Cosby Case Shows Media's
One headline declares, Bill Cosby free of
sexual assault charge.
Another states, Cosby says sorry to
The headlines are technically true but they leave a
curiously inaccurate impression.
Cosby is free of sexual charges because none
were ever filed. His apology was for any pain
caused by the allegations and by his innocent but
misinterpreted actions.
Gossip is gradually replacing news; sometimes,
it is blatantly used for political ends.
The time-honored tradition of muckraking is
properly a part of journalism. The idea that the
media should comfort the afflicted and
afflict the comfortable is a solid tenet of
social and political justice. Without facts,
however, there is no story. And justice is not
served by sensationalism, especially when the
publicity is used for monetary or political
The non-sensationalized truth of the Cosby
case: a former associate of Cosby named
Andrea Constand leveled a highly-publicized charge
of sexual assault that allegedly occurred in
January 2004. The police
have now closed their investigation due to
"insufficient credible and admissible evidence." A
civil suit for monetary damages is expected to
filed next week.
If societys love of a second act holds
true, then the civil case will be surrounded by a
glut of innuendo and gossip-mongering. A stream of
political commentators and legal consultants will
frame the gossip in legalese and raise issues that
lend social importance to their fishwifery.
For example, in discussing the non-existent
criminal case against Cosby, one TV commentator
expressed indignation that the accuser had been
named by the press. She was apparently unaware that
the name was deliberately released to the Toronto
by the womans parents during an
Everyone of prominence seems to be a target
these days, and the only protection they have is a
media that will demand facts.
Cosby is popularly identified as
the Jello-pudding Dad, a product for which he has
been a spokesman for 30+ years, and as the perfect
husband and father Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable in the
hit comedy series
The Cosby Show (1984-1992). His
reputation may survive.
His survival depends on audiences who will not
accept fact-free reporting and who recognize gossip
packaged in legalese. It also depends on a streak
of cycnicism by which audiences ask, is there
a payoff for those making or circulating the
Fortunately, this seems to be happening.
One indication: The National Enquirer a
periodical whose name is almost a synonym for
muckraking -- is the voice that broke Cosbys
account of events. Instead of running with
unsubstantiated scandal, as the Enquirer is
notorious for doing, the circulation-savvy paper
decided to support an accused through a sympathetic
and exclusive interview.
(For his part, Cosbys
decision was undoubtedly influenced by the fact
that, in 1997, the Enquirer offered a
$100,000 reward for information leading to the
arrest and conviction of a man who murdered
Cosbys son, Ennis.)
In the interview, Cosby

appears to be taking the high ground. When asked
whether his accusers motive was money, he
responded, "Let's not go there." But, then, he
added, "I am not going to give in to people who try
to exploit me because of my celebrity status."
Perhaps the high ground coupled with a hard
stand will ensure a receptive audience. If so, the
receptivity will reflect, in part, a growing
Of what? Sexual accusations are being
politically used to discredit peoples beliefs
by spotlighting their bad acts. Often there is no
connection. For example, committing adultery does
not invalidate someones monetary or foreign
policy beliefs. But thats the package being
The accusations brought against Cosby are almost
certainly not politically inspired. But they have
been politically used by others to discredit Cosby
for criticizing the way some black parents raise
their children. In past months, he has argued with
vehemence and controversy that parents need to take
responsibility for the drug use, illiteracy and
criminal activity of their children. Segments of
the black community have been outraged by his
In the wake of the scandal, some attacks on
Cosbys politics have been so blatant and
offensive that they are easy to dismiss. Consider
the raw assault launched by
But even the mainstream media has been linking the
sexual accusations to Cosbys political
A recent ABC News article is subtitled, After
Allegations of Groping and Controversial Speeches,
Cosby's Image May Never Be the Same.
Like old-fashioned muckraking, smearing people
for political advantage is nothing new but it has
recently become respectable enough for
the smearing to be done proudly, with no holds
Consider the political blogsite DailyKos. The
site is widely quoted by mainstream media and has
broken several hot news stories, such as
GannonGate. On March 4th, DailyKos announced a
deliberate smear campaign against Alan Greenspan,
Chairman of the Federal Reserve System. In order to
perform a halo-ectomy
[on] St.
Alan, the site is encouraging a co-ordinated
effort to dredge up anything Greenspan has
ever written, said or done that reflects poorly on
him. This includes an expose of Andrea
Mitchell, his NBC reporter wife.
How can the smear campaigns be ended?
The answer is simple and it can start with
People should refuse to watch broadcasts or read
newspapers that present gossip as news or use
political smears. As a final irony, they should buy
The National Enquirer instead.
©2007, Wendy
* * *
McElroy is the editor of
and a research fellow for The Independent Institute
in Oakland, Calif. She is the author and editor of
many books and articles, including her latest book,
Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the
21st Century. She lives with her husband in
E-Mail. Also, see her daily blog at

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