Menstuff® has compiled the following newsbytes on
Arthritis. Get answers to your basic questions at the Arthritis
Center and the Rheumatoid
Arthritis Center.
Arthritis Nutrition Facts: Eating
Well, Now and Later
It's easy to let nutrition slide when coping with arthritis. Stay
strong with these simple tips.

Arthritis Overview
The condition that we commonly refer to as arthritis includes a
number of diseases that result in inflammation, pain and stiffness,
primarily in the joints and connective tissues.

Bursitis is a common condition that often occurs when a joint is
overused, such as when throwing a baseball or painting a wall.
In most cases, arthritis is diagnosed after an individual contacts
his or her health care professional because chronic pain has begun to
interfere with daily life.
Myositis is the medical term for muscle inflammation. In myositis,
inflammation damages the fibers of a muscle.

Arthritis Diet Claims: Fact or
Has someone told you tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers will make your
arthritis worse? Did you hear that gin-soaked raisins will ease your
suffering? Find out if these arthritis remedies really work.

Exercising With Osteoarthritis
Exercise is an important part of treating arthritis, but which
exercises are OK when you've got osteoarthritis? Check out our Health
Guide to learn more.

FDA Approves Enbrel To Treat Ankylosing
FDA approved an application for etanercept (trade-name Enbrel), a
genetically engineered protein, for a new indication for treatment of
patients with active ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a chronic
inflammatory disease affecting primarily the lower back and joints.
Etanercept is also licensed for treatment of patients with rheumatoid
arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic

Study Shows Effectiveness Of B-Cell Depletion
Characterized by inflammation and joint damage, rheumatoid arthritis
(RA) is a serious and painful form of arthritis caused by the
dysfunction of the immune system. Researchers have long traced the
cause of the disease to the body's T cells, an important type of
cells that regulates immunity. Various T-cell targeted therapies have
been used with limited success.

A Costly New Drug Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis
For this kind of relief, Charlene Box is willing to inject herself
every two weeks, slipping the needle under the surface of her skin at
5 a.m., so early that she's too groggy to dwell on what she's

Lipids Get The Spotlight In New NIGMS 'Glue
While genes and proteins have long held starring roles in biomedical
research, lipids -- fats and oils -- often have a more direct effect
on human health. A new grant from the National Institutes of Health
puts lipids at center stage in an ambitious scientific project that
promises to shed light on heart disease, arthritis and other major

Study Shows Inflammation Of Tissue
Lining Joints Among Patients With Osteoarthritis Of The Knee And
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the world's most common form of joint disease,
primarily affecting the elderly. According to experts, up to 50
percent of America's baby boomers - men and women over age 50 - may
be affected. A degenerative illness, OA is characterized by cartilage
damage, pain, stiffness, and sometimes disability. Unlike rheumatoid
arthritis, a joint disease that affects young adults, it is not
generally thought that inflammation causes OA.

Ceramics Offer New Promise In Hip
Dr. Joseph Brown's pain radiated from his back down his right leg to
his foot, worsening to the point that it awakened him at night.
Aging Boomers Drive Up Doctor
Over half (53 percent) of patients visiting the doctor in 2001 were
over age 45, according to the latest annual report from CDC's
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, which looks at the medical
care provided in physicians' offices. That's compared to 42 percent
in 1992.

New Evidence For Genetic Role In
Autoimmune Diseases
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune connective tissue disease
characterized by changes in the skin--thickening, hardness,
discoloration, ulcerations--as well as joint stiffness, swelling of
fingers, and sensitivity to the cold. In addition to being painful
and sometimes disfiguring, SSc can cause damage to small blood
vessels within the skin and internal organs. Researchers have
suspected genetic factors play a role occurs recurs infrequently in
families, genetic linkage studies of SSc have proven difficult.

Pain Of Juvenile Arthritis May Reduce
School And Social Activity
Scientists studying children with juvenile arthritis have found that
increased pain and fatigue are linked to reduced participation in
school and social activity. In addition, the researchers, led by
Laura E. Schanberg, M.D., of Duke University Medical Center, noted
that anxiety is also significantly associated with increased pain and

Swimming Can Contribute To Rebuilding Bone
Skeletal bone is living tissue and requires constant turnover,
accomplished through a process that repairs damage and alters bone
mass in response to needs. For most of the time, the skeleton
responds to mechanical loading generated though exercise by
increasing bone mass and strength. In human studies, bone development
and bone mechanical properties are indicated by bone mineral density
Source: American Physiological Society,
FDA OKs New Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug
The government has approved sale of a new drug for rheumatoid
arthritis that works like two older competitors -- but may prove
easier to take.

Indian Scientists Discuss Cheaper Treatment
For Arthritis
Medical scientists from India and abroad met Friday to explore making
cheaper medicines for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis -- a disease
afflicting more than 50 million people worldwide.

