What do you think of the new movie
Q from a Female Senior at Arizona State
wants to know
.: What do you think of the
new movie KINSEY and, in your opinion, is it really
worth seeing.
Dr. Caron's Answer: I had the opportunity
to see the movie before it officially opened when I
was in Orlando attending the professional meeting
of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Sexuality. I loved the movie and highly recommend
it. Alfred Kinsey is one of the best-known sex
researchers. His findings from thousands of
face-to-face interviews were published in two
important books: Sexual behavior in the human male
(1948) and Sexual behavior in the human female
(1953). His research changed forever the way we
think and talk about sex. His findings revealed
that there is a wide range of variation in what
people do sexually, and helped people realize that
there is a wide range of "normal" behaviors. We
certainly have come a long way since the 1940s and
50s. However, just as Kinsey had to deal with
political pressure and opposition to his work, so
too do many of today's sexuality researchers. In
many ways, it is a very contemporary story. The
movie offers an important message to its viewers:
that a lot of human suffering could be prevented if
we just gave people accurate information about
sexuality. The website to view video clips from the
movie, KINSEY is: www2.foxsearchlight.com/kinsey/site/
See it if you can!
© 2008, Sandra L.
* * *
It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the
lover. - Marge Piercy
American teens have the worst of all
worlds...Our children are bombarded and confronted
with sexual messages, sexual exploitation, and all
manner of sexual criticism. But our society is by
and large sexually illiterate. Faye Westheimer

Dr. Sandra L.
Caron is a professor of human sexuality at the
University of Maine. To submit a question to Dr.
Caron or chat with your peers visit
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