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KSU expert says male college students also
victims of violence at girlfriends hands
Relationship Violence Common in
KSU expert says male college students also
victims of violence at girlfriends hands
Researchers often think the same way, according to a Kansas State University expert on intimate partner violence. Sandra Stith, a professor of family studies and human services, said most research has looked at men as offenders and women as victims.
In the research on college students in particular, were finding both men and women can be perpetrators, she said. In our growing-up years, we teach boys not hit their sister, but we dont teach girls not to hit their brother.
She and a K-State research team are looking at the impact that being a victim of violence has on male versus female college students in heterosexual relationships.
Most research shows female victims having higher levels of depression, anxiety and school problems than nonvictims, Stith said. Our research indicates that both male and female college students are being victims of violence, and we want to see how it affects both.
In 2008, Stith and her former student at Virginia Tech, Colleen Baker, published research in the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma that found the biggest predictor of whether male and female college students would use violence against a partner was whether the partner was violent toward them.
Its a dramatically more important factor than anything else, Stith said. If your girlfriend hits you, that dramatically increases the likelihood that youre going to hit her, and vice versa.
In general, Stith said there are lower levels of violence among college couples than among married or cohabiting couples, and the violence is more likely to involve shoving and pushing by both men and women.
Previous research indicates that as young people grow up, the violence may become less frequent or severe or it may be eliminated, Stith said. Sometimes its about immaturity.
Although alcohol is often a factor in violence among older couples who are married or in long-term relationships, Stith said drinking particularly binge drinking plays a big part in college student violence. Other factors include a lack of anger management skills and having grown up with parents who are violent with one another.
When students get angry with their boyfriend or girlfriend, violence sometimes seems to be the normal thing to do, she said.
Stith said when researching alcohol problems, she found that college students often had different standards for themselves when it came to what constitutes a drinking problem. Whereas they see themselves as just partying and participating in normal college life, they would say an older, professional adult behaving the same way has a problem with alcohol.
I think they might be normalizing their aggressive behaviors, too, she said. They may think that when theyre drinking and get angry and she slaps him and he grabs her, that its not domestic violence. They may think that domestic violence is what happens in married peoples lives.
Stith said one of her basic philosophies is that society needs to work toward ending all violence, not just male violence.
We need to address female violence, too, she said. We need to say that when youre in a relationship with someone you care about, you dont hit and you dont kick.
Stiths research team that is looking at the impacts of
dating violence includes the following family studies and human
services students and researchers: Yvonne Amanor-Boadu, post-doctoral
research assistant; Marjorie Strachman Miller, doctoral student; Josh
Cook and Michelle Gorzek, masters students; and Lauren Allen, a
junior from Olathe and a 2007 graduate of Olathe Northwest High
Relationship Violence Common in
More than four in 10 college students have been the victim of relationship violence by a partner, friend, or acquaintance, according to a new study.
"All forms of relationship violence are prevalent among male and female college students; almost half of the students had experienced relationship violence at some point in their lives, more than one-third had experienced violence before college and one-quarter had experienced violence during college," write researcher Christine M. Forke, MSN, CRNP, of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and colleagues in the July issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
Researchers say the results suggest that relationship violence is prevalent on college campuses.
The researchers cite past studies that suggest factors affecting this risk may include less monitoring by parents, isolation in an unknown environment, and a desire for peer acceptance that can change behaviors.
Relationship Violence on Campus
In the study, researchers anonymously surveyed 910 undergraduates in 67 randomly selected classes at three urban college campuses.
The results showed 42% had been the victim of relationship violence by a partner, friend, or acquaintance either before or during college, and 17% had been the perpetrator.
Other findings include:
Women were more likely to be the victim of all forms of relationship violence (53% of women vs. 27% of men).
Rates of relationship violence were higher before college than during college.
More than half of relationship violence reported during college was related to a partner rather than a friend or acquaintance.
Emotional violence was the most common type of relationship violence reported before college (21%), while sexual and emotional violence were equally common during college (12%).
Men were more likely to perpetrate sexual violence while women were more likely to perpetrate physical violence.
Researchers say emotional abuse isn't often a focus of violence prevention programs, but it may predispose victims to other types of violence.
"Therefore, educational efforts focusing on healthy relationships
should begin during childhood," write the researchers.
Source: Jennifer Warner,
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