translation for women,
Dutton, 1992
- Sutton, Joan, All Men are Not Alike, McCleeland
& Stewart, 1979
Vial, Veronique, photographer & Pam
Houston, writer, Men Before Ten a.m. "I have an idea that
men put their masks on by ten o'clock in the morning, that if you
want to capture what is inside a man, you have to catch him when
he first wakes up." So began the first phone call to
the writer proposing a book that would discover the elusive
aspects of the male species early in the morning while they're
still soft and vulnerable. The result is a celebration of men by
two women who love them intensely - for all the ways they are not
like women. Realizing that she got the best results when she
actually woke her subjects, she began arriving before the
scheduled appointments. As a result, her photos reveal these men
in a way they have never been seen before. Like voyeurs, they
capture the true essence of men from the U.S., France, Germany,
Brazil and around the world. In photos and text, this book reveals
a playful, sexy and honest glimpse of men before they put on their
masks. This was a very enjoyable book. And the reflections by
women about men were so hopeful and caring. Beyond Words
Publishing, www.beyondword.com
800.284.9673 1996 ISBN 1-885223-19-6 Buy
This Book!
Norah, Self-Made Man: One woman's journey into manhood and
back again. The author wanted to know what life was really
like for men. Many women have long been convinced that men have
always had it better, in every way. To find out for herself if
this was actually true, and to see where the common perception
fell short, she did it: for eighteen months she became a guy. She
absorbed a cultural experience and reported back on what she
observed incognito. With the help of a makeup artist, a trainer
and a Juilliard voice coach, she infiltrated spaces and situations
women never see. For more than a year and a half she ventured into
the world as her alter ego, Ned, with an ever-present five o'clock
shadow, a crew cut, wire-rimmed glasses, and her own size 11 1/2
shoes - a perfect disguise that allowed her to observe and
participate in the world of men as an insider. She saw just how
hard it is to be a man, even in a man's world. She used her
intimate firsthand experience to explore the many remarkable
mysteries of gender identiy as well as who men are when women
aren't around. Far from becoming bitter or outraged, she ended her
journey astounded - and exhausted - by the rigid codes and rituals
of masculinity. To other women, say says, Men aren't what you
think. To men, she says, You have it harder than people
know. Having gone where no woman (who wans't an aspiring or
actual transsexual) has gone before, let alone for eighteen
months, she gives us her surprising account - an entralling and
analytical travelogue into the world of men that is sure to spark
fierce and fascinating conversation. Viking, Clothe 2006 ISBN:
Paper back 2007 ISBN 978-0-14-303870-2 
* * *
Jack is nimble and Jack is quick.
Jill still prefers the candlestick.

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