Jailed Conn. Man Donates Stem Cells
Two months after being sent to Virginia to finish serving an 11-year
prison sentence for burglary, John "J.T." Glasper returned to
Connecticut to save his brother's life.

Splints and Braces Take the Pressure
A splint or brace can take the pressure off joints, especially in the
wrist or hand, and protect them from injury.

Be Sure Your Exercise Program Supports
Your Recovery
If you have arthritis, regular exercise may help, provided the
exercise program is tailored to your needs and abilities and is
combined with an appropriate amount of recovery time.

Common Forms Of Arthritis
Although there are more than 100 forms of arthritic conditions, four
of the most common disorders include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and gout.

Valuable Web Site for Those with
If you suffer from some form of arthritis, take a moment to bookmark
these pages for current news about your condition:

Rheumatoid Arthritis:


Study Shows Enbrel Treats Psoriasis
Biotechnology giant Amgen Inc. said Friday that a pivotal study
involving Enbrel proved the arthritis drug's ability to treat against
moderate-to-severe psoriasis.

Competition Expected For New, Improved
Psoriasis Drugs
No clear winner is emerging in a horse race among big biotechnology
firms to provide better and safer relief to patients with serious
cases of psoriasis, experts said at a conference for dermatologists
this week in San Francisco.

Many Benefits of a Good Physical
As part of a comprehensive plan for arthritis treatment, you may
choose to visit an occupational therapist or a physical therapist.
Learn the difference between the two -- and how each may be able to
help ease your arthritis pain. 

U.S. Debates Risks Of 4 Arthritis Drugs
- March 04, 2003
Increasing reports of major side effects -- cancer and liver failure
-- are spurring the government to reassess the safety of rheumatoid
arthritis drugs that gave patients unprecedented hope when they began
hitting the market four years ago.

Mediterranean Diet Soothes Aching
Foods rich in antioxidants help people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Fighting Autoimmune Diseases
HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced the release of a
comprehensive research plan from HHS' National Institutes of Health
(NIH) to fight autoimmune diseases, a collection of disorders
including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis that affect an
estimated 14 to 22 million Americans. The plan will foster research
to identify genetic, environmental and infectious causes of
autoimmune diseases and to develop new treatments and prevention

Purdue Pharma, Maker Of Painkiller Oxycontin
Starts Ad Campaign
The maker of the painkiller OxyContin is starting an advertising
campaign in U.S. newspapers to highlight its efforts to combat abuse
of the powerful prescription drug.

Scleroderma Research Receives A
Boost From Multiple NIH Grants
Ten new research grants on scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) have been
funded by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and
Skin Diseases (NIAMS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The
grants, totaling more than million per year, include both basic and
clinical research studies. The Office of Research on Women's Health
(ORWH) co-funded two of the grants.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With HMO Coverage
May Not Have Access To New Medications
Health maintenance organizations strive to lower the cost of
rheumatoid arthritis care by reducing the use of new medications, not
by lowering the number of hospital admissions or surgeries, according
to research presented at the American College of Rheumatology Annual
Scientific Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Source: American College of Rheumatology,

Care By A Rheumatologist Means Better
Treatment For Many Arthritis Sufferers
Greater access to a rheumatologist, a specialist who treats
arthritis, may mean better care and an earlier start of treatment for
patients with arthritis, according to research presented at the
American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Source: American College of Rheumatology,

New Knees When Other Options Fail
When lesser measures can no longer control the pain and disability of
arthritic knees, surgery to reconstruct or replace them then becomes
a consideration. But only a consideration.

First Step In Treating Arthritis -- Keep
These are boom times for companies that make products that aim to
treat osteoarthritis, the leading cause of disability in the United

What types of exercise are best for
people with arthritis?

Arthritis - Your Reward For Wear And Tear
Nearly 21 million Americans are all too familiar with the pain of
osteoarthritis, a leading cause of life-changing disability in this
country. It is a chronic condition that can only become more common
as the population grows older, since the incidence rises as much as
ten-fold as people age from 30 to 65.

Common Knee Surgery Doesn't Work
A type of knee surgery performed on more than 300,000 Americans each
year to ease arthritis pain is worthless and perhaps even harmful,
government researchers say.

HHS Issues Report On Medical
Innovation And Seniors
HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson yesterday released a new report
highlighting the importance of medical innovation and new technology,
especially new drugs, in helping seniors live longer and healthier
lives. The report highlights advances in disease treatment and
prevention as key factors improving health for older Americans.

Staph-Link Protein May Help Arthritis
A protein that makes staph infections more dangerous by blocking the
body's immune defenses may help point the way to better treatments
for arthritis and other diseases.

