July interview with Joe
Its not very often I hear Judeo-Christian
scripture quoted on an NWTA. As a matter of fact, I
recall only once, and that was my very first
staffing in the summer of 1995 in New Mexico.
Joe Laur, the first professional Executive
Director of MKP (then known as the New Warrior
Network), in our staff meeting read these words
from Malachi, referring to the return of Elijah in
the last days:
"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to
the children, and the heart of the children to
their fathers
I was incredulous, and yet heartened that a man
with religious conviction was welcome in MKP, even
allowed to be a leader. I remember vividly Joe
telling the group he believed that the mission of
MKP was found in the Spirit of this verse.
Moments later, Joe invited any men who were
Jewish or just interested in the circle to join him
afterward to celebrate Shabbat, the weekly Jewish
day of rest on which the Christian Sabbath is
I have held this spiritual remembrance in my
heart all these years, but did not bring it up in
our dialogue on the phone.
I did begin by asking him about his faith.
Im Jewish by choice, Joe said,
I converted 12 years ago.
Joe Laur was raised Roman Catholic, but came to
a crossroads in his faith at an early age when a
friend of his was killed in a hunting accident.
His brother threw a loaded gun into the
trunk of the car, and it went off and killed him. I
experienced a great amount of grief and anger, and
when I went to the priest to ask how such a thing
could have happened in Gods plan, all I got
was homilies. He couldnt answer the difficult
questions I had about his death. Maybe no one could
in that case. But with due respect to my Christian
brothers, I had never quite gotten Jesus as God. As
a role model and brother yes, but not divine in a
fundamental way that I wasnt. I left
Catholicism, and spent the next 30 years as a
spiritual omnivore.
Joe said he studied many religions, but
nothing stuck. The closest spiritual
connections he had were with nature being
outside and being with God all day.
In 1993, at an early Shadow Work seminar in New
England, Joe met a joyous Jewish woman, Sara, who
practiced a renewal form of Judaism and
introduced him to Shabbat. For two years he studied
Jewish tradition, variety, and practice and
eventually converted. He also ended up marrying
Sara; they now have 5-year-old twins.
The word religion is from the
same root as ligament; its a connection or a
re-connection of who we are and what we experience
as a source of life. In that sense, Im
religious. I dont subscribe to dogma,
however. I like being Jewish because you can find
rabbis that support a wide range of practice and
outlook. Its not a centralized religion. The
Torah refers to the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob. The focus of the
religion is on an individual relationship with God.
Each prophet had his own relationship, and so can
I. Theres nothing to stand between me and my
relationship with God. Theres no brokers, or
middle men.
Any spiritual path worth its salt
should have an inward and an outward meaning, he
The inner part of religion provides
meaning, so for example, when I say a blessing over
a meal I become aware of all the things that went
into that turkey sandwich
the miracle of a
seed, the life of the turkey, the growth of the
if I take a minute to be with what
the sandwich represents, then Im connected to
all the beautiful elements that went into its
making. Its personal meaning for the
Then in the outward relationships,
religion provides an ethic, it helps me show up
differently and relate in a fundamentally different
way to you Reid, then if I had not found that path.
The primary question is about how I want to be with
others. The religious ethic offers me a life giving
way to be with other people.
My own experience in MKP, and in the world, is
that many people feel uncomfortable discussing
organized religions. Joe acknowledged that many men
have been wounded by religion.
Ive heard it said that everyone
needs two religions one to reject growing up
and one to accept with full consciousness.
Theres been a lot of damage done by priests,
rabbis, ministers and imams. I wish we had a little
more ability to welcome all spiritual paths in MKP
we have to make a strong enough container to
really do that.
He referenced a Woody Guthrie story where the
singer was asked by the nurse what religion to put
on the childs birth certificate: He
said all
its all or nothing.
Joe said he believed there was wisdom to
and weve got to be able to work
with mens shadows around religion, as well as
sexual shadows, and money shadows. Moneys a
big one for men. So much of our self worth is tied
up with our net worth.
