So here it is, July. That's when we have fireworks
and picnics and sunshine and all that summery
Put on your sunscreen.
If you have kids around, observe their joy.
Look at a tiny child's face, watching fireworks
bursting overhead in sparkling colors of gold, pink
and green that shimmer and float gently down and
That kid's not thinking about when he tripped
and skinned his knee earlier, or having to go to
bed tonight... he's taking in the magical splendor
of seeing mysterious and fantastic colors in the
He jumps up and down when he hears the big
"boom!" Aaaaahhhh.....
His eyes become enormous and round, and his
pupils enlarge in the darkness between the
The colors are reflected in his sparkling eyes.
He smells the smoke in the air, and all that his
senses are taking in create lots of cool little
events happening in his brain.
He is fulfilled with joy and wonderment, and
nothing else in the world matters to him at this
Kids can teach us a whole lot about life that we
We get busy and worried and cluttered and forget
to just live in the present for awhile.
This summer be aware of pleasant things
like the simple comfort of warm sunshine on your
back and the salty smell of the ocean breeze if
you're near the ocean.
Melt into the sweet icy cold sensation of a
chocolate milk shake, or see how far you can spit a
watermelon seed.
Listen to the birds' chirping mingled with the
sound of kids laughing and playing in the park.
Get on your knees and look into the grass, at a
child's eye level...or better yet, a turtle's eye
Observe the complex communities of insects doing
whatever they do.
Far too exciting to miss... really!
Blow soap bubbles and watch them drift in the
air in perfect spheres of swirling transparent
rainbow colors.
What could be better than that!
Enjoy this moment.
And blow a bubble for me, too.
©2011, Mary Lou
St. Lucas
* * *

Mary Lou St.
Lucas is a former stay-at-home mom who has
participated in custody and divorce-related support
groups. She often speaks out through impassioned
letters to local newspapers regarding issues
affecting quality of life for children and
families. She has experienced divorce, including
the heartbreaking decision to give up daily contact
with her two sons for what she believed was their
best interest at that time, as well as the societal
stigma attached to being a non-custodial mother.
She emphasizes the importance of kids having BOTH
parents in their lives on a regular basis, even if
the parents cannot or will not be married anymore.
She hopes other parents will see that there may be
alternatives to the standard custody arrangements,
depending on the individual situation. She writes
from her perspective of today instead of revisiting
and dwelling on the painful emotions of her past.
She strives to live a full life in spite of a
recent diagnosis of fibromyalgia, and believes a
sense of humor is mandatory. mlstuff.blogspot.com/2007/08/male-bashing-t-shirts.html
or E-Mail.

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