Labeling Changes For Arthritis Drug
The FDA has approved labeling changes for Celebrex (celecoxib) based
on the results of the Celecoxib Long-term Arthritis Safety Study

Arthritis Drug Can't Be Labeled As
The Food and Drug Administration ruled that the popular arthritis
drug Celebrex can't be labeled as safer for the stomach than cheaper
anti-inflammation drugs.

Was Celebrex's Safety Overstated?
Celebrex boomed in popularity largely because it's been believed to
be a safer option than traditional anti-inflammatory drugs. But it
may not be as safe as you think. Get the full story.

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis at Home
Sweet Home
If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you know that the condition
requires you to make some changes in your lifestyle. Learn what you
can do at home to ease your symptoms and possibly slow down the

Research Shows Promise For New Class Of
Anti-Inflammatory Drug
A new type of anti-inflammatory painkiller is showing promise in
experiments on people with arthritis in their knees.

Report Links Vioxx To Meningitis
The popular painkiller Vioxx has been linked to five cases of a
nonbacterial type of meningitis, a possible side effect that,
although rare, is serious, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Arthritis Drug May Cause Liver Damage
A prescription drug for rheumatoid arthritis has been linked to
dozens of serious liver injuries and 12 deaths and should be banned,
a consumer advocacy group told the government.

Limited Mobility Bra
Trying to secure tiny hooks on a bra can be particularly frustrating
if your fingers are not very nimble. The Limited Mobility Bra was
designed with the help of focus groups consisting of women with
various dexterity limitations.
Editor's Note: No mention of how this might add to an
arthritic couple's flirtation and sex life if HE, once again, can
undo her bra. On SALE now! To purchase, go to:

Medical Uncertainty
Your doctor's notion of certainty and complete understanding of
illness are probably overestimated. In particular, certain fields of
medicine, such as arthritis, have more uncertainty than others, such
as cancer.

Geriatrics Society Guidelines Give Hints
To Older People On How To Live Without Pain
Getting old doesn't mean having to live with pain, the American
Geriatrics Society says in new guidelines with easy-to-read pamphlets
to help older Americans explain their pain to doctors and know if
dementia-stricken loved ones are suffering.

New Studies Add To Vioxx Debate
Three new studies are adding to a raging debate over whether the
popular arthritis pain reliever Vioxx increases the risk of heart
attack. Source:

Winter Fitness
It's tempting to just hibernate indoors during the cold-weather
months with your feet up by a warm fire. Tempting, but not healthful.
For even though bears hibernate, there are good reasons for humans to
leave their dens.

Rheumatoid Drug May Prolong Life
Methotrexate, a key drug for rheumatoid arthritis, could help people
with the crippling disease live longer, new research suggests.

Widely Used Arthritis Pills May Be New
Treatment For Cancer
Scientists are hard at work recycling Celebrex and Vioxx, the red-hot
inflammation pills taken by tens of millions for arthritis. They have
an unlikely new use in mind, one maybe even more important than
soothing throbbing joints.

Supermarket Chain Pulls Oxycontin
The Stop & Shop supermarket chain will no longer stock the
painkiller Oxycontin because of an increasing number of robberies
involving the drug.

Clinical Trial Protections Sought
Senators are promising legislation to better protect patients who
volunteer for clinical trials amid growing concerns about the way
many of the experimental tests are being administered.

Risks Of Arthritis Drugs Studied
There's growing suspicion that switching from aspirin to a more
stomach-friendly arthritis drug could increase some people's risk of
heart attacks and a study suggests the reason is a drug-caused
chemical imbalance that spurs blood clots.

Cartilage Attracts Immune Attack
Innocent proteins sucked up by cartilage may target arthritis to
joints, researchers say. The tissues attacked during autoimmune
disease may partly determine their own demise.

Boomers Search For Relief From
The 76 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 are expected
to have less tolerance for pain than previous generations, making
them willing to try and to spend more on different treatments for
their aches and pains.

