October interview with Allan
My kids tease me about being an old man
at 55. My response to them is,
should live so long!
Indigenous tribes honored their elders for not
only their wisdom, but for the living reality they
embodied of enduring through so many difficult
years of life.
Like on an NWTA, the Elder blesses a man on a
carpet before his descent into personal work,
giving the initiate support and encouragement to
aid him in the upcoming struggle, and then
afterwards, the Elder acknowledges the mans
success and welcomes him back home into the
Robert Bly said at the MKP World Elder Gathering
in 2006 that an Elder is a man who has experienced
the wound and moved through it to a point of
healing. He then has acquired the ability to give
others hope that they too can bear the vicissitudes
of life in a good way and live a long life.
My experience with Allan Podbelsek - a
70-years-old man who was initiated at Bedford,
Indiana in Oct 1993 - is of a man who has found
that good grace and good humor through his years of
living. He has served as MKPs Elder Chair for
the past three years in an exemplary way.
(BTW, kudos to Gene McMahon, the new Elder
Allan is a serious man, and yet he maintains a
smile and a listening ear for the men he encounters
in our organization.
He shared with me the evolution of the Elder
Body, starting in 1995, when the first work of
reclaiming the elder as part of the MKP culture
took place.
Prior to 1995, Elders showed up on
weekends, with no guidelines from the national
Project, Allan said. In 1995 we first
began a loosely organized approach of trying out
rituals and different protocol pieces. It was a
time of trial and error, bumping up against the
leaders of the weekend, figuring out where we fit
in, and how we could best serve the initiates.
Eventually, we created the Elder Council and made a
commitment to create guidelines to train MKP elders
who were by then referred to as Ritual
Elders. While the Ritual Elder was developing
to help elders serve effectively on NWTAs, there
was also a parallel development which began
recognizing the energy of all elders across the
In MKP, we refer to Declared Elders as men
50 years or older who have felt within themselves a
calling to own their mature energy, he
continued. Its an arbitrary choice.
Its up to the local community to invite and
acknowledge such men in a circle of
Your humble correspondent, at the age of 50, was
invited by Bill Kauth at Glen Ivy to step into my
Elder hood. I was blessed by the assembled circle
of Elders. It changed my life, and eventually my
animal name, Elder Grizzly with Blue
According to Allan, some processes for
recognizing men as Declared Elders are more intense
than others.
I tell the man who is claiming himself a
Declared Elder what it means for me to be an Elder,
what my experiences are, and how I hope to show up
in the community. If hes going to staff, I
tell him to show up with some of that part of him
that is an Elder. In our Declared Elder processes,
I like our Elders to give attention to the man
declaring. I ask the man, What is calling you
to be an Elder? And, why now? What are you seeing
yourself called to do? Elders present then
give the man feedback on his answers. Finally we
create a ritual where that man stands and declares
his Eldership.
Its inevitable, Allan told me, that a man
who becomes a member of MKP will see Elders on his
weekend, will go back to his community and see
Elders in circles or councils, and hell start
hearing things about being an Elder, seeing things
that involve elders, and he will sit with Elders
and converse with them. Eventually, hell feel
a calling to where he belongs.
I didnt say I want to be a Declared
Elder from any internal motivation. It wasnt
until other men said to me that they saw Elder
energy in me. In 1995, I was with Don Jones at the
first Elder Gathering. I was 57 at the time. I
heard many men say, I see Elder energy in
you. I started to do a self-examination. I
spent the entire weekend uncertain what it was to
be an Elder. At one point in time, when I was
alone, this thing just fell on me
giving me
chills. Something kind of fell on me that resonated
in my body. The part where the Elder resides
suddenly was ignited and rumbled through me. I
began to see things, and feel things. It was an
So, Allan, help me define exactly what it means
to be an Elder and to bless men.
An Elder speaks and men listen. He shows
up and men pay attention. Men are attracted to him
because hes older and they feel safe with
him. Hes one who cares and is concerned about
the man. Men want to sit with an Elder and ask
questions, knowing they will not be judged. An
Elder is a good supportive friend or
Allan, what is it like for you to be an
In my Elder, Im able to see the man
for himself. I interact from personal experience. I
am able to create a ritual space. Theres no
book to turn to, except the one within myself. When
a man is looking for Elder support, I step in and
help him learn. I offer blessings. And, I continue
to do my work and travel my elder
How many men has Robert Bly talked about
that did NOT get a blessing from their father? The
word blessing is not deeply entrenched in our
society. Too many men say they have NOT been
blessed. I say they have been blessed somewhere
along the line from somebody, they just
havent remembered it.
The Elder Chair told a story from Rich Tosi who
said one day he was watching young crows getting
ready to leave their nest for the first time. Tosi
said he felt fear that they couldnt fly. Then
it dawned on him that they did know how to fly,
they just had to be reminded.
In the same way, there are men who say
its too scary to move on in their personal
development, Allan continued. They just
have to be reminded that being a man is in their
genes we already know how to be men, but we
have to be reminded. And, if we take the risk,
well find a new life of free flight.
Allan said he wasnt blessed a lot in his
family growing up, but he was he blessed outside
the family. I think about those times I was
blessed, and I use that memory to bless
Tell me more about how Ritual Elders and
Certified Leaders interact on an NWTA.
An important aspect for me is
communication. Theres a tendency for Elders
to be in their group and Leaders in theirs, without
a good connection. To address that issue, I like to
contact the Leader of the weekend a month before
hand and ask him what he sees for the upcoming
weekend. I like to have a conversation with him and
get clear on how we will work with each other so
theres a mutual trust and building of shared
responsibilities, including interpersonal,
cultural, and institutional issues.
Good communication is one of the hot
issues in MKP right now, he added.
Its an education process for the
Elders and Leaders. From the Elder side, Im
proposing that we Ritual Elders develop our own
form of a covenant that WE sign, thus holding
ourselves accountable to serve men on the NWTA
I dont want to create any more hoops
that Ritual Elders have to jump through with some
mandate from above
especially because we
dont get paid like the Leaders do. However, I
want to build something organically within our own
group of Ritual Elders that encourages us to be at
our best. The initial attempt at this development
took place at the Ritual Elder Workshop preceding
the World Elder Gathering in September.
Its true that we have more older men than
younger men in our organization. How do you account
for that?
Robert Bly said that men have to get old
enough and bumped around enough to think maybe
things arent working right before
theyre willing to take a look at themselves.
Youre right, were still tending to be a
white middle-aged mens organization. It seems
most of the younger men brought into MKP do so
because of their fathers or other older men. The
Boys To Men organization is a great way to bring
younger men to our work.
So, where are we right now in this mens
Were at a crossroads. My view is
that we have to decide how were going to
represent ourselves to the world. We are seen by
some groups as a cult
. I know were not, but
sometimes, in my judgment, some of our actions and
behaviors are seen from the outside in that way.
Our goal is to be inclusive we say all men
are welcome. Unfortunately, not all men get that
message in a good way. Id like the Elders of
MKP to help lead the way in creating and holding
sacred space for all men to come and get what they
need. - RB
© 2008, Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project www.mkp.org
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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