October interview with Mark
With a name like Mark Cool, you just know hes
going to be destined for the arts! Mark Cool and
the Folk Stars have a new CD out, and its
very, very cool! Its a unique blend of folk
and rock, as the CDs title ironically
Cools early upbringing exposed him to folk
artists like Holly Near, Chris Williamson, and more
notably Pete Seeger.
In the 90s, Cool eschewed his folksy roots
and trekked from New York to Los Angeles to play in
a band called Hip Hip Goliath. The
singer/song writer immersed himself in the LA music
scene and played in multpile bands at venues like
The Mint, King King, and CB GBs.
Cool said he took a break from music shortly
after moving to North Carolina in an effort
to save my failing marriage, but to no
His music has its own niche. I wasnt sure
what I was listening to when I first heard the
songs on the CD. It grew on me quickly, however. I
especially liked Hole in my Heart and
did a YouTube video with it. [LINK]
Most of my stuff comes from an emotionally
charged place, he began. Poetry and
music has always been an outlet for my intense
emotion its a release in a way for me. My
music also reflects on my experience with life and
my perceptions of other people, and the environment
around me. Music allows me to express my
perceptions of the women and men I meet at a
gas station, or a homeless person on the
I asked Cool how his creative process works with
Theres two parts to what I do, I
have the music with the guitar, and the writing of
the lyrics. Ive heard a lot of writers will
start by writing musical parts; I usually go the
other way - I come up with an idea, or a feeling,
or a phrase, or something I will hear someone say
in a passing conversation that will kick off a song
for me.
On occasion, that creative muse will work
both ends against the middle said Cool,
and he will churn something out in only five
minutes. He said those can be the very best
Ive heard a lot of writers describe
that creative process where they believe,
Im just a vessel. Tonic and
Gin was written that way it came out
in one fell swoop!
So, Mark
what do we do with men who say
that are NOT creative?
Yeah, I hear that a lot from people
when I hear that it makes me feel sad. Everyone is
an artist, creative in their own way; its a
matter of finding it, finding what works for you
and expressing it.
Yeah, but not everyone believes they can express
themselves through music or creative writing.
I asked Cool what he'd suggest for people who
want to get on a creative path, what has worked for
Get a journal out and write three pages,
and let it just come out. Dont judge it. Let
it flow. I think thats a good jumping off
point to develop writing skills. Im always
collecting stuff around me, a snippet of
conversation overheard, a glimpse of a sunset, or
the sound of a stream when Im out
As an example, Cool said he wrote a snippet
about a neighbor who rides a bike that seems way
too big for her, but everyday she's pedaling around
the neighborhood on her too-big purple bike.
I mentioned that Coleman Barks (Rumi translator)
told me shame is a good way to motivate
some people to write.
A common theme for songwriters is LOVER
energy love songs. This energy is easy to
connect with for me. When Im in love,
inspired by a woman as a straight man, the emotions
and words flow easily. Although, Ive tried
not to harp on that too much because love songs can
get cliché. I connect with anger, sadness
and Im aware of shame and how that
translates into my writing especially
narrative songs. 'Black Gold' is song on the new cd
that comes from anger - anger at injustice toward
native people. 'Woman at a gas staion' and 'She's a
man' have shame and sadness in them.
His comments reminded me of one of my favorite
artists, Harry Chapin (The Cats in the
Cradle) and how he used the narrative in his
musical work.
Yeah, I love that song. He really nailed
the father-son wound with that one.
How does an artist follow his dream with the
vicissitudes of life?
In the present, Ive found a balance
with my business, being a part-time single father,
and a musician. In some ways its easier now
than when I was married full time and immersed in
family life everyday. Now I have a week guaranteed
to spend on my music. Even when the kids are here,
I set my time aside to write songs and practice
songs that feed me as an artist. For me,
theres a guilt and shame that tells me
Im being selfish and I should spend more time
with my kids. Ive heard men say to me,
your kids are going to learn by what you do,
not what you say. I want them to pursue their
dreams. And I think they want me to live my life,
Walking that fine line is not easy, is it?
I know, for me, when I do take care of
myself as an artist
things that feed me like
Im more present when Im
with my children, if not, I become distracted and
resentful, and thats not who I want to be as
a father.
