A Marriage Manifesto for Men
Many men are weakened and befuddled by the
challenges of 21st Century marriage. We can stand
up to the new tests of marriage and face them with
strength and strong intention. Here is a statement
of principles for married men.
1. We will use our true masculine power and
energy to make a good marriage. (No more macho, no
more "Sensitive New Age Guy".)
2. We will become 100% responsible for our
relationships success.
3. We will say what we want and need in a
responsible way and expect the same from our
4. We will never abuse our marriage partners,
either verbally our physically.
5. We will not accept male bashing from our
women; its wonderful to be a man, and we
wont accept that we are broken are
wrong just because we are a man.
6. We will do our best to listen to our mates
and give them our full attention, but we may do it
differently than women and with less tolerance for
long talks about the relationship.
7. We will listen deeply to criticism from our
women and take it to heart, but we will not accept
abusive attacks.
8. We will take 100% responsibility for our own
problems, issues and tendencies and not expect our
women to carry our emotional baggage, although we
very much value their help.
9. We will do our best to connect with our mates
before and during sex, and make it a pleasurable
experience for them.
10. We are in our marriages for the long-haul.
We know that the grass will sometimes look greener
elsewhere, yet we will stay where we are, knowing
that marriage is the best vehicle for us to become
stronger and more loving individuals.
©2010, Marty
* * *
Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is
threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people
together through the years. - Simone Signoret

G. Friedman is the author of Straight
Talk for Men About MarriageWhat Men Need to
Know About Marriage (And What Women Need to Know
About Men). For
many years, Marty Friedman taught corporate
managers how to create good relationships at work
before tackling male/female relationship
issues--and applying what he learned to his own
marriage. The founder of Men in Marriage, Marty is
regularly interviewed on radio and television, and
talks to organizations and individuals from a
unique, inspirational and humorous perspective.
Find out more at www.meninmarriage.com

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