Americas War on Families
Youve heard about the war on drugs, the war
on poverty, and other wars on various problems, but
are you aware of the War on Families?
Our federal, state, and local governments spend
an amount equal to the entire Canadian military
budget on this operation every year.
Where there used to be a family made up of a
mom, a dad, and kids; there is now a single mom,
working full time to support herself and her kids
whether she ever wanted to or not, a dad deleted
from his childrens lives like some sort of
typographical error, and children who will spend
the rest of their lives wondering what horrible,
bad thing they did to deserve all this.
While people have been led to believe that
divorce is a solution; an end to the fighting, for
most divorcing families today it is only the
beginning. The system we have in place today has
seen to that. The tragedy here is that so much of
this anguish and pain could have been avoided if
only people knew the truth.
That truth is that there are people in this
country who do not want families to exist.
Thats because a strong family unit can face
almost any difficulty, any problem and come through
it. Some even come out of it stronger and more
resilient than before. These strong families have
no need of government programs. They wont put
up with a government official, a stranger to them
and their kids, making their major life decisions
for them. Families want to make their own choices
of where to live, with whom, and how they will
support themselves.
Call them progressives, Marxists, feminists,
whatever you like, but they all have one goal: get
rid of those families so they can take control.
The War on Families is far more successful than
any of the other wars I mentioned earlier.
Thats because the American people have been
led to believe this war is about something entirely
This is one of those issues most people think
they know about, but unfortunately what they know
is a product of several decades worth of
political maneuvering without much substance.
Since 1984, the United States government has
quietly conducted an operation with only one
outcome in mind: the destruction of the American
family unit. Under the guise of
protecting women from partner abuse
now called domestic violence by such laws as
the federal Violence Against Women Act of 1994, and
the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
many thousands, if not millions of families
have been eliminated.
With the current divorce rate at about 50%,
about half of all marriages seem destined for
failure. This is a very good thing for the
anti-family warriors, as it means a never-ending
flow of money and personnel to carry out their
Alumnae of womens shelters emerge with no
skills beyond the gamesmanship of divorce and
working the system, so all those
newly-single moms and fatherless children need
endless support from government programs, from
infant nutrition all the way to burial at public
expense. Many go on to new abusive relationships,
having had no instruction in ways to avoid future
You have to go back to the early days of the
Communist Party in the Soviet Union to see how this
all plays out. If you Google abolition of the
family you will find a wealth of information,
from both pro-communist and anti-communist sources.
Some of the material is quite recent, so you can
see it is an idea that has endured over a hundred
The durability of the concept does not bestow it
with any sense of humanity, however. It is as cold
and dehumanizing as ever, ignoring the demonstrable
fact that human beings have emotions and needs that
can never be addressed by any economic system.
Americans in particular have resisted much of
the socialist and communist ideology in the past,
but this has begun to change. Over the years the
anti-family warriors have become adept at cloaking
their ugly intentions in a soft fabric of lies that
have fooled many otherwise-intelligent people. They
use words like protection and
equality, while all the time what they
are really looking for is submission.
This is the reason why there have never been any
changes to womens shelter programs in 50
years; it is why the lions share of that
funding we provide through our tax dollars goes not
to helping women in distress but to anti-family
education efforts, to ensure millions
of law enforcement and court personnel see partner
abuse as a political and gender issue.
It is why the only solution ever provided by
these federally-mandated programs is now and has
always been divorce, and why they will never give
more than lip service to suggestions of reform or
These programs have nothing whatsoever to do
with partner abuse. They are about eradicating the
very concept of the family from the public
consciousness. It is but a single skirmish in the
larger current crusade for our hearts and minds by
the progressive/socialist/communist movement, but
we can win this one.
Thats the easy part. Just tell the
Both VAWA and FVSPA are up for reauthorization
this year, and we can end the War on Families by
pointing out the reality of those laws to our
legislators, as well as our state and local
officials. There is not a state, city, or county in
this country that is not directly affected by these
Tell them they are taking our tax dollars to use
against us and our families, and you cant
continue to support their other efforts if they let
our families be destroyed. These programs do not
just affect victims of domestic violence, they
affect everybody, because thats what they are
intended to do. These programs have been so
effective in their actual purpose that right now
almost everyone knows somebody who has been through
a bad divorce, accused of domestic violence, or a
victim of domestic violence, real or imagined.
