John Hershey is a dad, a writer, and a lawyer
(in that order). He writes a syndicated biweekly
humor column about parenting and family life.. His
columns have been published or accepted for
publication on websites and in magazines around the
world, from Maine to Oregon, Colorado down to
Texas, and down under in Australia.
Blood, Phlegm & Bile: Parenting with
Humor appears monthly on But, why
the gross title? Well, for one thing these are
three substances with which every parent becomes
quite familiar. They were also called the "humors"
by medieval scientists who believed that the
proportion of these bodily fluids determined a
person's health and temperament. So it's a pun! A
pun requiring a lengthy explanation, but a pun
nonetheless. E-Mail
Ask the Amateur
Acceptance is the Only
Thing I Can't Seem To Reconcile Myself To Lettuce:
Pray for help
The Beer Garden: Grow
your own!
Change Your Life for
Compost is vital to our
gardens, our national security, and even our
Cyclists Are Gearing Up for
Bike to Work Day: Sorry, terrible headline
Dewey Defeats
Everything I need to know
about international relations I learned in my
community garden
A frothy midsummer dream.
Autumnal idyll comes up against sobering
Hu's on First!
Inch by Inch, Row by Row:
When is this Stupid Plant Going to
Information Infestation?
Call the Data Exterminators!
In our system of
foodalism, I'm happy to be a peasant
Parenting Secrets of the
Zen Masters
Those Pesky Celebrities are
Ruining Everything!
Vegetable gardening is
cool. Who knew?
Welcome to
Fountainhead Campground
When in the Coors of human
Without Caffeine,
Parenting Itself Would Be Impossible But don't
overlook the many benefits of sleep
You've got to fight for
your right to garden
In our system of
foodalism, I'm happy to be a peasant
I n increments of two or three minutes at bedtime
each night, Ive been reading A Distant
Mirror, Barbara Tuchmans bestselling history
of 14th century Europe. What better respite from
the pressures of modern life, I thought, than to be
carried back into the remote past and marvel at the
currents of history in such a different place and
One of the illustrations in the book is Pietro
Crescenzis calendar (shown) depicting the
chores of medieval peasants throughout the year:
preparing soil, sowing seeds, pruning fruit trees,
tending animals, stomping grapes.
The image is iconically medieval, yet eerily
familiar. Ive spent these warm spring days
starting seeds, turning soil, making compost,
working on the chicken coop and doing other chores
just like the ones in the picture. Looking into the
pages of a history book, I saw myself.
Distant mirror is right! Suddenly it
struck me: Im not a mild-mannered suburban
homeowner. Im a peasant!
How did this happen? The medieval peasantry
spent centuries struggling to cast off the feudal
yoke, and here Ive gone and voluntarily yoked
myself to my garden. What began a few years ago as
a harmless hobbygrowing a few tomatoes and
salad greens in a small community garden
plothas spiraled out of control into a big
suburban yard filled with garden beds, a fruit
orchard, a beehive and a henhouse. I may not be
bound to the land by serfdom, but I cant take
a vacation for more than a few days without finding
someone to come by and water. And apart from my
primary responsibilities of working, parenting and
taking long bike rides, I spend most of my free
time toiling in the garden.
Realizing that Im a peasant came as a
shock, because the word has such negative
connotations in our culture. While real peasants
were widely diverse in time, place and
circumstances, the basic historical meaning of the
term, according to reputable online dictionaries,
is an agricultural worker who owns or rents a
small plot of ground or a member of a
European class of persons tilling the soil as small
landowners or as laborers. That doesnt
sound so bad, but its taken on a figurative
meaning too. Nowadays, peasant can
refer to a coarse, unsophisticated, boorish
person of little financial means.
Despite this stereotype, I have come to accept
my peasanthood as a lifestyle choice that works for
me. This is not to romanticize the life of a
medieval peasant, which seems rather nasty,
although the members of the class ranged from the
abjectly poor to the fairly prosperous. Im
what you might call a cafeteria peasant, choosing
the aspects of peasantry that sound like fun while
keeping many benefits of modern city life.
Lets run through the menu. Own a small plot
of land and grow much of my own food? Check.
Miserably hard life, working mostly for the local
lord, with only a little time to tend my own field,
and sometimes, according to Tuchman, being
crucified, roasted, or dragged behind horses
by brigands to extort money? Pass. Boorish,
uncultured, crude? I hope not, but I guess all you
fartheads will be the judge of that.
Little financial means? OK, check. But all the
garden produce takes a big chunk out of the grocery
bill, so we peasants can get by on less.
Thats why the term still describes those of
us who forgo some of the luxuries of the consumer
culture in favor of more simple pleasures like
growing and eating fresh food and spending less
time in offices and more time in gardens. Im
a suburban, part-time hobbyist peasant, but a proud
peasant nonetheless.
Why would anyone willingly accept this
pejorative label? Well, compare the images of
peasants and aristocrats in old paintings. Who
looks healthier and happier? The kings and nobles
are decked out in fancy robes and jewels, but they
dont seem very pleased about it. Their tastes
may be refined, along with their flour and sugar,
but their luxurious lifestyle just makes them look
cranky, bloated and gassy.
By contrast, peasants are often shown toiling in
the fields, but in many paintings they look fit and
happy, feasting and partying in simple homes at
tables piled with food. They worked hard, but as
Tuchman describes them, they produced their own
eggs, cheese, onions, garlic, vegetables, rye
bread, honey, beer and cider. All this, and they
avoided the diseases of affluence that afflicted
the rich cake-eaters.
I dont mind being associated with
peasantry, and not just because Im in my own
Middle Ages now. I also feel comfortable with the
role because my favorite foodsroot veggies,
garlic, cabbage and dark leafy greensare the
staple ingredients of peasant dishes
like hearty soups and stews. Its not
surprising that this wholesome diet has found its
way into gourmet restaurants. Append the word
cuisine, and the stigma mysteriously
vanishes. Peasant cuisine has all the virtues that
the foodies of today love. Its local, whole,
seasonal, healthy and delicious.
Peasant is even the name of an upscale
eatery in New York City. How odd that we disparage
peasants while celebrating their food.
Logically, if we find peasant food healthful and
enjoyable, shouldnt we also embrace the
lifestyle that produces it? If its good to
eat like a peasant, I think its good to live
like one too. Of course, there is some irony in
voluntarily and selectively imitating the way of
life that was forced upon the real peasants.
Im doing for leisure what they did instead of
My desire to create a significant amount of my
familys food may have tethered me to my
little suburban virgate (the old English term for
the amount of land needed to support one person).
But arent we all dependent on the industrial
food system, which might be called
foodalism? We are like vassals in this
system, working in exchange for the promise of
inexpensive food. But the price of our fealty is
that in the process of producing huge quantities of
cheap food much of the flavor and nutrition is
removed, not to mention the humanity. Something the
peasants of yore knew all about.
So Im staging my own little Peasants
Revolt. The goal is to keep all the good progress
thats been made since the Black Death, while
acknowledging the costs that our prosperity has for
our health and the environment, and recovering some
of the positive traditions that have been lost.
Growing some veggies in a garden, however small or
large, is not only a hobby thats so much fun
it can take over your life. Gardening is also a way
to stake out a delicious measure of independence
from our foodal overlords.
Compost is vital to our
gardens, our national security, and even our
Tonight, a cold winter night, I took a bag of
kitchen scraps out to the backyard. When I plunged
the pitchfork into the compost bin, a blast of
steam, heat and pungent aroma hit me in the face.
It was overwhelming and exciting. What a feeling of
power! I made heat in the winter. I'm creating
healthy soil for my garden. I provide a warm home
for several local mice. For a gardener, composting
is the most fun you can have in the wintertime.
A great thing about gardening is the direct
connection between our efforts and the results.
This is especially rewarding for those of us who
work in large organizations, where our contribution
to the end product is often less tangible. Can you
honestly say you get the same sense of personal
satisfaction from that latte you served, that deal
you negotiated, or that heart you transplanted as
you do from growing your own tomatoes?
But we miss this feeling in the winter, when the
garden is dormant. A compost pile can fill this
deep emotional void. The temperature is in the
mid-30s tonight, but the center of my compost heap
is a furnace purring along at 120 degrees. Not only
do I have a sense of accomplishment, but I am also
secure in the knowledge that if I accidentally
locked myself out of the house, I could survive the
winter night by immersing myself in the compost. I
might not smell too good, and my wife might not
unlock the door for me in the morning, but I would
be alive.
Composting keeps us connected to our gardens
through the cold months. But compost does so much
more than that. I know this because the other way I
pass the time before the last frost date is by
searching the internet for unusual news stories
about gardening and composting. In the past year,
compost has played a crucial role in every
important aspect of our lives, from technology to
national security and even our obsession with
Indisputably, the way to tell if something is
truly significant is whether celebrities do it. We
all want to emulate the celebrity lifestyle,
whether by writing children's books or by not
staying married to the same person for more than a
few weeks. Well, it turns out that British music
heartthrob Alex James' lifestyle includes
composting. "I've come to love [compost]
heaps!" he gushed in a recent interview. Wow, you
know composting is becoming really trendy if a
superstar like Alex James is into it. OK, I've
never heard of him either. But apparently he's
rather well known in parts of England. So maybe
composting has not quite achieved Kaballah-level
interest among celebrities, but it's a start.
Composting is not only making inroads into
popular culture. Did you know that compost is also
vital to our national security?
At Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, the U.S. Army is
composting the organic waste generated at the base.
This eliminates the toxic fumes from burning trash,
and it also improves the soil in the area. If our
troops did this everywhere, imagine the benefits
their compost would spread around the world,
especially to places with sandy soil like Iraq and
Afghanistan. Our leaders talk about planting the
seeds of democracy. Well, what better way to help
them take root than to put down a nice layer of
compost first?
Compost is not only useful in the war on terror.
It can also play an important role in law
Near London one evening, police were searching a
neighborhood for two thieves. Thermal-imaging
equipment on a police helicopter detected two heat
sources apparently hiding in a garden behind a
house where Mr. Piers Smith was reading a bedtime
story to his children. Officers stormed through the
house and into the garden. After a brief struggle,
they discovered that the source of the heat was Mr.
Smith's two compost heaps.
Because I hold the elite title of certified
master composter, people often ask me how to tell
if their compost system is working properly.
"Well," I reply helpfully, "if the police barge
into your garden and try to arrest your compost
pile, you can be pretty sure you're doing it
Yes, from the garden to the battlefield and even
the world of high technology, compost is truly the
wave of the future. Combining biotech and nanotech,
the billions of microscopic organisms in your bin
are working to improve our way of life.
