Be Impeccable With Your Word
An interview with Don Miguel
The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz from
Amber-Allen Publishing, is a little book that packs
a big wallop!
I read this gem-filled compilation of lyrical
and practical wisdoms, and then spoke with the
author what a soulful treat to hear his
From humble roots in rural Mexico, Ruiz was born
into a family of healers shamans. Initially
he began his career as a medical doctor, a surgeon,
but eventually returned to the century-old
traditions of his family as a Nagual a guide
to esoteric Toltec knowledge.
In February of 2002, Don Miguel Ruiz survived a
near-fatal heart attack that left him limited in
his ability to make personal appearances. So, it
was with rare anticipation that I spoke with him by
phone at his home in San Diego.
I told him his writing had a poetic quality,
much like Martin Prechtels work.
I love beauty, and the way I express
myself is as beautiful as possible, he began,
not just to give a message, but to make it
simple to understand. Simple is beautiful
for every human in the world - from the most
intelligent to those without education.
The keystone of his wisdom is based in the first
principle, or agreement: Be impeccable with your
There are thousands of agreements you have made
with yourself, with other people, with your dream
of life, with God, with society, with your parents,
with your spouses, with your children. But the most
important agreements are the ones you made with
yourself. In these agreements you tell yourself who
you are, what you feel, what you believe, and how
to behave. The result is what you call your
personality. In these agreements you say,
This is what I am. This is what I believe. I
can do certain things, and some things I cannot do.
This is reality, that is fantasy; this is possible,
that is impossible. from The Four
Ruiz reminds us that we cannot choose where we
are born or what language we are taught in
childhood. In the beginning, other people determine
our reality.
The first step in our progress is to
always be aware, he told me, be aware
we are dreaming. The second step is to see that we
are creating a story about others. The third is to
remind ourselves that people are also dreaming and
creating a story about us. Whatever they do is from
their personal dream and has nothing to do with us
they dont really know us. And we only
know what we believe about them - the image we
Don Miguel Ruiz said the issue of trust is not
about the other person, its about
Its up to us to trust ourselves or
not, he continued. If we do not trust
ourselves, we will ultimately become victims and
blame everyone else.
All people live in their own dream, in their own
mind; they are in a completely different world from
the one we live in. When we take something
personally, we make the assumption that they know
what is in our world, and we try to impose our
world on their world. from The Four
At the time of this interview in July 06, Mexico
was struggling through a contentious presidential
Political strife happens all the time all
over the world, in Mexico, in the U.S.
yes, a lot of people were upset because we
dont have awareness
injustice, war
we believe in all those lies - lies we
create with ourselves and we share with others.
After we share so many lies, it seems normal. If we
are aware, we can play a better game. If we
dont take it personally, we will not have
personal reactions that blind us and make us
The second agreement: Dont Take Anything
Impeccability of the word will also give
you immunity from anyone putting a negative spell
on you. You will only receive a negative idea if
your mind is fertile ground for that idea. When you
become impeccable with your word, your mind is no
longer fertile ground for words that come from
black magic. It is fertile with the words that come
from love. - from The Four Agreements
In dealing with the cruelty of life, our Toltec
teacher tells us that mutual respect begins with
self respect. And, we dont have to be in
interactions with people who dont respect
The world we live in is not
impeccable, he said. Many times words
are overwhelming; its the story of humanity.
Many people have died as a result of
This Mexican shaman believes in a hopeful future
for mankind, if we can but silence all the voices
talking at the same time.
Your whole mind is a fog which the Toltecs
called a mitote. Your mind is a dream where a
thousand people talk at the same time, and nobody
understands each other. - from The Four
Don Miguel Ruiz said there are many ways to
create our inner silence including
meditations, prayers, chanting, and actions.
When we reach that inner silence we
dont have to tell ourselves what we are
experiencing. You already know its a
wonderful day because you are experiencing it
you dont have to tell yourself it is.
The biggest accomplishment is where you dont
waste your time talking to yourself. You simply
enjoy perceiving the beauty.
According to the author, once you find inner
silence, something interesting happens
all those voices have no power over you; you
have power over them.
Even if someone got a gun and shot you in the
head, it was nothing personal. - from The Four
Using warrior energy is how one controls
beliefs - and those beliefs controls ones
A warrior has the awareness that it is a
war, the war not outside, but inside. You get the
inner silence when you win the war in your own
head, when you finally reach peace.
These words are reminiscent of Carlos
Castenadas writings.
