Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome
Menstuff® has compiled the following information on Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome. For more information, call the CDC public
response hotline at 888.246.2675 (English), 888.246.2857
(Español), or 866.874.2646 (TTY)
Severe Acute Respiratory
Symptoms of SARS
How SARS Spreads
Who Is at Risk For SARS
How to Protect Yourself from
If You Think You Might Have
Advice for Travelers About
Cause of
SARS Found
Frequently Asked Questions About SARS
Suspected United States cases
Suspected Worldwide
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating
a new disease called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The
disease was first reported among people in Guangdong Province
(China), Hanoi (Vietnam), and Hong Kong. It has since spread to other
countries. Declared a "worldwide health threat" by the World Health
Organization It is confounding researchers who are trying to identify
its cause, control its spread -- and save lives. As of April 1, 2003,
more than 70 cases of SARS had been reported in the United States.
This fact sheet describes the disease and important guidelines for
preventing the spread of SARS.
Symptoms of SARS
In general, SARS begins with a fever greater than 100.4°F
[>38.0°C]. Other symptoms may include headache, an
overall feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Some people also
experience mild respiratory symptoms. After 2 to 7 days, SARS
patients may develop a dry cough and have trouble breathing.
How SARS Spreads
Public health experts think that SARS is spread by close contact
between people. SARS is most likely spread when someone sick with the
disease coughs droplets into the air and someone else breathes them
in. It is possible that SARS also can spread more broadly through the
air or from touching objects that have become contaminated.
Who Is at Risk For SARS
Cases of SARS continue to be reported mainly among people who have
had direct close contact with an infected person, such as those
sharing a household with a SARS patient and health care workers who
did not use infection control procedures while taking care of a SARS
patient. In the United States, there is no indication of community
spread at this time. CDC continues to monitor this situation very
How to Protect Yourself from SARS
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is spread when someone sick
with SARS coughs or sneezes droplets into the air and someone else
breathes them in. It is possible that SARS can be transmitted more
broadly through the air or from objects that have become
To control the spread of the disease among close contacts and
healthcare workers of recovering SARS patients, the CDC recommends
the following safety precautions for at least 10 days after
respiratory symptoms and fever are gone:
SARS patients should limit interactions outside the home and
should not go to work, school, out-of-home day care, or other public
During this 10-day period, all members of the household with a
SARS patient should carefully follow recommendations for hand
hygiene, such as frequent hand washing or the use of alcohol-based
Each patient with SARS should cover his or her mouth and nose with
a tissue before sneezing or coughing. If possible, a person
recovering from SARS should wear a surgical mask during close contact
with uninfected people. If the patient is unable to wear a surgical
mask, others in the home should wear masks when in close contact with
the patient.
Disposable gloves should be considered for any contact with body
fluids from a SARS patient. However, immediately after activities
involving contact with body fluids, gloves should be removed and
discarded and hands should be washed. Gloves should not be reused,
and are not intended to replace proper hand hygiene.
SARS patients should avoid sharing eating utensils, towels, and
bedding with other members of the household, although these items can
be used by others after routine cleaning such as washing or
laundering with soap and hot water.
Other members of the household need not restrict their outside
activities unless they develop symptoms of SARS such as a fever or
respiratory illness.
A CDC travel advisory recommends that people who are planning
nonessential travel to mainland China, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Vietnam, or
Singapore postpone their trip until further notice.
Source: Jennifer Warner
If You Think You Might Have SARS
As word of a mysterious pneumonia spreads across the globe,
healthcare providers are seeing growing numbers of "worried well" in
their emergency rooms and offices who fear they may have contracted
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
Officials say symptoms like cough, difficulty breathing, and fever
are very common during the current cold and flu season. But it's
extremely unlikely that you have SARS unless you have recently
traveled to Southeast Asia or had close, personal contact with
someone who has.
Until a cause is identified, the World Health Organization broadly
defines a case of severe acute respiratory syndrome as someone
- A fever of greater than 100.4 degrees
- One or more of the following respiratory symptoms: cough,
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- And either close contact with a known SARS case or a history
of travel to one of the affected areas within the last 10 days
before the emergence of symptoms.
Officials urge anyone who develops these pneumonia symptoms after
recent travel or contact with affected individuals to contact a
healthcare provider and provide complete details of this travel and
type of contact.
If your healthcare provider believes you might have been exposed
to severe acute respiratory syndrome, he or she will conduct further
tests to eliminate other potential causes for the illness. And until
more is known about the cause of this mysterious pneumonia, officials
recommend that doctors treat SARS as they would treat any form of
unknown pneumonia.
