An interview with Jim
Ive followed Jim Belushis career since
the tragic and senseless death of his brilliantly
talented brother John Belushi of Saturday Night
Live fame.
When I saw Jims book, Real Men Dont
Apologize, I imagined it was a merely comic
approach to how a macho man would conduct himself
with women. Man, was I wrong.
His book was entertaining, and it had a
surprisingly deeper impact on me as I read it,
especially with a conflict that had recently arisen
between me and my beautiful bride.
Heres a poem I wrote at the time, inspired
by Belushi:
Mr. Ted E. Bear
By Reid Baer
She yelled at me to
turn off the TV
in a tone Id never heard before,
The way I assume
she did many times
with her disappointing ex-husband.
Something in me snapped
and I suddenly
detached from her knowing deep inside -
I had permitted
myself to just slide
and I needed to wipe off my smile
And stand up in the
grizzly for awhile,
for a man is not hatched - hes
I borrowed the idea of the last line from
He says he got involved in acting because
of the girls! In the drama club, there were about
20 girls and six guys. And the same thing with
choir - more girls!" He attended the College of
Dupage and Southern Illinois University, where he
graduated with a degree in Speech and Theater
In 1977 he joined Chicago's Second City
improvisational troupe and remained for three
years. In 1979 Garry Marshall saw Jim performing
for Second City and arranged for him to come to
Hollywood. Ill let you check out his long
list of credits. His current TV vehicle, According
to Jim, is a really bit hit at ABC Television.
Most movie stars are tough to reach, and then
they dont really have that much to say once
you do. Jim Belushi was decidedly different. He
obviously had done his homework with mens
issues. I was initially impressed with his
celebrity, but ultimately more impressed with his
insights around being a man, and his ability to
draw boundaries like a good Warrior.
I did a lot of serious study, he
began. And, Ive learned a great deal
from two divorces.
He currently resides in Los Angeles happily
married with his wife Jennifer, and father to their
daughter Jamison and a son, Robert, from Belushi's
first marriage.
I made a deal with myself that Id
never get divorced again, he affirmed.
My previous marriages finally got me into
Co-dependents Anonymous. I did some real work with
my issues which were mostly male
Critical Thing #1 That Cannot Be Found in
a Woody Allen Movie: You must form your own
opinions about women. Men like to subtract, women
like to add. Women overcomplicate and men
oversimplify. Remember that you dont think
like a female. Always remember that to a woman the
relationship is more important than you are.
from Real Men Dont Apologize
I was being the Alpha Male at work, but I
was her bitch at home I was like a little
girl with her, with no boundaries. She didnt
treat me very well, and the fact that I let her do
it made her even more pissed off at me
her, I wasnt standing up like a man. She was
saying, damnit, I gotta be the man, too?! I
wasnt taking responsibility for
How is it that a blue-color guy from Chicago is
not be able to carry his own with women? Belushi
said his relationship with women was like a
failed social experiment. He called his
first wife a feminist.
Belushi, a mans man who honors the likes
of Mike Ditka and Robert Bly, said he had to get a
wake up call from men in his life to learn about
standing up for himself in the face of a
feminist. He said he got help from
probation officers, social workers, shrinks, and
even the teamsters.
I didnt do it alone, he noted.
I went to workshops to learn about being a
man. I found a community of men to help me. And,
most importantly, I discovered that only a man can
teach another man what being a man is all about.
And, sometimes it takes hitting rock-bottom before
a man begins his own work.
Belushis First Rule to Climb Up from Rock
Think of yourself first.
Surround yourself with your buddies.
Talk to your buddies.
Beer is also your friend
When in doubt, compete
If youre looking for an esoteric book
filled with theoretic constructs, youve got
the wrong author. However, if you want to laugh out
loud and be willing to look at your own truth signs
in the process, youll adore this book
even if some of the hyperbole might make some
lesser non-real men angry.
