An interview with Sy Safransky
"One does not become enlightened
by imagining figures of light, but by
making the darkness conscious."
-- C.G. Jung
For nearly 30 years Sy Safransky has made the
darkness conscious in his unique and powerful
publication The Sun.
Throughout the years of struggle with the
magazine, Safransky has had his own share of
challenges and dark moments. "When I started the
magazine I toyed with the idea of calling it The
Sometimes Sunshine," Safransky quipped. "It seemed
more descriptive of my sometimes melancholic
nature. "But now I can't imagine it being called
anything but The Sun."
He is not so keen on defining his publication.
"If you read someone a
poem you've written, you don't want to be asked,
'What does it mean?' You want the poem to stand on
its own. I feel that way about The Sun. I
don't like to label The Sun as 'literary' or
'political' or 'spiritual' because it ends where
those labels begin, which is where life gets
Not everyone is prepared for the stark reality
in The Sun with its
often poignant writing and haunting black and
white photographs. Here is an example from one
reader, Barbara L. Finch:
"Sarah and I stand on either side of the bed,
rubbing Mother's arms
and talking softly to her. She is so thin I can
wrap my thumb and middle finger around her biceps.
The skin of her forearm is dry and wrinkled, and
reminds me of a chicken leg left too long in the
refrigerator. Her bony shoulder is hard, cool and
smooth to the touch, like a marble statue. I'm
struck by the fact that I have seen and touched
more of Mother's body in the past few days than in
the previous five decades."
In a telephone interview from his office in
Chapel Hill, Safransky
acknowledges that "some people have a hard time
dealing with the content, but that's
understandable. Not everyone is ready to confront
the same hard truths in the same way at the same
East West Journal says "The Sun gently
opens the heart, soothes
troubled feelings, and probes matters of the
spirit with a clear and grounded intelligence . . .
. The whole magazine is like an intelligent
compassionate friend who perceptively
articulates your innermost thoughts and dreams."
Utne Reader awarded Safransky's publication its
Alternative Press Award, calling it "a magazine
completely unlike any other, always personal,
always meaningful, always unexpected."
The conversation with Safransky was also
unexpected. A one-time New York City newspaper
reporter, the editor of this "serious" magazine did
not take himself that way. He was articulate, witty
and often humorous. He spoke of his Russian
grandmother, his two daughters, and his marriage of
nearly twenty years to his third wife, Norma, "a
strong woman who provides a healthy balance to my
own well-developed woman within." At fifty-eight,
he's ten years older than his wife, but jokes that
"men have a better chance with women if there's an
age difference, since boys are less mature than
girls." In any event, he says, he tries to remember
the advice of a friend: "A happy wife is a happy
He still believes in the importance of honoring
sadness, he said, but
"just feeling sad doesn't necessarily open our
hearts or make us more
compassionate - especially if it's the kind of
sadness that comes from denying, rather than
embracing, the pain of living."
The monthly magazine began in 1974 when
Safransky peddled the first issues for twenty-five
cents on the streets of Chapel Hill, North
Carolina. In Issue 31 he began the first
"Readers Write" Section, in which readers are
invited "to write in each month on such topics as
Whirlwind Romances, Locked Doors, Begging, or Hair.
What results, in the words of one reviewer, is
'often exciting, always heartening, sometimes as
shocking as words overheard in a church
Safransky writes this at his website

"Unfortunately, you're not likely to find The
Sun at your regular newsstand. Many
distributors won't carry it because it's not
'commercial' enough: we don't carry advertising;
and we regularly print pieces that are too risky,
too personal, too sad, too something. Yet somehow
the magazine finds its way into the right hands;
readers who appreciate writing that doesn't talk
down to them or up to them, but meets their level
The Sun's 48 pages are filled with
interviews, essays, fiction, poetry, photography,
and letters to the editor. And there's no
advertising. "I'm not against advertising,"
Safransky said. "But if you and I are sitting
together and talking seriously, isn't it preferable
not to have to pause for a commercial break? In
The Sun, I try hard to create a mood with
words and pictures, and I don't want to have that
ruined, when the reader turns the page, by an ad
for a better beanburger."
The Sun readership was steady at around
1,000 for the first 10 years. Now it's up around
55,000 nationwide.
Safransky said he used to be ambivalent about
The Sun's growth. "I was committed to the
magazine's survival but not to its success," he
said. "I equated success with compromise. But I've
found, instead, that The Sun's modest success has
enhanced rather than compromised our ability to do
what we're doing. It's great not to worry about
paying the bills every month but to focus instead
on making each issue as good as it can be."
Although three times as many women as men read
The Sun, the editor was reluctant to
generalize about gender differences.
You asked me if men are afraid of women," he
said. "Sure. And it's also true that woman are
afraid of men. In fact, just about anything you can
say about gender is true from a certain
He said a spiritual teacher named Patricia Sun
(no relation) "turns the conventional stereotypes
around. She thinks men are more inherently
emotional but cover it up with a veneer of the
rational. And, women are rational but cover it up
by seeming to be emotional."
When pressed again on gender differences.
Safransky retorted, "Why should relationships
between the sexes be any more peaceful than
anything else in the world? We live in a world of
He is also reluctant to generalize about
creativity. "People who love language are tempted
to make judgments about men who don't," Safransky
noted. "But just because someone has never written
a poem or won't even read poetry doesn't mean he's
any less wise or loving than someone who looks to
literature for answers. Words only point the
The Sun, 107 North Roberson St., .Chapel Hill,
NC 27516. Subscriptions: 888.732.6736; Editorial
Office: 919.942.5282
© 2005 Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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