Michael Taylor is a
dreamer, revolutionary, an entrepreneur, author
(A New
Conversatoin with Men), personal
development coach and motivational speaker who has
dedicated his life to empowering men (and women) to
reach their full potential. He does not consider
himself to be an expert or guru. He does consider
himself to be extremely knowledgeable in the field
of personal growth and development. The fact is, he
is an ordinary guy that made a commitment to live
an extraordinary life and he wants to challenge you
to do the same. E-Mail
or www.anewconversationwithmen.com

Bouncing back from
The Four
I Know I Love My
Is Love Real?
Living with
A New Conversation about
A New Conversation about
The trials and triumphs of a
joyful black man in America
Why do men get
Why are men so
uncomfortable watching Chick
Chasing Dreams
For as long as I can remember I have always dreamed
of being an entrepreneur. I remember when I was
only 8 or10 years old I said to my grandfather,
"One day I am going to be a millionaire". "How are
you going to accomplish that?" he asked. "By owning
my own company," I replied.
It is my fervent belief that every human being
has a divine purpose. I believe that intuitively we
know what this purpose is, but, because of a
society that discourages individuality and
dreamers, we simply lose site of our dreams. We
then begin to conform to societys versions
and definitions of success and begin wondering why
our lives feel so empty and meaningless. In other
words we stop listening to our own inner wisdom, we
simply forget how to tune in to our own souls.
At the age of twenty-three I was living the
American dream. I had a very good paying job, a
beautiful wife, a nice house, three kids and every
credit card you can imagine. By societies standards
I was successful. Although externally it appeared
that I had it all together, internally there was a
deep feeling of emptiness and a longing for
something more. By the age of twenty-nine my dream
became a nightmare as I experienced divorce,
bankruptcy and foreclosure. I had gone from having
everything to having absolutely nothing in the span
of only six years.
So there I was in unfamiliar territory. I was
bankrupt and alone and had fallen into a deep state
of depression. One night during the darkest period
of my life I had an epiphany. I was thinking about
all the things that had gone wrong in my life and I
was trying to find a way to gain a sense of hope
and optimism. All of a sudden I had this thought.
Actually it was more than just a thought it was
more like a divine communication. The communication
was in the form of a question and it said, "What
would happen if you took all of the energy
youve invested in trying to get rich and
focus that energy in simply trying to be
As simplistic as it sounds that question that
propelled me to begin to rediscover my dream of
being my own boss. To begin chasing my dream I had
to begin asking myself some very deep questions.
The first question I asked was "What is it that
really makes me happy?" Next I had to ask myself,
"What am I really good at?" And finally yet
importantly "How can I take what makes me happy and
combine it with what Im good at and then make
After some deep self-introspection and a few
years of participating in a series of personal
development seminars and workshops, I found the
answer to those three all-important questions.
Because of my own personal development I came to
realize that I really enjoyed teaching. I have
always had a deep love for learning new things and
I discovered that it brought me a lot of joy to
share what I learned with others. I also learned
that I am a very good communicator and have a gift
for public speaking. Although public speaking
terrifies most people I found out that I absolutely
love the intellectual challenge of being able to
relay my thoughts, ideas and beliefs to others in a
passionate intelligent and conversational style. I
am filled with excitement and energy when I speak
in front of groups. I cant really put the
feeling into words but part of me connects with a
divine presence that always guides me in my
thoughts, words and actions. Its as if
Im not actually doing the speaking. It feels
as if my spirit is giving me the words. It is a
very powerful and enlightening experience to say
the least.
So now that I have answered the first two
questions, what makes me happy and at what do I
excel - all I needed to figure out now was how I
could convert this knowledge into a career that
would allow me to make an adequate amount of money
to live my dreams and be comfortable. During this
time I was experiencing extreme burnout at work. I
knew that I really needed to do something different
but I was still unsure as to which direction I
should go. A part of me was excited about trying
something new, yet another part of me was scared to
death about giving up my secure position and
After months of asking myself what I wanted to
do next I decided that I wanted to write a book and
start my own publishing company. In addition, I
could become a motivational speaker that targeted
my products and services to the African American
market. I had spent years participating in
workshops and seminars dealing with human potential
and personal growth and I noticed that there were
very few African American participants. I had found
an unfilled need and I decided to fill that need
with my new company. Once I decided that I wanted
to start my company I had to face the reality that
I did not have the financial backing to get
started. In fact, I was so far in debt that
starting a company seemed like the last thing I
needed to do. However, despite being completely
broke I knew that I had to figure out a way to make
my dream come true.
The first thing I needed to do was actually
write the book. Therefore I committed myself to
completing my manuscript. Amazingly I was up late
one night watching Lifestyles of the Rich and
Famous featuring a famous romance writer. I do not
remember her name but something she said really
stuck with me. She said that every day she writes
ten pages of text. No more and no less than- ten
pages everyday. She said that sometimes it takes
her twelve hours and sometimes it takes her ten
minutes. She writes ten pages a day, no matter how
much time it takes. When she finishes she goes to
the beach or just relaxes and find other things to
keep herself busy. After listening to her, I
decided that I would attempt to write only five
pages each day. In my mind it seemed like a
realistic goal. The next day I sat down to write.
It took me over nine hours to write my five pages
but commitment resulted in its completion.
Although there were tons of errors in my writing it
did not matter. What was most important was that I
kept my commitment of writing five pages. I
continued my commitment and within ninety days I
actually completed my manuscript. Boy was I
relieved when I finally finished. Though
challenging it was very rewarding to finally
complete the project.
Then the issue of money (actually lack of money)
came up again. I decided to ask some of my friends
what they thought of my idea about starting my own
company and to see if they might be interested in
investing. Although most of them were supportive,
none of them was willing to invest any money into
my company. Their biggest fear was not that I did
not have the commitment, perseverance and knowledge
to start the company. Their greatest fear was that
African Americans would not buy my books.
Repeatedly, I would hear comments like, "Black
people dont read or black people dont
spend money on personal development programs. How
many people are going to purchase a book titled
Brothers Are You Listening? Dont you know
that black men are the last people to purchase
these types of books? Although I must admit that I
was a little surprised by their reactions I
completely disagreed with their conclusions. I knew
there was a need for personal development books
written by and for African Americans and although
most people disagreed with me I decided to pursue
my dream any way. In fact their rejection inspired
me even more. I knew that if I could overcome all
of the obstacles ahead of me it would give me even
more credibility and ultimately help me sell more
books. It would make my story even more
Now that I had completed my manuscript I needed
to get it edited, copyrighted, printed and bounded.
Once that happened I would officially be a
published author. Boy, that sounded good. Michael
Taylor published author.
Since I didnt have any money I decided to
try to get my book published by a major publisher
first. If I could get a publisher to accept my
manuscript I could get a small advance to cover
some expenses and then they could help promote my
work and me. I mailed out over a hundred query
letters to publishers all across the country. Each
one was returned with the polite rejection letter
stating that my book did not "fit" into the genre
or target group of their company. Although some
people dislike rejection it actually inspires me. I
knew that these rejections were not a reflection of
my work; it was simply the closed-minded attitudes
of people in the publishing industry. I simply
needed to stay focused and eventually I would get
my big break. After over two years I realized that
my big break was not going to come through any
publishing company. I knew that it was now up to me
to get my message out and I needed to redirect my
energy in a different direction. I began doing
research on self-publishing. I read several success
stories about people who had self-published and I
decided that was the way I needed to go. Although
it sounded easy to do, the down side was that it
was going to take a substantial amount of money to
publish my book myself.
During this time I had been listening to a
series of tapes by a person named Wayne Dyer. I had
been reading and studying his work for over ten
years and I actually consider him one of my
favorite mentors. The title of the tape series was
The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny. In this
series Dr. Dyer talks about the importance of
meditation and focusing your thoughts on what you
want. He talks a lot about visualizing the dreams
and goals that you have and trusting that you are
connected to an Infinite Universe that will support
you in manifesting your desires. I have learned to
trust and accept this concept so I began focusing
my attention on getting my book published somehow.
Another thing that Dr. Dyer teaches is the concept
of synchronicity. This simply means that everything
in our lives happens for a reason and if we will
simply learn to recognize the divine
synchronicities in our lives they will guide us to
our ultimate destiny. I was doing my meditation and
being aware of the synchronicities in my life when
I experienced a divine miracle. I met a woman at a
bookstore and we immediately became good friends.
