Five Things for Men NOT to Do On Valentine's
1. DON'T expect that giving a nice card and a gift
or two should definitely lead to a hot night in
bed. They should be the start to a nice evening,
not a guarantee.
2. DON'T give a generic card, with just your
signature. Instead, write specific reasons you care
about and appreciate your "Valentine".
3. DON'T expect that giving a Valentine card to
a woman you like is going to move the relationship
from "just friends" to "you're the one".
4. DON'T buy generic gifts for the special woman
you love, e.g., a Vermont Teddy Bear for a woman
who doesn't like stuffed animals; perfume if she
doesn't like the scent; chocolate if she's on a
diet. Take the time to get something special for
her. (And if you dont know what she wants,
theres no shame in asking for
5. DONT underestimate how important
romance may be for your womaneven if you
think its silly.
©2010, Marty
* * *
Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is
threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people
together through the years. - Simone Signoret

G. Friedman is the author of Straight
Talk for Men About MarriageWhat Men Need to
Know About Marriage (And What Women Need to Know
About Men). For
many years, Marty Friedman taught corporate
managers how to create good relationships at work
before tackling male/female relationship
issues--and applying what he learned to his own
marriage. The founder of Men in Marriage, Marty is
regularly interviewed on radio and television, and
talks to organizations and individuals from a
unique, inspirational and humorous perspective.
Find out more at www.meninmarriage.com

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