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Human Trafficking. Human trafficking is a form of modern
slavery -- a multi-billion dollar criminal industry that
denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world. And
no matter where you live, chances are it's happening nearby.
From the girl forced into prostitution at a truck stop, to
the man discovered in a restaurant kitchen, stripped of his
passport and held against his will. All trafficking victims
share one essential experience: the loss of freedom. One of
three missing teens who ends up on the streets will be lured
or forced into prostitution within 48 hours, according to
national estimates. The World Congress
Conference It is a great pleasure to invite you to the World Congress on human trafficking and forced labour 2012. The theme of this conference is: Combating Human And Sex Trafficking Worldwide. This topic not only invites us to reflect upon the basic and classical criminological ideas from a contemporary perspective, but also proposes to discuss their current transformation, modification, and new developments. The world congress on human trafficking and forced labour is scheduled to take place from Monday 27 February to Thursday 1st march 2012 at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City and 5th to 8th march 2012 at Firenze Conference Center Vicenza Italy. The congress is hosted by the Campaign against Sex Trafficking and sponsored by other benevolent donors worldwide Objectives of the world congress on human trafficking and forced labour objectives are: 1. To Increase awareness about the many types and
ramifications of Human Trafficking For more information please contact the conference organizing committee via E-mail Source: Although slavery is commonly thought to be a thing of the past, human traffickers generate hundreds of billions of dollars in profits by trapping millions of people in horrific situations around the world, including here in the U.S. Traffickers use violence, threats, deception, debt bondage, and other manipulative tactics to force people to engage in commercial sex or to provide labor or services against their will. While more research is needed on the scope of human trafficking, below are a few key statistics:
Statistics from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline and Polaris BeFree Textline
Source: The 7 Worst States in the Fight Against
Human Trafficking - 2013 Edition The number of people trafficked in the United States is difficult to estimate, but the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children says that there are approximately 100,000 children in the U.S. forced into sex trafficking every year. And many more thousands of adults are enslaved, as well. A leading organization in the fight against modern slavery, Polaris Project has just released its 2013 ratings of the 50 U.S. states in terms of their preventative and punitive legislation against human trafficking. Their scorecard is meant to be a catalyst for change, and it is. Polaris has helped pass 40 new laws in more than half the states in the U.S. Three of the worst states from last yearArkansas, Montana, and Wyominggreatly improved their scores this year. Senior policy counsel for Polaris, James Dold, says, As a matter of fact, Arkansas was the most improved, followed by Wyoming. And those are states where Polaris Project worked quite closely with the Attorney Generals office, with legislators, and so we saw a tremendous amount of improvement to the legal infrastructure in those states, which is really cool. So, which states are at the back of the pack this year?
Click through to see if your state is one that needs to make
some big changes. How does that level of sex trafficking compare among
cities? There is no reliable ranking of cities in terms of child sex trafficking or, using the statistic Moore cited, the number of children recovered from sex trafficking. Thats according to the Polaris Project, which runs the National Human Resource Center Trafficking Hotline for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire. "We have not heard of any systematic effort to count these cases and much of the effort to track this down has turned to dead ends," Finkelhor told us. Finkelhor noted that, even if there were more police contacts in Milwaukee than in other cities regarding child sex trafficking, it could mean the problem is worse in Milwaukee -- or it could simply mean that Milwaukee police are more proactive. As for the children being recovered from sex trafficking, its "very misleading," Finkelhour told us. "Police do a variety of things when they encounter youth
engaged in selling sex -- from arresting them, to making
referrals to agencies, to bringing them back to their
families -- but most of the professionals in the field agree
that large numbers of youth return to the streets or to
commercial sex activity," Finkelhor said. "The whole
narrative on this topic is filled with problems." Sex Trafficking in Portland
If you are interested in the process of manipulation,
listen to Sara Hunt. As a PSU student and employee at Lloyd
Center Mall, Hunt never thought she would be trafficked, but
now reflects on her experience on OPB. Resources: Northwest Coalition
Against Trafficking
Somebodys Daughter by Julian Sher Girls Like Us byRachel Lloyd God in a Brothel by Daniel Walker A Crime So Monstrous: Modern Day Slavery by Face to Face by Benjamin E. Skinner Renting Lacy by Linda Smith Sold by Patricia McCormick The Slave Next Door by Theresa Flores The Good News About Injustice by Gary Haugen Porn Nation by Michael Leahy The Delicate Power of Modesty by Dannah Gresh
Radical by David Platt Generous Justice by Timothy Keller In Our Backyard by Nita Belles
Pornland Nefarious Exodus Cry Sex and Money Very Young Girls Call + Response Calcutta Hilton Born Into Brothels Human Trafficking Video Series Also available are four posters targeting specific audiences and four factsheets providing an introduction to human trafficking, information on the legal needs and rights of victims of trafficking in the United States, information on special considerations and needs of youth victims, and promising practices for building effective collaborations to address human trafficking. To access the video series, factsheets, posters, and
more, visit the Office for Victims of Crime website at
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