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Neckties May Increase Glaucoma
Wearing a tight necktie may increase the risk for glaucoma by
elevating pressure within the eye, according to a study in the August
issue of the British Journal of Ophthalmology The finding, by
researchers at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, should remind
clinicians that patients wearing tight ties during an eye exam may
have elevated pressure readings and risk for glaucoma, said Rabia
Gurses-Ozden, co-author of the paper.
Eye pressure was measured in 20 glaucoma patients and 20 healthy
participants, all men, at three points:
- while they wore an open collar
- after they adjusted a necktie to a point that was
- and after they loosened it.
After tightening the tie, the majority of men in both groups
experienced an increase in eye pressure to extents that may be
clinically significant.
But Eve Higginbotham, chair of the department of ophthalmology at
the University of Maryland School of Medicine, cautioned against
implicating tight ties in the development of glaucoma because high
eye pressure is only one of several risk factors for the disease,
because not everyone with high pressure develops glaucoma and because
many with the disease have normal pressure.
Wearing a tight tie all day may be a concern for people with
glaucoma but most likely won't be for healthy individuals,
Higginbotham said.
Source: Julie Ishida,
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