Joe Laur has been involved in mens work
for many years. Hes been around the block a
time or two. He was there when Dr. Robert Moore
asked MKP if we were the men to carry
us on into the future, and worked with him and a
small group of MKP to craft our identity statement
about reclaiming the sacred masculine.
He conceived of, developed, and lead a week-long
retreat with John Lee and Jeffrey Duvall entitled
Men, Wilderness, and Soul in Minnesota
many times. Other leaders included Tom Daly, Bill
Kauth, Rich Tosi, Cliff Barry, Doug Gillette, Mark
Gerson, Jed Diamond, Joseph Jastrab, Aaron Kipnis
and Robert Bly.
One of these retreats led to a workshop entitled
God, Sex, and Money in New England.
A lot of God issues came out during that
week. We got into God the very first day. Men who
were angry with God were smacking trees, yelling at
God, weeping in his/her arms
doing whatever
it took to heal their relationship with the divine.
That was the first day. The second day we dealt
with sex and relationships, and went even deeper.
And the third day we put numbers in a hat of our
age, income, and net worth. We then pulled them out
randomly and had men respond. It turned out one man
with the most money had the most issues, no family,
and one man with the least money had the most
friends all over the world. It was an incredibly
deep experience. We were exhausted after those
three days. And we still had four days left
I asked Joe about this months theme of
Speaking Your Truth.
Well, theres something Mark Twain
its better to tell the
truth because then you dont have to remember
what it was you said. The truth is there
anyway between people - if Im sitting with
you and shooting the shit about weather, at some
level youre aware Im not being there
with you with everything Im thinking and
In my work with corporations, I have them
divide a sheet into two columns. I invite them to
remember a challenging situation that didnt
go well. In the right hand column I have them write
down what happened - what was said and done. On the
left hand side, they write everything they were
thinking and feeling, but not saying. They can
readily see the disconnect.
I challenge them to create better
conversations by bringing in more of who they are
with the other person. I tell them as they practice
this skill, theyll see that pretty soon there
is no left hand column. Its not about
venting, its about enhancing a relationship.
The real joke is that if you dont share the
left hand column, people get it any way.
Thats why we hate used cars salesman
I might be more willing to buy car if he tells me
he has to meet a quota, but if he leaks it out
passively, then Im not interested. Our
interactions with each other are full of bullshit.
Its in the water we drink. Telling the deep
important truth is refreshing. It opens people
While we were on a roll, I asked Joe if he had
any hard truths for MKP, or would he rather not be
I wouldnt want to be part of an
organization that wasnt being critiqued
continually. If we think weve got it
that now weve got everything right - in that
moment were wrong. Either weve lost our
vision, or were just in denial. The vision
that pulls me into the future is different than my
current reality. If vision and reality are the
same, then the games all over. I wish we
werent so critical about critiques. I wish
there was a way to do it better
a way to
offer a blessing along with it.
So, Joe
are we getting too soft in MKP?
Too much CYA attitude?
I think we train men for leadership better
than we used to, he mused. I think
were more thorough now. We take better care
of safety elements on an NWTA than we used to in
the early 90s. The death of Curtis Nelson in
1993 was a huge wake up call for us. We had a new
attitude of safety after that.
Also, were providing many more
initiations to more men in more places. Were
arguing about multicultural things
is good; if we all agreed, we probably
wouldnt be doing our work.
From my own theatrical playwriting, I know that
conflict is just the way you set up the story.
One of my favorite stories is of Jacob who
wrestles the angel and comes away stronger.
Hes got his wound through this initiation,
and at that point he becomes something else
Israel- God Wrestler. We should all be wrestling
and hopefully making it a clean
Cmon Joe, havent we lost some of the
risk-taking of the old days?
Weve lost some of the focus on the
apparent danger or the perceived danger. If
Im on an Outward Bound course and Im
going to be up a tree scared out of my wits
even though theyve got redundant safety
systems ... my balls dont know that.