Scientists have developed plastics to use in
automobiles that can be composted when the car is
scrapped. And researchers recently created a cell
phone cover made of biodegradable plastic
containing a sunflower seed that grows when the
plastic turns into compost. What a great idea! I
think our world becomes a better place every time
we have one less cell phone and one more
Ultimately, compost makes us reflect that we
ourselves are part of nature's great cycle of life
and death, decay and renewal. Now we can take that
literally. A town in England has approved a process
by which freeze-dried human bodies can be turned
into compost. That's the way I want to go. It would
be enough of an afterlife for me. Just don't use me
to grow eggplant for all eternity. I hate eggplant.
That would be hell.
Vegetable gardening is
cool. Who knew?
On Earth Day this year, Julia Roberts demonstrated
composting on Oprah's TV show. Also recently,
centenarian-tracking "Today Show" weather
forecaster Willard Scott called on Americans to
revive the victory gardens of the World War II era
to enhance their food security. Finally, NASA has
announced that astronauts on a future mission to
Mars will grow their own vegetables in hydroponic
gardens on board the spacecraft.
These seemingly unrelated events point to a
trend that could have a tremendous impact on those
of us in the gardening community: We have to
prepare ourselves for the fact that we are about to
become cool.
Because obviously, no one epitomizes cool like
Willard Scott.
The new popularity of gardening may seem like a
sudden development. But in fact, anyone who has
been conscientious enough to monitor Google news
alerts for funny gardening stories over the past
few years, as I have, could see this trend
Iggy Pop's green thumb
Last year, for example, punk legend Iggy Pop's
garden won a medal at the prestigious Chelsea
Flower Show in England. And here in America,
gardening is even hipper and edgier, as this recent
headline shows: "Rappers arrested for gun
possession after Garden show." I don't condone
carrying illegal firearms, but I was impressed that
famous hip-hop artists were interested in attending
a garden show in the first place.
Oh, wait, it turns out they were performing a
show at Madison Square Garden. Never mind. I guess
I should read more than just the headlines, because
when I do, I learn that a wide range of
celebrities, from rocker Tommy Lee to author Salman
Rushdie, gush about their love of gardening in
interviews. Even such megastars as NASCAR driver
Jimmy Spencer and bombshell actress Kelly Brook are
into gardening, according to news stories. OK, I've
never heard of them either, but apparently they are
rather well known among the young people of
This is the key point, because celebrities and
young people are our society's supreme arbiters of
coolness. So if they are growing food, the concept
of cool-season gardening takes on a whole new
When I was a young adult, I liked plants and
gardens. That sure didn't make me cool. Back then,
the cool kids were wearing pink polo shirts with
upturned collars and vying for jobs at investment
banks. This was a time when Van Halen and Chuck
Norris were considered cool, to give you an idea
how far we've come.
A generation ago, growing vegetables wasn't even
cool among gardeners, as I was shocked to discover
while leafing through the 1968 edition of the
"Better Homes and Gardens New Garden Book." Here's
what this definitive guide had to say on the
subject: "By the time you buy seeds, plants,
fertilizers, fungicides, and insecticides - then
pay yourself even a minimum wage - you aren't
saving any money on groceries by growing your own
vegetables. And unless you borrow a hoe and a rake
from the neighbors, you'll need a further
investment in tools and equipment. While you're
handing out the cash, remember that overworked
maxim - there are some things that money can't buy.
We're certain the register still includes happiness
and the taste of home-grown vegetables." Wow, you
know something is uncool when even the most
authoritative book promoting it basically says it's
a waste of time.
But young people are flocking to the garden
nowadays, perhaps as a way to channel their
big-picture environmental concerns and their
personal worries about soaring food prices into a
tangible way to make a difference. And if you skip
all the fungicides, herbicides and insecticides,
which defeat the purpose anyway, organic gardening
is certainly an economical way to produce a lot of
good, healthy food.
Revenge of the nerds
What we are witnessing is the revenge of the
horticultural nerds. When I was in college, growing
tomatoes in a pot on my dorm room balcony made me
the dweebiest of dorks. Now, hip young "guerrilla
gardeners" sneak onto vacant city lots and
surreptitiously plant lettuce and garlic. Somehow,
gardening has become wild and dangerous, a radical
way to rebel against authority and subvert the
dominant industrial-food paradigm. Next thing you
know, rappers really will be hanging out at garden
We gardeners will still be hanging out in our
gardens, tending our veggies and waiting to see if
the recent buzz of interest in our hobby is a
passing fad or part of a lasting effort to
diversify our food system. And because it's a cool
thing to do now, our kids just might want to be
there with us, learning skills that will help them
succeed in the modern world. Especially if they
grow up to be astronauts.
Everything I need to
know about international relations I learned in my
community garden
In a recent interview with Time magazine, CIA
director Porter Goss was asked a very important
question. After dispensing with topics like
catching Osama Bin Laden and dealing with the
insurgency in Iraq, the reporter got down to
business: "You're into organic gardening. How did
that happen?"
Mr. Goss replied that gardening is relaxing and
rewarding for him. He even composts. But he
complained that animals always steal his crops.
I find it reassuring that our top intelligence
official seeks solace in the garden. Although it
makes me a little nervous that the man responsible
for eradicating terrorist cells in our country
can't keep squirrels out of his garden.
I was also surprised. I tend to think of
powerful people spending their leisure time hunting
rather than gardening. I can readily imagine type-A
go-getters out on a big game hunt. But somehow it's
hard to picture Theodore Roosevelt misting orchids
or Ernest Hemingway weeding around his peas.
Perhaps this is an unfair stereotype. After all,
hunting and gardening are popular for the same
basic reason: they take us back to the primeval
days when people lived in nature and had to provide
for themselves. It was a simpler yet rougher time,
without the complexities or soft comforts of modern
life. Hunting and gardening make us feel truly
alive by appealing to these primitive instincts in
ways that some other hobbies, like collecting
refrigerator magnets, may not.
But I wonder why some people gravitate to
gardening, while hunting appeals to other
personality types. For example, I prefer gardening.
Time spent in the garden is fun and serene, and
there are relatively few fatal gardening accidents.
So it seems to suit my character. I have nothing
against hunting for food, but let's face it:
hunting can be rather adversarial. The hunter and
the deer are not out there seeking to resolve their
differences amicably. It's a bit of a zero-sum game
when you think about it. Does this mean the
aggressive, driven people who become leaders in
their field are more likely to be space-age
hunter-gatherers than to settle down and cultivate
the land? If so, does hunting reinforce
confrontational attitudes that carry over into our
leaders' jobs, making them more inclined to deal
with a crisis by reaching for their metaphorical
thirty aught-six?
Of course, there's a time and place for strong
action. But I think gardening, especially community
gardening, could teach our leaders important
lessons about foreign policy too.
Outsiders, perhaps laboring under some
stereotypes of their own, may think of a community
garden as an urban idyll of perfect harmony. But
those of us who garden there know that the
community garden is a microcosm of the world. We
each have our own territory, with footpaths forming
borders with our neighbors. And we have to deal
with conflicts and threats just like world leaders
For example, has your community garden space
ever been invaded by an aggressive pumpkin vine?
When a plot's territorial integrity is threatened,
the gardeners don't respond unilaterally with
clippers. We use diplomacy to discourage
expansionism without resorting to force.
Of course, you can't always blame the gardener
when plants attack. Last season, I planted a
special type of marigold around the perimeter of my
plot, because I heard they would deter nematodes
from attacking the roots of my tomato plants. This
natural pest-control technique was effective in a
sense. My tomato plants survived, although they
didn't get very big or produce many tomatoes. They
were crowded out and shaded by the marigolds! Each
little seedling grew into a massive clump of dense
foliage with hundreds of orange blooms. These
yard-high shrubs encroached into the pathways,
blockading several nearby plots. I tried to be a
good citizen by trimming the bushes back, but that
just seemed to encourage more growth. This year I'm
looking for some special type of nematode to deter
my marigolds.
The point is, we all try to get along in the
garden. But as in the community of nations,
conflicts can occur. Perhaps we will discover a
rogue, non-organic gardener in our midst, who is
stockpiling chemical fertilizers or even trying to
develop pesticides of mass destruction. If so,
we'll build alliances to uphold our rules and
handle the problem.
Like the countries of the world, we community
gardeners must learn to share scarce resources. We
share the water and try not to drag the hose over
our neighbors' spinach plants. We don't take more
than our fair share of compost from the pile. And
we happily share the extra food we grow. OK, that's
a bad example. Zucchini is not a scarce
It's more like a common enemy. But community
gardeners learn to work together to deal with
threats to our collective security. Whether it's a
zucchini infestation, an attack by invasive weeds,
or the occasional nighttime theft of broccoli or
tomatoes by mean yet health-conscious neighborhood
toughs, we know we are all in this together. That's
an experience that might benefit the people who run
our government.
Would the world be a safer place if our leaders
were community gardeners? I don't know. But I do
know one thing: I'd rather garden with Porter Goss
than hunt with Dick Cheney.
You've got to fight for
your right to garden
Gardening is popular pastime among families,
retirees and evil dictators
Gardening is a pleasant, relaxing hobby that
gives us moderate exercise, fresh air, and healthy
food. It is especially popular among retired
people, such as my parents, my elderly neighbors
and Saddam Hussein.
According to a recent article about Hussein's
life in prison, the deposed Iraqi dictator spends
the hour he is allowed out of his cell each day
tending a small garden in the prison yard.
Well that's just great. I suppose even a
murderous tyrant needs a hobby. Maybe it helps him
unwind. But this is more bad press that we
gardeners don't need. In the current political
climate, the last thing we want is for gardening to
be associated with our country's arch enemy. The
government already gets suspicious when people buy
large amounts of fertilizer. Next thing you know
they'll be trying to subpoena our seed purchase
records under the Patriot Act.
Perhaps you're worried that this report of
Hussein's love of gardening will set off an
anti-gardening media frenzy that will sully the
positive image of our respectable hobby. Well, I
have news for you: Gardening's good name was
besmirched long ago.
We think of gardening as the harmless activity
of gentle people. What could be less threatening
than a bunch of flowers and vegetable plants? But
in fact, our culture, geography and even language
promote negative images of gardens.
In the Bible, for example, if you go into a
garden, you won't get carrots and spinach. You'll
get tempted by a serpent or betrayed by your
Gardens have not fared much better in more
recent times. If you've seen "A Bridge Too Far,"
you may remember the code name of the disastrous
Allied attempt to take bridges over the rivers of
German-occupied Holland during World War II, which
decimated the British 1st Airborne Division. That's
right: Operation Garden.
