Developing an Effective Parenting Plan
Useful Tips on How to Prepare for a Custody
Evaluation and Gain an Edge in Your Custody
Custody evaluations are very important in
determining child custody and access during
contested divorce proceedings. Divorce courts give
considerable weight to the recommendations of the
evaluator. Below are some guidelines that will
assist when you prepare for your custody evaluation
with the expectation of ending your custody
- Arrive on time at your custody evaluation
- Dress neatly and conservatively.
- Be honest. The custody evaluator will likely
check out your statements with collaterals
and/or other sources.
- If the custody evaluator chooses to use
psychological testing, ABSOLUTELY answer
honestly. The tests are designed to detect
defensiveness and lies and unless you are an
expert in psychometric testing, you are unlikely
to fool them.
- Be sincere. The custody evaluator can
usually detect over embellishment and
- It's allright to be nervous; most people
- It's allright to cry and/or show emotion;
many people do.
- Answer questions directly and to the
- Make sure you pay attention to what the
evaluator is asking.
- Take your time when answering a question. If
you do not understand what is being asked, feel
free to ask the evaluator to explain what he/she
- If the custody evaluator asks that you
provide additional documentation, do so as
promptly as possible or communicate any concerns
about getting it.
- If you provide the custody evaluator with
names of collaterals, it is a good idea to
inform them in advance that they may be
contacted so that they can prepare to speak on
your behalf.
- If the custody evaluator is observing you
with your child(ren), be attentive to their
needs and focus on their interests and not
- Present yourself as being reasonable and
placing the concerns of your child(ren) above
The following is a list of things to avoid doing
during a custody and access evaluation...
- DO NOT speak badly of your spouse/partner
unless the custody evaluator asks you to comment
on what you perceive to be the problems between
- DO not make threatening comments about your
spouse/partner or anyone else to the
- DO NOT harass the custody evaluator with
phone calls.
- DO NOT drop by the evaluator's office
without an appointment.
- DO NOT call the custody evaluator to see if
the report is completed.
- DO NOT prep your child(ren) to say negative
things about their other parent. The custody
evaluator has ways of telling if this has
Custody evaluators recognize the stress people
are under during this process and take this into
account when assessing family members. If you are
feeling stressed and anxious, it is allright to
acknowledge it and allow the custody evaluator to
help allay some of your concerns.
Custody evaluators also recognize that there are
no perfect parents and his or her recommendations
should be directed at determining the best
parenting arrangement to meet your child(ren)'s
© 2008, Reena
* * *
However often marriage is dissolved, it remains
indissoluble. Real divorce, the divorce of heart
and nerve and fiber, does not exist, since there is
no divorce from memory. - Virgilia Peterson

Dr. Reena
Sommer is an internationally recognized
relationship and divorce consultant. She became
widely known as a strong critic of domestic
violence policies that failed to recognized the
reciprocal nature of partner abuse.
Dr. Sommer has been an invited
speaker to academic, government and lay audiences
in Canada and the U.S.. In 1998, Dr. Sommer
testified before the Joint Senate-House of Commons
Committee on Custody and Access on the issue of
domestic violence. More recently in April 2002, she
was invited by the Canadian federal government to
participate on a panel of experts on the issue of
custody and access.
She has written extensively on
relationship and family issues such as domestic
violence, addictions, divorce and custody. Her
interest in high conflict relationships led her
toward developing expertise as a divorce consultant
in the assessment and treatment of parental
alienation syndrome under Dr. Richard Gardner. As
well, Dr. Sommer recently completed her e-Book,
Anatomy of an Affair. A
free condensed pdf version of the e-Book can be
Dr. Sommer has produced three
divorce related informational products which are
currently available online in the form of
downloadable audiofiles: Divorce 101: Things You
are Unlikely to Hear from an Attorney;
an Effective Parenting
Plan, and
for a Custody
You are also welcome to sign up
for a free mini-course, Arming
Yourself for Your Custody
Battle! See
or for more information, please email us at
or 204. 487.7247 or fax:

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