August interview with Snake
Take Back the Might
If you say the name Snake in The
ManKind Project, odds are people will think
youre talking about Craig Bloomstrand.
Hes one of the original pioneers in this
When I first met Snake Bloomstrand a few years
back, he was leading a basic staff development
training (BSDT) in New York City. I remember him
leaning back in his chair and talking about the
early days of the work.
So it was a shock to some, and not to others,
when Snake resigned his certification as a full
leader last month. His email note came across a
number of chat lists. It was raw and edgy.
The last several years I have signed the
leader covenant with great reluctance, watching as
a philosophy of control, mandate and policy
threatens to undermine the very lessons we teach on
the training. [Click Here For
Snakes Letter.]
For whatever intensity there was on paper,
Snakes approach to our conversation was
measured and his tone was calm. He spoke to me from
his home in Minnesota as he described the day as
steel-grey and windy. At the outset, he
said he wanted to follow the theme of take
back the might.
Ive always had a raw masculine
respect for men being different, he said.
This community has represented men being
different yet together in a way that I hungered for
all my life. We are affecting adults and children
all over the world with this work. The 'might' I
want re-claimed is what I left my initiation with
that men care for one another, will
challenge one another with compassion, and cut
through the bullshit with love and acceptance. I
left my initiation feeling proud of being a man. I
felt humbled yet mighty powerful to go
forward and make conscious choices.
Snake said if we come from a fear place to
protect our butts on the NWTA, then we are
demonstrating a deep insecurity.
Its the same shadow that follows us
around asking for money, he continued.
If we come from that place, were really
saying we dont trust its value, or that we
have dont have value enough.
Snake said The weekend is inherently risky
and we must do everything in our power to keep
staff and initiates safe, but we must not deceive
ourselves by believing endless structures and
policies will keep us safe. Personal integrity and
individual discretion keep the weekends safe too,
and this is developed within each of us by doing
our personal work. I see an ever widening canyon
between the work accomplished on NWTA and the
development of MKP as an organization. I have
wondered for years why we have not been successful
approaching funding agencies to forward our work in
the world. Men have supported scholarship funds to
get men to the weekend, yet seem reluctant to
support the organization financially. Does this
mean we see the value of the weekend clearly but
mistrust MKP? Are we insecure pitching MKP to
outsiders because of this divide?
According to Snake, men join MKP because they
want accountability in their lives.
When I stand on the wall doing
accountability, I see men terrified of being held
accountable, convinced they will be shamed or
discredited. By the end of accountability these
same men are raising their hands and saying
Me too! I want to be accountable. I
find this humbling and I see clearly how many men
want this for themselves - it signals the beginning
of trust. For those initiates, the man on the wall
is the guy they hoped would pat them on the
shoulder and say, Damn youre good,
flaws and all. Its an archetypal energy.
Its the King, or uncle, or elder
matter how hard he came down on you, you loved him
because he asked you to show who you are and he
accepted what you showed. This enormous and
universal archetypal energy is what the world is
missing today. Our challenge is how to create an
organization that mirrors the path of men on the
weekend. An organization congruent with what we
I met Snake again in Montreal in the mid-1990s
at a national MKP summer retreat. He carried a
unique mixture of friendliness and power. Hes
a tall, thin man of Norwegian heritage.
Its totally against everything in my
blood to bring conflict to a head, he said.
Its my stretch. A clean clearing
process has always been the way thats helped
me grow. Im real conscious of my decision to
resign. Theres a fine line
didnt put that out simply to stir the pot,
even though thats where I find my self right
now. It was real hard to choose to put my
certification down. It has been a big part of my
life and given me access to men around the world.
Its given me a huge venue where I can
Snake said he felt compromised
because he believed MKPs organizational
structure has become more sacred than the
heart and soul of the men.
I traveled all over bringing our message
to the world and Ive not been expecting any
medal, it was my personal work, he said.