Geographic names that refer to gardens often
have negative connotations. Not just Eden and
Gethsemane. Madison Square Garden certainly
conjures unpleasant emotions, at least for Knicks
fans. And of course: the Garden State.
Negative garden imagery permeates our very
language. What do we call something that is
average, mediocre, uninspiring? Garden variety.
In Britain, a person who is fired from a job is
entitled to severance pay for a certain time.
People whisper euphemistically that this poor loser
has been placed on "gardening leave."
This linguistic bias against gardening is not
even limited to English. The Russian word for
garden is ... sad.
Gardening doesn't make us sad. It makes us
happy! But our culture conveys the opposite
impression. Let's face it: Gardening's reputation
has been thoroughly, to use yet another example of
the phenomenon, soiled.
Fortunately, Saddam Hussein is not the only
currently incarcerated but formerly powerful and
ruthless leader who enjoys gardening. Martha
Stewart is also an avid gardener, of course.
A recent news story about her experience in the
criminal justice system demonstrates just how much
gardening means to her.
Last fall, after she was convicted of
stockpiling weapons of mass destruction or whatever
it was, Stewart could have stayed out of jail while
her appeal made its way through the judicial
process. If she did that and then prevailed on the
appeal, she would have avoided prison altogether.
But she showed up at the jail in October so she
could complete her five-month sentence in time to
begin her spring gardening.
I like to think I'm a pretty dedicated gardener.
I dutifully go out to water and weed, even at times
when I'd rather be dozing on the couch. But how
many of us would voluntarily do half a year of hard
time behind bars just so we would be back on the
street in time for the average last frost date?
This is the kind of sacrifice and devotion that can
help us overcome the negative gardening
stereotypes. With Stewart's inspiring example,
perhaps gardening will finally get the respect our
society accords to other hobbies like figurine
collecting and Civil War re-enacting.
So instead of persecuting her, let's herald
Martha Stewart as a true gardening hero.
Free Martha! No justice, no peas!
A frothy midsummer dream.
Autumnal idyll comes up against sobering
Last September, as I do every September, I attended
my town's Oktoberfest. This fun celebration of
autumn and beer, held on two weekends every year
during that month, is an annual ritual heralding
the arrival of fall. To me, nothing says
"September" like Oktoberfest.
Pondering the fact that Oktoberfest happens in
September got my creative juices flowing, and I had
a brilliant insight when I glanced up at a
"Bier Garten," it said.
I don't speak German, but using my general
knowledge of linguistics, I was able to deduce the
meaning of this exotic phrase. That's when the
great idea struck me. As an avid gardener, I had
heard of people growing salsa gardens and lasagna
gardens and even pizza gardens. Next season, I
announced silently yet triumphantly to myself, I
will grow a beer garden.
Great gardening brainstorms like this often
occur in the autumn. In the spring and summer,
gardeners are too busy planting and tending to
think about the big picture. So we really enjoy the
period of quiet contemplation that comes after the
harvest. Seeds may germinate in the spring, but
truly original and ingenious ideas -- like the beer
garden -- tend to take root in the fall.
My mind raced forward to this summer, and I
pictured the scene like this: Late one sunny
afternoon, I come in after a long day of working in
the garden. My wife greets me with a kiss and a
glass of ice-cold lemonade. We retire to the patio
to enjoy the sunset and some good conversation as
our children play in a backyard bathed in warm
golden light. It's a moment of perfect domestic
Wife (resting her head softly on my shoulder and
gazing out toward the western horizon): What have
you been up to all this time?
Me: Oh, just doing a little gardening.
Wife: You know, I think it's just wonderful that
you devote so much of your free time to
Me: Really? Thanks!
Wife: You are such a dedicated husband and
father to work so hard growing healthy vegetables
for our family.
Me: Aw, it's nice of you to say so.
Wife: So many guys spend their weekends out on
the golf course, and here you are in the backyard,
spending quality time with the kids and providing
us with fresh, nutritious food. I'm so lucky.
Me: There's no place I'd rather be. It's my
Wife: What exactly are you growing in the
garden, anyway?
Me: (Absentmindedly thumbing through the
newspaper, pretending not to hear.)
Wife: Hon?
Me: Hmm?
Wife: I say, what are you growing out there?
Me: Oh, you know. The usual. Is there any more
Wife: Like what?
Me: Isn't the sunset glorious tonight?
Wife: Tomatoes? Corn? Help me out here.
Me: Well, not those particular plants. But
things that grow on stalks and vines. Have you seen
the sports section?
Wife: Why do you keep changing the subject? I'm
just interested in the delicious vegetables we'll
be enjoying this summer. What stalks and vines?
Me: I don't see why you're getting so defensive.
If you must know, I'm growing some grains. Grains
are very healthy, you know.
Wife: Grains? What kind of grains?
Me: Barley, for one.
Wife: I've never heard of growing barley in a
home garden. But I suppose I could make that
vegetable barley soup you like.
Me: Mm-hmm.
Wife: What else? You mentioned vines. Pumpkins?
Me: No, not exactly. More like, you know, hops
and stuff.
Wife: Hops?
Me: Yeah.
Wife: OK, what the hell's going on here?
Me: What do you mean?
Wife: Why are you spending hours a day tending a
crop of barley and hops instead of things we can
Me: It's a beer garden.
(Sound of screen door slamming.)
Me (following her into the house): Honey? Just
listen. It's really a great idea. See, we'll save a
lot of money by brewing our own fresh ...
(Sound of bathroom door slamming.)
Me (talking sweetly through the door):
Wife: What?
Me: Please don't scrape off that fungus growing
on the shower curtain.
Wife: Why not?
Me: It's my yeast.
Acceptance is the Only
Thing I Can't Seem To Reconcile Myself To Lettuce:
Pray for help
"I eat what I kill" is a common expression among
go-getters in the business world nowadays. It's a
macho posture meant to evoke our ruggedly
self-sufficient ancestors, who had to hunt for
their food. Because obviously, killing a woolly
mammoth with a spear is precisely analogous to the
danger and challenge of cold-calling. Someday soon,
the person sitting next to you on an airplane will
be reading one of those popular books for
executives, written in insufferable business
jargon, called something like I Eat What I Kill:
Management Strategies of the Cro-Magnon.
But let's not forget, as human civilization
became more sophisticated, we moved away from the
hunter-gatherer lifestyle choice and started
cultivating the land for food. I think I'll write a
best-selling business book about this. This
must-read deliverable will give key business
leaders a value-added platform that innovates a
pro-active gardening paradigm by leveraging core
horticultural synergies to facilitate optimal
business solutions on a going-forward basis.
Confused? I'll bottom line it for you: You need to
buy my book, which will be called I Eat What I
Grow: Using Your Gardening Skills To Become Rich
and Powerful in Business.
Well, maybe not rich. Or powerful. But gardening
can teach us a lot about life. Just the other day,
while sowing seeds with my kids, I learned a
valuable lesson about another trendy concept:
It all started while I was ordering seeds from a
catalog. After I selected my lettuce variety, the
time came to choose the package size. There's the
standard packet, but for just a bit more I could
upgrade to the full ounce, with approximately
25,000 seeds. Why, I wondered, do they always try
to sell us more seeds than a home gardener could
possibly use? We're under pressure to "supersize
it" even in the garden! I started to write a snarky
column making fun of the seed companies for forcing
us to buy too much. Like the movie theaters, where
your "small" popcorn comes in a tub big enough to
grow sunflowers in.
But as we planted, I had a sudden realization:
Not every seed is meant to become a plant. With
lettuce, just tearing open the packet scatters
about half the tiny black seeds irretrievably to
the ground. The seed companies know that we need
only a few plants to grow to maturity. So they
calculate with scientific precision how many seeds
will fail to germinate, succumb to damping off, or
expire in a late-season frost. They add to each
packet the exact number of seeds needed to
compensate for these losses. Then, assuming that
many of their customers will be gardening with
young children, they throw in another big
What is the lesson here? Be like the plant! Most
plants produce a huge number of seeds. The
dandelion and the orchid accept that not all of
their seeds will grow. They're just happy for the
few that do.
Can this garden-based acceptance model benefit
us in business and life? As you'll learn from my
book, acceptance is about positioning your success
milestones from a realistic perspective.
For example, I recently decorated Easter eggs
with my two sons, ages five and two. We started
with a dozen, and at the end of the highly
participatory process of transferring the eggs from
carton to pan, removing them from the hot water,
rinsing them in a colander, drying them on the
counter, and dipping them into the bowls of dye, we
had two beautiful Easter eggs.
But that's fine! What do you expect? The whole
procedure involves moving extremely fragile objects
repeatedly from one hard surface to another. If
they made Nerf saucepans, it might be different.
But to suppose that kids, who watch me and Mommy
deliberately crack eggs regularly at breakfast
time, will keep them all intact in those conditions
is simply unrealistic.
The point is, we accepted the inherent risks,
managed our expectations, and focused on the
process rather than the result. Translation: We had
fun. And we still ended up with one lovely egg per
child. Perfect!
The acceptance strategy is viable not just
during holidays. According to my forthcoming
bestseller, once you have buy in from the
stakeholders in your family, you can successfully
implement its core functionalities to empower
yourself in daily life. For example, when you place
a beverage on the table for your child, say to
yourself: "I know this drink is going to spill."
When you accept this reality going in, you won't be
frustrated when it happens. You will be
well-positioned to respond with appropriate crisis
management skills. And if the spill does not occur
(hypothetically speaking, of course), you will
enjoy the ramped-up perspective of exceeding your
target matrix.
Of course, reacting this way is easier said than
done. These situations must happen many times
before you can fully internalize the acceptance
paradigm. There's an old Russian saying about
learning: Repetition is the ... something ... of
something. I don't know. I've heard it a thousand
times, but I can never remember it.
But it helps if you have good information in
advance. For example, scientific studies show that,
in a home where young children live, the
probability that a given beverage will spill is
approximately 100%.
Similarly, knowing the relevant gardening facts
makes it easier to accept the inevitable losses.
Even though it seems like many seedlings die, a
fairly high percentage of the seeds we plant and
nurture actually will grow into lush, productive
And even if they don't, I can start over. I
still have 24,975 lettuce seeds left.
The Beer Garden: Grow
your own!
This past September, as I do every September, I
attended my town's Oktoberfest. This fun
celebration of autumn and beer, held on two
weekends in September each year, is an annual
ritual heralding the arrival of fall. To me,
nothing says "September" like Oktoberfest.
