Presentation Before the Joint Senate and House
of Commons Committee on Custody and Access
Thank you for asking me to present at this very
important meeting.
I bring to this meeting contributions from two
distinct areas of expertise; my work as a
researcher as well as my work as a family life
consultant. Together, they have shaped and
solidified my understanding of how families
function and cope under a variety of conditions.
Importantly, by being able to draw from aspects of
both disciplines, I am able to move beyond the
emptiness and detachment of unnamed and unknown
data points, by experiencing first hand the human
drama they each represent. In doing so, I can
consider the strengths and limitations of each
discipline, thus providing me with a more finely
tuned picture of family life.
My work as a researcher has focused on
perpetrators of spousal abuse within the general
population. The results of my research have found
no significant differences between the rates of
abuse perpetrated by males and females. These
findings have been met with controversy and have
been widely disputed even in the presence of
similar findings reported by other Canadian, U.S.
and British researchers. Unfortunately, this area
of research has been highly politicized by special
interest groups who fail to consider that violence
stemming from inappropriate management of conflict
and anger is not a gender issue but a human
condition. Because of this predominating and narrow
view of human interactions, findings such as mine
and others have been ignored, minimized or simply
My clinical work on the other hand has been more
mainstream and certainly less news worthy. It is
divided between working as a consultant and
therapist in First Nations communities in northern
Manitoba and conducting similar work, but servicing
the general population in Winnipeg. This work has
complimented my research findings by demonstrating
the following:
- Domestic abuse comes in many forms with its
effects extending beyond the identified
perpetrator and victim.
- The demarcation between perpetrator and
victim is often blurred because the abuse most
often occurs within the context of poor
communication skills, ineffective means of
managing conflict, alcohol and drug abuse and
histories of abuse experienced in the respective
partners families of origin. Importantly,
the abuse tends to be nonphysical and when it
is, it also tends to be reciprocal.
- Often times, concerns regarding domestic
abuse or a partners ability to parent are
raised at a time when couples experience
difficulty resolving the dissolution of their
relationship. It is my experience that
allegations of abuse and inadequate parenting
are fueled by anger and resentment, as well as
by both parents vulnerability and fear of
losing their children.
Based on my 10 years of studying and working
with families, I would like to put forth the
following three recommendations:
- While domestic abuse is an important
consideration in determining custody and access,
when allegations are made, caution must be
exercised to ensure that the context, history
and progression of family violence are clearly
- An attempt should be made to mediate all
custody and access cases as a first course of
action. The exceptions would be those cases
where safety is a concern as indicated by a
documented histories of unidirectional abuse,
violent criminal activity, or mental illness.
Given the reciprocal nature of most domestic
abuse cases found in the general population,
safety can be ensured by the mediator
establishing ground rules regarding conduct
during meetings.
- Finally, when attempting to resolve custody
and access issues, the feelings which underlie
custody disputes should be addressed first.
Often, when parents fears are allayed,
concerns about custody and access likewise tend
to diminish.
At this time, I invite your questions and
comments. Thank you again!!
© 2008, Reena
* * *
However often marriage is dissolved, it remains
indissoluble. Real divorce, the divorce of heart
and nerve and fiber, does not exist, since there is
no divorce from memory. - Virgilia Peterson

Dr. Reena
Sommer is an internationally recognized
relationship and divorce consultant. She became
widely known as a strong critic of domestic
violence policies that failed to recognized the
reciprocal nature of partner abuse.
Dr. Sommer has been an invited
speaker to academic, government and lay audiences
in Canada and the U.S.. In 1998, Dr. Sommer
testified before the Joint Senate-House of Commons
Committee on Custody and Access on the issue of
domestic violence. More recently in April 2002, she
was invited by the Canadian federal government to
participate on a panel of experts on the issue of
custody and access.
She has written extensively on
relationship and family issues such as domestic
violence, addictions, divorce and custody. Her
interest in high conflict relationships led her
toward developing expertise as a divorce consultant
in the assessment and treatment of parental
alienation syndrome under Dr. Richard Gardner. As
well, Dr. Sommer recently completed her e-Book,
Anatomy of an Affair. A
free condensed pdf version of the e-Book can be
Dr. Sommer has produced three
divorce related informational products which are
currently available online in the form of
downloadable audiofiles: Divorce 101: Things You
are Unlikely to Hear from an Attorney;
an Effective Parenting
Plan, and
for a Custody
You are also welcome to sign up
for a free mini-course, Arming
Yourself for Your Custody
Battle! See
or for more information, please email us at
or 204. 487.7247 or fax:

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