Medicine Newsbytes
Menstuff® has compiled the following Newsbytes on Alternative
and Complementary Medicine.
Alternative Medicine Use Among Kids Is Less
Prevalent Than Once Thought
How many kids use complementary or alternative medicine (CAM), such
as herbal remedies, meditation, and chiropractic care? A study by
researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina in
Charleston found that the prevalence of CAM use among kids is much
lower than once thought.
Arsenic In Water Discussed At
Federal officials heard a plea for help as communities struggle to
deal with the potential costs of new federal standards lowering the
amount of arsenic to be allowed in drinking water.

Enhancing The Nutritional Value Of
Biotechnology enhanced soybeans with tryptophan levels that are up to
30 times higher than traditionally bred seeds have been grown over 5
generations. Soybeans are a major source of nitrogen and amino acids
(AAs) for animal feeds. In many feed rations, the AAs lysine and
methionine are limiting unless synthetic versions of these AAs are
added to the ration, then a second-tier of AAs become limiting.
Tryptophan is included in this group where the high cost of synthetic
second-tier AAs may limit their use.

Medicare Marijuana
Users: Give us our pot
A group of 38 California medical marijuana patients filed legal
motions asking the federal government to give them back pot worth
$970,000 seized by authorities. State voters approved medical
marijuana in 1996. "We've discovered a culture of resistance within
law enforcement," said Kris Hermes, legal coordinator for
Americans for Safe Access, a pro-medical marijuana group. "Patients
are being arrested or having their medicine seized in nearly every
police encounter." In June, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed
to review whether federal law banning marijuana applies to two
California women whose doctors recommended cannabis for their
Source: USA Today
Noise Can Be Good For You
Researchers in Japan have found that a type of noise known as 1/f
noise more effectively sensitizes the human brain than white

Alcohol's Benefits On Brain Power May Be
Most of the reported health benefits of moderate drinking on brain
functioning in middle age become moot when a person's mental
abilities as a teenager are factored in, a new study suggests.

New Heart-Healthy Corn Due To Hit Stores
Worldwide By 2007
A new breed of corn that mixes the conventional seed with a
bright-blooming relative offers the promise of helping prevent
clogged arteries and reducing harmful cholesterol.

Cancer Patients Are More Likely To Use
Alternative Therapies
Cancer patients are up to twice as likely as patients with other
diseases to use unproven therapies, most likely using them to augment
proven treatments rather than replace them. Those findings come from
a study from researchers at the University of Washington to be
published February 23 in the online edition of CANCER, a
peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society. The study
appears in the April 1, 2004 print edition, and will be available via
Wiley InterScience.

California Lawmakers OK Soda Ban In
Worrying about the health of California children, the state Assembly
voted to ban soda sales to elementary school students and restrict
sales of the drinks at junior high schools.

FDA Says Herbal Tea Linked To
The Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to drink
teas brewed from the herb star anise, as it investigates reports of
people, including 15 infants, suffering seizures after ingesting

Scientists Hook The Identity Of Mercury In
The mercury in our swordfish steaks and tuna sandwiches may not be as
harmful as many people think, according to a new study. Many of the
fish we eat collect mercury in a form that may be less harmful than
the mercury compounds that are used to model the toxic properties of
Source: American Association for the Advancement of

Herbal Cures May Have Misleading
Herbal remedies are often marketed on the Internet with misleading or
unproven health claims that violate federal law, according to a study
of 443 Web sites.
(Editor: Think back on all of the drugs and health items that
the FDA has approved that had misleading claims or were
dangerous to the human body? Click here
for just one example.)
The Benefits Of Chocolate
The debate over the benefits of chocolate rages on. One recent study
says eating dark chocolate may have benefits while a second says that
not all kinds of chocolate are beneficial. Read a Harvard Medical
School physician's opinion on two separate news stories.
Chinese Herbal Weight-Loss Products
Caused Liver Damage In Japan
Two herbal weight-loss products manufactured in China and sold in
Japan and on the Internet caused liver injury to 12 patients taking
the product, according to a new study.
Source: American College of Physicians,

Office-Based Therapy For Opiate
Addiction Successful
The recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of
buprenorphine and of a combination product containing buprenorphine
and naloxone, developed through more than a decade of research
supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National
Institutes of Health, has opened the door to mainstream medical
treatment for people addicted to opiates, such as heroin and
morphine. Now, results of a 2- part, multicenter, clinical trial
published in the September 4 issue of the New England Journal of
Medicine, provides additional insight into the utility of this
treatment outside the traditional addiction treatment clinic
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