We had a lot in common and shared the same beliefs
about the Universe and synchronicity. Actually, she
was a huge Wayne Dyer fan just like me. One day she
invited me to go with her to pick up some gift
cards that she was having made. When we arrived at
the printers she introduced me to the owner. He was
a very nice guy that had been doing printing for
over twenty years. After our introduction I asked
him exactly what his company did and he told me
that he handled all types of printing. I asked him
if he also printed and bounded books and he
answered yes. Wanting to know how much he would
charge to print it and bind it; I begin telling him
a little about my book. He gave me a price and I
told him that I could not afford to pay him at that
time. He asked me to tell him a little more about
my book and after our conversation he was so
impressed that he offered to pay for the printing
up front if I would be willing to pay him back in
monthly installments.
It took every ounce of strength in me to keep
from jumping through the roof. I was so excited
that I actually gave him a hug to say thank you. I
knew immediately that my meditations and prayers
had worked and the Universe was supporting me in
manifesting my dream. After approximately six weeks
I had my first printing of books delivered to my
home. I cant even begin to express how happy
and excited I was. However, I knew that the work
was just beginning. Now I had to prove that I could
sell my books in addition to repaying him for
printing them for me.
Fortunately I have always been a salesman so I
did what I do best; I began selling my books to
anyone that looked interested. I sold books to
people on the bus, I had a few friends that owned
beauty salons who allowed me to sell in their
shops, and I even sold a book to a female police
officer that wrote me a ticket. I was a selling
machine. After a little over a year I sold my first
thousand copies. This was pretty phenomenal
considering I did it with no advertising or
marketing. This happened over ten years ago and
today Im still selling my book. In fact I am
almost finished with my next book, which should be
available in 2007.
Although I have not reached all of my financial
goals I can say that I am now living my dream. I am
currently an entrepreneur, a writer and personal
development coach that loves to empower others to
live their dreams and create a life worth living.
As I mentioned at the beginning, every human being
has a divine purpose. The question is whether you
are willing to look deep within yourself to find
yours. If you have been inspired by this story and
would like more information about my company or me,
please visit www.creationpublishing.com The site is
designed to educate, motivate and inspire you to
reach your full potential. Check it out and let me
know what you think.
In the meantime remember that dreams really do
come true but you must be willing to put forth a
whole lot of effort to make it happen. Take
Nikes advice. JUST DO IT!
The Four Freedoms
As a tribute to the 4th of July celebration I would
like to share my four freedoms to happiness. In
addition to watching fireworks and eating
bar-b-que, why not contemplate these four freedoms
and find out if you are truly free.
1. The freedom to be me. As simplistic as this
sounds, I believe this is the most important
freedom we have as human beings. To know who we are
and why we are here is the foundation of the human
experience. Unfortunately, very few people
experience this freedom. The reason for this is
simple, its because we are conditioned to
believe that in order for us to be free we must
have stuff. Most people believe if they
simply purchase a new car or new house and lots of
material things then they will be free. Nothing
could be further from the truth. The reality is,
most people feel trapped and overwhelmed when they
accomplish this. The lesson we all must learn is
that it is impossible to feel free if you are
burdened with debt and responsibility. So if you
believe that money and material things will make
you feel free then you are sadly mistaken.
The only way to experience authentic freedom is
to engage in a journey of self-discovery that
allows you to uncover any subconscious issues that
may be keeping you from knowing who you really are.
Once you discover your true self then you will be
truly free.
2. The freedom from scarcity There is absolutely
nothing wrong with accumulating wealth and having
lots of money. The challenge is to recognize that
it does not take money or material things to be
truly happy and free. Having money allows you to
enjoy life and definitely can alleviate some of the
stress and discomforts of living, but abundance is
really a state of mind. Freedom from scarcity means
that you do not engage in poverty
thinking and you know that you have the ability to
create any level of wealth you choose. To
experience this freedom you must understand the law
of attraction that says what ever you focus your
attention on you create in your reality. By
focusing your attention on wealth you will be free
from scarcity.
3. The freedom to connect with Spirit One of
this countrys greatest freedoms is the
freedom of religion. Unfortunately too many people
are trapped by religion because they have not taken
the time to come to their own truth and
understanding about God. They accept religious
teachings that may have been passed on for
generations without questioning those beliefs. In
order to be free, a person must ask themselves
deeper questions and be open to the possibility
that their old beliefs about God may no longer suit
them. When a person listens to their own soul and
expands their understanding about God, then they
open the door to an expanded concept of God, which
creates spiritual freedom. This is definitely the
truth that will set you free.
4. The freedom to give back In order to truly be
free, you must be willing to share your unique
gifts and talents with the world. By sharing
yourself with others, you give them the freedom to
do the same. By encouraging and supporting others
you lay the foundation for a more compassionate and
caring society. Its been said that what ever
you give you also receive, so be sure to give of
yourself so that you receive the gifts of
These are my four freedoms to happiness. If they
resonate with you then share them with someone
else. If they dont, thats all right
too. Just make sure that you are being completely
honest with yourself when you ask yourself the
question, Am I really free?
So in the words of the document that gave
America its freedom;
We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness
Did you notice that it said the
pursuit of happiness? There are no
guarantees that you will find it but I hope you
Good luck and live free!
Why do men get
According to some statistics, fifty percent of
marriages will end in divorce. With odds like that
why do men take the chance on marriage? As I think
about people who have been married multiple times
(myself included) the question arises once again,
why do we do it? Why get married? Isnt it
more fun to be single and free? Why do we subject
ourselves to the possible emotional and
psychological trauma of marriage and
As a talk show host I have the opportunity to
listen to a myriad of opinions on all sorts of
topics. Amazingly, the topic that generates the
most calls are the ones concerning relationships
and marriage. Sadly enough, most of the calls are
ones that express sadness, hurt and misery.
Comments range from, I really feel trapped in
this marriage to I really hate my
spouse. Once again I pose the question,
why do we do it?
Rather than wallow in misery and pain in this
discussion, I thought I would take this opportunity
to answer the question and provide some valuable
insights into why we get married and how we can
make our marriages work.
First Id like to begin by sharing a few of
the wrong reasons to get married.
1. GSSS (great steady safe sex). This is
the reason so many marriages fail. Men who
experience great sex often times
believe that having great sex will insure a great
marriage. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The reason this does not work is because these
types of relationships are based on physical
pleasure not emotional intimacy. You cannot sustain
a great relationship on physical pleasure alone.
You must have emotional and spiritual intimacy in
order to truly connect with another human being. If
you have the emotional intimacy first I can assure
you that you can (and will) have great sex.
2. Loneliness. Most people will not admit
this but I can assure you that there are people who
marry because they are lonely and afraid to be
alone. This is a recipe for disaster. When a person
feels isolated and alone, and needs someone else to
make them feel whole the marriage really cant
work. A lonely person is operating from an
emotional deficit and nothing outside of that
person can fill that void.
3. Its the right thing to do or
its what Im supposed to do. This is
the illusion that I was trapped in when I married
the first time. I was moving up the corporate
ladder and thought that by being married I would
exude maturity, responsibility and commitment. I
honestly thought that it would help my career. Sad
to say but that is the truth. It takes courage to
admit this but I know there are lots of people
getting married for this reason. Make sure that you
don't make the same mistake I did. It's easy to get
caught in the societal illusion that we are
"supposed" to be married. Never marry out of duty
and obligation. Marry for love, it's the only thing
that works.
These are just a few of the wrong reasons that
people get married. Take a moment and ask yourself
if you are using any of these reasons to get
married. If so, my advice is to rethink your
marriage proposal and take some time to yourself
and understand what is driving your desire to get
Now I would like to suggest a few reasons why
you should get married. (If you choose to)
1. If you have taken the time to fully
understand yourself and feel happy and complete
just as you are, then you are ready to consider
being married. If and when you are emotionally,
psychologically and spiritually healthy, this is a
great time to consider finding that special person
to share your completeness and wholeness with.
Remember that you must be willing to remove your
own personal baggage (yes men we have baggage) if
you ever want to create a rewarding and fulfilling
2. When you find someone that shares the same
core values that you do in regards to money, sex,
children, health and spirituality then you are
ready to unite in marriage. The key is to recognize
that it is the internal values that will dictate
whether or not the marriage will work. If your
potential partner shares the same core values as
you do in these areas then there is a very good
chance that you can create and maintain a
successful marriage. If you are focused on external
qualities like physical appearance, financial
status and educational background only, then
chances are, you will not be able to develop a
relationship of any depth or intimacy.
3. If you are truly committed to your emotional
and spiritual growth you recognize that if a
relationship isnt growing, its dying.
