End Cleanly
We all want love. Lots of it. The more the better.
Throughout recorded history, men of all ages have
asked the same question: How can I get women
to love me?
Last month, we explored Technique #13: Then
What? Here is Technique #14:
End Cleanly
It is as important to show up at the end of a
relationship as it was at the beginning. In the
realm of love and relationships, we need to tell
the truth when the relationship isnt going
well, or when it has gone as far as it can go.
Unfortunately, most men just disappear at the
end of a romance. Ive done it myself.
Its easier to not call her than to tell her
its over. Shell figure it
out, we think. Shell get
The fact is: we are cowards. We dont want
to see her break down and cry. We dont want
to have to deal with a mass of messy emotions and
tears, answering the Why? question, or
feeling bad or guilty. Wed rather just move
on and let her deal with it.
Dont be a coward. Whether you really loved
this woman or only had sex with her, she deserves
to be honored for the time she spent with you. I
once had a boss who couldnt tell me that I
was doing a lousy job. He couldnt even tell
me that he was firing me. He informed me one day,
Theres someone moving into your office,
so can you move your personal things out of
there? I had to ask: Are you firing
me? He sheepishly admitted it: Yeah, I
guess I am. Do NOT be this kind of man,
especially to a woman.
If something isnt working for you in the
relationship, discuss it truthfully. She might be
willing to make an adjustment, if its an
issue she can do something about. Its also
possible that its your issue, not hers, and
has little to do with her. (If this issue keeps
coming up with many different women, you can count
on the fact that its your issue.) If it is,
perhaps you might be willing to do something about
it. Get into therapy. Read a self-help book. Go
into couples counseling with her, with the goal of
finding out whether its repairable or not.
If it is over, there are many ways of telling
her that its over without being a jerk:
- I think you're a great woman, but I'm
not feeling the chemistry I'm looking for, so I
won't be calling you again.
- I really like your sense of humor and
how much you care about your dog, but I'm not
feeling that spark I want to feel in a
relationship. I wish you well in your search for
the right guy.
- I started dating another woman, and
there is something there that I want to check
out, so I won't be dating you again. Ive
had a great time getting to know you,
- Or the most truthful truth: Im
just not that into you. But I do wish you
Don't just go away and leave her hanging, or
waiting for your call. Be a real man. Own your
feelings, and tell the truth. You have a right to
do so. Complete the relationship and move on. Your
women will not like it at the moment she hears it,
but if its your real truth, she will respect
you for telling the truth and not stringing her
One of the worst things men do is stay in
relationships to get sex while theyre looking
for a relationship with another woman that is more
satisfying. This is the dont give up
one until you have another strategy. This is
disrespectful to the woman youre with. Women
take us into their bodies as well as their hearts,
so it takes them more time to clear us out of their
system. For a man, it usually takes as long as it
takes to have sex with another woman. For women, it
usually takes one month or more for every year she
has been in relationship.
End one relationship before you get into a new
one. It is so much cleaner. Dont be afraid of
being alone. If theres another woman waiting
in the wings, make her wait awhile while you clear
your energy field. If you take time to be alone and
single before you dive into another relationship
(or start hunting for one), you will feel much more
solid in yourself, and you will be more attractive
to other women.
If youre dating more than one woman, be
honest about it. It is true that some women
wont be able to handle it, but your own
integrity is more important than her feelings. You
dont have to go into detail, but you can say
Im dating multiple people right now
while Im looking for the right
relationship. She will appreciate your
honesty, and will hope that she becomes Ms.
Right. And while it may be true that she is
just Ms. Right Now, at least you
wont be pretending shes the only
End your relationships cleanly, with honesty and
integrity. Women talk to each other about men all
the time, and you will be talked about
either as a jerk, or as an unusual man of
integrity. You will either be known as one to
watch out for, or one to look
When you implement these 15 techniques into your
life, you will be transformed into the kind of man
that women love. Some of these shifts take a lot of
internal work, for example changing some of your
old habits. Some of them are as easy as adopting a
different point of view. Let me know of your
successes and your struggles, your thoughts,
suggestions and additions. I welcome your
Next month: Keep Beginning Forever
©2010 Lion
* * *

Lion Goodman
is an executive coach and "evocateur" who helps
individuals create extraordinary success, happiness
and results in their lives. He is a
widely-published author, workshop leader, public
speaker, and a successful businessman. He has
studied and explored the realms of psychology,
spirituality, and business mastery for more than 35
years. He brings these decades of learning and
growth to others through his workshop,
Everyday Awakening: Practical Techniques for
Waking Up Into Joy. He is also a co-founder
of The Mens Tribe in Northern California
which offers men an initiation into principle-based
living. He resides in the San Francisco Bay Area
with his partner, author and workshop leader Anodea
Judith. This series of articles are excerpts from
his e-book, How To Get Women To Love
You, which is available on his website:
or lion@everydayawakening.com

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