May interview with Chief Mel Lone
Share In The Great Horse
Giddy yap your horses were going to
celebrate the 132 Anniversary of the Little Big
Horn Battle with Chief Mel Lone Hill from the
Olgala Sioux Tribe.
In a peaceful encampment on June 25, 1876,
Cheyenne and Lakotas were hunting and gathering
food as they had for hundreds of years when
soldiers from the 7th Calvary attacked the Native
The Indian warriors responded by killing General
Custer and his men in one of the most unique
battles in U.S. history commonly referred to as
Custers Last Stand.
We beat the United States
government, Lone Hill told me, with what I
perceived was a hint of pride for his people.
I get a sense of like a healing on the ride
that the things that happened to us so many years
are still happening today.
Pine Ridge, South Dakota, where Lone Hill lives
with his people, is one of the poorest places in
For me its an awakening when we
gather up our riders and support group and head out
to Montana. Im especially concerned about our
young men. I want them to stay away from alcohol
and drugs. I want them to see something of
themselves, and pride in their heritage.
Former MKP Chairman Curtis Mitchell introduced
me to Lone Hill who is a Vietnam
I have taken many trainings, including the
Bamboo Bridge, all to help the young people of my
tribe. There was this silent guy that didnt
like to talk, but he went through the New Warrior
Training Adventure and now hes
The chief experienced his NWTA in Colorado in
2006, and has just recently taken eight of his
people through the MKP training in Sioux City, Iowa
where he was a rookie staff man.
It made me feel good to be on the
training. I had a chance to take my oldest brother
through Everitt Lone Hill a man I
ride with
Mostly Elders from the Lakota and Cheyenne
tribes made the first trek to the Little Big Horn
six years ago with 33 horse riders, he noted.
Theres something special about
having the horses there, he continued.
Im a horseman. Anytime a horseman feels
down, or wants to get a young person involved in
something positive, he gets on a horse. I think
better that way. Its good for the young
people. Theres something spiritual about the
horse. I tell young people, dont abuse your
horse, that horse can abuse you. Your horse can
dump you.
In June of 2007, Lone Hill was seriously injured
by a spooked horse.
A horse got loose during the ride. I knew
him to be a gentle horse. Around midnight I just
happened to catch the horse. I was holding him when
a young kid threw a rope around his neck. The horse
shied and I got run over by a tame horse. The kid
didnt know how to handle a horse
Lone Hill was knocked unconscious and taken to
the ER suffering from a fractured skull.
I have headaches, but Im still a
horseman. I didnt abuse the horse; but it was
an accident that shouldnt have happened. But
its okay, I love my horse. Even though the
horse hurt me, I went back and petted the horse. I
still love my horse. Its something people
need to learn. I learned the hard way.
This united party an event of which you
are welcome to join - first goes to the monument of
the historic battle where they perform ceremonial
dances. Then they go outside the park where they
continue their festivities.
We ride for our warriors, and every person
that fell on that ground that day. It makes us feel
good. The first year we went, it was mostly Elderly
women. Now, we encourage our young people to
This year, the Northern Cheyenne will be joining
the Olgala people hoping for a gathering of 500
individuals, Lone Hill added.
The Indian Chief has a unique background of
having been both Christian and a traditional
My grandfather was a medicine man, and my
dad was a member of the clergy, Lone Hill
said. What I do - is believe in both of them.
There is only one God, and as one man I pray to
that God.
I asked Mel Lone Hill what blessings he seeks
from his God.
I look for a sober life. I have been sober
for a good many years. This is what I want for my
people. Today is hard times for everybody
throughout our nation. Things we do here and now
will help a lot of young men and women. I tell them
to look up
look up and around you. If you
dont see God around you, youre
or E-Mail
or 605-454-8142
© 2008, Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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