And when the multicultural mandate came up
last year, I went to Glen Ivy and argued against it
my voice was heard, yet I felt
misunderstood. I support the multicultural work. I
support the work in Folsom prison as well, but
mandating men to enter the prison because I believe
it, is inappropriate. I believe as hard as it is to
see each man as an individual with a unique path,
we are committed to this value by our teachings on
the weekend. Within the structure of MKP we have
marginalized mens opinions in our politics
and structures. I also understand that
target groups want me to build trust by
agreeing to do the multi-cultural work.. I have
been told that white men cant be trusted to
show up for this work, therefore the mandate is
necessary. I do trust many of the men Ive met
on weekends. In good conscience I can not betray
them. Some I trust, some I dont. I have to
sort through this, see men as individuals, and
practice what I preach as a teacher.
Snake led an LT1 Training in Rochester, NY,
where I saw first hand how he worked his magic with
men. He stood toe-to-toe and spoke his truth about
the man in front of him. He was beautiful.
MKP is not that far behind the multi-cultural
curve because weve been bringing men
together, holding a space, for more than 15
years, Snake said.
Men find the weekend because of a trusted
friend, he added. How many of us have a
huge community of black men we can invite?
Theres a cultural difference. Its very
risky to be a white man and say trust me,
this weekend is powerful
but there are no
shortcuts. I have to stand up and face the mistrust
with authenticity. I have to step beyond my fear of
rejection and deliver. When I started working in
South Africa I shared a dream of creating common
ground where men can be seen as unique and
valuable. The common ground is that we want to be
better fathers and men. This dream appealed to
black and white, though it didnt solve the
racial problem. In the three days of a weekend, we
challenge hard-held personal beliefs. The NWTA
weekend itself has created a common ground to begin
to help us see each other as men and not
The NWTA is a good first step in
resolving cultural issues, but not the last step,
he said.
Since his resignation, Snake said he has
received many emails and phone calls.
I read a very telling email, he
recalled. The man writing the note said the
problem he had with I&I is that there is no
we. Im not trying to say that
I&I is bad that kind of cultural
education is important. Its the mandate that
crosses the line. With the mandate, I dont
feel seen for who I am. It feels like Im
being treated as unsafe until I learn the
multi-cultural language. The emotional message I
get is that no matter how much work Ive done
on myself, or how I see men in other cultures, I
wont be safe as a leader unless I learn the
language of I&I. That goes against the grain of
what I grew up with to see each man as an
individual. I&I teaches that men should to be
sensitive to other cultures and be open in
different ways. I dont see that
Many men in this network know Snake. I got to
know him better last year when he sent me a
poignant story about him putting down his dog who
was struggling with cancer.
I can go back to the core - my initiation
in 1988 during the Whats At Risk
Process, he recalled. Im sitting
on the floor with the other initiates, frightened
and considering what was at risk for me. When it
was my turn, I said I was totally full of shit and
had no substance as a man, convinced all the staff
men could see it clearly
. that was huge for
me to recognize my belief system. The consequence
is that over the years, many men have convinced me
that I do have substance. I have come this far down
the line because of their feedback. The mandate
represents me going back in time.. My head can take
it other places, but thats the message I get
no matter how much international or
multi-cultural work Ive done, you still
dont have the substance required to lead a
training. Ive fought too long and hard
to get where I am inside, I wont betray
myself anymore.
Asked why he believes other men resonate with
his resignation, Snake said he is speaking words
other men are fearful to say. And, his choice was
not about standing for men who feel
although, there are lot of
men thinking what I am, and are not articulating
it, he added.
I hear men say they are not respected as a
man when they are forced to swallow rules and
requirements. Many men want MKP to be the place
where theyre seen as assholes, to be in
grief, to be whatever we are. We want to be
encouraged to do that, and not inhibited.
Thats the way NWTA weekends work, and
I-Groups too. This principle has weakened in the
MKP leadership and its political structure. The
roles of leadership behavior are compromised.
Its like a fatal flaw. We build a machine
that works and then we tinker with it endlessly
until nobody can work it. Were creating layer
upon layer of hoops to jump through with what
were doing it is ensuring a quality of
diminished heart and soul. Now there are specific
requirements for the leader track, including LT1,
LT2, and LT3 and sending in your $100. In the old
days, there was no structure. You had to fight your
way through. The old way damaged men and often
refused to bless individuality. Today, the way a
man negotiates through the structure has become
more important than the work within the man. By
creating these structures we are still off the mark
and damaging men. I believe weve used
structure and the fear of liability as
justification to compromise the very foundations of
the work.