When you can make the commitment to yourself and
the person you love to make sure that the
relationship keeps growing, then you are ready for
marriage. This means that you take the time to
nurture the relationship by being emotionally open
and transparent with your thoughts and feelings and
you commit to doing whatever it takes to stay
connected to your partner. You must make the
commitment to recognize your emotional needs as
well as your partners so that there is always open
and honest communication. This takes effort but I
can assure you that it is well worth it.
The intention of this article is to simply
provide fuel for contemplation for anyone who may
be considering marriage. To sum it all up, the
reason we get married is because we all want to be
loved and accepted by a special someone in our
lives. As human beings, we are social creatures
that literally need the connections that are
created in relationships to be happy. My belief is
that there is nothing more important than having
loving, supportive and nurturing relationships in
our lives. Marriage is the ultimate expression of
relationships and should only be entered into when
we are emotionally, psychologically and spiritually
If you choose to take the plunge, know that
great marriages are possible but they definitely
take effort. Ultimately, creating a great marriage
boils down to the simple principle I mentioned
earlier, if its not growing, its
Commit to growing your relationships or marriage
and watch your joy grow exponentially. Good
Living with joy!
After I completed a seminar, a gentleman who
apparently disagreed with most of what I had said
approached me. I could tell by the look on his face
that he was obviously unhappy. The topic of
discussion was joy and I knew that this man could
not relate to the topic. As he approached me I knew
that I would practice what I preached by being
friendly and courteous to him.
Hello I said.
Hello, I was listening to your topic and I
have to disagree with what you said. Stated
the angry looking man.
What part of the speech did you disagree
Most of it actually. I dont think
men are supposed to be joyful. Not only are they
not supposed to be joyful I do not think that they
are supposed to smile so much. I dont trust a
man that smiles so much.
What is it about a smiling man that you
dont trust?
Im not exactly sure but I know that
men who smile so much are usually up to no good. My
daddy told me to always look out for men who smile
all the time.
What if your daddy was wrong? What if
there are men who smile a lot and are also
trustworthy? What if you were one of those
men? Do you think its possible
for you to be happy and smile every now and
I really dont have any reason to
smile. Life is tough and I think that its
important to be prepared for the worst. Thats
why I keep my feelings to myself and not act like a
sissy by smiling.
So you think that smiling makes you less
of man?
To some degree I do.
What if youre wrong? What if you
could smile and be joyful and still maintain your
I dont think thats possible
but Im sure Im not going to change your
point of view. I just wanted to express my opinion.
I appreciate you listening. Have a nice
As the angry man walked away I felt a little
sorry for him. I knew there was a part of him that
really wanted to be happy but I also recognized
that he did not have the emotional tools to access
his joy. I wanted to embrace him and let him know
that he could find his joy if he really wanted to
but I knew that he would not have been receptive to
any type of embrace or physical contact.
Our conversation confirmed the need for men to
create a new dialog about what it means to be a man
in todays ever-changing world. Amazingly,
there are millions of men who feel exactly as the
angry man felt. They have bought into the illusion
that feeling and expressing joy is for women and
that somehow it makes us less than men if we
express our positive emotions. The truth of the
matter is, expressing our emotions is our
birthright. It isnt feminine to express
emotions and it does not make you a
sissy. It takes a lot of courage to be
emotionally open and honest in our current paradigm
of masculinity. Our country is paying a terrible
price for this antiquated way of thinking and
behaving and the time has come to create a new
paradigm of masculinity. In this new paradigm we
learn to connect to our joy and our happiness. We
give ourselves permission to be creative and
artistic without fear of being labeled
gay or feminine. We would
also recognize that men who smile all the time
could be trustworthy and that smiling has lots of
health benefits in addition to making you feel
So the next time you see a man smiling
dont accuse him of being weak or too
sensitive. Recognize that he just might be filled
with joy and the only way that he can release it is
to smile and be happy. If you are really courageous
walk up to him with a smile on your face and say,
Its really nice to meet a man that is
living with joy. I know exactly how you feel and
that is why I have this humongous smile on my face.
I am living with joy and I absolutely love
I Know I Love My Wife!
Recently I went to see Chris Rocks new movie I
Think I Love My Wife. The movie is about a guy who
has a beautiful wife, 2 adorable kids a great job
and a nice house. By societies standards he is a
pretty successful guy. On the surface he looks like
he has it all together, but like too many men, he
is unhappy and unfulfilled. Not only is he
unfulfilled; he is absolutely bored to death. He
and his wife are having marital problems, which
results in them not having sex. He has a very sexy
and seductive female friend who is continuously
trying to seduce him which makes matters even
worse. To top it all off he has begun asking the
question that is the precursor to most divorces and
failed relationships, Would I be happier if I
were single again?
Whenever a man gets to this question it is
usually the beginning of the end. Either the
relationship will end or the relationship will have
to change. This question means that there are
unresolved issues that have not been addressed and
the man is preparing himself for either one of two
- He is already considering leaving the
relationship or having an affair.
- He wants to fix it. He is really committed
to the relationship and wants it to work but
does not know how to improve or repair it.
As the movie progresses the man is faced with
some very difficult choices. Ultimately he finds
the answer to his question and then chooses a path
that works best for him. I dont want to give
the plot away but the movie made me start thinking
and asking questions.
For example: Why is it that when we get married
our relationships become more and more difficult?
Why do most people have less sex after they get
married? Why do we even get married in the first
place? Isnt it more fun to be single? Why do
we say were in love, get married and then
fall out of love? And last but not least, how do we
know when we are truly in love? What exactly is
love any way?
These are questions that I have been asking
myself for the past twenty years. And although I do
not claim to have all the answers I have been able
to answer them for myself and as a result I now
have a marriage that really works for me. Although
my marriage may not be perfect, it is perfect in
its imperfection and I will admit that I
absolutely love being married. Ill take the
married life over the single life any day.
So I wanted to take this opportunity and share
Michael Taylors five ways to know if you
really love your wife or spouse or girlfriend.
These are five ways that I confirm that I love my
wife and that I am happily married. Try them out
and see if they work for you.
- If you truly love your wife you can be
completely honest with her about how you really
feel. This means that you can tell her when you
are angry or you can tell her when you are sad
or afraid. If you really do not like those new
shoes she bought you can tactfully be honest and
say you do not like them. You can express your
self openly and honestly when things arent
going well in your life as well as when they are
going well. In other words you can truly
communicate with each other.
- If you truly love your wife whenever
something significant occurs in your life she is
the first person that you want to tell. Whether
its a new promotion or a devastating car
wreck she is the first person that pops into
your mind. You know that you can count on her to
be there for you through thick or thin and you
accept her support in all ways.
- If you truly love your wife even when she
gets on your last nerve and youre mad as
hell you still know that this is the woman that
you want to spend the rest of your life with.
You never think about leaving and you know that
you can work through anything. As the saying
goes, this too shall pass and you
recognize this divine truth. You recognize the
difference between who she is and what she does
and you can be angry temporarily at what she
does, but you are never angry with who she
really is. You understand that relationships are
perfect in their imperfection and you accept her
imperfections as well as your own.
- If you truly love your wife then you commit
to spending quality time with them. This does
not mean that you have to take them out or spend
any money on them. It simply means that you give
them your undivided attention and share in their
interests some times. Its amazing how the
most important relationship in our lives is
often neglected and then we wonder why we end up
in divorce court. If you really love your wife
why wouldnt you want to be with her?
- If you really and truly love your mate you
are never tempted to stray even if the woman who
may be tempting you looks better and has a
better body than your wife. There will always be
someone better looking than your mate. If you
truly love someone it is about more than their
physical beauty it should also be about their
inner beauty and when you connect with that,
your love will truly flourish. True love is more
than just a feeling. It is a commitment and an
action that says that you have dedicated your
life to this person and this person only. Your
commitment is to be faithful. Isnt that
the reason you married her in the first place?
You must realize that a temporary attraction is
OK as long as you do not allow yourself to act
on that momentary attraction. If you really love
your mate then there is no way you could ever
cheat on them because you would be able to feel
the hurt and devastation that betrayal causes
and you would never want your wife to feel that
terrible pain. Some men rationalize (which means
they tell rational lies to themselves) that as
long as they provide for their families
its ok to be unfaithful. The truth is that
they may love their wives on the surface but
they are definitely not in love with them. That
is the distinction that most men really struggle
These are my five keys to knowing if you truly
are in love with your wife. What do you think? Do
you agree or disagree? Drop me an email and let me
hear your comments
A New Conversation about
My earliest recollection about having faith and
going to church begins back in the early seventies.