I asked Mark if he was willing to share his
personal history.
I met my ex-wife when I was out in
Hollywood going to music school. I was in a band,
making song pitches, and was working every angle.
She became pregnant and we started a family. She
supported my dreams for the first three years. She
believed I was going to be a rock star with a big
record contract.
I will not digress here, but Cool is strumming
the story of my life
me moving my bride to
NYC and convincing her I was destined to be a great
playwright. (Hasnt happened
What I did was I quit, he explained.
She told me my guitar was like a mistress and
you spend more time with her than me.
So, I put the guitar down and tried to make this
relationship work. I stopped everything, including
performing for a couple years. Unfortunately, that
didnt change things in the relationship. It
still wasnt working. Some time during the
divorce, I picked up the guitar again and its
been a renaissance for me confirming I am an
artist and I always will be. Its been
great! Wonderful
opening up every area of my
life I had shut down trying to fit into what my
ex-wife wanted.
Heres my personal editorial note. I had a
second-generation German father who made me take
piano lessons for eight years as a child. I hated
the entire experience, until I quit and discovered
my own style of playing music. Now, it is one of
the great saviors of my life. Music is very
important to me.
Music is a great channel, Cool
noted, but not the only one. Men's work is
invaluable to me, to stay clear, be connected with
others, and continue to peel off layers of my own
personal onion - emotionally and psychologically,
and be the man I want to be. The more I do my own
personal work, the better I am able to connect with
other people. My goal is to distill my own
experience down to core truths, and share my
experience through my songs. If I stay true to my
vision for my life, my mission, then Im
helping people, to heal and inspire them
thats what I want to do as an
I personally like the story telling
feel of Mark Cools music.
What makes me unique with my gifts
is that Im very clear
clear in my
expression. I express things in a simple, everyday
I know Mark. Hes in my community in North
Carolina and Ive been on NWTA weekends with
him. Hes a man who walks his honest everyday
talk or his song. I think that takes his
Warrior energy in there to balance the creative
I think youre right about the
connection between the Lover and Warrior. The
Warrior is definitely needed when it comes to
practicing and working on gaining a degree of
mastery over the craft. The Lover wants to whine
and say Im tired and I want to quit.
Its the Warrior energy that shows up to do
the work, no matter how I feel.
Cool credited Martin Brossman for helping him
set musical goals. Also, New Warrior Gregory Blaine
plays on the new CD.
And where does the King show up? (Cool is
producer of his newest CD.)
My King energy says I can be leader and
have a vision. If Im the band leader and the
head liner at a show
its my vision.
Im saying to the others, Im going
to be your leader, trust me. My Magician
helps me inter-relate with the band and the alchemy
of mixing emotions with the technical aspects. And
then, my Lover is supported by the other quadrants
to make that connection with the
Cool honored every man who finds the creative
juices flowing through him, either as a performer
or as a listener.
Creative dabbling is fine if thats
your goal, he stated, but I knew that
if I wanted to do something more with my music than
play local bars, I had to feel a ton of doubt,
fear, and shame. Id have to work through it.
No matter how Im feeling on any particular
night in a club, its the Warrior who gets me
up and out there in front of the
For me, Mark Cool and the Folk Stars is music
that is well-grounded, even earthy and gritty in
its texture. Yet, it moves forward in an upbeat
dynamic way that finds its mark straight to the
heart. I trust his words and the authenticity of
the music. The combination is uniquely crafted to
make a soulful impact on the listener. I highly
recommend it to you.
Whatever you are doing creatively in your
life, Cool concluded. I think
youve got some universal soulful energy to
tap into
something common to us
"I judge that the more we all tap in to our
creativity and what our personal gifts are, and
live from that place, sharing who we truly are, the
richer the world becomes." Cool concluded. If
I can do that, and inspire someone else, then I'm
successful as a musician and an artist."
Contact info: Folk Star Recordings, PO Box
60291, Durham, NC 27715 or E-Mail
or 919.730.8466 or 919.672.4949 or myspace.com/markcool1.
Cd's available online at cdbaby.com
© 2007 Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project www.mkp.org
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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