So it's Date One with your latest dream girl,
and you're on your best behavior. After all, you're
hoping she'll be seeing God - or at least the
ceiling over your headboard - before long. But even
though you were on time, complimented her dress,
and picked up the tab, you ended the night alone.
Now you're wondering why. Chances are your date saw
through any facade and took a good hard look at the
real you. Oops. What exactly are women looking
for? Clues that reassure them that
you're a nice guy, that your last address didn't
include the words maximum security facility, and
that you've got skills in bed.
Also know that kissing (26%) is five times more
important than stamina. Touching is tied (26%),
oral dexterity next (24%), followed by creativity
(17%). Now on their list was stamina (5%),
frequency (2%) and decibel level of orgasmic Tarzan
cry (0%). Here's a sneak peek at the actual
checklist. (See the magazine for expanded
information on each.)
- Does he pay close attention to the finer
- Is he nice to strangers?
- Is he independent?
- Does he have a clean track record with
- Does he rebound after life's little
We know what you're thinking - we think way too
much. These notions of ours may seem trite to you,
but we promise that your efforts will be rewarded.
Ace our checklist, and your target gal will let you
in on some even sexier secrets.
Source: Maxim
magazine, 9/01
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