Following the recommendations of the CDC and WHO, people thought
to have SARS should be hospitalized and isolated from other patients,
according to standard infectious disease treatment guidelines.
Source: Jennifer Warner, World Health Organization, CDC.
If you think you (or someone in your family) might have SARS, you
- Consult a health care provider as soon as possible.
- Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or
sneezing. If you have a surgical mask, wear it during close
contact with other people. A mask can reduce the number of
droplets coughed into the air.
If you have SARS and are being cared for at home, you should:
- Follow the instructions given by your health care
- Limit your activities outside the home during this 10-day
period. For example, do not go to work, school, or public
- Wash your hands often and well, especially after you have
blown your nose.
- Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when you sneeze or
- If possible, wear a surgical mask when around other people in
your home. If you can't wear a mask, the members of your household
should wear one when they are around you.
- Don't share silverware, towels, or bedding with anyone in your
home until these items have been washed with soap and hot
- Clean surfaces (counter or tabletops, door knobs, bathroom
fixtures, etc.) that have been contaminated by body fluids (sweat,
saliva, mucous, or even vomit or urine) from the SARS patient with
a household disinfectant used according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Wear disposable gloves during all cleaning
activities. Throw these out when you are done. Do not reuse
Follow these instructions for 10 days after your fever and
respiratory symptoms have gone away.
If you are caring for someone at home who has SARS, you
- Be sure that the person with SARS has seen a health care
provider and is following instructions for medication and
- Be sure that all members of your household are washing their
hands frequently with soap and hot water or using alcohol-based
hand wash.
- Wear disposable gloves if you have direct contact with body
fluids of a SARS patient. However, the wearing of gloves is not a
substitute for good hand hygiene. After contact with body fluids
of a SARS patient, remove the gloves, throw them out, and wash
your hands. Do not wash or reuse the gloves.
- Encourage the person with SARS to cover their mouth and nose
with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If possible, the person
with SARS should wear a surgical mask during close contact with
other people in the home. If the person with SARS cannot wear a
surgical mask, other members of the household should wear one when
in the room with that person.
- Do not use silverware, towels, bedding, clothing, or other
items that have been used by the person with SARS until these
items have been washed with soap and hot water.
- Clean surfaces (counter or tabletops, door knobs, bathroom
fixtures, etc.) that have been contaminated by body fluids (sweat,
saliva, mucous, or even vomit or urine) with a household
disinfectant used according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Wear disposable gloves during all cleaning activities. Throw these
out when done. Do not reuse them.
- Follow these instructions for 10 days after the sick person's
fever and respiratory symptoms have gone away.
- If you develop a fever or respiratory symptoms, contact your
health care provider immediately and tell him or her that you have
had close contact with a SARS patient.
For more information, call the CDC public response hotline at
(888) 246-2675 (English), (888) 246-2857 (Español), or (866)
874-2646 (TTY)
Source: Michael Smith,
What is SARS?
SARS is a respiratory illness that has recently been reported in
Asia, North America, and Europe. For additional information, check
the World Health Organization's (WHO) SARS Web site or visit other
pages on CDC's SARS Web site.
What are the symptoms and signs of Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)?
The illness usually begins with a fever (measured temperature greater
than 100.4°F [>38.0°C]). The fever is sometimes
associated with chills or other symptoms, including headache, general
feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Some people also experience
mild respiratory symptoms at the outset.
After 2 to 7 days, SARS patients may develop a dry, nonproductive
cough that might be accompanied by or progress to the point where
insufficient oxygen is getting to the blood. In 10% to 20% of cases,
patients will require mechanical ventilation.
If I were exposed to SARS, how long would it take
for me to become sick?
The incubation period for SARS is typically 2-7 days; however,
isolated reports have suggested an incubation period as long as 10
days. The illness usually begins with a fever (>100.4°F
[>38.0°C]) (see signs and symptoms, above).
What medical treatment is recommended for
patients with SARS?
CDC currently recommends that patients with SARS receive the same
treatment that would be used for any patient with serious
community-acquired atypical pneumonia of unknown cause. Several
treatment regimens have been used for patients with SARS, but there
is insufficient information at this time to determine if they have
had a beneficial effect. Reported therapeutic regimens have included
antibiotics to presumptively treat known bacterial agents of atypical
pneumonia. Therapy also has included antiviral agents such as
oseltamivir or ribavirin. Steroids also have been administered orally
or intravenously to patients in combination with ribavirin and other
How is SARS spread?