I loved the many quizzes he poses to test the
real man in you. Example:
You are having a fight with your
wife/girlfriend. You have made your point,
youve listened to her side. Now, you
a. Let her rehash it, telling you again why you
piss her off/are wrong/dont friggin get
b. Leave the room.
c. Bring up that thing she did New Years Eve
three years ago that you are still pissed
d. Take her. Right there. Assuming its not a
fight over dinner in a restaurant you want to come
back to.
Answer: If you said c and harbor a grudge from
three New Years Eves ago, then you are
someones ex-wife and should not be reading
this. The answer is b (leave the room) or d (take
her right there). If you dont know why, you
are not reading the right book.
This book has so many great lines; I asked if
Belushi had any ghost writing help. He assured me
it was all original.
The Big Toe Theory is based on the idea
that when a woman compromises one of your
boundaries or terms, or threatens one of the
agreements youve made for yourself, you have
to respond in such a swift, decisive manner that
shell never do it again, Belushi
explained. If she puts her big
toe into your area you
hit that big toe.
Does any real man want to be interrupted in the
middle of a baseball game especially during
the playoffs with your favorite team?!
So she comes to me during the big play and
she says, When are you going to start making
time for me? Theres always a game on
Instead of simply communicating in moderated
tones, Belushi recommends going histrionic in
Never, how do you like that?! And
youre G--damn right theres always a
game on. You wanna know why? Because baseball
season ends one day after you stop bitching about
it! Its Americas game, damn it! And
without it, the good ol USA would be some
shitty, third-world banana republic with
watered-down beer and no gadget stores! Then,
when everything has calmed down, you tell her that
she is everything to you and you dont
want to upset her, but this is important to
you and she has to respect that. Dont justify
or explain and I say to you men, please dont
Belushi quickly cautions men not to be mean or
but you must be irrational. If
you engage in a reasonable conversation, you are
going to lose because women are stronger verbally.
If youre a man of action, action will win
out. If you allow her toe in your area unchecked,
the foot will follow. And if her foot is in your
area, its only a matter of time before she
starts storing shoes there. You have to stop
I thought about this one for days: Girls
nag. They just do. Theyre nosy. So out of
every four questions that your girlfriend asks you,
say no to one of them. This will keep
her intrigued no matter what the questions
GIRLFRIEND: Honey, will you get my purse?
YOU: Sure.
GIRLFRIEND: Babe, will you bring in the mail?
YOU: Okay.
GIRLFRIEND: Can you get me a glass of water?
YOU: Absolutely.
GIRLFRIEND: Wanna hang up my coat?
YOU: There is no G--damned way Im getting off
my ass to hang up your coat.
Belushi says a tough, stoic man gets predictable
at a certain point. And with predictability comes
boredom. And when women get bored, they stick their
big toe in things. So, to protect himself, once in
a while, hell throw in a sensitivity
curveball but not too often.
Theres a natural polarity that is healthy
between a man and a woman.
Women say they want a man who is kind,
gentle, compassionate, polite, considerate and
nurturing, Belushi intoned. Bullshit!
They just described a chick! Women really need a
man who is mysterious, powerful, passionate,
confident, unpredictable and a little dangerous.
Thats the guy they will sleep with
most interesting person in the world to a woman is
someone they know nothing about. The stuff they
come up with in their own head is a lot more
interesting than you. Thats why so many women
out there have a crush on Tony Soprano. He cheats
on his wife, works in an illegal business and kills
Belushi admits that his approach involves
playing mind games, but hes
unapologetic about it, especially when it comes to
The thing is, if you start answering a
bunch of questions, shell be interviewing
you. Heres my rule: You ask her three
questions, you answer one. Then repeat as
necessary. Remember, the first thing a woman says
about herself is the lie.
so if
she says, I hate playing games. Im not
a game player, then obviously shes a
huge game player. If she says This is the
first time Ive ever done this,
shes done it before and shes
good at it. Maybe even a pro. If she says she
doesnt sleep with guys on the first date, ask
for the check. Get her home immediately.