At our recent Greater Carolinas Community Annual
Business Meeting in January, the group agreed that
we were not ready for the mandate. (There was one
Its so important to be in long and
endless dialogue about whether or not we are
congruent with our values and ethics. I must do
this each day as a man, why wouldnt I expect
the same from the organization I belong too,
Snake explained. Some men dont want
arguments, and say tough shit, this is the
way its going to be. We cant talk about
it anymore. Yet, there is this dynamic
tension. I know the liability is huge on whos
going to get sued. It will be the leaders first,
despite the insurance. So whats the answer?
Thats what everyones asking. I wish I
had the answer to that because I live in that world
of liability.
The issue of mandatory reporting of abuse is a
very real issue for centers to deal
with, Snake acknowledged, with the
requirement that professionals have to report
issues of sexual abuse.
Will the writing of rigid policies decrease
liability? Not according to Snake.
By writing a policy that we will adhere
it makes us more liable because we wrote it
up in our bylaws. My personal discretion developed
over years as a leader is overridden by the
policy.. If I was to gather up a dozen of my
neighbors and sit in my garage, chances are
Id be less liable than on a NWTA. Im
just a guy encouraging men to get real. If I could
act as MKP Chairman for one day
and there
have been some men who suggested I should stand for
I would call for a one year moratorium on
all the beaurocratic functions of MKP, and put a
short crew of men in place to pay insurance and
collect the fees. Then, Id put my trust in
the men running existing centers to hold NWTA and
do them well. After one year, wed meet back
in Glen Ivy and share the best practices. Wed
discover what parts of the structure we really
After suggesting this radical approach to MKP's
structure, Snake said the men who suggested he
stand for Chairman withdrew their invitation.
I realize what Im saying is a very
broad stroke, he said, with a chuckle,
but its worth considering because our
bureaucracy has grown too large. The CDs
(Center Directors) are overwhelmed by decisions.
Weve grown something thats enormous. If
it continues to grow, well further distance
ourselves from I-groups and from NWTA
At home in Minnesota, Snake said he is happy
facilitating a local I-Group training.. Having
served in project leadership since 1991, he
considered the possibility that he may have become
jaded. A kind of I-Group for
leaders may be essential to the growth of
MKP, Snake suggested.
We need to sit as leaders and do
maintenance on each other on a personal level
instead weve chosen to have elections.
With the business of the project, theres no
time to do self-maintenance. When leaders hold one
anothers heart, a total conversation takes
place. On NWTA weekends, leaders will go off with
each other and talk about what we learned on
previous training and what were going to do
with this one. It rarely happens with a Glen Ivy
meeting. There isnt time, too much business
to handle.
According to Snake, Don Jones is right in line
by having a conference in April for certified
leaders where leaders come and visit with one
We have created a god around structure and
moving up in leadership, Snake continued.
A circle of men is more organic. Without this
ethic, a lot of men are damaged. Too many men come
into the project with phenomenal leadership skills
gained in life or the military
and they want
to offer what they already carry with them. But we
say, no, you have to do basic, staff, leader
1 or 2 before were willing to hear your
voice. At that level weve lost the
ability to see the man for who he is
many men have said fuck that. I know
its strong language, but what Im
provoking is not around specific men, but an
ideology. Within each of us there is a policy
tyrant that says damnit, I know the right
way, Im going to write it up and make sure
everyone does it the same way.
Having edited I-Group protocols as MKPs I
Group Chairman, Snake said he knows how seductive
the policy tyrant is in contrast with an
ethic or value in leadership.
I was leading a training in Philadelphia
when a first time staff guy does a clearing with me
and other men ask who the fuck is this
guy? He doesnt know me and he says
hes going to be watching me all weekend long.
I cant dismiss that man. I get to say,
great, tell me what you see. What I
gained was how I looked as a leader. He told me
what he saw and now I have two choices: I can stand
in my authority or I can learn, and get a gift. I
want to see that kind of ethic brought into our
politics. I dont want to see insulation from
men the leaders serve. Ive sat in enough hot
seats to have a pretty good picture of how men
respect me and love me for who I am, and I also
know men in The ManKind Project who are fearful of
me, who see me as a lose cannon and a rebel! The
cool thing is that both things are true. I am
52-years-old. Ive had a lot of expectations
from elders throughout my life. Now I am taking my
first steps in that direction. One of the things I
realize in coming to maturity is that I am a bag of
paradox, and I have to live with it. Some men are
going to fear me and some respect me. Taking a
stand is as important as bending my knee.
