Menstuff® has compiled information and books on the issue of. cancer. "Up to 50 percent of cancer cases in the U.S.. could be prevented...through lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, not smoking, preventive vaccinations, sun safety, and screenings. The first and beset way to fight cancer is to do everything you can to reduce the risk of getting cancer." University of Texas MD Anderson Center
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25 Cancer Symptoms Men
15 Cancer Symptoms Men Ignore
Cancer myth could stop patients
from getting care?
Prevention of
Cancer Prevention Diet
New Grocery Shopping
Cancer and Sugar
Cancers You Can
Oral Sex Cause of Throat Cancer
Dilemma On Prostate Cancer
Treatment Splits Experts
Prostate Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Breast Cancer in
Sex Cancer Male Prostate Female Breast Male Lung Female Lung Male Colorectal Female Colorectal Male Bladder Female Uterine Male Melanomas Female Thyroid Composite 348.4 - 35% of Male pop Composite 255.1 - 26% of Female
pop Note: Data from 2006, the most
recent year for which statistics are available.
Source: U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group. United
States Cancer Statistics: 1999-2023 Incidence and
Mortality Web-based report.
#1: Lung Cancer
Projected cases of lung and bronchus cancer in 2015: 221,200
Projected deaths caused by lung and bronchus cancer in 2015:
Unfortunately, most people with lung cancer initially present with advanced disease and will eventually die of the disease. Smoking--a modifiable risk factor--is far and away the most common cause of lung cancer. Based on microscopic examination, lung cancer is divided into 2 types: small-cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Depending on the type and stage of the lung cancer, treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
#2: Colorectal Cancer
Projected cases of colorectal cancer in 2015: 132,700
Projected deaths caused by colon cancer in 2015: 49,700
Initially, colorectal cancer presents with few or no symptoms. If caught early, colorectal cancer is treatable with encouraging 5-year survival rates. For example, survival rates for some people with early-stage colorectal cancer are around 90 percent. However, in order to survive colorectal cancer, screening like colonoscopy is imperative.
Unfortunately, five-year survival rates for advanced colorectal cancer are much lower. Depending on the stage and spread of colorectal cancer, treatment can include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or embolization.
#3: Breast Cancer
Projected cases of breast cancer in 2015: 234,190
Projected deaths caused by breast cancer in 2015: 40,730
Breast cancer is caused by the malignant growth of cells lining the lobules or ducts of the breast. About one percent of all breast cancers affect men. Breast cancer arises from a clone or single transformed cell. Typically, it takes time for such clonal cells to become fully malignant and invade and metastasize.
The treatment of breast cancer can get quite complicated and is based on numerous variables. Broadly, breast cancer treatment can be characterized as extensive (mastecotmy) or breast-conserving (lumpectomy). In addition to local surgical therapy, adjuvant or systemic therapy is also given to treat people with breast cancer. Such adjuvant therapy can include chemotherapy or hormone therapy. Fortunately, with improvements in diagnostic and treatment capabilities, more people are surviving breast cancer.
#4: Pancreatic Cancer
Projected cases of pancreatic cancer in 2015: 48,960
Projected deaths caused by pancreatic cancer in 2015: 40,560
Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst cancers out there. It kills quickly and besets the patient with multiple painful and dangerous symptoms including stomach pain, biliary obstruction, bleeding, ascites and more. Despite research into the subject, there are no good screening options or treatments for people pancreatic cancer.
#5: Prostate Cancer
Projected cases of prostate cancer in 2015: 220,800
Projected deaths caused by prostate cancer in 2015: 27,540
The prostate is a gland found in men only. It sits in the middle of the lower pelvis nestled among the rectum and bladder. The prostate makes seminal fluid which nourishes sperm.
Prostate cancer arises from glandular cells and is thus an adenocarcinoma. This disease usually affects older men and is most common among African Americans and those with a family history of the disease.
Most prostate cancers are slow growing, and people with asymptomatic prostate cancer are usually observed with no further treatment. In fact, many people with prostate cancer die of unrelated causes like heart attack or stroke.
Treatment of prostate cancer includes surgical removal (prostatectomy), external beam radiation therapy (radiotherapy) and brachytherapy. Brachytherapy is a procedure where radioactive iodine is implanted into the prostate.
Although asymptomatic older men were once routinely screened for
prostate cancer by both digital rectal exam and prostate-specific
antigen (PSA) test, in recent years, such routine screening has
fallen out of favor among many medical experts
Although Medicare still covers such screening, many experts believe
that benefits from such screening are negligible.
(Editor: So how are 27,000 deaths still
missed from early diagnosis if it is so easy to prevent if caught
Cancer Deaths: The Good News and the Bad
Is your fate out of your control?
Science has been split for some time as to whether or not cancer
is largely preventable with lifestyle
that is to say, whether you can do anything about your
A paper out this week in the journal Nature has taken a firm
stance: Seventy to ninety percent of your cancer risk could be due to
like lifestyle and environment. Its good and bad news:
its good because theres a good chance you can prevent the
illness but it means you actually have to take some
According to the National Cancer Institute, diet has a definite role in preventing cancer. A person should eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. At least five servings each day is recommended. Certain fruits and vegetables may protect against certain cancers. They contain phytochemicals or plant chemicals that seem to have cancer fighting properties.