Look, if you're going to get all hung up on the
fact that Oktoberfest happens in September, then
you're doing too much thinking and not enough
drinking, my friend.
(Disclaimer: That was a joke. Please drink
responsibly. And please think in moderation.)
Not that I wasn't thinking that night. As a
matter of fact, the creative juices were flowing
freely, and I had a brilliant insight when I
glanced up at a sign:
"Bier Garten" it said.
I don't speak German, but using my general
knowledge of linguistics, I was able to deduce the
meaning of this exotic phrase. That's when the
great idea struck me. As an avid gardener, I had
heard of people growing salsa gardens and lasagna
gardens and even pizza gardens. Next season, I
announced silently yet triumphantly to myself, I
will grow a beer garden.
Great gardening brainstorms like this often
occur in the autumn. In the spring and summer,
gardeners are too busy planting and tending the
garden to think about the big picture. So we really
enjoy the period of quiet contemplation that comes
after the harvest. Seeds may germinate in the
spring, but truly original and ingenious
ideas--like the beer garden--tend to take root in
the fall.
My mind raced forward to next summer, and I
pictured the scene like this:
Late one sunny afternoon, I come in after a long
day of working in the garden. My wife greets me
with a kiss and a glass of ice-cold lemonade. We
retire to the patio to enjoy the sunset and some
good conversation as our children play in a
backyard bathed in warm golden light. It's a moment
of perfect domestic bliss.
Wife (resting her head softly on my shoulder and
gazing out toward the western horizon): What have
you been up to all this time?
Me: Oh, just doing a little gardening.
Wife: You know, I think it's just wonderful that
you devote so much of your free time to
Me: Really? Thanks!
Wife: You are such a dedicated husband and
father to work so hard growing healthy vegetables
for our family.
Me: Aw, it's nice of you to say so.
Wife: So many guys spend their weekends out on
the golf course or doing things with their buddies,
and here you are, right in the backyard, spending
quality time with the kids and providing us with
fresh, nutritious food. I'm so lucky.
Me: Oh, there's noplace I'd rather be. It's my
Wife: What exactly are you growing in the
garden, anyway?
Me (absentmindedly thumbing through the
newspaper, pretending not to hear).
Wife: Hon?
Me: Hmm?
Wife: I say, what are you growing out there?
Me: Oh, you know. The usual. Is there any more
Wife: Like what?
Me: Isn't the sunset glorious tonight?
Wife: Tomatoes? Corn? Help me out here.
Me: Well, not those particular plants. But, you
know, things that grow on stalks and vines. Have
you seen the sports section?
Wife: Why do you keep changing the subject? I'm
just interested in the delicious vegetables we'll
be enjoying this summer. What stalks and vines?
Me: I don't see why you're getting so defensive.
If you must know, I'm growing some grains. Grains
are very healthy, you know.
Wife: Grains? What kind of grains?
Me: Barley, for one.
Wife: I've never heard of growing barley in a
home garden. But I suppose I could make that
vegetable barley soup you like.
Me: Mm-hmm.
Wife: What else? You mentioned vines. Pumpkins?
Me: No, not exactly. More like, you know, hops
and stuff.
Wife: Hops?
Me: Yeah.
Wife: OK, what the hell's going on here?
Me: What do you mean?
Wife: Why are you spending hours a day tending a
crop of barley and hops instead of things we can
Me: It's a beer garden.
(Sound of screen door slamming.)
Me (following her into the house): Honey? Just
listen. It's really a great idea. See, we'll save a
lot of money by brewing our own fresh...
(Sound of bathroom door slamming.)
Me (talking sweetly through the door):
Wife: What.
Me: Please don't scrape off that fungus growing
on the shower curtain.
Wife: Why not?
Me: It's my yeast.
When in the Coors of human
As a concerned citizen, I feel it is my duty to
alert you to a dangerous new trend in our state. If
we fail to stop it, it may seriously diminish our
quality of life from now until November and even
A few days ago, the Rocky Mountain News reported
the latest news about the U.S. Senate race under
this headline: "Coors on Tap". Another headline in
the same paper asked: "Is the Coors name a silver
bullet?" Even the normally principled columnist
Mike Littwin stooped to this headline: "Coors brews
up GOP bitterness with Senate bid". (I know he
doesn't write his own headlines. But the very least
he could do is resign in protest.)
Unless urgent action is taken, the use of bad
beer puns in news reports of Coors' candidacy could
spread to other newspapers and spiral out of
control. Rather than sit idly by, I have decided to
get involved and do something. Here's my bold
Today I am asking all major print media outlets
in the state to publish the following story. I
fervently hope that if we can use up all the Coors
cliches at the outset, perhaps we can contain the
damage. This is not a real news story. It's more
like a vaccine, which fights a virus using inactive
strains. Printing deactivated beer puns may help
prevent the spread of real ones, or at least boost
our immunity to them.
Editors, feel free to supplement this draft as
necessary to ensure that every possible annoying
play on words is included. Together, we can make a
difference. And the timing is crucial, so please
don't wheat till the last minute. Thank you.
GOP leaders have high hops for Coors
campaign: Schaffer, looking through beer goggles,
remains optimistic
A major primary battle is brewing in the
Republican race for the U.S. Senate, with
brewer-patriot Pete Coors joining former
congressman Bob Schaffer in the campaign.
Schaffer's chances to win the nomination Zima lot
worse now than before Coors' surprise announcement,
and his candidacy is expected to come to a bitter
Schaffer, a stout man who worked as a lager in
Colorado's forests in his youth, was barley ale to
contain his disappointment at the news. "I got
mugged," Schaffer said in reaction to Coors'
decision. "I'm sorry," he continued, fighting back
tears, "but I can't keep these feelings bottled up
inside anymore. I feel like the party leaders are
really trying to flocculate me over." Schaffer's
political ambitions, which have been fermenting
ever since he left Congress two years ago, have now
apparently been capped by Coors.
Schaffer announced his candidacy after more
prominent Republicans, including Gov. Bill Owens,
declined to run. He was initially endorsed by the
GOP establishment, but many Republican activists
secretly believed the party was scraping the bottom
of the barrel.
In recent weeks, as the feeling spread among
party regulars that the GOP was poised to run the
dregs of the party against a popular Democrat,
efforts to draft Coors began. Despite his late
entry into the race, Coors was expected to beat
Schaffer in the recent precinct caucuses. Final
results are not yet available, but a campaign
spokesman brashly predicted victory for Coors,
describing the April 13 caucuses as a "pure Rocky
Mountain spring slaughter".
Most analysts predict Coors will win the
nomination, citing his deep pockets and his
opponent's lack of charisma on the hustings.
"Schaffer just never connected with Joe Sixpack,"
said political consultant Floyd Curili.
Gov. Owens has shifted his support to Coors, but
some prominent Republicans who endorsed Schaffer
when he was the only GOP candidate are standing by
the ex-congressman now that he faces a tough
primary opponent. "Schaffer's still the one to have
when you have more than one" candidate, said one
Republican state legislator, speaking on condition
of anonymity.
In brief remarks to reporters, Coors said that
Schaffer "should stop wining" about the
competition. Later, after being criticized for the
comment, Coors apologized for departing from the
beer theme of campaign cliches.
Asked about his views on controversial social
issues, Coors said, "As your senator, I will work
to ensure that the principles enshrined in our
fundamental law are upheld to the full extent." In
response to a follow-up question, Coors clarified
that he was referring not to the U.S. Constitution,
but to the German Beer Purity Law of 1516.
When Coors, a political newcomer, was asked to
summarize his political philosophy, he paraphrased
Thomas Jefferson: "That government is best which
governs yeast." .
Cyclists Are Gearing Up
for Bike to Work Day: Sorry, terrible headline
Do you know what June 23 is? National Yo-Yo Day?
No, that's June 10. Insurance Awareness Day?
Families everywhere gather to celebrate that on the
28th. National Chocolate Ice Cream Day? Officially
that's the 7th, but as far as I'm concerned, every
day is national chocolate ice cream day.
June 23 is Bike to Work Day! As your attorney I
must advise you of an important fact pertaining to
this event. Last year, the state legislature passed
a resolution creating a permanent Bike to Work Day.
Pursuant to this resolution, all residents of
Colorado are required to ride bicycles to work on
Wait a second. On closer reading, the resolution
just encourages us to ride to work. But you should
still consider biking in that day, even though you
won't do any hard time if you refuse. Did you know
that bicycle commuting is good for you, the state
economy, and the environment? Don't just take my
word for it. Let's look at some hard scientific
- Riding a bike is a great way to get your
daily workout, and it reduces the stress of the
morning rush hour. Studies show a significantly
higher incidence of "road rage" on I-25 than on
the Cherry Creek bike path.
- Bicycle commuting boosts workplace
productivity. After some fresh air and exercise,
you'll arrive at work feeling alert and raring
to go. Studies show that biking to work can
improve your internet surfing efficiency by up
to 16%.
- Bicycling makes our city a better place to
live. Studies show that taking a bike to work
instead of a car reduces air pollution, traffic
congestion, and Mike Rosen's ratings.
Still not sure you want to ride to work? The
change from automobile to bicycle can be
intimidating. If you are experiencing anxiety, this
handy quiz will dispel some myths about bicycle
Q. If I ride my bike to work, I'll be sweaty and
disgusting all day and I'll be shunned by my
A. FALSE! Many experienced bicycle commuters
maintain a leisurely pace in the morning to stay
relatively cool and dry, then ride faster on the
way home to get a good workout. That way you only
get shunned by your spouse.
Q. Riding a bike on the street is illegal.
Bicycles are toys to be used for recreational rides
on designated bike paths.
A. FALSE! Bicycles are vehicles. Check out
section 42-4-1412 (1) of the Colorado Revised
Statutes: "Every person riding a bicycle shall have
all of the rights and duties applicable to the
driver of any other vehicle." The law is on your
side! You have the right to do anything on a bike
that you can do in a car, but talking on cell
phones, eating McMuffins, shaving, and applying
makeup are not recommended. Let's just use some
common sense out there, people.
Q. Biking to work would make me look silly and
undermine my dignity as a responsible
A. FALSE! Who looks sillier, a happy cyclist
gliding along in the fresh air and sunshine, or an
uptight driver hermetically sealed inside a Hummer,
a vehicle designed to negotiate the dunes of Iraq,
not the smooth streets of Denver? Who looks more
responsible, the rider of an environmentally
friendly, fuel efficient vehicle (I get 27 miles to
the bagel city, 34 highway; your mileage may vary),
or someone who wasted $50,000 to drive around town
in a military personnel carrier?
