Why Not?
Some, that is many, seniors choose to bite the
bullet and live with others of their own age in a
seniors resident home. Not a caretaker place
but just a seniors apartment complex. Maybe
all the kids are gone, married, or just moved to
another place on the planet. Maybe a loving
lifetime mate has passed on and life is just too
lonely. Or maybe none of the above, just plain
loneliness sets in and the boredom of being with
younger people who just havent been there or
done nothing becomes a drag. You know, you are
the life of the party until 8pm. Or
Im smiling all the time because I am
hard of hearing and I cant hear their stories
anyhow Those are good reasons to move on to
people of your own kind
aged and
Seniors with fewer medical issues often choose
retirement communities or senior independent
living. In fact, some retirement communities may
have lower age restrictions, accepting residents as
young as 55, attracting a much more active
population. Thats not bad. The activities and
amenities you will see in many retirement
communities include swimming pools indoor or
outdoor depending upon the geography and weather of
the area, golf courses and/or putting greens,
hiking trails and fitness clubs, life near a river
or a lake, as well as restaurants and maybe a small
bar onsite, and local restaurants that will give
seniors a special deal.
Some of these homes offer all the utilities,
cable or satellite TV, free Internet, and all kinds
of recreation and socialization for one monthly
price they call rent. Instead of sitting playing
solitaire all day you can play cards down in the
community lounge, and even have a bite of the
Continental Breakfast they prepare every
Poetically: Were over the hill but dont
feel sad, this side of the hill aint all that
bad, so give us five and then a smile,
to us who have been here for awhile. We have each
day and what it brings, and on our pensions live
like kings, for the press that accuses what we
take, to coin a phrase, Let them eat
cake. That is the attitude you will find at
most of these places filled with people who have
made the same decision you have.
And that is the point; decisions of this nature
are hard. You are starting over and starting a new
life, AT MY AGE? you may scream in your
mind and maybe at the bathroom mirror. I have so
much now, why should I change? And the answer
usually is: it will be for the better, you hope.
Renewed content and happiness are the keys here.
Feeling or showing satisfaction with ones
possessions, status, or situation is being content.
Happiness is having pleasurable or satisfying
experiences. If you have those now then the
decision is made, stay where you are. If not, move
on because what can you lose but misery and
boredom. Your old friends and relatives will always
be there and be at your side not matter where you
So the answer in most cases is, Why
Not? Life is short and getting shorter so
make the best of it. So listen to Bill Cosby,
In order to succeed, your desire for success
should be greater than your fear of
©2013, Patrick
* * *
Man arrives as a novice at each age of his life.
- Nicolas Chamfort

M. Kennedy (P Manvel Kennedy) has been a
professional writer, editor, and graphic artist for
over 30 years. He is the author of three books:
Fun with Retirement: A coffee break for
to Have Fun with
Retirement, and
a Senior Citizen: You rnew phase of life with
many questions looking for
answers. and his
latest book: More Fun with Retirement: A
coffee break for seniors. He currently works from
Boise, Idaho. In the past he has worked from
Seattle, Indianapolis, and Las Vegas. He keeps busy
because he knows it is important when writing or
editing any material with a particular objective in
mind, for either personal use or business goals, to
present ideas with quality, clarity and accuracy.
He can do that, and he does most of it himself, but
he occasionally must call upon qualified associates
for assistance.
"My Resume shows me as an
experienced professional writer and editor who
specializes in the English language. With years of
professional experience in the
writing/editing/graphics field, I offer quality
services to both individual and business clients,
with prompt and accurate solutions designed to meet
their needs, and online editing services and
writing services for easy and quick results.

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