Having Sex with a Sleeper
Q from a male, junior wants to know... If I
try to have sex with someone who is sleeping, would
it be considered rape?
Dr. Carons Response: The short
answer for most people: Yes. I think it would be
dismaying to wake up and find this going on.
Perhaps one would think it were fine if this was
someone you had a long-term relationship with and
therefore an appropriate level of trust exists
between the two of you assuming you had sex
before and this was something you both enjoy
participating in and have talked about. However,
for many, this would be seen as a violation - a
clear case of taking advantage of someone who is
sleeping especially if the relationship was
fairly new. Where is the consent? You need that in
order to proceed. Wake the person
Related Issue: Sleep
© 2010, Sandra L.
* * *
It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the
lover. - Marge Piercy
American teens have the worst of all
worlds...Our children are bombarded and confronted
with sexual messages, sexual exploitation, and all
manner of sexual criticism. But our society is by
and large sexually illiterate. Faye Westheimer

Dr. Sandra L.
Caron is a professor of human sexuality at the
University of Maine. To submit a question to Dr.
Caron or chat with your peers visit
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