Q. Bicycling is dangerous! In order to register
for Bike to Work Day, I'll be required to submit a
copy of my dental records.
A. FALSE! If you follow the rules of the road
and know the proper techniques for riding in
traffic, bicycling is quite safe. And have you
considered the dangers of not getting some exercise
on your bike? According to the Harvard Center for
Risk Analysis, you have a 1 in 397 chance of death
from heart disease, but only a 1 in 376,165 chance
of becoming a human crayon while bicycling. I'll
take my chances out on the road, thank you. The
bicycle is a lot safer than the couch.
Q. I don't feel comfortable about riding my bike
on I-25.
A. TRUE! If you bike to work, your usual
automobile route might not be the best choice. But
our city has an excellent system of bikeways and
on-street bike routes to get you there safely. And
maybe faster. At the point where the Platte River
Trail runs alongside I-25, I'm often moving faster
than the bumper-to-bumper traffic. Caution: Don't
get too distracted while gloating at motorists.
Q. If I ride to work, I would be unable to get
home quickly in the event of an emergency.
A. FALSE! Let's say you're sitting at your desk
when suddenly you receive a frantic phone call
informing you of an emergency at home--your house
is on fire, you forgot to take out the recycling,
your favorite Andy Griffith Show episode is on,
something of that nature. You have to get home
fast! In such dire circumstances, you may qualify
for a free taxi ride courtesy of your friends at
the Denver Regional Council of Governments.
For additional, more reliable information, go to
Ask your DRCOG about Bike to Work Day. Maybe you'll
decide to make every day bike to work day. Not a
bad idea, especially if every day is also national
chocolate ice cream day
Welcome to
Fountainhead Campground
One of the most important things I've learned since
becoming a parent is that you don't have to give up
the things you love to do when you have kids. You
just might have to do them in a slightly different
way. For instance, did you and your spouse used to
go out on dates, maybe to see a play? Well, you can
still go on play dates. See? It's just a bit
Camping is another good example. My wife and I
used to do a lot of backpacking. We loved to trek
several miles out into the wilderness and set up
camp. But now that we have two young sons, we have
been doing more car camping. I suppose we could
still pack into the backcountry, but we would have
to carry our own gear, the kids' gear, and, at this
point, the kids themselves. For now it's easier
just to pull into a campground.
We psyched ourselves up for this new approach to
camping. We'll still be out in the woods, gazing at
the stars, listening to the crickets, and generally
getting in touch with nature, particularly the
sharp pointy nature directly under our sleeping
bags. Thoreau would be proud, right?
So here we are, in a picturesque campground by a
lovely reservoir, nestled under a spectacular
mountain range. I'd rather not mention the name,
because to me, it will always be the Fountainhead
We assumed that other people who like to go
camping would share our Thoreau-like love of
wilderness and solitude. As we found out last
night, they don't. We are surrounded here by
disciples of Ayn Rand.
Before I launch into my detailed analysis of Ayn
Rand's work, I should note that my knowledge of her
philosophy is based on a close reading, not of The
Fountainhead itself, but of a blurb on the back
cover of a copy I ran across in the bathroom at my
sister-in-law's house. According to this summary,
Rand's world view boils down to the notion that the
ego is the engine of human progress. It took her
800-odd pages to say it, but judging from the
paragraph I read, it's basically about looking out
for number one. And though I doubt many of our
fellow campers last night have read the manifesto
of modern conservatism, they certainly have
assimilated its message.
For example, several families were camped
together at the other end of the campground. How
reassuring: parents like us enjoying the out of
doors with their children. At dusk, we crawled into
the tent, pleasantly tired from a day of hiking and
playing. We assumed our campground neighbors would
do likewise. But they didn't go to bed. They
cranked up the lantern and the country music.
Not just a regular lantern, which I don't mind
so much. They apparently had the new Fusion 3000
model, guaranteed to turn the sky a uniform shade
of yellowish gray within a one mile radius. So much
for stargazing.
And not just regular country music, which I also
don't mind so much. This was a spoken-word
variation, a horribly unsuccessful fusion of rap
and country. It was as if Eminem had been born not
in the slums of Detroit but in the backwoods of
Tennessee. And if he had been born without any
So we warned the boys not to look directly at
the lantern and tried to get back to sleep. It was
no use, but at least they had the courtesy to turn
the "music" up loud enough that we could hear the
words distinctly from 300 yards away. Finally, at
about ten o'clock, the noise and light pollution
abated and we drifted off to sleep.
Until midnight, when a couple arrived in their
giant RV. This is high season, so they were
fortunate to find a campsite this late at night,
even if they had to endure the inconvenience of
parking about 10 feet from a family sleeping
quietly in a tent. But they didn't seem to mind. Or
notice, for that matter. They repeatedly fired up
the diesel engine to move the RV back and forth,
bellowing instructions to each other until the
massive chassis was exactly level. Now, I admit my
ignorance of the RV lifestyle. I'm sure there was
some perfectly legitimate reason why the vehicle
had to be precisely even, like the heater won't
work or the satellite dish can't pick up ESPN if
it's tilted. And God forbid that my sleep should
interfere with this gentleman's ability to watch
the late edition of Sports Center. But you know,
sometimes it's fun to rough it a bit. I'm on the
hard ground in a tent, and I'd be having a great
time if it weren't for him and all the other noisy
Objectivists out here.
It's morning now, and although we're a bit
tired, we're looking forward to a fun day. Perhaps
we'll stay right here with our fellow nature
worshipers, who are doing laps around the
campground on their ATVs. Or maybe we'll drive back
to the city for some solitude.
What have I learned from this experience? We can
still go camping. It's just different now. Last
night was probably an anomaly. I'm sure most car
campers are very considerate of those around them.
I just hope they never happen upon a copy of The
Many parents are intimidated by the thought of
camping with children. They think it will be hard
or the kids might be scared and unable to sleep.
This was not a problem for us. Our boys love
sleeping in the tent. And as for me, well, I slept
like a baby, by which I mean, of course, that I
woke up screaming and crying every 2 or 3
I like car camping, but I look forward to more
backpacking when the boys are older. By that time,
they will be big enough to carry their own gear.
And my gear. And me.
Ask the Amateur
Welcome to another informative edition of "Ask the
Amateur Pediatrician"!
Q. What is that?
A. "Ask the Amateur Pediatrician" is a safe,
comfortable environment where you can get plain,
commonsense answers to all your parenting questions
without all the medical mumbo jumbo you might get
from a so-called professional doctor.
Q. Great! I have a question: My daughter sneezes
and has watery eyes in the springtime. What can I
do to help her?
A. Your child may have allergic
Q. Oh my goodness! What's that?
A. As any good parent knows, allergic
rhinoconjunctivitis is a symptomatic ocular and
nasal disorder caused by an IgE-mediated
immunological reaction to allergen exposure.
Q. Come again?
A. Needless to say, the human conjunctiva
consists of a nonkeratinized, stratified squamous
cell epithelium. Of course, goblet cells within the
epithelium overlay connective tissue with various
cellular elements, including the mast cells,
lymphocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts.
Q. The what now?
A. Obviously, the allergic inflammation occurs
when the allergens bind to the cell-attached IgE
molecules. Clearly, therefore, most ocular allergic
reactions can be mediated by the action of
histamine on the H1 receptors located on the
conjunctiva, cornea, and ophthalmic arteries. You
must follow this advice exactly in order to protect
your child from grave danger. Next question?
Q. But...
A. I'm kidding! See, that's just the sort of
thing you don't get here. You can ask me anything
about parenting or your child's health, and I'll
give you a straightforward, simple answer.
Q. What if my question is not about
A. Not to worry! "Ask the Amateur Pediatrician"
is only one in a series of helpful medical rubrics
featured periodically in this column, including
"Ask the Amateur Obstetrician" and "Ask the Amateur
Endocrinologist". (Due to reader complaints, we
have discontinued "Ask the Amateur
Q. Oh, I have a question about parenting. Do any
of the people who manufacture "sippy cups" for kids
actually have children themselves?
A. No. Any parent knows that if something can be
taken apart, it will be taken apart, and the
various pieces will never all be in the same room
of your house again.
Q. Then who makes these sippy cups?
A. Most of them are developed by engineers who
were fired from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
because their designs were always unnecessarily
complex. I just bought a new sippy cup for my baby.
It looked so nice and simple in the package. Then I
get it home and open it up, and it has more moving
parts than the space shuttle.
Q. Isn't all that advanced sippy cup technology
necessary to meet the rigorous demands of today's
active toddler on the go?
A. Apparently.
Q. You can't just use a regular cup nowadays.
With the busy schedule of the modern youngster,
that beverage wouldn't last five seconds in a
conventional drinking vessel. You'd have liquid all
over everything.
A. OK, I get it.
Q. So, are you satisfied with the performance of
your new sippy cup?
A. Well, after reading the owner's manual and
filling in the warranty card, I carefully
disassembled the cup and washed the parts, which
are made from titanium and colorful space-age
polymers. Then, with only a couple of calls to the
sippy cup tech support hotline, I got the thing put
together and filled with cool, refreshing milk for
my child.
Q. And?
A. It leaks.
Q. What's the problem?
A. I don't know. I think I might have installed
the second auxiliary valve backwards in the
rotating retention flange. Long story short, the
drink is now in the upholstery of my car, which
seems to be holding it much better than the cup
Q. So much for "new car smell".
A. I never cared for "new car smell" anyway.
It's just the yucky chemicals leaching out of your
seats and dashboard. I prefer "old milk smell" any
day, blended with the subtle aroma of disintegrated
fig newton. Gives the car that homey, lived-in
feel. But I digress! I hope this has been helpful
for you.
Q. Helpful! This column wasn't about pediatrics
at all!
A. Well...
Q. And you're not even a real amateur
pediatrician, are you?
A. No. But don't forget to mediate your
macrophages and fibroblasts.
Q. Oh, shut up
Have a question for "Ask the Amateur
Pediatrician"? Just e-mail it to
For more bogus medical advice and humor columns,
please visit John's website:
Inch by Inch, Row by
Row: When is this Stupid Plant Going to Grow?
For us gardeners, the approach of spring is a most
exciting time. It's not that we don't enjoy the
winter, with its time away from the garden to rest
and recharge. After a busy autumn of harvesting the
garden's bounty, winter offers time for quiet
contemplation. Perhaps, come to think of it, a bit
too much time to reflect on the happy thoughts the
garden brings to mind as the plants turn brown and
fall turns to winter: The change of seasons. The
inexorable passage of time. Decay. Death.