Belushi said in the old days when he
dated a lot, he unabashedly used his psychological
insights to woo women.
A great line of questioning on your first
interview with a woman is to ask her about her
father. Its been said that girls look for men
that remind them of their fathers.
She says
she didnt see eye to eye with her dad? Be a
jerk. Be confrontational, critical, loud and rude.
She says her dad was cool and distant? Step back,
dont overreact, be stoic and aloof. She says
Dad and I are best friends? Pay the
check and go home. Alone. You arent ever
going to live up to that, so dont even
As executive producer on his TV show, Belushi
said he tries to work in mens issues as much
as possible.
I try to do relevant things on my TV
show, he said. Right now Im
rewriting an episode about men and anger. Last week
we dealt with fathers mentoring their
According to Jim is a comedy, and it
doesnt hurt to have a woman like Courtney
Thorne-Smith whose character puts up with an
enormous amount of BS from Belushis
Ive always said the key to a good
relationship between a man and a woman is simply
finding a good hearted woman. And, she can not be
expected to handle my issues.
Dont be afraid to ask a dude for
show your wounds to a man, and
youll have a brother, but show your wounds to
a woman and youll have a mother. Once you put
her in the position of having to be your protector,
shell start punishing you.
were not able to live without fear. So the
key is to appear to be a rock. The only way to do
that is to find another outlet to express your
fears. Thats what your dudes are for.
from Real Men Dont Apologize
Steve Birger was such a man who was there for
Belushi through his ups and downs.
Like most guys, I tended to isolated. In
some ways I still do. But, it was Stevie B
whos always helped get me outside of myself
and my anti-social behavior. Once I get out, I have
a ball!
In the book, Real Men Dont Apologize,
there was a deeper meaning for me as I read it.
Even after all the psychological depth work
Ive done, this Hollywood actor helped me see
that I was on occasion, still giving away my power
to my lovely wife. And it wasnt her
For instance, Belushi helped me realize that
women dont like the Three Stooges part of a
man, that part that other men play grab ass
The author even deals with archetypal energies
in his own way by referring to his three heroes:
Curly and a mans sense of humor,
Gandhi a mans sense of compassion, and
Clint Eastwood a mans sense of
strength. I realized, and mentioned to my wife,
that she wasnt completely sold on my stooge.
She concurred. Belushi said he understood that she
wouldnt care for my Curly, and that I should
reserve most of him for hanging out with my
Stevie B. made me sit down and define my
terms of what I would do around other guys, and
what I would do with my woman. With his help, and
the guidance of several relationship gurus,
(including A. Justin Sterling) I was able to move
forward in the process of reestablishing myself as
foremost in a relationship.
Hearing Belushi talk, I was reminded of
something Ive always known: do not process
your significant other nor ask her for help
around personal issues.
Dont be afraid to ask a dude for
show your wounds to a man and
youll have a brother, but show your wounds to
a woman and youll have a mother. Once you put
her in the position of having to be your protector,
shell start punishing you. But were not
able to live without fear, so we show that fear to
men. The key is to appear to be a rock for a woman,
then let your friends see your weakness and
vulnerability. Find a way with only men as an
outlet to express your fears. Thats what your
dudes are for.
In the battle of the sexes, Belushi seems to
understand which ones to fight.
When dealing with women, all we have is
the battle, he said. We must abandon
any hope that we will eventually win the war. They
are too strong. They are too fast. They are too
they understand relationships. They
created the game; youre just bringing the
Belushi said hes found a great deal of
satisfaction in his career.
It feels really good
my whole life
is good
and theres nothing as
satisfying as this TV show. Its given me
status and opportunity to explore all kinds of
things about myself. All the mens work, and
relationship work Ive done gets squeezed into
the show. This venue is a place where I get to
express everything I know. I perform, write,
produce, direct, and even get my band into the
music for the show.