Nearly all that trouble for their constituency
could have been avoided if theyd only known
what the proponents of these programs were up to
from the beginning. After all, if you call the fire
department when your house is on fire, they
dont come with a backhoe and tear down the
house, then walk away while the remains are still
in flames, do they? Of course not.
But thats exactly what these programs do.
And thats all they do.
In these difficult economic times, we do not
have the luxury of spending scarce funding on
programs that do not function to the immediate
benefit of the taxpayer. Allowing damaging programs
to exist is foolhardy.
The evidence is clear, on every website and
every handout provided by these programs. It is all
talk and very little action, and there is still no
proof that anyone has actually been helped with the
specific issue of partner abuse. After all this
time, the successes should be obvious, but there
are none.
Can we really continue to fund programs that
only provide negative outcomes?
For more detail, including analysis, facts, and
figures, visit the Stop Abusive and Violent
Environments website and read the most recent
Assaulting our Rights: How Domestic
Violence Laws Curtail our Fundamental
You can be part of an historic Congressional
Its time to STOP dehumanizing, ineffective
VAWA programs!
Since 1994, programs and policies created by the
Violence Against Women Act have destroyed countless
families and left victims of domestic violence with
no practical help, and no possibility of future
advances in the field.
VAWA programs are unique among all helping
programs as they have not changed in any way in 50
years, yet society continues to evolve.
Because of VAWA, victims of domestic violence
and partner abuse literally have nowhere to turn in
an emergency, and allowing these programs to
continue will ensure they never will.
The VAWA concept of partner abuse is only about
advancing a political agenda and not at all about
seeking real-world solutions for the families and
people affected.
All of this has come at a cost of billions of
dollars per year, with no demonstrable return on
this investment. It is time to STOP funding a
Marxist political agenda and START helping
taxpayers get the help they are paying for.
The next VAWA is currently being drafted by the
National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic
Violence in preparation for introduction and
passage in 2011.
For the first time since its inception, Congress
is allowing opposing viewpoints on this issue to be
aired at the first hearing.
The Increased Importance of the Violence
Against Women Act in a Time of Economic
The hearing was Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 10:00
a.m. in Room 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office
Scheduled to speak is Richard Gelles, PhD. who
is a Dean at the School of Social Policy &
Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a
leading researcher in the filed of partner abuse
from a non-political perspective. His
take on the most popular and enduring myths
surrounding the issue is here.
You can be part of this landmark event!
Even though you cant be there in person,
you CAN submit testimony to the Committee.
Its simple
just write a concise, polite
letter about your experiences with VAWA, and email
to Senators Leahy (Democrat of Vermont) and
Sessions (Republican of Alabama). It is preferable
that your letter not be longer than one page.
Just fill in the missing places in the draft
letter below, and email it to:
Anya McMurray (Leahys staffer):
Bradley Hayes (Sessions staffer):
Send a copy of the letter to:
. The deadline to receive your letter is this
coming Tuesday, May 11!
RE: Violence Against Women Act
Honorable Patrick Leahy
Honorable Jeff Sessions
Senate Judiciary Committee
Dear Senators Leahy and Sessions:
I am writing regarding the May 5, 2010 Judiciary
Committee hearing on the Violence Against Women
©2010, Trudy W.
* * *

Trudy W.
Schuett is an Arizona-based online veteran with 10
years in cyberspace; an author and multiblogger.
She has held workshops on blogging, writing, and
promo for writers at the New Communications Forum
and Arizona Western College, and has participated
in world blogging events such as Global PR Blog
Week. She is also an advocate for unserved victims
of domestic violence. She is is the author of three
novels, two how-to books and eight blogs. Note:
Books are currently out of print, but two appear in
blog form. She currently publishes New Perspectives
on Partner Abuse at
She has a video at her site that provides a look
into the circumstance of a few men. Entitled,
It is in five parts and was part of the Secret
Lives of Women series on the WE network. She
publishes the AZ
Rural Times
and New
Perspectives on Partner
Abuse ,
she is on Twitter
and Facebook
She lives in Yuma AZ, with her husband, Paul.
or E-Mail.

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