But just when you're ready to toss yourself into
the compost pile, springtime arrives and your
spirits soar as you look forward to a new season of
gardening with your children.
Last year was my first experience gardening with
my children. As a parent and a gardener, I knew
that raising children and raising vegetables
involved many of the same joys, challenges,
rewards, and laundry expenses. But, I wondered, are
parenting skills transferable to the garden? And
what could I learn from gardening that would help
me cultivate happy, thriving kids?
These are just some of the profound and
intriguing questions that I did not ponder while
gardening with my children last summer. I was too
busy trying to keep them from walking on the
I doubt there's really that much overlap between
parenting and gardening techniques anyway. A time
out is unlikely to have much effect on an
uncooperative tomato plant, for instance. And any
attempt to pinch back an unruly child can lead only
to a visit from social services.
Still, working in the garden with kids is lots
of fun. You're outside. You're playing in the dirt.
Sharp bladed tools are flying around. It's pure
quality time.
And it's educational! Gardening teaches kids
important lessons about the "cycle of life". But
parents, be ready to answer some tough questions
about why your child's pumpkin plant died.
Besides the metaphysical stuff, the kids learn
practical horticultural skills that might stay with
them their whole lives. Even after they've grown up
and moved away, they may still use the gardening
knowledge that you gave them to grow their own
plants in a garden, window box, or dorm room
closet. These valuable skills include fine motor
control (handling tiny seeds), sorting
(distinguishing good plants from weeds), adjusting
water pressure ("JET" isn't the best setting for
lettuce plants), and perhaps most importantly, pest
As every gardener knows, if you do not control
pests, they can quickly destroy your entire crop.
It's important to know which pests are present in
your particular ecosystem and take appropriate,
safe measures to protect your plants. Can you
identify the most harmful pests that attack garden
vegetables in your area? Slugs? Root weevils?
European earwigs? No. The primary pests that
threaten your garden are, of course, the children
I'm kidding! Children are a joy to have in the
garden. Still, bringing kids into the garden
involves walking a fine line. Literally: Between
the tomatoes and the beets. And figuratively: The
goal is to introduce the children to the fun of
gardening without destroying the garden in the
process. I know it's not easy to cultivate their
spirit of exploration while constantly yelling
"Don't walk there!" But try to inculcate a love for
the tranquility of nature with a minimum of
screaming. It's the standard parental high-wire act
of teaching your kids to do some fun new activity:
One false move and you've turned them off of
gardening for life.
Many small children are just not yet equipped to
care meticulously for fragile vegetable plants.
These are people who take the name "squash"
literally. The key is to focus on the aspects of
gardening that come naturally to young kids, such
as touching really dirty things and then
immediately putting their fingers into their
mouths. Or playing in the mud. Give a 3-year-old a
shovel and turn him loose in a large area of dirt,
and you're set for a whole day of fun.
But then comes the tedious part. Carefully plant
the seeds, one in each little hole, in nice
straight rows. Boring! My son has his own highly
efficient cultivation method: Dig large hole. Empty
contents of seed packet into hole. Cover and keep
digging elsewhere. Fun!
Finally, the seeds somehow get planted and the
ground is nicely patted all flat and smooth. Then
you say to the child, "OK, you see this big patch
of dirt, where we've been having a great time all
day, digging and jumping and rolling around and
making mud pies? Well, you must now stop digging
and never dig here again. You can't even walk in
here anymore! As your toddler's lip begins to
quiver, you hasten to explain: Because if we wait
very patiently, our seeds will sprout and grow into
big plants that, if we take good care of them, will
eventually produce . . . vegetables!
Wow, every child's favorite things: waiting
patiently, not touching, and vegetables!
No wonder gardening is such a popular family
activity! I'm telling a 3-year-old boy, whose
attention span is frankly somewhat shorter than the
growing season, that he must immediately cease
doing something really fun in order to receive the
delayed gratification of growing his own brussels
Yet amazingly, it works! Kids do like to watch
the plants grow. They are able to stop shoveling
where you planted, as long as you give them an
alternative outlet for their natural digging
instinct (I set aside a small area in our garden
with nothing planted as the designated digging
zone). They will help take care of the garden. They
will eagerly pull up weeds, along with a few
innocent bystanders like carrots and beets and
radishes (helpful hint: when gardening with kids,
plant a few extra seeds to compensate for the
approximately 90% mortality rate of your plants).
They will have fun watering the garden (and even
more fun watering Daddy). They will help you
harvest the crop (but forget about gathering just
enough vegetables for each day's meal; once a child
picks a pepper, it's awfully hard to stop until
he's picked a peck, whatever that is, or at least
until all the plants are completely denuded).
They might even start to like vegetables. The
other night in a restaurant, my son Henry asked for
broccoli on his pizza. The stunned waiter, after
recovering from the shock of hearing a child order
broccoli for the first time in his career,
explained that it was unfortunately not available
as a topping. Henry happily settled for red and
green peppers.
Just like the ones he pickedall at
oncein our garden last fall.
Change Your Life
for $39!
My recent experiences in the job market have left
me with the feeling that my interviewing skills
could use a little brushing up. This morning the
solution to my problem jumped out at me from a box
on the street corner: the Learning Annex
I was looking for some quick improvement in my
ability to interact with other humans, and I found
a couple of offerings directly on point: "Power
Interviewing" and "How to Have Employers Begging to
Hire You".
But soon I realized my focus was too narrow. The
Learning Annex doesn't just tinker with your
interviewing style; it offers a holistic approach
to changing your entire life. My first clue to this
was when I started noticing eerie parallels between
the "Business/Careers" section and the
"Relationships/Intimacy" department:
- Power Interviewing Power Dating
- How to Land Your Dream Job How to Get
What You Want in Bed
- Marketing Secrets Lesbian Sex Secrets
for Men
Now, I'm lucky enough not to need to do any
Power Dating, but the point is how easy it is to
improve any aspect of your life! It's all about
getting what you want with minimal effort. Finding
satisfaction at work and at home is only $39 away
at the Learning Annex!
We all know people who are slackers and spent
the first 35 years of their lives partying and
goofing off. When these people realize that they
are probably not all going to become president,
they start looking for ways to make up lost ground.
The courses at the Learning Annex are designed just
for them.
These are classes for people who aren't into
delayed gratification. Why waste years acquiring
skills when you can take these easy shortcuts:
"Speak Spanish Fluently in Just 1-3 Weeks"
Well, I can't see frittering away three weeks
just to learn a language. I think I'll go on down
the hall to: "Speak French in Only 3 Hours!"
Here's a good way to jump-start your career:
"How to Write a Book on ANYTHING in 3 Weeks...or
Less". I love how they add that extra tag line "or
less" for people who are thinking, "Well, I'd like
to write a book, but I'm not sure I can free up
three whole weeks for it."
Or if all that seems too troublesome and
time-consuming, try this one-stop shop:
"How to Get All the Money, Success, Confidence
and Love You'd Ever WantIMMEDIATELY!"
I'm not sure I'm ready for all that at once.
Maybe I should start with some basics:
- "The Art of Becoming Conscious". Staying
awake throughout the job interview makes a good
impression on your potential employer!
- "Stop Being Nice". So that's my
Maybe I need a total personality makeover:
- "How to Change Your Identity". This is the
actual course description: "Have you ever
thought of disappearing, just vanishing and
starting life over as somebody else? What if
there were a simple way to make it happen?"
You'll learn how with easy-to-follow steps
including "How to plan your disappearance,"
"Tips for effectively transforming your physical
appearance" and "How to concoct a reasonable
'history' for your new persona". Perfect! I've
always wanted a second chance to try out for the
high school football team.
Perhaps instead of learning how to interview for
a job in my current field, I should think about a
career change. These opportunities sound quite
- "How to Become a Notary Public"
- "How to Make Your Own Soaps"
- "Learn Balloon Twisting for Fun and
And of course this one, which is part of the
core curriculum at places like this:
- "How to Become a $1000+ per day Seminar
Leader". Presumably by leading seminars on how
to become a $1000+ per day seminar leader.
Wait a minute! I've finally found the perfect
course for me:
- "Making a Living Without a Job"
I'm glad I've shared these insights with you. If
I can save just one person from a life of
unprofitable balloon twisting, it will be worth
Parenting Secrets of the
Zen Masters
Like nature, I abhor a vacuum. Especially when it's
time to clean the house.
But when you have children crawling around, it's
very important to keep the house free of harmful
dirt, dust, and Barney videos. I don't mind a
little clutter--having a few hundred smiling
anthropomorphic train engines strewn about is the
natural result of creative play. But I also know
that every particle of grime that I sweep up is one
that would otherwise probably end up in my kids'
mouths. I'm motivated, but after completing all the
other essential daily tasks, like making dinner,
playing with the kids, putting them to bed, reading
the paper, playing the guitar, surfing the
internet, and watching Conan O'Brien, it seems like
there's just no time to clean. Not enough hours in
the day, am I right?
And cleaning a house where children live is like
the old saying about painting the Golden Gate
Bridge: as soon as you're done, you feel like
jumping over the rail. Wait, that's not it. It's
time to start all over again. You pick up the
clutter, sweep, dust, mop, and vacuum. Then you go
to the kitchen for two seconds to get a glass of
water, and when you come back, it's like you were
never there. You're ankle-deep in Cheerios,
applesauce is dripping from the ceiling, and you
start again. I just wanted to tidy up a bit, and
all of a sudden I'm starring in the Myth of
Remember Sisyphus? He's the guy in Greek
mythology who had to spend eternity pushing a big
rock up a steep hill. Then, when he finally got it
to the top, he went to answer the phone and one of
his kids ran in and pushed it back down to the
Are our children punishing us like the gods
punished Sisyphus? Is a messy house, as Camus
described pushing the rock, the "price that must be
paid for the passions of this earth"? We all feel
that way sometimes.