I remember the look and sounds of the church I
attended and the apparent power that the minister
had over the congregation. In my young mind the
minister was a direct representative of God so I
came to the conclusion that the minister was
definitely closer and more connected to God than
any one. Although I was too young to really
understand everything the minister was saying,
intuitively I felt that something was wrong with
his message. I remember having lots of questions
that no one would answer directly for me. This led
to skepticism about God from a very early age.
The event that I remember most about God as a
child was being force to get baptized. When I say
forced I mean that literally. I definitely did not
want to participate in what I considered to be a
useless ritual but I did not have a choice. My
grandmother threatened me with bodily harm if I
didnt go through with it and I knew that she
would keep her word of tearing me a new
behind if I did not go. According to the
grownups in my life I had to be baptized in the
name of the father the son and the Holy Spirit if I
wanted to save my sinful soul.
Without question my greatest fear about being
baptized was drowning. I was terrified that the
minister had talked to God and found out about some
of the sinful things that I had done. Now I was
going to be punished. I just knew that he was going
to hold my head underwater until I drowned and then
say that it was an accident. Or maybe he would say
that God called me home to be with him. Either way
I knew it was the end for me.
As the minister motioned for me to step into the
pool I wanted to turn around and run. Unfortunately
there was a deacon standing behind me that would
not allow that to happen. As I walked toward the
minister I could hear the music in the background.
It sounded more like a funeral than a baptism and
that simply amplified my fear. I could feel my
heart pounding in my chest as sweat continued to
run down my face.
As I approached the minister I decided that I
would trust the process and hopefully come out of
it alive. As he grabbed my forehead and began
saying his baptismal prayer I took a deep breath
and hoped for the best. In an instant I was dunked
in and out of the water and I was still alive.
Hallelujah Jesus! I was still alive! As the
minister finished up his prayer he detected a smile
on my face. Im sure he thought that I was
filled with the Holy Spirit but the truth is I was
simply glad he didnt drown me. Ive
heard some people say that they experience a
profound spiritual feeling after being baptized.
The only thing I felt was cold. The water was
freezing and I simply wanted to get out of that
pool and dry off.
As I think back in retrospect this one event
probably shaped my perception of God more than
anything else at the time. As a result of this
experience I concluded that God;
- Only spoke to ministers.
- Created all of the pain in my life.
- Would only listen to you if you prayed in
church and paid your tithes.
- Was someone/something you should be afraid
As I moved through adolescence and into my
teenage years my skepticism and doubts about God
continued. I didnt know exactly why I did not
believe in God there was just something in me that
needed concrete irrefutable proof.
As my doubts about God continued to grow I had
an experience that challenged me to question my
beliefs about God. One Sunday my mother and I were
sitting in church and I noticed that she was
crying. When I asked her what was wrong she said
nothing. As I listened to the sermon I
did not detect anything in the ministers words that
should have made my mother cry. I assumed that
maybe she was sad about something that she just had
not told me about. Either way I still wanted to
know why she was crying. When I asked her once
again why she was crying she answered because
I feel joy in my heart! What do you
mean you feel joy in your heart I asked.
Arent you crying because you are
sad? Im not sad at all. I feel
lots of love and gratitude in my heart right now
and that is why I am crying she said. This
really confused me because I had always related
tears to sadness and I had never felt so joyful
that I cried. As I sat there and watched her weep I
could feel the love in her heart. Somehow she was
experiencing the presence of God right next to me.
After that experience I decided that maybe I needed
to rethink my beliefs about God and if I were lucky
I would have the opportunity to feel the joy that
she was feeling.
Isnt it amazing how seemingly simple
events can completely shift your perceptions and
perspectives about things? As a child, I grew up
being afraid of God and denying its existence. As I
grew older, I became open to the fact that my
beliefs may have been incorrect and I became
willing to look at things from a different
perspective. This is what I mean when I talk about
a new conversation. It is simply being willing to
see things from a new and different perspective.
The amazing thing to me is that it took my
experience with my mother crying to change my mind
about God. As a result of that experience I made
room for the possibility that there was a God and
that if I wanted to truly experience it I would
have to get out of my head and into my heart where
God really lives.
I must admit that I did go through a period in
my adult life when I made a choice to become an
Atheist. During this time I was experiencing
several hardships in my life and it was difficult
for me to be open to the existence of God. I had
attempted to go back to church to alleviate some of
the pain I was in, but, it simply added to the pain
I was experiencing. I had so many unanswered
questions about God that I simply concluded that
there was no such thing.
After a few years of trying to convince myself
that God wasnt real I remembered the
experience of my mother so I set out to
feel the love of God the way my mother
did. Because of my commitment, I became willing to
do whatever it took to feel the love within me. I
participated in several seminars and workshops that
assisted me in my emotional healing. As a result of
that healing, I reconnected to my feelings, which
resulted in my ability to feel and experience God
within me. I am now able to feel the love within me
that has always been there. Because of this
newfound understanding I have come to some new
conclusions about God that I would like to share
with you.
- God speaks to all people all of the time.
The question isnt to whom does God speak;
the real question is who will actually
- God is literally Love. Love will never cause
you pain or sorrow. If I ever experience pain I
am the source of that pain not God. The only
thing God is capable of is love.
- You can have God without religion. It
doesnt matter which faith you practice or
what God you serve. God goes by many different
names and when you are comfortable with any of
the names you are definitely connected to God.
There are many paths to God and just because
someone is on a different path than you it does
not mean that they are lost.
- There is absolutely no reason to be afraid
of God. God is love so you should never be
Of course these are my truths and I am not
trying to convince you otherwise. I accomplished my
goal of feeling the love of God within
and I am happy and content with my relationship
with my creator. My hope for you is that you seek
out your truth and experience all the love God has
in store for you.
If you have unanswered questions about God then
it is up to you to find your own answers. Do not
rely solely on ministers or gurus. Take some time
and come to your own personal truth and
understanding about God. Read books that offer
insights and wisdom that may seem unconventional
but speaks to your own spirit. Do not be afraid to
try a different religion or belief system. Learn to
trust your own inner wisdom to find the place that
is right for you. If you are willing to look deep
within yourself I can assure you that you can find
the truth that sets you free.
The time is now for a new conversation about
God. Are you ready and willing to feel it for
Emotional Healing
In 1989 I was experiencing a series of traumatic
experiences that were beginning to take their toll.
My divorce and separation from my kids were
extremely painful and had begun to negatively
impact my life. I had slipped into a deep state of
depression and was barely able to function on a
daily basis. As my depression deepened I went into
isolation in which I literally shut myself off from
the outside world. Although I was able to go to
work and function in that capacity, I was
completely disconnected from any social settings. I
was not dating. I did not socialize with my
friends. I had difficulty sleeping. I would rarely
eat and I had began to lose weight which was rare
for me being a former personal trainer that took
excellent care of my physical body. After several
months I began to have fleeting thoughts of suicide
and it appeared that my situation was hopeless.
In an effort to alleviate some of the pain, I
begin to read books dealing with depression. As I
read them I could see myself in some of the
stories. I definitely had all of the symptons of
depression and I knew that I had to deal with it
head on if I ever wanted to get my life back on
track. After reading several books I realized that
I was still deeply depressed and had not really
began to deal with the issues that were causing my
depression. Instinctively I knew that I needed help
and I decided that I would go to therapy.
After making the decision to get help, another
series of challenges surfaced. First of all, how
was I going to find a therapist? How would I know
which one to choose? What if the therapist couldn't
help me? Would I be able to change? Could therapy
"fix" me? What about the money? I was completely
broke and definitely could not pay someone to
listen to my problems. What was I going to do?
These are just a few of the questions that were
going through my mind. My greatest fear was
wondering what would happen if my employees found
out. As a manager, I was considered the leader and
I definitely did not want to appear weak in front
of my co-workers. I believed that I needed to keep
this a secret so that I would not lose the respect
of my employees. In addition, I did not want my
superiors to know because I thought I might lose my
job if they found out.
After a few months of agonizing over these
questions I knew that I had to take the chance and
try therapy. I didn't have any other choice. It was
seek help or die. There was no grey area. I decided
that I definitely wanted to live and I somehow
gained the courage to go to the therapist
My first attempt at therapy did not go well. I
walked into a therapist office and pretended that I
was seeking information for a friend. I'm sure the
people there knew this but they allowed me to walk
out with some of their brochures and a phone number
to their suicide hotline. To be honest I was
absolutely terrified. Although I was scared, deep
down I knew that I would have to gain the courage
to try again. I waited a few days and tried a
different therapist office. This time I had a
completely different result. As I walked into the
office I believe the receptionist picked up on my
fear. I had begin asking her questions about
depression and whether or not they had any books
that I could read. All of a sudden a therapist
walked out and began asking me questions. "May I
help you?" she asked. "Not really, I'm just looking
for a little information about depression" " Are
you depressed?" "I'm not really sure" I answered.