The principal way SARS appears to be spread is through droplet
transmission; namely, when someone sick with SARS coughs or sneezes
droplets into the air and someone else breathes them in. It is
possible that SARS can be transmitted more broadly through the air or
from objects that have become contaminated.
How long is a person with SARS infectious to
Information to date suggests that people are most likely to be
infectious when they have symptoms, such as fever or cough. However,
it is not known how long before or after their symptoms begin that
patients with SARS might be able to transmit the disease to
Who is most at risk of contracting SARS?
Cases of SARS continue to be reported primarily among people who have
had direct close contact with an infected person, such as those
sharing a household with a SARS patient and health care workers who
did not use infection control procedures while caring for a SARS
patient. In the United States, there is no indication of community
transmission at this time. CDC continues to monitor this situation
very closely.
What is the cause of SARS?
Scientists at CDC and other laboratories have detected a previously
unrecognized coronavirus in patients with SARS. While the new
coronavirus is still the leading hypothesis for the cause of SARS,
other viruses are still under investigation as potential causes.
What are coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that have a halo or crown-like
(corona) appearance when viewed under a microscope. These viruses are
a common cause of mild to moderate upper-respiratory illness in
humans and are associated with respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver
and neurologic disease in animals. Coronaviruses can survive in the
environment for as long as three hours.
What evidence is there to suggest that
coronaviruses may be linked with SARS?
CDC scientists were able to isolate a virus from the tissues of two
patients who had SARS and then used several laboratory methods to
characterize the agent. Examination by electron microscopy revealed
that the virus had the distinctive shape and appearance of
coronaviruses. Tests of serum specimens from patients with SARS
showed that the patients appeared to have recently been infected with
this coronavirus. Other tests demonstrated that coronavirus was
present in a variety of clinical specimens from patients, including
nose and throat swabs. In addition, genetic analysis suggests that
this new virus belongs to the family of coronaviruses but differs
from previously identified coronaviruses. These laboratory results do
not provide conclusive evidence that the new coronavirus is the cause
of SARS. Additional specimens are being tested to learn more about
this coronavirus and its link with SARS.
If coronaviruses usually cause mild illness in humans, how could
this new coronavirus be responsible for a potentially
life-threatening disease such as SARS?
There is not enough information about the new virus to determine
the full range of illness that it might cause. Coronaviruses have
occasionally been linked to pneumonia in humans, especially people
with weakened immune systems. The viruses can also cause severe
disease in animals, including cats, dogs, pigs, mice, and birds.
Has new information about coronavirus changed the recommendations
for medical treatment for patients with SARS?
The possibility that coronavirus is the cause of SARS has not
changed treatment recommendations. The new coronavirus is being
tested against various antiviral drugs to see if an effective
treatment can be found.
Is there a test for SARS?
No "test" is available yet for SARS; however, CDC, in collaboration
with WHO and other laboratories, has developed 2 research tests that
appear to be very promising in detecting antibodies to the new
coronavirus. CDC is working to refine and share this testing
capability as soon as possible with laboratories across the United
States and internationally.
What about reports from other laboratories
suggesting that the cause of SARS may be a paramyxovirus?
Researchers from several laboratories participating in the WHO
network have reported the identification of a paramyxovirus in
clinical specimens from SARS patients. These laboratories are still
investigating the possibility that a paramyxovirus is a cause of
What is CDC doing to combat this health
CDC is working closely with WHO and other partners as part of a
global collaboration to address the SARS outbreak. For its part in
this international effort, CDC has taken the following actions:
- Activated its Emergency Operations Center to provide
round-the-clock coordination and response.
- Committed more than 160 infectious disease experts and support
staff to work on the SARS response.
- Deployed medical officers, epidemiologists, and other
specialists to assist with on-site investigations around the
- Provided ongoing assistance to state and local health
departments in investigating possible cases of SARS in the United
- Issued multiple notices providing guidance on ways to minimize
the risk for SARS in health care facilities, in the household,
when traveling, and in other settings.
- Conducted extensive laboratory testing of clinical specimens
from SARS patients to identify the cause of the disease.
- Initiated a system for distributing health alert notices to
travelers who may have been exposed to cases of SARS.
As always, CDC is committed to communicating regularly and
effectively with public health professionals, elected leaders,
clinicians, and the general public.
What are CDC's quarantine officials doing to
prevent and control the spread of SARS?
CDC's quarantine inspectors or their designees are distributing
health alert cards to air passengers returning in airplanes either
directly or indirectly to the United States from China, Singapore,
and Vietnam. The notices ask travelers to monitor their health for 10
days and to see a doctor if they get a fever with a cough or have
difficulty breathing. CDC distributes approximately 15,000 health
alert notices each day to air travelers returning from the affected
regions at 23 ports of entry. Inspectors also are boarding airplanes
if a traveler has been reported with symptoms matching the case
definition of SARS.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended procedures for
pre-departure screening of airline passengers from some countries for
respiratory illnesses or other symptoms of SARS.