Ill have this perceived danger or risk, and
thats enough. I dont have to be at a
genuine risk. In MKPs movement toward safety,
weve erred sometimes on the amount of
perceived risk or moderate risk there is. Im
not upset if someone sprains an ankle; I think
thats better that than a walk through a golf
course. I want the adventure, without anybody
breaking a leg. There was a fellow who had a tooth
knocked out on the old pool adventure. Today we
would cringe and the email lists would light up
over it. But this guy was proud of it- it reminded
him of the aboriginal custom of knocking out a
tooth at initiation. BTW, Im not advocating
we knock out teeth, and they put is back in, but
its not the end of the world. I want us to
take measured risks. This is something we should be
arguing about.
I get to be on the Leader Chat List so Im
able to read Joes comments. He talks a lot
about his family of 5 kids
Melanie, 28, Sean,
26, Lauren 17 and Sam and Maya, 5. And those are
just the ones he knows of!
Youll have to listen to his brief video
interview with David Moravec where Joe talks about
healing our family of origin, and then creating our
family of destiny.
Its important to heal the family
wounds and plug up the holes in the boat, and then
you get to work on your family of destiny. The NWTA
is one of the few, if not the only weekend, that
focuses on mission! We do guts to remove whatever
impediments there are to become a man of mission.
Guts serves mission. I dont care if men leave
the weekend feeling good and rosy; I want them on
fire to create who they are in the world and what
will lead them forward. I dont just want them
to have a mission, I want their mission to have
We dont want to become spiritual
hypochondriacs by too much focus on healing
every single wound with every single person
weve ever encountered, he warned.
Joe Laur is a veritable encyclopedia of
information, quotes, poems, etc. He began quoting
one of my favorite poets, and poems. I told him I
knew this one:
With Kit, Age 7, at the Beach
By William Stafford
We could climb the highest dune
From there to gaze and come down:
the ocean was performing;
we contributed our climb.
Waves leapfrogged and came
straight out of the storm.
What should our gaze mean?
Kit waited for me to decide.
Standing on such a hill,
what would you tell your child?
That was an absolute vista,
Those waves raced far, and cold.
How far could you swim, Daddy,
in such a storm?
As far as was needed, I said,
and as I talked, I swam.
I could sense Joes genuine love and
concern as he repeated the line:
How far could you swim
as far as
was needed. The dad was swimming as far as he
needed to make sure his daughter was safe.
As a father of three kids of my own, I took a
moment to breathe in this blessing.
Our kids need that kind of reassurance in
order to grow up, Joe continued. Part
of being a good parent is about not passing on the
same shadows to kids.
Joe shared this song lyric:
Cradle of Nails
By Joe Laur
They wanted a baby or so they were told
Marriage is silver and children were gold
But the fantasy faltered it was all in their
And when it got ugly the gold turned to lead
The boy was a gambler as all children are
And for every risk hes taken hes
wearing a scar
From the time he could stand up and cling to the
The baby was rocked in a cradle of nails
So rock a bye baby
In the wrong house
You wont get hurt
If youre still as a mouse
Daddy dont like you
And Mommys love fails
So sleep tight tonight
In your cradle of nails
The boy he grew older and time held its sway
And his body grew stronger with each passing
His parents wont touch him; they dont
know what hed do
And now its the other foot wearing the
The boy left his home when hed grown to a
And he fell deep in lust at the touch of her
She kissed him so softly and soon they were wed
And the next generation came forth from the bed
So rock a bye baby
In the wrong house
You wont get hurt
If youre still as a mouse
Daddy dont like you
And Mommys love fails
So sleep tight tonight
In your cradle of nails
Now a child will inherit what his father has
And a man whos got nothing has nothing to
The pain passes through and the blessing just
And whats left in the will is a cradle of
Now the chain that aint broken is doomed
to pass on
Just as sure as the sunset will bring forth the
Through each generation the pattern prevails
Rocking the children in a cradle of nails
So rock a bye baby
In the wrong house
You wont get hurt
If youre still as a mouse
Daddy dont like you
And Mommys love fails
So sleep tight tonight
In your cradle of nails
Its up to us to break chains, and
decide we will not pass it on to our
How do we break these chains?
