In Love in 14 Days?
Question from a female freshman attending
Nebraska: I think I'm in love with a guy I met
2 weeks ago. He lives on the same floor in my dorm.
What should I do? I know he likes me, too. Should I
ask him out?
Dr. Caron's Response: I'm wondering what
you mean when you say, "in love." You've only known
each other for 14 days. If you mean you find him
interesting, that's nice. However, I would proceed
with caution. How about starting by developing a
strong friendship with him. Since he lives on your
floor, you have ample opportunity to see and talk
with him. My only worry is that you might rush into
something you will regret later. I'd try to take it
slow at first and get to know him better before
asking him out on a date. Remember, no matter how
your relationship develops, you'll still have to
pass him in the hall at 7:00am with your bucket of
shampoo and toothpaste in hand.
© 2007, Sandra L.
* * *
It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the
lover. - Marge Piercy
American teens have the worst of all
worlds...Our children are bombarded and confronted
with sexual messages, sexual exploitation, and all
manner of sexual criticism. But our society is by
and large sexually illiterate. Faye Westheimer

Dr. Sandra L.
Caron is a professor of human sexuality at the
University of Maine. To submit a question to Dr.
Caron or chat with your peers visit
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