Reaching A Crossroad in a Relationship: A Time
to Make a Decision
There is something about the coming of a new year
that causes us to take stock of ourselves, our
lives and our relationships. I guess that's what
New Year's resolutions are all about - making
positive changes in various aspects of our
So as many of us contemplate what we would like
to change or improve about ourselves or our
situation, it makes sense that our thoughts often
turn to the relationships we are in.
In taking stock of your important intimate
relationship, you might want to think about the
following questions (and not necessarily in this
1. Are my partner and I moving in the same
2. Is the relationship growing or is it at a
standstill or worse yet, is it deteriorating?
3. Do my partner and I share the same values,
goals and dreams as we once did?
4. Am I able to maintain some autonomy in the
relationship (in other words a "sense of self") or
is the relationship primarily geared toward and
directed by my partner's needs?
These questions should help you sort out what is
going on - or not going on - in your relationship.
If nothing else, it will start you thinking...
To learn more about relationship challenges,
read Dr. Sommer's free mini e-Book - "Loneliness:
feeling Cut Out of Life" at www.reenasommerassociates.mb.ca/info_product/loneliness1.pdf

© 2008, Reena
* * *
However often marriage is dissolved, it remains
indissoluble. Real divorce, the divorce of heart
and nerve and fiber, does not exist, since there is
no divorce from memory. - Virgilia Peterson

Dr. Reena
Sommer is an internationally recognized
relationship and divorce consultant. She became
widely known as a strong critic of domestic
violence policies that failed to recognized the
reciprocal nature of partner abuse.
Dr. Sommer has been an invited
speaker to academic, government and lay audiences
in Canada and the U.S.. In 1998, Dr. Sommer
testified before the Joint Senate-House of Commons
Committee on Custody and Access on the issue of
domestic violence. More recently in April 2002, she
was invited by the Canadian federal government to
participate on a panel of experts on the issue of
custody and access.
She has written extensively on
relationship and family issues such as domestic
violence, addictions, divorce and custody. Her
interest in high conflict relationships led her
toward developing expertise as a divorce consultant
in the assessment and treatment of parental
alienation syndrome under Dr. Richard Gardner. As
well, Dr. Sommer recently completed her e-Book,
Anatomy of an Affair. A
free condensed pdf version of the e-Book can be
Dr. Sommer has produced three
divorce related informational products which are
currently available online in the form of
downloadable audiofiles: Divorce 101: Things You
are Unlikely to Hear from an Attorney;
an Effective Parenting
Plan, and
for a Custody
You are also welcome to sign up
for a free mini-course, Arming
Yourself for Your Custody
Battle! See
or for more information, please email us at
or 204. 487.7247 or fax:

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