New Weapons to Assault an Epidemic
Fred Crawford, 60, chose injections of a viscous liquid over
hip-replacement surgery. As a New York Knick, Fred Crawford suited up
with Bill Bradley and Willis Reed. Later he was a member of the Los
Angeles Lakers when Elgin Baylor and Jerry West were the stars of
that team. He ended his career with the Milwaukee Bucks, whose center
was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. That was three decades ago.
Late last month, as he entered a medical office on the Upper East
Side of Manhattan, Mr. Crawford moved in what must have seemed like
slow motion to him. Decades of constant pounding had taken their toll
on his left hip. Pain and weakness prevented him from walking more
than three blocks at a time. "Basketball is a tough business, but
you're not thinking about that at the time," Mr. Crawford said. His
diagnosis: moderately severe osteoarthritis.
Mr. Crawford is not alone. About 21 million Americans are
afflicted with osteoarthritis. (According to a federal study, the
figure will soar to more than 30 million by 2020, as the baby boomers
grow older.) Women stand a greater chance than men of developing the
disease, especially women over 65. But some arthritis experts are
noticing a change in their patients: more men developing severe
cases, and earlier, in their 50's rather than in their 60's and 70's,
which may be attributed to more participation in strenuous
At the same time, however, a variety of promising treatments and
technological advances, from new drugs to viscous injections to high-
tech prostheses, are keeping pace with the epidemic, offering relief
to those who suffer from the nation's leading cause of
Lube Job for Joints
While osteoarthritis affects the entire joint be it knee,
hip, wrist or fingers its primary target is cartilage, the
tough, slippery coating at the ends of bones that lets them glide
over each other when you bend your knees or throw a baseball. With
osteoarthritis, the protective cartilage wears away (which is why it
is sometimes referred to as "degenerative" arthritis). As the
cushioning cartilage erodes, bone eventually rubs against bone,
causing the pain and stiffness that Fred Crawford knows all too
The 60-year-old Mr. Crawford had been scheduled for
hip-replacement surgery in April. But he canceled after hearing about
a less drastic but more controversial alternative known as
visco-supplementation a lube job for arthritic joints.
In visco-supplementation, a clear, thick liquid is injected into
the joint in three weekly injections costing about $1,000 for the
series. (Some health insurance plans cover the cost.) The relatively
painless injections are intended to provide temporary relief for
arthritic pain and stiffness. The key ingredient is hyaluronic acid,
a chemical found naturally in the fluid of the knee and other joints
that aids in lubrication.
The Food and Drug Administration approved two
visco-supplementation products, Synvisc and Hyalgan, in 1997 and a
third, Supartz, earlier this year. They are currently approved for
treating symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee that have not
responded to drugs or other treatments. (None has yet been approved
for osteoarthritis of the hip, so Mr. Crawford's injections, using
Synvisc, are an "off-label" but permissible treatment.)
Visco-supplementation has drawn attention, not all favorable,
partly from how it has been promoted. Full- page ads in magazines and
newspapers contend that Synvisc offers "drug-free relief for
osteoarthritis knee pain," which is technically true, as the products
are classified as medical devices rather than drugs. But experts are
also split over visco- supplementation's effectiveness.
"I think it doesn't work, and there's actually pretty strong
evidence from clinical trials that it doesn't work," said Dr. David
Felson, the director of the Arthritis Center at the Boston University
School of Medicine. He said that the three large-scale clinical
trials of visco- supplementation for knee osteoarthritis "show no
effect compared with placebo injections of saline."
But visco-supplementation has its proponents, too. One is Mr.
Crawford's doctor, Vijay Vad, a rheumatologist at the Hospital for
Special Surgery in New York. Dr. Vad has "visco-supplemented" nearly
600 knees and 70 hips the first 25 as part of a recently
completed clinical trial. For best results, he emphasizes, "careful
selection of patients is essential."
According to Dr. Vad, the prime candidates for
visco-supplementation are men in their 40's or 50's with moderately
severe osteoarthritis of the hip or knee who have failed to improve
with oral medications, physical therapy or cortisone injections.
Following the injections, Dr. Vad insists that patients engage in a
rehabilitation program that includes exercise and aquatherapy.
Mr. Crawford, for one, is a believer. "I have less pain and have
already noticed improvement in my range of motion," he reported
shortly after the last of his three Synvisc injections. He said he
was looking forward to playing doubles tennis and taking his bicycle
out of storage. But as for basketball, "I'm going to leave that to
Kobe and Shaq."
The Surgical Solution
Dr. Richard Laskin, an orthopedic surgeon and co-chief of the knee
service at the Hospital for Special Surgery, recently reviewed his
hospital's database for the last 20 years, tallying up the numbers of
men who had been candidates for hip or knee replacement surgery and
noting their ages. One finding stood out: between 1980 to 1990 and
1990 to 2000, male patients in their 50's had tripled.
"Why am I seeing so many more men in their 50's when I used to see
them much later?" Dr. Raskin asked. "It's because when they were in
their 20's, they skied or played rugby or soccer or whatever and
damaged their knees tore their anterior cruciate ligament or
their medial meniscus, for example, and more men tended to do that
than women." (Ligaments are bands of tissue that help stabilize a
joint by binding together the bones within it; meniscuses are pads of
tissue that help to cushion the knee joint.)
Even without directly damaging cartilage, traumatic injury to a
joint greatly increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis years
later. Tearing a ligament or meniscus makes the joint unstable,
creating abnormal stresses on cartilage during movement. Athletes who
suffer a major injury to the knee or hip, for example, are up to
seven times more likely to develop osteoarthritis in that joint than
the average person. More

Arthritis Drug May Cause Liver Damage
A prescription drug for rheumatoid arthritis has been linked to
dozens of serious liver injuries and 12 deaths and should be banned,
a consumer advocacy group told the government.
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