I like focusing more on awareness than
just feelings. Even if Im cut and bleeding, I
can still work toward my mission. Theres an
obvious preamble to healing thats about us
being aware of our behavioral patterns. If we can
be aware of ourselves, then the healing happens
naturally. If all we focus on is healing, then
theres a potential pit we fall into
feeling good gets mistaken for healing. The whole
basis of addiction is comfort, including alcohol,
sex, or work. It numbs me out even when I feel bad.
The original addiction is to be comfortable, and an
unwillingness to be uncomfortable. Thats
addiction. Thats the core. I go to the quick
fix, rather than as Karlfreid Graf Von Durkheim
wrote: endure the suffering and pass
courageously through it, making of it a raft that
leads to the far shore.
And where does initiation come in?
The five-year-old boy cant take the
pain. He cant take rejection. When hes
older hes going to have to deal with it.
Initiation is breaking us loose from our addiction
to comfort. Again, awareness is the primary key. I
have to be willing to see what my comfort addiction
costs me, and others.
So, its the parent that provides the
mature masculinity model?
Yes, the goal is mature masculinity that
leads all the way to new models from the Elders. I
wonder what MKP is going to do with an old Leader
like me
I cant spend as much time as I
used to, and I still have a contribution to make. I
think MKP is looking at new models of Eldership and
doing a wonderful work of moving past the notion of
us as washed up shells to be scoffed at. Elders are
blessers, mentors, wisdom keepers, and gentle
generative wise people. And for me, in my
particular craziness, I want to be that and more.
As I move into Eldership, I want to be a little
dangerous, audacious, and more of a risk taker the
older I get - because what have I got to lose?
Im going to die! If death is tomorrow, then I
can take more risks today. If I play it safe,
Im playing a fools game. I want the
fiery voice of old age to come out and speak truth
into power
speak to social issues,
environmental issues
speak truth on both
sides of the political sides of spectrum. Are the
kids hungry? Then neither the left nor the right is
doing their job. Are there homeless, people without
health insurance? Every child deserves to have
their needs met.
Joe said he wanted to hold a conference on how
Elders should be stirring the pot, or rocking the
boat for the benefit of those who are coming.
Check out Joes website: www.seedsys.com
and www.godsdog.net [hes making lots of
He is co-authoring a book entitled, The
Necessary Revolution, teaching businesses how to
build sustainability. It is slated to be published
by Doubleday in early 2008.
Joe talked about how his work can help not only
the children, but the planet we live on.
As we neared the end of the interview, I took a
moment and gave him a word that was resonating with
me as he spoke. Legacy.
I believe its the book of Malachi in
the writings of the prophets talking of the
Messianic Age, Joe noted. Its
where the Spirit of Elijah will turn the heart of
the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
children to their fathers.
I felt a spine-tingle as I remembered Joe
quoting this scripture a dozen years ago. I kept my
secret and listened.
Those of us who are here now must do
everything we can to bless our next generation, not
only with words but with actions. We ought to leave
them a world that we most want them to inherit, one
that we would want to inherit for ourselves.
Lets leave it better than we found it
Sustainability means nothing without the next
generation. The Talmud says By the breath of
children, God sustains the world. Think about
it - its the generations that sustain it. We
often hear the quote from the Iroquois federation
about considering the seventh generation in our
deliberations and choices. But the part we leave
out says: "even if it requires you to have skin as
thick as the bark of pine tree.
It was a mystical experience for me to share
with Joe that this same vision had inspired me many
years ago and that he even used the same quote from
Its easy to forget the work I did
all those years ago, he concluded.
Its a blessing to hear that I touched
your life.
Indeed, Joe Laur has touched my life. And, as I
write this piece on Sunday Fathers Day
I feel that Spirit of Elijah. All three of
my children have called me tonight and blessed
May we all participate in the Sacred connection
through the generations, is my blessing to you.
© 2007 Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project www.mkp.org
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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