But don't let these frustrations drive you to
negative behaviors like getting angry at the kids
or reading French existentialists. Let's look at
the bright side. You know how you try to make
everything into a learning experience for your
children? Well, did you know that your kids are
graciously doing the same thing for you? It may
seem like they are wreaking random havoc in the
house, but actually your children are teaching you
important lessons in subjects like science and
philosophy every single day! Here's just a sample
of the curriculum:
To the untrained eye, your children are simply
running around trashing your house. But in fact
they are giving you a highly educational
demonstration of the important scientific concept
known as entropy. Entropy is nature's tendency
toward chaos and disorder. My older son Henry is
such a pioneer in this field that scientists have
coined a special term--hentropy--to describe the
mysterious force that continually moves every
object in my house to a different, randomly
selected location. To give just one example, the
other night, while I was sitting on the bed playing
with baby Daniel, Henry came running up the stairs
and into the room. He handed me the plastic latch
that is supposed to keep him from opening the
kitchen cabinet where we keep the toxic cleaning
substances. He said "Here, Dad", turned, and ran
back out of the room. What a useful lesson in the
futility of trying to impose order on my
environment! There I was getting annoyed about the
messy house, when I should be grateful to my
children for such valuable learning
The endlessly repetitive process of maintaining
a clean and safe environment for our children
despite their determined efforts to the contrary
can bring about negative emotions like frustration,
anger, and carpal-tunnel. But recently I had an
experience that put it all in perspective. I
watched two Zen Buddhist monks create a "mandala"
sand painting. Over several days, they meticulously
placed grains of sand on a table to form a
beautiful geometric pattern. When the painstaking
work was finally done, everybody admired it for a
little while, and then the sand was swept up and
dumped into a nearby stream.
As I watched, it occurred to me that being a
parent is like being a Zen monk. What, you may ask,
does living in a house with small children have in
common with the teachings of Buddhism? The
realization that life is suffering? Au contraire!
The long periods of quiet contemplation? Yeah,
right. I am referring to the joy of creating
something beautiful--a representation of the divine
in their case, a nice tidy home in mine--that is
destined to be destroyed almost immediately.
The monks don't mind this, and neither should
we. In fact, they believe the mandala is beautiful
because it is temporary. It is so precious
precisely because it must end, just like life
itself, or, even more poignantly, like the pure joy
of walking across a room without twisting your
ankle on a power ranger.
So try to think of housework as a form of
meditation. And check this out: the monks believe
everyone who participates in the mandala process is
purified and blessed. The very act of picking up
that lego piece for the millionth time can take you
one step closer to enlightenment!
Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. But if
you ever visit the Bay Area, you should probably
stay off the Golden Gate Bridge.
Without Caffeine,
Parenting Itself Would Be Impossible But don't
overlook the many benefits of sleep
Becoming a parent is like being on an airplane when
the cabin suddenly depressurizes. You can't quite
catch your breath. The dishes and glasses fly
around and get broken. People get sucked out
through little holes. OK, that doesn't happen very
often, except to the baby. What I really have in
mind is something the uniformed crew members tell
us in their preflight speech. In the unlikely event
that you don't pay attention to this speech, I'll
remind you: "In the unlikely event that the oxygen
masks deploy, put your mask on first and then
assist your children."
This is a good rule for parents to follow
generally, not just onboard the aircraft. You have
to take care of yourself so you will be able to
take good care of your kids. This means making time
for the basic human activities that are necessary
to sustain you: exercise, eating right, watching
The Simpsons, and most importantly, sleep.
With a new baby in the house, you need more
sleep than ever. Yet you're probably getting less
sleep now than any time since that night in 1982
when you camped on the sidewalk to be first in line
for J. Geils Band tickets.
To find out if you suffer from sleep
deprivation, take this simple test:
- Do you find yourself nodding off during
normally stimulating events such as church
services, golf telecasts, or Gray Davis
- Have you ever gone to an important meeting
at work and then suddenly awoken in the
conference room, face down in a puddle of your
own drool, long after everyone else has left for
the day?
- Have you ever driven the wrong way on a
one-way street for three blocks before noticing
that there was a problem?
- Have you experienced difficulty recalling
minor details, like a friend's phone number, the
precise location of your car in the parking lot,
or your children's names?
- Have you ever been sitting at your computer,
trying to work, when you feel your head
involuntarily falling
(Note to department of social services: The
above question about going the wrong way on a
one-way street with the kids in the car is a purely
hypothetical example and is NOT based on the
personal experience of either my wife or myself. I
don't care what the police report says.)
If you answered "Yes", "I don't recall", or "I
refuse to answer on the grounds that my answer may
tend to incriminate me" to zero or more of these
questions, you may have Chronic Acute
Brain-dysfunction Insomnia-related Neo-parental
My wife and I have a severe case. We have a
3-year-old boy and a teething 7-month-old baby.
They sleep in shifts, as if they feel one has to be
on guard duty at all times.
Lack of sleep is not just annoying. It can be
dangerous. In extreme cases, sleep deprivation can
lead to fatigue-induced delusional behavior. Watch
for these warning signs: Do you or your spouse find
yourselves talking about irrational subjects, like
fear of alien abduction, the Denver Nuggets'
playoff chances, or having another baby?
But enough doom and gloom. What's the point of
telling parents they need sleep, when there is no
chance of them getting much of it in the
foreseeable future? Let's try to be optimistic.
Have you considered the many benefits of sleep
deprivation? For instance, my mother-in-law
recently told me that lack of sleep magnifies the
effect of alcohol by five times. I think she meant
it as a warning, but at the time I took it as a
money-saving tip.
Still, if you choose to ignore the upside of
sleep deprivation, there is something you can do.
By making the proper lifestyle choices, you can
have all the energy you need even with insufficient
sleep. I am referring, of course, to caffeine.
Unfortunately, only dadsand moms who have
weaned their babiescan successfully organize
their lives around this particular chemical.
Nursing mothers, I'm afraid you're on your own.
Experts recommend that you eschew caffeine while
breastfeeding. Besides, these babies are energetic
enough without turning the breast milk into a
double café au lait.
But remember, dads: when you go out for a venti
intravenous latte, you're just following the
parenting tip we discussed above. You're taking
care of yourself so you can be there for your
partner. But it's still a good idea to order a
decaf mocha for her, too.
Sadly, however, even caffeine sometimes isn't
enough. And at $3 plus for a simple cup of grande
double espresso caramel skinny vanilla soy no-foam
frappuccino, coffee alone may not be an economical
long-term solution. But there is hope. Just when
you think you're going to completely lose it,
something happens that reminds you why you love
being a parent and gives you the strength to carry
on. The other night, about 4:30 am, our 7-month-old
woke up and started crying. Before my wife or I
could get out of bed, our 3-year-old son Henry, who
shares a bedroom with the baby, started singing to
his little brother to comfort him. Daniel stopped
crying and went right back to sleep. I can't
describe the joy I felt as I drifted back into a
deep slumber.
The next 20 minutes were the most restful sleep
I've had in a long time.
Infestation? Call the Data Exterminators!
As the parent of two young boys, I don't seem to
have quite enough time to keep up with all the
current events. Perhaps you feel the same way.
That's why I want to tell you about an article I
remember from the last time I read a newspaper. It
was several years ago, just before the birth of my
first child.
Remember back then, when all those hijinks were
happening down at Enron? I was reminded of it
recently because, as a major shareholder in the
defunct energy giant, I received a settlement offer
in the bankruptcy case. I was very excited about
recouping some of my losses until I realized that
my share of the settlement would amount to less
than the cost of the postage stamp to send in my
But I digress!
Anyway, during all that controversy about the
company and its auditors shredding the phony
accounting records, I came across a personal
management tool so valuable that I remember it to
this day. In my articles I generally avoid
providing useful and relevant parenting
information, but this could be such a valuable
resource for parents that I simply must share it
with you. It's a
websitewww.naidonline.orgbrought to you
by your friends at the National Association for
Information Destruction.
(Mr. Orwell, Mr. George Orwell, please come to a
white courtesy telephone.)
Here's how the website describes this group:
"NAID is the international trade association for
companies providing information destruction
services. NAID's mission is to promote the
information destruction industry and the standards
and ethics of its member companies."
With all the negative publicity about Enron and
Arthur Andersen shredding documents, NAID is out
there taking the lead in reminding us of all the
benefits of destroying information. Check out the
press release on their website entitled "Shredding
is Good!"
It tells us all about how shredding helps
responsible businesses fulfill their patriotic duty
to keep information away from "dumpster diving"
competitors and identity thieves. Not to mention, I
might add, nosy auditors (unless, of course, your
auditors are the ones shredding your documents for
But the more you think about it, you realize
that the folks at NAID are being modest. Getting
rid of sensitive documents is only one benefit of
"information destruction." Don't you often feel
overwhelmed by too much information? The constant
barrage of information on TV, radio, newspapers,
magazines, and cereal boxes is sometimes more than
we can cope with.
And the internet is a totally unmanageable
torrent of information. How can we know which
information is important? We can'tthere's
just too much of it and not enough time to sort it
out. To demonstrate this, I asked an internet
search engine to find information on several
topics, chosen at random from a recently published
list of words that make 12-year-olds giggle:
titular archbishopric (225 hits)
pu-pu platter (1,400 hits)
ball-peen hammer (5,970 hits)
mastication (17,900 hits)
Lake Titicaca (24,300 hits)
penal system (236,000 hits)
moist (a whopping 1,090,000 hits!)
Information is proliferating out of control. It
is like a noxious weed, the leafy spurge (22,200
hits) of the 21st century. Let's face it:
information is ruining our lives.
What can save us from drowning in a sea of
knowledge? Only the dogged efforts of the 600-odd
member companies of the National Association for
Information Destruction.
Please support these visionaries. With your
help, we can move toward the ultimate goal: to
eradicate information from the face of the
I know change can be scary. It's hard to imagine
life without information. But trust me: people who
are not burdened by information can live happily
and become quite successful. How do I know? Two
words: Rush Limbaugh.
You'll be amazed at how easy it is to live your
daily life, have conversations, form opinions, and
make decisions when you're not constantly
distracted by information.
I know what you're thinking: there's so much
information around, it would take forever to
destroy it all. Not to worry! Just call your
friendly neighborhood NAID member company. My
personal favorite from the website is Shredco.
That's really its name! "Shredco mobile shredding
units can destroy up to 8,000 pounds of material
per hour. ... There is no need to sort or prepare
files; our shredder will easily grind file folders,
paper clips and metal fasteners. We can also shred
computer disks and tapes, CDs, video tapes, film,
ribbons, X-rays and mylar."
Other items that can be shredded at no extra
charge include: employees' retirement plans, the
value of the company's stock, and the public's
faith in de-regulation.
Call today!
Those Pesky Celebrities are
Ruining Everything!
We've been hearing a lot lately about how the cult
of celebrity has taken over politics in California,
but that's old news. The trend from Reagan to
Eastwood to Bono to Schwarzenegger is only gaining
momentum. Can a "Hasselhoff for Insurance
Commissioner" campaign be far off?
And it's not just happening in California. From
Jesse "The Body" Ventura in Minnesota, to Fred
"Gopher" Grandy in Iowa, to Ben "Cooter from Dukes
of Hazzard" Jones in Georgia, celebrities are
leveraging their fame as athletes or actors to win
high public office. What, you don't think of bad
'70s TV shows as natural springboards into
governance? Well, we keep voting for these people!