"Why don't you come inside and lets talk a little.
Is that alright?" "I guess so."
As I followed her into her office it felt as if
my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I was
so nervous and afraid that I was literally dripping
with sweat. She obviously picked up on this and
began to put my mind at ease.
"What is your name?"
"Well Michael I can sense that you are a little
nervous so let me start by asking what I can do to
help you. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Well maybe. I have been doing some research
about depression and I think I'm depressed but I'm
really not sure."
"Do you feel depressed"
"Based on what I've read so far I think I am.
But to be completely honest I'm not sure I know
exactly what depression is supposed to feel like.
Does that make any sense to you?'
"It makes a lot of sense to me. Unfortunately
most men do not recognize how they feel. Men have
been conditioned to disconnect from their emotions
and that makes it extremely difficult for men to
express how they really feel. Most men will tell
you what they think but they usually do not know
how they feel. You apparently fit into this
"I'm not sure if I really understand what you
are saying but a part of me thinks that you are
"You just validated the point I made. You are
currently speaking from an intellectual perspective
instead of an emotional one. It sounds as if you
are disconnected from your emotions."
"Lets assume that you are right. If I am
disconnected from my emotions how do I get
reconnected? Do you have any books on how to do
"Unfortunately you can not reconnect to your
emotions by reading books. In order for you to
reconnect you have to relearn how to feel. This can
be accomplished through therapy with me or any
trained therapist"
"I really don't understand what you mean. But if
I decide to relearn how to feel how long will it
"I really can't answer that question. It's
really up to you and how committed you are to doing
the work."
"What do you mean doing the work? What kind of
work is involved?"
"In the therapeutic community we use the word
work because it takes a considerable amount of
effort to heal yourself so that you can reconnect
with your emotions. Doing the work means that you
become willing to opening yourself up on an
emotional level. This can be quite difficult at
"Well I beleive I'm ready. I'm really tired of
being alone and I definitely want to experience
some fun in my life again. I think I can do this so
how much will it cost?"
"I operate on a sliding scale based on your
ability to pay. The most important thing is for you
to make the commitment to yourself to heal and we
can address the money issue at a later date. Are
you ready to begin? Let's set up a date and time
for you to begin your healing."
"I just wanted to thank you for being so nice
and understanding. The truth is I was about to run
out of your office before you showed up. Now I am
really glad that I came because I really believe
that you can help me."
"That is a great attitude to have. I'm glad that
you trust me enough to work with you. Just remember
that I can guide you but you must be willing to do
the work. As long as you believe that you can heal
I can assure you that you will. Just stay committed
and trust the process and you will be just fine.
The truth is you have already done the hard part by
showing up today. It takes an incredible amount of
courage to be here and I'm proud of you for taking
the first step."
As I left the therapists' office that day I knew
that I had just taken the biggest step of my life.
I did not know what to expect but I knew that I was
willing to do whatever it took to heal my emotions
and relearn how to feel. I became committed to my
own healing and I can now say that I am emotionally
healed and connected to my authentic self. As the
therapist mentioned, it was not easy but it was
definitely possible. It has been one of the most
challenging yet most fulfilling journeys of my
life. I can not put into words the joy I feel on a
regualr basis as a result of doing my emotional
work. My relationships now work, my creativity and
sense of reverence is enhanced, my love of nature
has been rekindled and my professional life is
rewarding and fulfilling. I took the road less
traveled and it has made all the difference in the
world for me.
I wanted to share this story because there is
such a negative stigma about men and therapy that I
believe it's time for a new conversation. In this
new conversation men will recognize the importance
of healing their emotions and they will put forth
the effort to do their healing work. When we learn
to support each other in our growth we can remove
the fear and stigma of being emotionally vulnerable
which will ultimately result in us being happier
human beings. I personally believe that this is the
most important work men can participate in and we
must begin supporting each other through this
process. If we will gain the courage to do this
work we will see a decline in domestic violence,
child abuse, alcoholism and random acts of
The time has come for a new conversation about
our emotional healing. Are you willing to join the
A New Conversation about
It is probably the most pleasurable experience that
human beings have. It excites us, delights us and
drives us absolutely insane. We write songs about
it, make movies about it, tell lies about it and
even daydream about it. By some accounts men think
about it every 52 seconds. It is the incredible
experience of SEX and nothing gives us more
pleasure and at the same time causes us more
If you watch our media you should notice that we
are constantly bombarded with images of sex and
nudity. As the saying goes, sex sells
and the marketers and advertisers make sure that
they take every opportunity to take advantage of
this adage. Companies use sex to sell everything
from golf clubs to chicken wings and each year the
advertising seems to get more and more
With this over-proliferation of sexual images
one might conclude that everyone is engaged in sex
24 hours a day seven days a week. Not only do we
assume everyone is doing it, we also assume that
they are actually enjoying doing it! But if sex is
so wonderful and pleasurable why are so many people
so unhappy with their sex lives? Why is it that
married couples tend to have less sex as time goes
by? Why do people have affairs for sex when they
should have access to all the sex they want if they
are involved in a committed relationship? Why do
men put so much emphasis on sexual conquests as
gauges for their manhood? Why do people have so
much difficulty being honest about how they really
feel about sex and have to lie and make up excuses
for their sexual behaviors and appetites?
Although there are numerous answers to these
questions I have come to the conclusion that there
is one answer that really covers the gamut of most
of these questions.
This one answer is so simple yet so complex very
few people will grasp its implication. The
answer is so profoundly simple you probably will
not believe it. If you have ever wondered why men
obsess over sex yet remained unfilled I have the
answer. If you have asked why people have affairs
this will answer that question. If you get caught
up in power struggles over sex this answer will
shed light on the reason why. And if you have ever
wondered why it is so difficult to maintain a
fulfilling sex life I have the key.
Would you like the key that will unlock the door
to great sex? Are you willing to contemplate this
answer so that you can create and maintain a
wonderful fulfilling sexual relationship with your
Here it is, the million-dollar answer you have
been waiting for. The reason so many people are so
unhappy with their sex lives is because our society
has conditioned us to believe that sex is purely a
physical experience when in truth it should be an
emotional and a spiritual experience! Without the
emotional and spiritual aspect of sex, people will
always feel as if something is missing. It does not
matter if you cause your mate to have powerful
orgasms that send shivers up and down her
spine. It does not matter if you have two-hour
erections (dream on) that would make you an instant
star in a pornographic movie. If your emotions are
not involved, sex will always be empty and
unfulfilling. You may experience temporary pleasure
but ultimately if you will really examine your
feelings you will feel in your heart that something
just isnt right. This is why so many men are
uncomfortable with cuddling after sex. If you are
emotionally and spiritually connected with your
mate then cuddling is a continuation of the sexual
experience. Opening your heart and mind to the
experience will always bring you closer to your
mate. But most of us are very uncomfortable with
this type of openness and vulnerability.
The reason so many of us are unhappy is because
we seek physical pleasure without emotional
attachment and that is a recipe for addiction. In
order to truly experience lovemaking and intimacy
we must be able to feel the energy of love moving
through us as we connect with our mate. We must
learn to open our hearts and expose our true selves
so that our partners can emotionally and
spiritually unite with us. This may sound like
something out of a romance novel but it is an
attainable experience if you focus on the emotional
aspect of your sexual encounters. Most of us are so
committed to getting laid and simply
getting some that we miss out on the
most important aspect of sex which is sharing
yourself with your mate in the emotional and
spiritual act of lovemaking. The time has come for
all men to learn to make love to our mates and not
just have sex with them.
Although most men will probably not admit this,
we can be terrified of this level of intimacy
because in the back of our minds we may be afraid
to surrender our hearts to the people we love. Some
of us keep up emotional blocks because we are too
afraid to have that type of trust and
It sometimes seems easier to simply sleep around
with multiple women to prove our manhood but the
truth is we pay a heavy price for this detached way
of behaving. A real man will take the risk and open
his heart because in the end he recognizes that
true love is about openness and surrender. He takes
the risks to love and he is rewarded with love and
Did you know that you could make love to your
mate and never physically touch them? If this
sounds impossible then you are trapped in the
illusion of physical sex. True love is a function
of the heart and mind and has absolutely nothing to
do with your penis. If you really want to make love
leave your penis in your pants and learn to take
out your heart and share it with your mate.