What information about SARS is being provided to
people traveling on ships?
SARS information contained on CDC's health alert cards is being
provided by the major shipping associations and the International
Council of Cruise Lines to people traveling on cargo ships and cruise
ships at U.S. ports. Inspectors also are boarding ships if a
passenger or crew member has been reported with symptoms matching the
case definition of SARS.
What does a quarantine inspector do?
Quarantine inspectors serve as important guardians of health at
borders and ports of entry into the United States. They routinely
respond to illness in arriving passengers and ensure that the
appropriate medical action is taken.
What is considered routine health inspections of
airplanes or ships versus what is happening now?
Routine health inspections consist of working with airline, cargo
ship, and cruise ship companies to protect passengers and crew from
certain infectious diseases. Quarantine inspectors meet arriving
aircraft and ships reporting ill passengers and/or crew (as defined
in the foreign quarantine regulations [pdf]) and assist them
in getting appropriate medical treatment.
What is the risk to individuals who may have
shared a plane or boat trip with a suspected SARS patient?
Cases of SARS continue to be reported primarily among persons who
have had direct close contact with an infected person, such as those
sharing a household with a SARS patient and health care workers who
did not use infection control procedures while attending to a SARS
patient. SARS has also occurred among air travelers, primarily
travelers to and from Hong Kong, Hanoi, Singapore, and mainland
CDC is requesting locating information from travelers who are on
flights with people suspected of having SARS. CDC, with the help of
state and local health authorities, is attempting to follow-up with
these travelers for 14 days to make sure no one develops symptoms
consistent with SARS.
Who actually notifies quarantine officials of
potential SARS cases? Is it the crew of the airplane or ship? The
Under foreign quarantine regulations, the master of a ship or captain
of an airplane coming into the United States from a foreign port is
required by law to report certain illnesses among passengers. The
illness must be reported to the nearest quarantine official. If
possible, the crew of the airplane or ship will try to relocate the
ill passenger or crew member away from others. If the passenger is
only passing through a port of entry on his/her way to another
destination, port health authorities may refer the passenger to a
local health authority for assessment and care.
If I'm on board an airplane or ship with someone
suspected of having SARS, will I be allowed to continue to my
CDC does not currently recommend that the onward travel of healthy
passengers be restricted in the event that a passenger or crew member
suspected of having SARS is removed from the ship or airplane by port
health authorities. All passengers and crew members may be advised by
port health authorities to seek medical attention if they develop
SARS symptoms.
What does a quarantine official do if a
passenger is identified as meeting the case definition for suspected
Quarantine officials arrange for appropriate medical assistance to be
available when the airplane lands or the ship docks, including
medical isolation. Isolation is important not only for the sick
passenger's comfort and care but also for the protection of members
of the public. Isolation is recommended for travelers with suspected
cases of SARS until appropriate medical treatment can be provided or
until they are no longer infectious.
What does a quarantine official do if a
passenger identified as meeting the case definition for suspected
SARS refuses to be isolated?
Many levels of government (Federal, State, and local) have basic
authority to compel isolation of sick persons to protect the public.
In the event that it is necessary to compel isolation of a sick
passenger, CDC will work with appropriate State and local officials
to ensure that the passenger does not infect others.
Is there any reason to think SARS is or is not
related to terrorism?
Information currently available about SARS indicates that people who
appear to be most at risk are either health care workers taking care
of sick people or family members or household contacts of those who
are infected with SARS. That pattern of transmission is what would
typically be expected in a contagious respiratory or flu-like
What should I do if I think I have SARS?
If you are ill with a fever of over 100.4°F
[>38.0°C] that is accompanied by a cough or
difficulty breathing or that progresses to a cough and/or difficulty
breathing, you should consult a health care provider. To help your
health care provider make a diagnosis, tell him or her about any
recent travel to regions where cases of SARS have been reported and
whether you were in contact with someone who had these symptoms.
What has CDC recommended to prevent transmission
of SARS in households?
CDC has developed interim infection control recommendations available
at for patients
with suspected SARS in the household. The basic precautions outlined
in this document include the following:
- Infection control precautions should be continued for SARS
patients for 10 days after respiratory symptoms and fever are
gone. SARS patients should limit interactions outside the home and
should not go to work, school, out-of-home day care, or other
public areas during the 10-day period.