Grandy, for example, was elected to Congress from
Iowa with no qualification other than playing the
dimwitted yeoman purser on The Love Boat. Oh, and
he also graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.
The point is this: Just because you're a
celebrity, you're considered qualified to run the
government. Or do just about anything else. Even
important things, like write the books our kids
As the parent of two young boys, I have
rediscovered the joys of children's literature. At
its best, this genre takes a simple yet profound
idea, like love or friendship or bulldozers, and
presents it with originality in a way that
entertains and stimulates young minds. Of course,
this is a very difficult task, and it takes a
special kind of person to create a truly good book
for kids. What's that you say? A talented writer
with the gift of communicating with children? No,
no, no. To be a successful children's book author,
you have to be -- a celebrity!
I myself have an idea for a children's book.
It's about a dinosaur firefighter who travels to
outer space on a rocket-powered train driven by a
friendly rabbit conductor to rescue knights and
cowboys from fires at construction sites on the
moon. While learning the alphabet.
I'm still working on it, but here's a
tantalizing sample: In one scene, the rabbit
conductor, whose name is Rabbit, finishes his shift
and goes home. All the other members of his family,
being rabbits, are also named Rabbit. Hilarity
ensues as they try to figure out who's talking to
whom. And then they all learn an important
I haven't fleshed out all the details yet, but
as you can tell it's a great idea. But do you think
I'll be able to get it published? Not a chance.
Why? Because unlike the great geniuses of
contemporary children's literature, I never starred
in any teen horror movies. And I'm not a Kennedy.
And I'm not a perky morning TV host. And I wasn't a
member of the British royal family until being
photographed with a commoner sucking on my toes.
And I didn't make a career of playing second banana
to Burt Reynolds, for heaven's sake!
That's right, the people responsible for
providing beneficial reading material for our
children have seen fit to publish books by Jamie
Lee Curtis, Maria Shriver, Katie Couric, Sarah
Ferguson and Dom Deluise. Think that's no big deal?
Then why not introduce your kids to the beauty of
the written word as set down by Larry King, Ally
Sheedy, Jimmy Buffet, or John Travolta? Still not
convinced of the magnitude of this problem? This
ought to do it: Deborah Norville, Naomi Judd,
Whoopi Goldberg, Fred Gwynne. And, of course,
Madonna. Recently, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
reported breaking news under the following banner
headline: "Billy Crystal To Write Children's
Stop the presses!
Now don't get me wrong. I'm always up for a
Cheeseburger in Paradise. And Fred Gwynne was
awesome as the wacky and lovable Herman Munster.
But are these really the best-qualified people to
enlighten my children? (OK, Gwynne also graduated
from Harvard. But let's not get too bogged down in
the details.)
I'm sure all of these "authors" are very
talented entertainers, or at least very
good-looking. I've even heard that some of their
books are pretty good. But it just doesn't seem
fair that celebrity opens doors to them that are
closed to other people whose talent is actually in
the area of writing good books for kids.
All this raises some very disturbing questions,
such as:
1. How will that Madonna reinvent herself next?
I just can't wait to find out!
2. In the Berenstain Bears books, the oldest cub
is named "Brother Bear," but when he was born he
was an only child. He wasn't anybody's brother
until Sister Bear was born several years later!
3. If this trend of
celebrity-trumping-actual-qualifications continues,
what areas of human endeavor might fall victim to
it next? Watch for news headlines like these in the
near future:
"Janus Hires Kato Kaelin to Manage Mutual
"Paris and Nikki Hilton Open Dental
"Stallone vs. Kasparov in Final"
"Cameron Diaz: 'I want to draft some
OK, maybe it's not such a big problem after
Hu's on First!
Nightline had an interesting discussion the other
night about the new leadership in China. It's quite
fascinating, because this is the first orderly
transition of power in China since the Communists
took over in 1949. With tension over Taiwan and
China's links to the Iraqi regime, I think it's
important for all of us to understand what's
happening in China today. For those of you who
missed it, here's a portion of the transcript. ABC
News Nightline. Broadcast date: November 14,
TED KOPPEL: Joining me now to discuss the
transition of power in China is Yang Lu, a
professor of Chinese history at Princeton
University. Mr. Yang, thank you for joining us.
YANG LU: Good evening.
TED KOPPEL: Let me start by asking you about the
results of the closed-door elections at China's
Communist Party congress yesterday. Who will be
China's next leader?
YANG LU: That's right.
TED KOPPEL: Yes, my question is: who was elected
China's top leader?
YANG LU: Yes, Hu.
TED KOPPEL: That's what I'm trying to ask you.
What's the new leader's name?
TED KOPPEL: The new president! The man who will
lead the world's most populous nation into the 21st
century. What's his name?
YANG LU: Hu is the new president!
TED KOPPEL: Why are you asking me? You're
supposed to be the expert.
YANG LU: Hu Jintao!
TED KOPPEL: I don't know who Jintao is! Well,
let's move on to a discussion of some of the other
senior leaders in China as a result of the party
congress in Beijing. Who will be vice premier in
YANG LU: No, Hu will be president.
TED KOPPEL: I'll ask the questions if you don't
mind. We've talked about the president, and so I'd
like to know about the vice premier.
TED KOPPEL: Now, after the voting at the big
party congress. Who is vice premier?
YANG LU: No, Wen.
TED KOPPEL: At the present time. Who?
YANG LU: He is President.
TED KOPPEL: Who is president?
YANG LU: That is correct.
TED KOPPEL: I don't care anymore. Just tell me
the vice premier's name!
TED KOPPEL: Right now! We don't have all night
YANG LU: Wen Jiabao!
TED KOPPEL: Well, we seem to be having
difficulty with the language barrier. When we come
back, I'd like to find out if there are any women
in China's top leadership today.
TED KOPPEL: Well, I'll just ask you the question
and you give me a straight answer for once in your
life. Do you think there's any way you could do
YANG LU: Hao Jianxiu.
TED KOPPEL: Oh, forget it.
Dewey Defeats Saddam!
It's time once again for our regular feature,
"Amateur Media Criticism for Beginners".
Today we examine the unique challenges that face
the foreign correspondent. When covering
international news, the reporter must not only give
us the particular facts, but also provide the
cultural background we need to grasp the
significance of daily events. To take one example,
America is a diverse and divided culture. We never
agree on anything. Our last presidential election
was a tie! In many countries, though, the people
are apparently much more united, as demonstrated by
the recent trend of unanimous presidential
This is a relatively recent phenomenon, and we
need good media coverage to help us cope with it.
Even in the old Soviet Union, the winners of the
"elections" rarely received 100% of the vote, nor
do the leaders of those ex-Soviet countries where
the form of the political system has changed more
than the substance. In Belarus, President Aleksandr
Lukashenka was "reelected" in 2001 with only 75% of
the vote.
But apparently the thought of anyone voting
against them makes some leaders feel insecure. They
just can't take the rejection. In North Korea, for
instance, Kim Jong Il was recently reelected to the
official post of "dear leader" by a 100% vote of
the Supreme People's Assembly. What are the
long-range implications for North Korea and its
nuclear standoff with the West? We need the media's
help to answer such questions.
We're off to a good start in our understanding
of the North Korean leader. While reading a joke
about the election off a cue card, late night TV
host Jimmy Kimmel pronounced his name "Kim Jong the
Second". Hey, at least he knew it's a dynasty!
Perhaps some historical perspective would help.
Let's analyze the media coverage of a previous
unanimous election: Saddam Hussein in Iraq. What
analytical tools does a good reporter need to cover
news events like this adequately? To illustrate,
let me tell you a little story.
As a graduate student in Russian Studies during
the waning years of the Soviet Union, I was trained
in "Kremlinology," the science of parsing official
propaganda for clues to the real intentions and
power politics of a secretive autocratic elite.
Like the stock market analysts who specialized in
Enron, Sovietologists are in the odd position that
the thing they studied no longer exists. But this
old skill comes in handy when observing regimes
like Saddam Hussein's or Kim Jong Il's. In the
Iraqi election held not long before the regime was
toppled, the incumbent squeaked by with 100% of the
vote. (It ain't the chads that were hanging over
there!) Despite the official triumph, a trained eye
like mine could detect subtle clues in the Iraqi
leader's behavior that undermined his confident
For example, just before the election, NPR's
"All Things Considered" broadcast a report on the
election campaign in Iraq. Whether the phrase
"election campaign" accurately describes a process
in which citizens, who were required to vote, were
asked on a non-secret ballot to vote Yes or No to
re-elect a murderous dictator, is a separate issue.
Why the regime even bothered to have any semblance
of a campaign and then to trumpet the unanimous
result as "visual and tangible" evidence of "the
road of free expression" in Iraq, I have no idea.
Why a leader who totally rejects Western values
would engage in an outrageously farcical attempt to
imitate them might be an interesting area for
Saddam to explore in therapy now that he has more
free time, but I just don't get it.
But I digress!
The really interesting thing for me was a part
of the story that was largely ignored by the
mainstream media. The brutal thug Saddam Hussein
chose as his campaign theme song Whitney Houston's
teary ballad "I Will Always Love You"!
This is true! If you don't believe me I'll quote
the transcript:
All Things Considered: October 15, 2002
Host John Ydstie: Of course, we can't let you go
without talking a little bit about the campaign
theme song that Saddam Hussein apparently
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, reporting from Bagdad:
Well, it's Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love
You," and it's all over the television, all over
the radio. The theme here is "Everybody loves
Saddam." And his campaign posters feature big
hearts. One of the English-language newspapers here
had a front-page editorial today calling Saddam "a
leader for a heart-shaped land." And so the music
is there all the time.
Now here comes the key question: when Saddam
chose this particular song, did he have access to
an Arabic translation of its lyrics? Surely he
wouldn't identify himself with a song if he didn't
even know the words, right? Presuming that Saddam
knew exactly what Whitney was crooning, let's
analyze the text of the song.
The first verse goes like this:
If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
What message was the Iraqi leader sending to his
people? Was it a subtle admission that he was
standing in the way of his people's progress into
modernity? If there was any doubt, we have the
second verse:
Bitter sweet memories
That is all I'm taking with m
So goodbye, please don't cry
We both know I'm not what you need
Why wasn't this a banner headline in the New
York Times? "Iraqi Leader Agrees to Step Down"
Subhead: "Emotional Saddam Begs Nation Not to Weep
About Regime Change".
Thank goodness for NPR. Yet again the mainstream
media dropped the ball on the big story.
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