December interview with Martin
New Warrior Martin Brossman, author of Finding Our
Fire, has discovered a few secrets for connecting
with men outside of MKP.
He is founder of The Mens Inquiry
an open forum for men of all stripes to connect via
the Internet, phone bridges, and person to
Right out of the shoot, I asked Brossman what we
could do better to reach out to other men with our
New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA).
First, its us - all of us -
powerfully living our own mission in the world and
using the wonderful tools MKP has given us to do
that! This is about supporting each man to live his
mission in the world. But each man still has to do
his own work and take the risks needed to live his
own mission. When men ask me why I dont
explain everything that goes on in the weekend I
tell them that in my own experience MKP has created
an environment designed to give you a unique
experience; if you knew all about it, it
wouldnt be unique. Brossman said.
Its part of the adventure that you
dont know all that is going on. For me I had
never experienced such powerful compassion from so
many men in my life until I experienced the New
Warrior weekend.
As a member of MKPs Marketing Committee, I
pressed my North Carolinian friend to give me his
opinion on how we could be more accessible to the
general public with the NWTA.
Well the other piece is to make sure you
arent having any more secrecy than is
necessary to get the job done. Some people are
prepared for the weekend, and some are not.
Unfortunately, people will lie and say they are
ready, when theyre not.
As Editor of The New Warrior Journal, Im
on the Internet everyday and I know that many men
find sites disclosing in a negative way the good
things we do. It makes me wonder if the
Journals 48 issues could be available to the
public so when someone searches for our key words
theyre directed to www.mkp.org to have
the positive voice of men being heard from the
In some ways, the cows out of the
barn, Brossman continued. I would ask a
simple question regarding our processes: is it
critical for the weekend? Is it essential for
initiation? I would consider removing things our
society has the biggest problems with.
Martin Brossman is a success coach and works
with business men and women on a regular basis and
speaks from experience:
What is our highest liability risk in the
media? If it isnt critical, why not drop it?
If we take it away, were reducing their
ability to attack us.
When I began interviewing mens-work
authors about five years ago, Brossman introduced
me to Warren Farrell, The Myth of Male Power, as
well as John Eldredge, Wild At Heart.
Brossman said his first experience with
mens work started with the Sterling
Mens Weekend.
I clearly received a value being immersed
in a weekend connected with men, he stated.
Afterwards, they told me that if I
didnt keep the spirit of the weekend alive,
it would fade away. I decided I wanted a local
mens group where we could have real
conversations that explored serious questions about
life with real and authentic answers. I
realized the lantern I wanted lit was mine to
light. I needed to make this group
After reaching out through emails and phone
calls, Brossman invited 300 men to a meeting in the
Raleigh, NC area. Twelve showed up.
I was looking to have just one meeting
really, but after we finished, one of the men in
the room said he wanted another one. I suggested
waiting a year. The men present wanted it sooner.
They told me they werent done and
wanted to meet again much sooner.
A month later they met again.
I was left with something so valuable
I needed to continue these circles. Eleven
years later, Im still doing them. I make it
so men have no obligations; they show up when they
want to. I dont try to create safety for an
emotional support center. I simply ask for
confidentiality, participation at whatever level
each man is comfortable with, and a commitment to
do something out of what they learned from the
Brossman told of a man in Alaska who wanted to
join a local Mens Inquiry group, but there
was none there. So, he created an on-line version
in a Yahoo discussion group (which currently has
approximately 200 men participating world wide with
upwards of hundreds of postings a month). Its
an ongoing post and chat room where Brossman
encourages conversation around specific questions
for men.
The questions evolved organically,
he noted. At the end of each meeting I would
put out to the men what they wanted to explore
next. The questions evolved from what was happening
in the room from any given man. Its almost
like my work was to simply listen: what are the
questions we as men need to ask together? These men
came up with very intuitive and organic questions
from their own experience - thats why the
questions in my book are so rich. I didnt
just go out and research them some place
these were the original questions from being in the
middle of the process.
Some of the Inquiry questions get right to the
meat of the matter:
- How do you treat your partner like your
- Did you accept your mothers
interpretation of your father, or really see him
for his true blessings and shortcomings on your
- How does holding on to resentment towards
your father hurt you and/or your children?
- What are the distinctive ways in which the
masculine nurtures that differs from the manner
the feminine nurtures?
- What is your relationship to authority? How
does that relationship serve you?
I read the response to the last question from
Laurence: Historically, my
relationship with authority has not always been
good. It seems that I vacillate between
unquestioning loyalty on the one hand and the total
rejection of authority on the other. In the former
case, I found that there have been times when I
didnt stick up for myself and didnt
express myself enough. I think I devalued myself in
some ways as a result. In the latter case, a total
rejection of authority can result in other
problems. In particular in my life, I found it hard
to work for some employers, but didnt get out
of the situation before it ended up being to my own
Of all the questions and answers, this one rang
like a bell for me. Martin Brossmans book is
set up much like his meetings he creates the
question and gives his reaction, then invites the
response of other men.
Brossman facilitates a phone-bridge version of
his group which has a more impromptu kind of
atmosphere. He reaches out to men from around the
country and helps them talk with each other.
