When Jesus was a Kid
It's Christmas time again and the mall is really
Everyone gets stressed out Christmas shopping every
I have to stop and wonder, looking at my Christmas
When Jesus was a kid, would He be doing this?
I know He was a baby, but did He ever cry?
Did Jesus wet His diapers or were they always
Did He use a bottle before He used a cup?
Did Jesus throw things on the floor for Mary to
pick up?
Did Mary ever spank him? Does the Bible say?
Did Jesus scream and holler when things didn't go
His way?
I know He was a baby, but I wonder what He did
When He was about, my age, ... when Jesus was a
Did He have birthday parties? I like to think He
But then I have to wonder, well, like, who did He
Were there other kids in bathrobes who played tag
the way we do?
Was He bummed out when His birthday gifts said
Merry Christmas too!?
Did Jesus put on sunscreen, or did He wear a
floppy hat?
Living in a desert, you can sunburn, (snap!), just
like that!
And He prob'ly hated eating camel milk with mushy
Or can Saviors just get out of eating gross things
when They please?
N'He prob'ly hoped His Dad would let Him have a
B-B gun
I mean His father Joseph, you know, not the other
It's not like it's a war toy, Jesus wouldn't hurt a
And He'd never point at anyone, He'd be as safe as
And if His mother found it, she wouldn't make a
She'd NEVER hide it in the attic, no, she was NOT
that mean
He wanted Peace On Earth and Good Will to kids
I mean He was a kid Himself, so I'm sure He really
We fight wars and we spill oil, we mess up the
I bet a kid like Jesus prob'ly wouldn't
He'd see us Christmas shoppers trying hard to close
our eyes
To the homeless people sleeping near expensive
stuff we buy
I might be wrong, but I'm a kid too, so I might
be right
If we asked that kid Jesus, Is all this stuff all
Can we buy Christmas spirit if we spend lots of
Well I think that kid Jesus, would just say No!
Christmas isn't about shopping, it's about the
way we care
It's thinking What would that kid Jesus do if He
was here?
So if some kid you know, messes up some thing they
Remember, Jesus was a human too, when He was a
Acting like a kid at Christmas, should not be a
Remember when we do it, we're only acting just like
So this Christmas, let's just BE NICE to each
other, don't you see?
When Jesus was a kid, He was a lot like you and
When Jesus was a kid, He needed love like you and
Written by Peter Alsop, ©1991, Moose School
Music (BMI) Performed by Willow Geer-Alsop from
Peter's Chris Moose Holidays CD album and available
on DVD (which you can order now by clicking on
link! )
Hi! Peter Alsop here.
I work with kids and families all year long, and
every Christmas season, I find myself wondering
"What kind of a kid was Jesus?" I mean, after he
got himself out of the manger?
Well here's what I came up with! We shot this in
1992 with my daughter Willow It's called When
Jesus was a Kid. It's won some awards and has
been used in churches, temples & Sunday school
classes. It addresses homelessness and gives us
food for thought about caring for each other on
this planet.
* * *

Alsop is a nationally known singer-songwriter,
educator and humorist with a Ph.D. in educational
psychology. He graduated from Trinity College in
Connecticut and did his doctoral work at Columbia
University's Teachers' College and Columbia Pacific
University. He worked as the Director of The Harbor
Schools Residential Treatment Center for
emotionally disturbed adolescents in Maine and as a
New York City elementary school teacher in the
South Bronx ghetto.
Peter has produced nineteen
audio recordings and seven videos and dvd's for
which he consistently wins "Best Children's" awards
from Parents' Choice and the Association For
Independent Music. His songs are used daily by
thousands of parents, educators and human service
professionals to help families discuss sensitive
issues. His "Wake Up" video with John Ritter helps
families prevent child abuse and abduction. He's
acted on stage and on television, directed a
feature film, and performs extensively at
conferences, festivals and concerts throughout the
United States, Canada as well as hosting an annual
training workshops at his Otter Space conference
center in Northern California. He lives in Topanga,
California with his wife, actress/director Ellen
Geer, and their two daughters Willow and Megan.
Contact: Moose School Productions, Box 960,
Topanga, CA 90290 or 310-455-2318 or
or peteralsop.com

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