Your humble reporter plays some blues keyboard,
and I know what its like to be in the groove
with a crowd. Belushi gets to play the Blues
Brother Zeke. He also performs with his own band,
The Sacred Hearts.
When Im out there singing and
dancing with 100% commitment
and Im
dancing like the leaping frog on Warren Brothers
Im feeling all the passion and
communication between me and the audience.
Theres nothing like it!
I told Jim about the New Warrior Training
adventure in the ManKind Project and how it was
okay for men to find a place to be a little bit
dangerous with each other.
Ive read Robert Bly, he said.
I admire him a lot. It is important for a man
to be a little bit dangerous. We did an episode on
this one. My wife wants me to be less violent, but
as soon as some strange guy hits her, she wants me
to be violent and smack him!
Belushi begins each chapter with the lyrics of a
song. Heres a well-known one:
Well every morning at the mine you could see him
He stood six-foot-six and weighted
Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the
And everybody knew you didnt give no lip to
Big John.
Big John.
Big John.
Big Bad John. Jimmy Dean
Belushi said a man has to have some Big Bad John
in him or hell simply end up as a
womans roommate.
They like having to deal with a man,
he said. Be a man. Keep the terms clear and
clean. Shell respect it. Women like a
powerful man. Theyre attracted to it.
Dont stay in a safe little comfort zone
nah, you cant do that! Keep the
tension going
the sex will be
I liked this quote in the book: Love
without sex is friendship, sex without love is
spring break, and if you want companionship, get a
In a moment of vulnerability, Belushi confessed
he has
basically wanted someone who
would keep the bitching and nagging to a minimum. I
suppose what I was really looking for, Reid, was
And yet, my new friend was unequivocal about
needing boundaries.
You dont want to get walked all
over, and your girlfriend wont want to be
with a guy she can lead around by the nose. You
have to set boundaries.
Your Whatever
you want, baby stuff doesnt work
Here are Belushis 5 Commandments for his
Thou Shalt Not Shush Me
Thou Shalt Not Steal
Thou Shalt Never Banish Me to the Couch
Thou Shalt Not compete With me
Thou Shalt Not Expect an Apology for Something I am
Not sorrieth For
Although much of what Belushi writes about may
appear extreme, there is a well-thought out message
in this for me
and maybe for you.
Ive been doing mens work for a
long time because Ive had to
survive, he said. Theres a lot of
healing that we men need because weve got
some wounds to deal with. Women may want to fix
them, but they cant. We have to use the
tribal approach and let the men work with the
In my conversation with the actor, I got a real
charge from his friendly and energetic approach to
I access my joy constantly, he told
me. It really started with my music
now I have a thriving career, and a wonderful home
life. It took a kind of initiation, however, to get
me here.
As I shared my brief conflagration with my wife,
Belushi just said: Be brave, man.
Im looking at Belushi as a Warrior with a
sense of humor. Its a nice balance.
Im sitting here with the muses, meditating
on what I got from Belushi and Real Men Dont
I know many men will think the
title itself is over the top. Maybe Id call
my version of a book, The Real Man In Me
Doesnt Apologize Too Much and Never
Apologizes For Being A Man.
Am I dishonoring a woman if I decide to work on
my own stuff, first without apology? I
dont believe so. If Im strong enough in
my own masculine power, then I think Ill be
better equipped as a man to have some of that true
charity to love the unlovable, even when that
someone is my spouse.
© 2007, Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

has compiled an archive of feature interviews with
well known writers, poets, and artists who speak to
the creative issues of men. Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book entitled
The Story. and
Man from Four Quarters: Lover, Warrior,
Magician, King, a
book of poetry. Baer has been a member of The
ManKind Project since 1995 and currently edits
The New Warrior Journal for The ManKind
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail
* * *

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