Are you ready for this new conversation about
Bouncing back from
I WANT A DIVORCE!. Although its been
over eighteen years since I heard these words, I
still remember the shock and uncertainty I felt
when my former wife screamed them at me. Although I
knew there were problems in our marriage I really
didnt believe that they were insurmountable.
I knew that I was unhappy and felt trapped in a
situation that I could not get out of, but now that
I had a way out I was unprepared to deal with it. I
remember sitting up late that night and pondering
what my next step should be. Should I go along with
it and end our six-year marriage? What about the
kids? Should I fight for custody? What will my
friends and co-workers think? Where will I live?
Should I give up the house? These were just a few
of the questions running through my mind and I had
absolutely no idea how I was going to answer
The first few days after her divorce request
were terrible. We would not speak to each other or
even make direct eye contact. Although we continued
to sleep in the same bed we were emotionally miles
apart from one another. We would simply go through
our regular routines and walk pass each other
without saying a word. I could feel the tension
between us but I felt powerless to do anything.
Every time I attempted to even speak with her our
conversations would erupt into a shouting match. It
appeared that there was nothing that could be done
to save our marriage.
After several days I was able to put my sadness
and anger aside to try and make some rational
decisions. I decided that it would be best if we at
least attempted to save our marriage. There were
several factors that prompted my decision. First of
all there were my children. As a child, I remember
how much I missed not having a father in my life. I
always envied my friends who had fathers and I
remember making a conscious decision to being a
good father if I ever had children of my own. My
children and I were very close so I definitely
wanted to minimize any pain they would experience.
Another reason that I thought it would be best to
stay together was financial. I knew that if we were
to divorce it would be extremely difficult for me
to make it on my own while paying child support and
possibly maintaining two households since my wife
was a stay at home mom. Last but not least (and
Im not proud of this) I was really afraid of
what my friends and employees would think of me. In
their eyes I had the perfect life. I had created
this image of having it all together and the
thought of going through with this divorce would
shatter that image. That really scared me and
filled me with shame and embarrassment.
I convinced my wife to try marriage counseling.
I told her that I really wanted to try and work
things out so we should at least give it a try. She
agreed and we began counseling. After several
sessions it became obvious that our marriage was
not going to work out. I discovered that I really
wanted out of the marriage but I was too afraid to
say it. All the reasons that I tried to make the
marriage work were wrong. I never asked myself the
two most important questions of my life. 1. Do I
really love her? 2. Do I really want to spend the
rest of my life with her? As a result of our
counseling I realized that the answer was no to
both questions.
Once we knew that the divorce was inevitable I
decided to make it as amicable as possible. I sat
down with her and said we should try to make this
as simple and painless as possible. Fortunately she
agreed and we were able to decide on how our
possessions would be divided up and we were even
able to work out visitation with the children. As a
matter of fact our divorce was so amicable that we
used the same attorney to handle the divorce. (If
you are currently going through a divorce my
suggestion is that you do everything in your power
to separate on good terms. Although this is
extremely difficult I can assure you that if you
put your ego aside and try and work things out
together everybody wins in the end.) I must admit
that I am truly grateful to my ex-wife for being
willing to work things out the way we did. I am
forever indebted to her for never speaking badly to
our children about me and for making sure that we
worked together as parents to help our children
handle the whole ordeal. Our willingness to work
together to raise our children has paid off with
three emotionally and psychologically well adjusted
children that we are both extremely proud of.
After the divorce was final I found myself in
unknown territory. This was actually the first time
I had really failed at anything so major and life
changing. I did not know what to expect but
intuitively I knew that I would get through it. At
the time I was somewhat isolated and alone. I
really did not have any close friends to talk to so
I simply kept to myself and tried to handle it
alone. One of the first declarations I made was to
never get married again. Marriage was a difficult
and painful experience and I concluded that I did
not want to experience the pain and loss of a
divorce ever again. To avoid the potential pain of
relationships I simply submersed myself in my
After a few months I decided to break out of my
isolation and at least start going out again.
Although I wasnt looking for a relationship I
did want to at least have some companionship. The
problem I had with going out was that I was still
ashamed and embarrassed because of my divorce and I
felt as if I had this huge neon letter D stamped on
my forehead. My feelings of inadequacy and failure
made it extremely difficult to really connect with
anyone so most of the time I simply would go to
clubs and dance a little without having much
Within approximately six months I started to
long for a relationship. I was tired of being alone
and I really missed having a partner to share life
with. I decided to try and date to see what would
happen. My first few relationships after my divorce
were disasters. Although I did not know this at the
time I was absolutely terrified of intimacy. I had
all sorts of trouble connecting on an emotional
level with women because I was still scarred
emotionally from my divorce. After several failures
I begin to recognize a pattern in my relationships.
The first thing I noticed was that my relationships
never lasted more than three weeks. Within that
time period something would happen that would
terminate the relationship. In most cases the women
were the ones who were saying that they
werent ready for a relationship. If they
werent leaving I was the one making excuse
about why I needed to end the relationship. I had
devised some pretty good excuses for ending
relationships like being too busy at work or trying
to be a good father to my children but the truth
was I was terrified of experiencing the pain I had
associated with relationships.
After a couple of years I met a woman that I
really enjoyed being with. We had great chemistry
and had a lot in common. After dating her for over
a year I began having deep feelings for her and
decided that I really wanted to make a commitment
to an exclusive relationship. When I told her how I
felt her response really caught me by surprise. She
told me that she really liked me a lot and would
like to develop a committed relationship with me
but she knew that I was emotionally unavailable to
her so she did not want to invest her feelings into
a guy that could not reciprocate her love. I felt
rejected and angry and did not know how to respond
to her comment. As a result, the relationship ended
and there I was alone again.
The good news is that I really listened to what
she had to say. I recognized that I was the problem
not her. I was able to see that I was the reason my
relationships werent working out and I
decided to do something about it. I began my own
inner journey to heal my heart so that I would no
longer keep pushing women out of my life. I
followed M. Scott Pecks advice and took the
road less traveled and I definitely became a better
man as a result of it.
After being on my fifteen-year personal journey
and learning to love myself I decided that I really
did want to remarry. Since I took the time to
understand the how's and the whys of my past
relationship failures, I was able to finally create
loving and supportive relationships without the
fear of intimacy or abandonment. As a result of my
commitment to my own personal growth I was able to
create a relationship that really works for me
which ultimately resulted in me getting remarried
and creating a marriage that really nurtures and
supports me. I really enjoy the emotional security
that comes from having a spouse that loves and
adores me and Im truly grateful that I took
the time to understand the importance of having
authentic relationships.
Great relationships take effort and commitment
but ultimately they are definitely lifes
greatest treasure. If you are having difficulty
with relationships, been through or going through a
divorce or have a deep fear of commitment take the
time to heal your heart and it will open the door
to creating great relationships.
Good luck!
Is Love Real?
If I have committed myself to the Creator, I am
free to commit myself to another person in a way
that creates the deepest kind of love between two
human beings. Because my happiness is not dependent
on you, I am free to love and serve you in the most
joyous, exciting and most rewarding way. I am free
to give you all my love because, through my
foundation in my relationship with my Creator, I
know that the more love I give, the more I receive
and have to give. author unknown
After a divorce and a couple of failed
relationships I was forced to ask myself the
question. Is love real? For the first time in my
life I had to admit that I really did not know what
true love was. During the course of my six year
marriage I thought I was in love. But the problem
was in thinking I was in love rather
than feeling in love. After weeks of
self- introspection, I decided that I wanted to
have the true experience of feeling in
love. This decision took me on one of the most
difficult yet rewarding journeys of my life. I came
to a fork in the road and I decided to walk the
road less traveled. This road would challenge me to
look at all the beliefs and perceptions that I had
about love. It would confront my views on
masculinity and even confront my feelings of
"blackness". Although it was a bit frightening to
begin with, intuitively I knew that the keys to my
happiness would be found along this lonesome
The journey began with me identifying my own
emotional fears and concerns. As I traveled down
the road of discovery I found that I had a deep
fear of intimacy due to my lack of trust. This fear
was the primary reason I had not been able to
experience real love. It originated from earlier
childhood experiences, which I had suppressed and
was completely unconscious of. After recognizing
that the fear was there, I chose to remove it. This
is where my journey led me to my emotional
excavation process. This process of emotional
healing helped me reconnect to my feelings, which
opened the door to finding real love. Without this
process it would be virtually impossible for me to
intimately connect with someone on an emotional
This is where my masculinity and my cultural
identity was challenged. First of all, men are not
supposed to talk about feelings. I
experienced a deep sense of alienation and being
alone because most men would not speak openly about
what was truly going on inside of them. As I shared
my journey with some men I noticed that the
overwhelming majority of them were not only
uncomfortable speaking about this topic, they were
also unfamiliar with the language of emotions.
