Back to School

Menstuff® has compiled the following information on preparing to send your children Back to School.

Tips for Easing Her Back-to-School Transition
Give your children a strong start for the new school year
A Kid's Guide to Getting Along
Build Strong Bodies
A Kid's Food Pyramid
Parent's Community Corner

Tips for Easing Her Back-to-School Transition

The start of the new school year can be a nerve-wracking time for our daughters and stepdaughters. Here are Dads & Daughters’ 10 simple tips to smooth the way.

1. Listen to what’s happening. If she’s stressed or upset about cliques, teams, new subjects, or anything else—give her your attention. Provide her time to get things out and do some processing before jumping in with judgments or suggestions.

2. Help her keep perspective. Gently remind her that there are more important things than who’s wearing what, or who is going out with whom. Let her know (in word and deed) that you love her for who she is, no matter what.

3. Set the stage. Ask your daughter what a successful school year would look like for her—friends, sports, activities, dating—and then have her tell you about how important each goal is to her and if she thinks each one is realistic. It’s OK to discuss your expectations regarding grades, but remember the important lessons learned outside the classroom and all the pressures which face our girls today.

4. Nurture your special father-daughter bond. Go out for ice cream, go swimming, shoot hoops, or do something you know she loves. The beginning of school is a great time to begin a new tradition. How about a lunch date the last Saturday of every month?

5. Let her cope and experiment. School can be a great place for her to learn important personal and interpersonal skills which will serve her later in life. Don’t rush in to solve every problem – listen. But never back down where her personal safety is concerned.

6. Walk a mile in her shoes. Try to imagine what she’s experiencing and what it means to her. Your understanding and empathy can help her make it through her own trials.

7. Celebrate success. We sometimes tend to focus more on what’s not going right than we do on what is going well. Be sure to let her know how proud you are of her talents and accomplishments—even if they are not readily recognized by others.

8. Be her hero. Stay always mindful of her unique spirit and give her your loyalty, kindness, acceptance, respect, and support. Your influence in her life is unique, so make it as positive as possible.

9. Tell stories about yourself. Many things have changed since your were a kid, but most of the important stuff is still the same. Share your own youthful struggles with staying true to yourself, your values, and your friends. Don’t make every story into a lecture, and be sure to admit your mistakes—they can teach her a lot (starting with humility)!

10. Honor her interests. Even if her passion isn’t your first choice for fun, be there for her, let her teach you about her interests, and learn why she’s passionate about them. Your validation is a huge help to her.

Source: To learn more about healthy fathering of girls, visit our issues, books, and resources sections and visit kidstuff, fatherstuff and

Give your children a strong start for the new school year

Back-to-School Health Checklist
Overcoming First-Day Jitters
Why Vaccinate?
Are Vaccines Safe?
The Childhood Immunization Schedule
Track Your Child's Shots at Home
Help Your Child Get Ready For School
Learn From Your Child's Teacher

A Kid's Guide to Getting Along

Parents, look this over with your child. Problems are never fun. But you can help your child work things out .

Children Who Are Bullied
Children Who Bully

Build Strong Bodies

10 Ways to Raise Food-Smart Kids
Create Healthy Snacks for Kids
11 Ways to Get in Shape for School
Tips for Fun Activites

A Kid's Food Pyramid

Parents, print this out for your child. Together, you'll discover fun food choices and handy ways to track your healthy diet .

Tips for School Lunches
Take the Physical Activity Challenge

Parent's Community Corner

Raising children is probably the most rewarding job you'll ever have! But it's also the toughest. When you feel isolated or concerned, remember, WebMD's doors are always open. Come talk with other parents on our message boards.

Parenting: Preschoolers and Grade Schoolers
Parenting: Preteens and Teenagers
Parenting: Special-Needs Children

Online Pediatrician: Ask Steven Parker, MD


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