So why cant Snake stay in and work from
the inside?
Ive decided that being a certified
leader compromises me, he answered. Yet
my family and my friends are all warriors. Im
not going away from the warrior community.
Ive met men all over the world in my role as
leader which is just a role. Certified
leader doesnt determine my involvement in the
project. I can show up as a staff man on a weekend
or as a voice in Glen Ivy. I dont need the
role of leader to participate.
In the last three years, Snake showed up to Glen
Ivy without a leadership role. That didnt
keep him from arguing his positions, however.
Im no longer in competition with men
to define who I am, he said. I can
stand on both sides of different arguments.
Leadership has helped me gain that prospective. We
shouldnt treat leaders in a way that isolates
them, insolates them or projects on them, where
they have to take it like bitter soup remaining
stoic or refusing to be open. The story I told
about the first time staffer
despite my
elevated position
there have to be men
willing to tell me what I look like. There should
be no cultural sacred cows. I will never lose the
need to be told what I look like from the outside
looking in. Does leadership circumvent that? It
can. Its incongruent if it does. Im not
setting up myself as a paragon of virtue I simply
want our organization to live up to the same values
I hold dear as a man sitting in a circle. Maybe
Im twisted, but the guy who stands up and
says youre full of shit
pray those guys come to us. Isnt that what
every other guy wants to say? Isnt that where
we find out who we are? All of us want that
freedom. I cant claim I know all the shit I
provoked with my resignation. I do know I put a lot
of intention behind it. I didnt want the
message to be you are fucked up and I
Snake says he stands up for guys like Curtis
Mitchell, MKP Chairman, and Carl Griesser, MKP
Executive Director.
Ive sat on the executive committee
and when I sat in that position my concerns were a
lot different than when I was simply a man in a
circle, Snake said. Theres all
the cacophony of voices that want you to do one
thing or another. The responsibility thats
been handed over to these men is overwhelming. And,
the distance between those institutional roles and
the men at the grassroots has grown too great. So
many men are asking who are these guys on
and why are they telling us what to
do? Its adversarial stuff to want to
throw everything into the harbor. There is no us
and them. Were all in this together.
Lets live with it. We still have to find our
way through the forest.
Snake said the first wave of men who called him
after his letter of resignation were the men who
felt disenfranchised men who have been away
from the work for years.
Yet, these men are still on the list serve
first thing Saturday morning, Snake
exclaimed, and what that tells me is there is
a whole large consistency that feels
disenfranchised. They love the work enough to
monitor the list. The letter provoked and spoke to
them. What did I really speak? I spoke of a
personal choice, apparently one that many men have
had to make. My decision was not born out of the
mandated multi-cultural work or mandatory
reporting. These issues and how they have been
handled within our structures have compromised my
principles as a leader. Its the proverbial
straw that broke the snakes back.
Snake, tell me again about the early days.
I hate to say the old days were better,
its not my intention, he insisted.
There was a kind of awkwardness on the
trainings. A real in your face fuck you
where fist fights happened in the staff room. As
unsafe as that was, it was thrilling, it was an
adventure. Over the years, weve becoming
safer, more politically correct, and much of the
wild man has disappeared. I want to see the wild
man come back to the trainings and the organization
- not the savage, the wild man. Ive received
the gift to distinguish between the two, and I
dont want to cheat other men out of that
lesson for the sake of creating a better machine. I
long for an organization with a beating heart, not
a well oiled machine.
Take back the might, Snake.
© 2008, Reid Baer
* * *
The fame you earn has a different taste from the
fame that is forced upon you. - Gloria

Reid Baer, an
award-winning playwright for A Lyons
Tale is also a newspaper journalist, a poet
with more than 100 poems in magazines world wide,
and a novelist with his first book released this
month entitled Kill
The Story. Baer has been
a member of The ManKind Project since 1995 and
currently edits The New Warrior Journal for
The ManKind Project
He resides in Reidsville, N.C. with his wife
Patricia. He can be reached at E-Mail.

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