Another challenge along the road of discovery
for me was addressing my ethnicity. During this
process I found very few blacks (if any) that were
willing to discuss emotional issues. I was
constantly accused of trying to be white and being
caught up in the white folks mentality
for being willing to address these emotional and
psychological issues. I sometimes questioned my own
cultural identity. Was I denying my blackness by
being willing to go to therapy? Does this mean that
Im a sell-out because I want to experience
deep levels of love and intimacy in relationships?
Why arent more black people reading books
about childhood trauma and personal development?
There were so many questions yet so few
As I pondered these questions I ran across a
poem that would give me the courage and the
strength to proceed on my journey. The poem was
called The Invitation. In the poem the writer asks,
Are you willing to disappoint another in
order to be true to yourself? I knew this was
the answer I was looking for. That one sentence
challenged me to trust my own inner voice and
proceed with my journey. I had to be true to myself
despite what anyone else said or believed. I knew
that I was completely responsible for my own
happiness and I had to be willing to trust my gut
feelings to find the peace that I was searching
for. It had nothing to do with my ethnicity but it
had everything to do with my humanity.
My journey helped me realize that I had always
focused my attention on things outside of myself. I
expended an incredible amount of energy on my
career, my relationships, sex, my children, my
money and my material possessions and even my
physical body. It wasnt until I looked within
myself and addressed my heart and soul that I was
able to experience real love and authentic
happiness. I accomplished this by doing four
1. I made a commitment to healing my heart by
going to therapy and participating in numerous
workshops and seminars.
2. I read literally hundreds of books dealing with
healing childhood trauma and personal
3. I learned how to meditate and developed a
consistent meditation practice, which I still
practice to this day.
4. I developed a spiritual connection that nurtures
my soul and spirit.
I cannot put into words the joy and serenity I
feel on a daily basis as a result of this journey.
Now that I have healed my heart and spirit I am
able to experience love on a deep emotional level.
The key was in learning to love myself and letting
go of any hurt and resentments that were buried
deep in my psyche. By learning to love myself I am
now open and able to receive love from others. I
now know that love is real. It has nothing to do
with age, ethnicity, gender or religious
orientation. It has everything to do with opening
your heart and being able to feel the
love that has always been there. It sort of reminds
me of the story of the Wizard of Oz. All of the
characters in the movie thought the wizard could
give them the things they were looking for, but it
turned out that they already had those things
inside of them. I had been looking for love outside
of me but when I looked inside there it was all
It has been a beautiful journey so far and I
look forward to continuing my quest for
authenticity. I have come to the conclusion that
love is definitely real, you just have to know
where to look to find it. You will never find it
outside of yourself until you find it within. So
remember, Seek and ye shall find, ask and it
shall be given to you, knock and the door will be
opened to you"
I hope you choose to go on your own personal
journey. I can assure you that you are never alone.
If you look closely enough you might even see me
along the way. Good luck. Ill meet you along
the road less traveled.
In the meantime, know that love is real. You
will not find it in someone else until you find it
within yourself. Look deep within and there you
will find what your heart has in store for you. If
you do not go within to find love you will always
go without having it.
Go within!
Why are men so
uncomfortable watching Chick
For as long as I can remember I have always loved
movies. As I reflect back over my teenage years
some of my greatest memories include going to the
movies. Of course back then my interest wasnt
always focused on the movie. In most cases I was
more interested in using the movie as a way to get
my date in a dark quiet place. If I were really
lucky, I might even get a chance to
accidentally touch her breast as I
attempted to put my arm around her. Those were the
good old days.
Now that I am happily married and do not have to
accidentally touch my wifes breast, (another
good reason to be happily married) I can really
focus my attention on the movies and their content.
As I have grown older and become more enlightened I
have come to the conclusion that movies are really
metaphors for life and if we watch them with an
open heart and an open mind they can assist us in
our emotional and spiritual growth.
Steven Simon (author and producer of Somewhere
in Time and What Dreams May Come) really
encapsulates how I feel about movies when he
writes, Movies are the most electrifying
communications medium ever devised and the natural
conduit of inspiring ourselves to look into the
eternal issues of who we are and why we are
Now Im sure most people reading this may
not have such a serious definition of what movies
mean, but to me that sums it up. Movies can inspire
us and help us discover who we are and why we are
I love all genres of movies, Sci-fi, Action,
Drama, Comedy you name them I love them. Like most
guys I have a passion for action films. I enjoy the
special effects and explosions and of course the
ass-kicking martial arts films. I remember watching
Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon and being so
mesmerized by his martial arts. His body was like
poetry in motion and the fact that he was able to
fight off 10-20 guys at a time definitely made him
a hero in my eyes. As a matter of fact I think I
still have a knot on my head from trying to emulate
his moves with my homemade nun-chucks. One thing
that I like about my wife is that she also loves
martial art films. She told me that if I had not
married her she was going to marry Jet Li the
kung-fu fighting ass-kicking king of cinema. Good
thing I got there before he did.
Now Im sure most guys may not admit to
this but I also love animated movies. I love them
so much that I do not even have to pretend to take
my kids to watch them. Of course my kids are grown
up now so I could not use them as an excuse even if
I wanted to, but the truth is I have absolutely no
problem going to the theater and sitting through an
animated feature all by myself. There are two
reasons that I enjoy animated films. First of all
it keeps me in touch with my inner child and the
feelings of joy that comes from that connection.
Secondly, I really love computer animation and
watching how technology continues to evolve and how
realistic the animation looks. In my opinion
computer animation is an art form. It is a
beautiful creative expression that really moves
And now we get to the real reason I wrote this
article. You see I have a confession to make. I am
not embarrassed or ashamed of this and I do not
feel like less of a man by saying this. Are you
ready for the confession? Here it is. I love CHICK
Thats right I love them. Of course the
appropriate term for the genre is romantic movies
so I will use that term as I share why I enjoy them
so much.
I must be honest and tell you that I have not
always enjoyed romantic movies. Like most men they
would make me extremely uncomfortable because I did
not know how to express my feelings as I watched
them. If ever I felt emotional I would repress the
feelings and not allow my self to experience the
appropriate emotion. Like most men I was unable to
be that open and vulnerable so I would deflect the
emotion with some unconscious attempt to not appear
too sensitive. My defense mechanism of choice was
laughter. If ever I would become overwhelmed with
sadness I would crack a joke to deflect the
feeling. If I were overcome with joy and happiness
I would simply laugh in an inauthentic manner to
keep from feeling the true joy. Whenever I feel
deep joy I usually cry and that was a huge blow to
my masculine ego so I never allowed that to happen.
So rather than expose myself to the possibility of
being emotional I used to avoid romantic movies
like I avoid rectal exams.
But now things are different. As a result of my
healing and inner work I am able to experience
movies at a deep emotional level. I can now allow
myself the freedom to simply experience whatever
emotion Im feeling and then express whatever
feeling Im having spontaneously and
authentically. It amazes me how much of the movies
I used to miss because I did not allow myself to
feel and experience the movie. Now that I am open
to all of my emotions it simply makes the movie
going experience more enjoyable.
This is just one of many benefits of doing inner
work and connecting to your emotions. Movies have
more meaning; your sense of beauty is heightened,
relationships are more rewarding and fulfilling,
your spirituality is deeper and more connected and
your sense of self is elevated.
So if you happen to be one of those guys
thats afraid of watching chick flicks ask
yourself these questions;
- Are you uncomfortable expressing your
- Are you afraid that you might not be able to
hold back the tears of sadness or joy?
- Are you so insecure in your masculinity that
you simply refuse to even consider checking out
a chick flick?
- Are you afraid of being called a punk, wimp
or sissy?
Whatever your reason for avoiding chick flicks
just accept the fact that it does not make you less
of a man by viewing a movie. Know that real men are
comfortable with their emotions and have no
difficulty expressing them. And last but not least
its ok to cry.
Ponder on this for a while and let me know what
you think. In the meantime Ive got a hot date
with my wife to watch a chick flick. If Im
lucky, I might get that opportunity to accidentally
let my hand touch her breast. Im so
See you at the movies!