Dark green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables may protect against lung cancer. These foods contain beta-carotene, which is believed to lower cancer risk. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant. Examples of these include:
Citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. These are high in vitamin C, another powerful antioxidant. These include:
The cabbage family, known as the cruciferous vegetables, may help protect against colon cancer and stomach cancer. Members of this family include:
These vegetables contain plant chemicals called indoles that are believed to be natural cancer fighters. They may specifically help reduce the risk for breast cancer.
Tomatoes and tomato-based products contain a substance called lycopene and have been linked to a lower risk of cervical, colon, and prostate cancer.
A person should eat a variety of whole grains. These can be found in:
Whole grains are a better choice than refined grains and should be chosen at least 50% of the time. Whole grains contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals than refined grains. Whole grains and legumes have nutrients that may protect against colon cancer. Legumes, or dried beans and peas, should be eaten at least three times each week. Legumes are also an ideal low-fat, high-protein substitute for high-fat meats.
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain fiber. Dietary fiber seems to play an overall role in the prevention of certain cancers.
Meat should be limited, especially those high in fat. Skinless poultry, beans, soy foods, and fish are good substitutes for high fat meats. Fish should be eaten at least once or twice a week because it contains polyunsaturated fats known as omega-3 fatty acids. They are essential in the diet and may help protect against breast, colon, esophageal, pancreatic , and stomach cancer. Some experts agree that eating soy-based foods on a regular basis decreases the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
Eating too much red meat may be linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. There may also be a link to breast, kidney, pancreas, and prostate cancer. Red meat is a major source of saturated fat, which may be a separate risk factor for certain cancers. If eaten at all, it should be limited to three ounces per day.
It is recommended that fat be reduced to 15% to 30% of a day's total calories. Cutting back on butter, margarine, fried foods, and rich desserts can help. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, also known as unsaturated fats, are healthier than saturated fats and can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. However, too much total fat, whether it is saturated or unsaturated, may increase the risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. High-fat diets may lead to obesity, which has been linked to breast, colon, gallbladder, and uterus cancer .
Flaxseed can be a smart addition to the diet. Flaxseed is the most abundant source of lignans. Lignans may protect against hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast cancer. Flaxseed is also a good source of essential fatty acids and dietary fiber.
A person should eat at least two servings of low-fat dairy foods each day. Good choices are low-fat or fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt. Calcium-rich foods may help protect against colon cancer.
Alcohol should be limited to less than two drinks a day for men and one a day for women. Experts believe alcohol increases the risk of esophageal, liver, colon, and oral cancer. It also increases the risk of breast cancer in women. The risk is multiplied, for some of these cancers, in drinkers who also smoke.
Limit or eliminate cured meats, which include:
Salt-cured, smoked and grilled (charred) foods may increase the risk of stomach cancer.
Switching from coffee to tea may be a smart choice. Black and green teas have flavonoids. Flavonoids may help prevent colon, esophageal, skin, and stomach cancer.
Diet and physical activity is a risk factor of cancer that individuals can control. Small changes in the diet can go along way in helping to prevent cancer.
Source: Kelly Streit, MS, RD, LD
Oral Sex Cause of
Throat Cancer Rise
Changing sexual practices have led to a dramatic rise in throat cancer in the United States over the past two decades, and experts say they fear an epidemic of the disease.
The comments were made Wednesday at a news conference held by the American Association for Cancer Research to discuss research into the role of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus ( HPV) in head and neck cancer.
Increasing rates of HPV infection, spread through oral sex, is largely driving the rapid rise in oropharyngeal cancers, which include tumors of the throat, tonsils, and base of the tongue, said Scott Lippman, MD, who chairs the thoracic department at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Studies of oropharyngeal tumor tissue stored 20 years ago show that only around 20% are HPV positive, Lippman said. Today it is estimated that 60% of patients are infected with the virus.
The percentage of oropharyngeal cancers that are HPV positive is much higher now than it was 20 years ago, he said. This is a real trend, and that is why there is concern of an epidemic given that fact that oropharyngeal cancer is increasing at an alarming rate.
Changing Face of Throat Cancer
Smoking and alcohol abuse were once considered the only major risk factors for these cancers, but this is no longer the case.
American Cancer Society Chief Medical Officer Otis Brawley, MD, said as many as half of the oropharyngeal cancers diagnosed today appear to be caused by HPV infection.
Changing sexual practices over the last 20 years, especially as they relate to oral sex, are increasing the rate of head and neck cancers and may be increasing the rates of other cancers as well, he said.
He added that there is some evidence that oral HPV infection is also a risk factor for a type of cancer of the esophagus.
The paradigm is changing, Lippman said. The types of patients we are seeing now with oropharyngeal cancers are not the patients we have classically seen who were older, smokers, and have lots of other problems. These are young people, executives, a whole different population.
Oral Sex Not Safe Sex
The experts agreed that it is critical for the public to understand that oral sex doesnt equal safe sex.
The message was unofficially promoted in the early days of the HIV epidemic and it is still widely believed by many, especially teens.
Studies suggest that teens are often unaware of the risks associated with unprotected oral sex, including the transmission of HPV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.
There is a huge public health message here, Brawley
New Grocery Shopping List
Cured meats that are thought to help promote various forms of cancer:
Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind. - Mary Baker
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