The author said he doesnt get paid for
this kind of outreach, but does it as a community
I make my living as a success coach and
this is my tithing to
Donations from his speaking gigs and his current
book sales make it possible for him to pay for his
The Mens Inquiry Website
For Martins Book: Finding Our Fire:
Enhancing mens connection to heart, passion
and strength
The Womens Inquiry Website
Yes, if you were paying attention to the
URLs, there is a Womens Inquiry, as
Primarily business women have contacted me
about doing something similar to my mens
inquiry something different than just
a lunch to hear a speaker. Out of those
suggestions, I created the Womens Inquiry
I found Martins Brossman story about the
evolution of his book, Finding Our Fire
Enhancing mens connection to heart, passion
and strength, very interesting. He contacted more
than 1,000 men and found just over one hundred
willing to open up with their stories.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of his
book goes to support the Triangle Mens Center
where Martin has been involved for many years -
I realized I wanted to make this
mens work available in a written form so if
someone wanted to create their own group they could
have a handbook. I believed it was important to
share my experience as well as allow the voices of
other men.
Much as a therapist would do in writing a book
about stories regarding his patients, Brossman
changed names and information to conceal
identities, but left in the signature
information, he said.
The men most willing to step up and share their
stories were those who had already done some
personal work, including many men from MKP.
It seemed to me as I spoke with Brossman, that
knowing so many different mens stories would
give a man a wider range of experience, and a
better opportunity to see the multi-faceted
personality influences within himself.
Thats exactly the effect: its
a mirror for me to see myself and for them to see
themselves. Its a connection for men to have
a richer understanding of who they are as men.
Sometimes women think they know men. I tell them,
the map is not the territory. One woman
said to me, Oh, my gosh! In some ways, men
dont have a clue. Now, that was not
meant as a denigrating remark. What I believe she
was saying was NOT that men are clueless, but that
men have not been getting her clues as a woman
because she was not communicating in a way men
could hear.
I was surprised how Brossman spoke bluntly about
womens and mens relationships: We
have to take responsibility for OUR issues as men,
and they have to take responsibility for theirs,
otherwise one of the people will be the child and
the other the parent. At one gathering, a woman
said somewhat sardonically, Oh this is just
more stuff WOMEN have to do. I responded,
Not at all, we men need to do our work and
together we can be engaged in the maturity of each
other. Mature people understand, I need
to take care of myself, and my partner needs to
take care of herself. And as we need help from one
another, we can participate in a mutual
Women have been trying to initiate men
into manhood with a great deal of anxiety for a
long time. It is our work to do, not theirs. And,
we have to stand up for ourselves, and what it is
we will do, and how we will participate as a
So Martin, is there a value for us in MKP to be
reaching out to uninitiated men?
If we dont cross-train with other
men and other trainings, then we create a cognitive
inbreeding, he insisted. Reaching out
to men outside MKP is extremely important for US
like an athlete that is cross-trained
he gets a more complete kind of training.
Explain cognitive inbreeding.
If all you do is give and receive value
from one single domain, then a person will slowly
be biased by the structure of that system and be
unaware of that bias. Its so important for
MKP not to be isolated. If we get overly absorbed
in our own drama, it will kill us off. As an
organization, we need to return to a clear vision
and mission as to what were about. If we get
overly concerned about daily issues, then we will
end up with infinitely unresolved issues and
well always find something else that has to
get done, perpetually stirring the pot. MKP needs
to be mission driven.
I believe most MKP men can relate to
The mission of the Inquiry work I do is
designed to open up that domain. We ask how and
what questions, but not why. And my mission as the
facilitator is to listen to the group in
conversation. I stay with them long enough to get
below the surface-level answers. The first reaction
of a human being is to come up with an automatic
answer. Its usually useless data, like a
booby prize. However, if a man stays longer in the
process of the question, he gets a deeper answer.
This is where the profound insights come from. I
let each man go at the level hes comfortable.
I do not challenge them, nor do I ask permission. I
set up the dynamic for the optimum space that
allows the man to go deeper on his own. I let the
question do the work.
What ends the Inquiry meetings is what MKP men
might refer to as a stretch what is the man
going to do with his new-found truths outside of
the room?
I know Martin Brossman. Ive staffed
NWTAs with him, Ive been in other
circles with him, and we have spoken many times on
the phone. He is truly a man of heart, passion and
I made a decision at a point in my life
where I saw no future, purpose, or meaning. I saw
myself as broken and unrepairable. I realized that
going on living like that would suck! So I made a
very clear decision to live the rest of my life
with a mission that would make a difference. And, I
do that, except when I dont. Sure, I fall off
the horse, but I still get back on and ask myself,
What part can I play in making this a better
world for all of us? In my lifetime, how far
can I get? In mens work, Ive got a
clear vision
if we dont authentically
connect with other men, we dont become the
best men we can be. Living my mission feels like a
life that has value. I needed a mission big enough
to surrender to
to let mission put its hooks
in me in a way I cant get out of it. I was a
bit intimidated by the work Ive taken on, so
thats how I knew I had a big enough mission.
Who I am today
? Fifteen years ago if you had
told me what Id be doing today, I would have
said I couldnt be that person.
Living an authentic mission may make a man
uncomfortable, and that is a good thing, Brossman
For me, if your mission is not big enough
that you can not do it with out the help of others
you just dont have a mission worthy of this
single life that you have to live. My vision for
the Inquiry work is that one day men will just
naturally get together to explore important
questions about their lives in an authentic
Martin Brossman is truly a man of mission. He
was recently honored with the Ron Herring Award for
his mission of service as an initiated man in
That was one of the most meaningful
experiences in my life - that my community
acknowledged I was living my mission. It chokes me
up just speaking of it now.
Contact info: Martin Brossman, 919.847.4757 or
or www.CoachingSupport.com
© 2008 Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project www.mkp.org
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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