Your Life or Your Job? For the Really Stressed Out tt Could be a Choioce of Life or Death Yoga Instructor and author Bruce Van Horn has developed a program to help employers to move away from fear-based motivation and tools for employee empowerment. Bruce found that by meditating before work and by bringing the yogic philosophy into the workplace, business increased and employees were happier. Bruce created a wellness program specifically for working people who need to better manage their stress and overall health. Workplace stress arises either due to unfavorable working conditions or dissatisfaction with ones job. The first, more common burnout occurs when workplace stress overwhelms the individual. Often times the management, through unreasonable expectations of organizational goals, trigger the stress response in the individual. The fear of being fired is equated with our fear of mortality. At least our ancestors could run or fight thereby burning off the adrenaline. Over time the constant release of adrenaline and cortisol will weaken the immune system and lead to burnout The other source of burnout is job dissatisfaction, which Bruce suffered from. Bruce was miserable as a CPA and the unhappiness manifested as a physical illness. Then a midlife crises hit. His wife wouldnt let him have an affair or buy a sports car so he had to make a fundamental life change. Now his life is exciting and full of adventure. Bruces work is dedicated to his father and his former manager and all whose lives were cut short due to dysfunctional organizational design. Im fascinated by your work. Thank you for your contributions-our society surely needs it Patch Adams M.D., author of House Calls Statistics: Workplace Stress is Costing US Economy $300 Billion Author, Comedian, CPA, MBA and yoga instructor Bruce Eric Van Horn is the founder of Yoga for Business, Inc., a company devoted to organizational and individual wellness. He is the author of Yoga for Prostate Health and Yoga for Men and Yoga for Health Living Wellness Series and is the chairman of the Advisory Board of the Center for Complimentary Medicine at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. © 2007, Bruce Eric Van Horn If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. - Hippocrates Author, CPA, MBA and
yoga instructor Bruce Van Horn founded Yoga for Business,
Inc., a company devoted to organizational and individual
wellness. He presents a daily Yoga Workout routine that
provides a complete physical, mental and spiritual workout.
He is the author of Yoga
for Prostate Health and
for Men, designed for all
levels of experience with yoga.. He has renamed (Asanas)
positions in Yoga using terms from business to help you
identify with the movement and focus your attention. He is
the Chair of the Advisory Board for the Center for
Complimentary Medicine at the Cancer Institute of New
Jersey. Bruce also leads a volunteer yoga program designed
for cancer patients and healthcare workers at Beth Israel
Medical Center. He lives outside New York with his wife
Michelle who is a Reiki Master. Bruce has two daughters who
have asked that he refrain from headstands at the town pool.
His website is www.yogaforbusiness.com
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