Day Care
Menstuff® is actively compiling information and resources on
the issue of day care.
Day Care & Circumcision
- on Child, Emotional, Religious, and Sexual Abuse and Trauma
Day Care & Circumcision
While in many states like California, fewer than 50% of the boys are
being circumcised, most day care center personnel aren't educated in
the care of an uncircumcised male. I you have a son in day care, be
sure the provider understands and is practicing appropriate health
care for your son! There is actually more care involved for an infant
who is circumcised that one who is not. And, even though the number
of urinary tract infections is much greater in girl babies, child
care workers must understand how to care for an uncircumcised boy.
And for the very young, it is best not to try to retract the foreskin
of a baby. It is usually best to leave it alone until the child can
retract it on his own.
* * *
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters
of Life's longing for itself. - Kahlil Gibran

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