The trials and triumphs of
a joyful black man in America
As a man amongst men, I create a world of
Love and understanding by loving myself and
understanding others." Michael Powerful
Tiger Taylor. Land of My Grandfathers, July
Growing up as a young black male in the
inner-city projects of Corpus Christi Texas I was
acutely aware that being black somehow
made me different. As I watched television and
looked through magazines and books I realized that
the people I perceived to have all of the wealth
were white people. When I asked my mom the reason
for this her response was that there were lots of
blacks that were wealthy, but the white people did
not want to show that on television. When asked why
not, she responded by saying that this was the way
that white people could control the minds of black
people and keep them from attaining wealth. Even as
a child, there was something about that comment
that I did not agree with. I wanted to understand
how the mind worked and most of all I wanted to
understand how white people could control the minds
of black people?
As I progressed through elementary school I
remember the tension and fear I felt as I
interacted with white kids in my class. At the age
of nine I had my first experience of racism when a
white female classmate approached me after a
spelling test. In this class the person who scored
an A on a test would receive a gold star, which was
then placed on a poster board in plain view for all
the students to see. It just so happened that I had
the most gold stars of anyone in the class and the
teacher would always encourage me to do well and to
be comfortable being at the top of the class
intellectually and academically.
After this particular test the white female
classmate came up to me and said, my mom says
that all niggers are dumb and stupid and even
though you may have more stars than I do I am still
smarter than you. I stood there in shock and
disbelief and was unable to respond. Even though I
had the evidence to refute her comments, as a nine
year old the pain of her words cut me like a knife.
I felt angry yet ashamed because this was not the
first time I had heard those words. But this was
the first time that I had heard them targeted
directly at me by one of my peers.
My most painful experience of blatant racism
occurred when I was seventeen. I was in high school
and I met and fell in love with my high school
sweetheart. She was a wonderful supportive caring
person that incidentally happened to be white. When
we met, she was somewhat of a wild child. She came
from a pretty wealthy family yet hated her father
and was into drugs and rebellion. She was a C and D
student that liked to skip school and hang out at
the beach with her friends. After going out with
her for a while I convinced her to turn her life
around and give up the skipping school and abusing
drugs. She changed her attitude and became an A and
B student. We were extremely close and shared that
high school infatuated kind of love that feels so
deep that it stays with you for a lifetime. After
going out with her for over a year her father found
out that we were dating. One night I got a phone
call from him and it was obvious that he was not
happy. As he began speaking I knew that I needed to
keep my cool and not disrespect him. I listened to
his objections and gave him an opportunity to get
everything off of his chest. When he finished, I
made the mistake of telling him that he did not
have the right to decide whom his daughter should
date. I tried to convince him that I had been a
good influence on his daughter and that he should
be happy that she was doing so well. My hope was
that I could get him to understand that I was a
good guy that was actually good for his daughter.
Of course he could not hear a word I was saying. He
was adamant about the fact that he knew what was
best for his daughter and I was just some young
punk trying to take advantage of his little girl.
After screaming his disapproval of our relationship
for several minutes he then said something that
completely caught me off guard. Although I knew he
was angry I did not expect to hear these words,
There is no way that I will allow my daughter
to date a nigger. I will kill you before I let that
happen. Although the words were painful, it
was the venomous feeling of anger and hatred that
came through the phone that ripped out my heart.
Even today almost thirty years later I can still
feel the hatred in his words. His anger came from
deep within his soul and it was apparent that his
anger wasnt just about me but about all black
As I sat there in disbelief I immediately went
numb. A part of me wanted to defend myself and
curse at him and retaliate in some way. My initial
feeling was anger, which I quickly subdued to avoid
getting into a shouting match. Another part of me
was extremely afraid because I did not know whether
or not he would actually attempt to take my life.
But the feeling I remember most after his comment
was sadness. I remember a sinking feeling in my gut
that was the result of being invalidated as a human
being. I knew that he viewed me as less than a man
and in his mind I was not good enough for his
daughter simply because I was black. It was
dehumanizing and demoralizing.
How could this man hate me so much and not know
anything about me? How could he pass judgment on me
without ever seeing me or speaking to me? Why could
he not see the positive influence I had had on his
daughter? Why was I not allowed the opportunity to
meet with him and talk to him so that he could see
how much I really cared about his daughter and that
my intentions were to simply love and support her?
So many questions so few answers.
I share these three true personal stories
because as a black man I realize that my
experiences are really just a microcosm of the
challenges facing black men even today. I
personally believe that our media still does an
irresponsible job of portraying black people in
general. The media generated perception is that
being black is synonymous with being poor,
uneducated, unmotivated and somehow a burden on
society. Although I do not believe that the media
can control how black people think, I am aware of
the power that the media does have on a
persons perception. Since a persons
perception is their reality, the media definitely
has an influence on peoples minds.
It is my fervent belief that people in general
are not born racist. Hatred is not a part of a
persons genetic make up. Racism is something
that is learned and people usually learn from the
environments in which they are raised.
Unfortunately there are still some parents that
teach their children that black people are inferior
as human beings and sadly enough some black people
have accepted this as true.
As a black man, I realize that people are going
to judge me and have preconceived ideas about who I
am. I understand that no matter what I do the
stereotypes of black men will precede me and
somehow I will have to prove myself over and over
again. I know that people will be afraid of me,
will think less of me and put the label of
black man on me no matter what I
So as a black man what can I do? How do I deal
with the multiplicity of challenges that I face on
a daily basis? Do I throw my hands up in defeat and
give up? Do I accept the stereotypes and become
just another black male statistic thrown into the
ever-increasing prison population? Do I succumb to
the pressure and lose my identity and try to become
someone that Im not?
In order for me to deal with the aforementioned
challenges, I choose to first and foremost see
myself as a man, not just a black man. If I see the
world only through the lens of a black man I limit
my perception of the world. When I let go of my
attachment to being black first, I open the door to
infinite possibilities for myself as a human being.
This is not a denial of my ethnicity it is simply
an affirmation of my true potential and my
humanity. This awareness gives me an entirely new
perspective on the world.
With this perspective I can honestly say that I
absolutely love being a black man. I have come to
this conclusion as a result of the past fifteen
years of doing my emotional work and removing my
shadows. I am now completely comfortable with who I
am as a human being and I recognize that I am a man
who happens to be black. I am proud of my racial
heritage but the true source of my power transcends
the color of my skin.
When I view the world from this perspective I
begin to recognize that although there is ignorance
and hatred in the world, racism in and of itself is
actually an over-used word in our society that
keeps us separate and in denial of our oneness.
This does not excuse injustice and oppression for
people of color it simply acknowledges that racism
is a dis-ease of the mind. In objective scientific
terms it isnt real. It is a man made creation
that exists only in our minds.
As I reflect over my personal mission
As a man amongst men, I create a world of
Love and understanding by loving myself and
understanding others."
I fully grasp the implications of what these
words mean to me. By loving myself and removing any
blocks to my awareness, I am able to understand
others without judgment. This allows me to
constantly be in the moment without being attached
to things that have happened to me in the past. By
healing my anger and forgiving those who have hurt
me I can be fully present to people in my life.
Therefore I do not think in over generalized
statements and use words and phrases like those
white people, or them and they. I live in the
moment and address each individual situation in the
moment. This is the beauty of healing your heart.
It frees you from your past and keeps you in the
present moment.
Life has taught me that you have two choices in
response to anything that happens to you. The first
is to become bitter or the second choice is to
become better. I have chosen the latter and it has
definitely made me a more joyful man. I live by the
adage that if it does not kill you, it can
only make you stronger. I am grateful for all
the challenges I have overcome because I can
clearly see how they made me a better man in the
My intention is for you to have a new perception
about black men after you finish reading this
article. The truth is we are no different than any
other group of men. We are loving, caring,
compassionate, sensitive, intelligent, forgiving
and courageous. We love our country and our
families. We deal with all of the same emotions and
challenges as any one else. We do not all blame
society for our challenges and we are constantly
making positive contributions to America. We are
definitely an asset to this country not a
I am reminded of a lesson I learned from Wayne
Dyer in which he taught me that I should never
focus my attention on that which I am against.
Instead, I must focus my attention on that which I
am for and I will experience that as a result. So
instead of being against racism I am for unity.
Instead of taking a position against hatred I take
a stand for love.
As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said.
Were afraid of each other because we do
not know one another, we do not know one another
because most of us are separated from each
other. My intention is to remove the
perceived separation and create oneness. This is
the driving force in my life. I want to be the
change I want to see in the world and I invite you
to join me in creating a world of love, peace and
In the immortal words of John Lennon, You
may say that Im a dreamer, but Im not
the only one. I hope someday youll join us,
and the world will be as one.
Wont you join me?
©2009, Michael
Related Issue: January
could be the cruelest month for men in
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