The third agreement: Dont Make
Because we are afraid to ask for clarification,
we make assumptions, and believe we are right about
the assumptions; then we defend our assumptions and
try to make someone else wrong. It is always better
to ask questions than to make an assumption. - from
The Four Agreements
According to the author, to exist successfully
in society, there are two main rules: #1)
Dont believe anything you tell yourself, but
learn to listen to yourself. #2) Dont believe
anybody else.
They live in their own story so you need
to learn how to listen. When they say something
about you they are telling you the truth about
The fourth agreement: Always do your best.
Don Miguel Ruiz told me it is important for a
man to master his own dreams.
that is why the Toltecs became
dream masters. Your life is the manifestation of
your dream; it is an art
your best comes
from controlling the dream
by making
different choices.
I immediately recognized the Magician, the
Lover, and the Warrior in Ruizs writings. I
asked him about the King archetype. He responded
You can see we live in our own dream and
that dream is our kingdom! With that dream you
create a story, only true for you and nobody else.
In that world you are the king! Its been said
that every head is a world. A world is
not necessarily a planet, it is everything you can
perceive - you have your personal way to perceive
everything. You create a key of what you believe
you are
to rule over your kingdom by
stopping those lies you tell yourself. The magic is
in your word. Everything depends on how you use the
words to tell your own story about heaven or hell.
Remember that your word is magic if
its impeccable, your world will be
The word is the most powerful tool you have as a
human; it is the tool of magic
depending on
how it is used, the word can set you free, or it
can enslave you even more than you know. - from The
Four Agreements
The authors second, third, and four
agreements really stem from the first, he said.
The real shadow is what you believe you
are, what words you use to define yourself. We live
in a world where there is no mirror. You never see
your own face, but everybody else tells you what
you are, and you can tell them what they are, but
you can never see yourself. So, you have to believe
or not believe what they tell you. Everybody has a
way of seeing you through love or hate. Everybody
will tell you what you are, and then you grow up
believing what everybody else tells you that you
It helps me to have had some of my own personal
revelations to understand the mystical nature of
Don Miguel Ruiz. Also, it helps me to be an
initiated man.
Awareness is always the first step because if
you are not aware, there is nothing you can change.
If you are not aware that your mind is full of
wounds and emotional poison, you cannot begin to
clean and heal the wounds and you will continue to
suffer. - from The Four Agreements
How do we heal or transcend - our
Be aware the wounds are also dreaming and
creating their own story, he said. They
carry the past with them. Its not easy to let
them go. Its easier to be what we are than
become what we are not. We agree with everybody
about our wounds and what we are. Awareness is the
key to transcending our wounds. It happens in
moments of inspiration from everywhere on the
planet. By living in the moment we feel the freedom
of possibilities of our own life. You are free when
you no longer have to be yourself.
Your humble editor resonated with this because I
was initiated in 1995 as Free
Whoever survives the initiation of the dead
receives the most wonderful gift: the resurrection.
To receive the resurrection is to arise from the
dead, to be alive, to be ourselves again. The
resurrection is to be like a child to be
wild and free, but with a difference. The
difference is that we have freedom with wisdom
instead of innocence. - from The Four
Although Don Miguel Ruiz had a major heart
attack and was in a coma for nine weeks, he said he
currently enjoys every moment of his
I enjoy my own transformation. I used to
kind of force myself to have certain practices and
rituals years ago. I dont do anything now but
share what I am
I am myself because that is
the only thing I can give.
The authors works have been translated
into 36 languages, and include other books: The
Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, Four
Agreements Companion, Wisdom from the Four
Agreements, and Prayers.
His two sons, Jose and Miguel, carry on the Ruiz
legacy by making personal appearances and giving
The Four Agreements are a summary of the mastery
of transformation, one of the masteries of the
Toltec. You transform hell into heaven. - from The
Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz is a man of hope for our
civilizations future.
Weve seen history really evolve a
lot, he noted. The question is how fast
well change. It just takes time. Imagine
yourself waking up 700 years ago in Europe knowing
what you know now
seeing the way they
believed then with the superstitions and
inquisitions. Imagine being a woman even 100 years
ago, you can see we have changed a lot
not as fast as we wish
but I believe with
the four agreements we can heal ourselves in this
Don Miguel Ruiz ended with a blessing for
I bless everyone to be authentic, to be
themselves not like anybody else. To really
be yourself you become like God. You are God. You
become not what you think you are but what you
really are. Create your life the way the Toltec
ancestors did
by being your own artist.
Toltec means artist. I hold a place for all the
artists in the world, in Mexico, in the U.S., in
may we always live in beauty, taking
joy in beauty and our ongoing creation. Vaya con
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© 2006, Reid Baer
Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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