- During this 10-day period, all members of the household with a
SARS patient should carefully follow recommendations for hand
hygiene, such as frequent hand washing or the use of alcohol-based
hand rubs.
- Each patient with SARS should cover his or her mouth and nose
with a tissue before sneezing or coughing. If possible, a person
recovering from SARS should wear a surgical mask during close
contact with uninfected persons. If the patient is unable to wear
a surgical mask, other people in the home should wear one when in
close contact with the patient.
- Disposable gloves should be considered for any contact with
body fluids from a SARS patient. However, immediately after
activities involving contact with body fluids, gloves should be
removed and discarded, and hands should be washed. Gloves should
not be washed or reused, and are not intended to replace proper
hand hygiene.
- SARS patients should avoid sharing eating utensils, towels,
and bedding with other members of the household, although these
items can be used by others after routine cleaning, such as
washing or laundering with soap and hot water.
- Common household cleaners are sufficient for disinfecting
toilets, sinks, and other surfaces touched by patients with SARS,
but the cleaners must be used frequently.
- Other members of the household need not restrict their outside
activities unless they develop symptoms of SARS, such as a fever
or respiratory illness.
What has CDC recommended to prevent transmission of
SARS in the health care setting?
Transmission of SARS to health care workers appears to have occurred
after close contact with symptomatic individuals before recommended
appropriate infection control precautions were implemented. CDC has
developed interim infection control recommendations for the
management of exposures to SARS in the health care and other
institutional settings.
Health care facilities should be vigilant in conducting active
surveillance for fever or respiratory symptoms among care givers with
unprotected exposure to SARS patients. Health care workers who
develop fever or respiratory symptoms during the 10 days following an
unprotected exposure to a SARS patient should not report for duty.
Such workers should stay home and report symptoms to the appropriate
facility point of contact (e.g., infection control or occupational
health) immediately. Exclusion from duty should be continued for 10
days after the resolution of fever and respiratory symptoms. During
this period, infected workers should avoid contact with people both
in the facility and in the community.
Exclusion from duty is not recommended for an exposed health care
worker if they do not have fever or respiratory symptoms; however,
the worker should report any unprotected exposure to SARS patients to
the appropriate facility point of contact immediately.
What precautions should health care facilities
follow regarding visits by close contacts of SARS patients?
Close contacts (e.g., family members or other members of the
household) of SARS patients are at risk for infection. Health care
facilities should implement a system to screen for fever or
respiratory symptoms among such contacts who visit the facility.
Close contacts with fever or respiratory symptoms should not be
allowed to enter the health care facility as visitors and should be
educated about this policy. Health care facilities should educate all
visitors about use of infection control precautions
( when visiting SARS
patients and should emphasize the importance of following these
Are there any travel restrictions related to
At this time there are no travel restrictions in place that are
directly related to SARS. However, a CDC travel advisory recommends
that individuals who are planning nonessential or elective travel to
mainland China, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Vietnam, or Singapore may wish to
postpone their trip until further notice. For additional information
about travel advisories, check CDC's Travelers' Health site, which
will be updated as necessary.
What should I do if I have recently traveled to
a country where cases of SARS have been reported?
You should monitor your own health for 10 days following your return.
If you become ill with a fever of over 100.4°F
[>38.0°C] that is accompanied by a cough or
difficulty breathing or that progresses to a cough and/or difficulty
breathing, you should consult a health care provider. To help your
health care provider make a diagnosis, tell him or her about any
recent travel to regions where cases of SARS have been reported and
whether you were in contact with someone who had these symptoms.
CDC has recommended guidelines for medical aircraft that transport
SARS patients. Should commercial airlines also follow these
No. This guidance is intended specifically for air medical
transport (AMT) service providers that use specialized aircraft to
transport SARS patients. It should not be generalized to commercial
passenger aircraft. These interim recommendations for AMT are based
on standard infection control practices, AMT standards, and
epidemiologic information from ongoing investigations of SARS,
including experience from transport of 2 patients during this
Specific guidelines for airline crew and flight personnel of
commercial aircrafts are available at
Interim guidance for cleaning of commercial passenger aircraft
after a flight with a suspected SARS passenger
Cause of SARS Found
Scientists have confirmed the identity of the virus that causes the
lethal new disease known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, the
World Health Organization said, marking an important step toward
developing new drugs to combat the disease.
In experiments conducted at Erasmus University in Rotterdam,
Netherlands, scientists infected monkeys with the coronavirus
suspected of causing of SARS and found that the animals developed the
same symptoms of the disease that humans do.
The test was a crucial step in verifying the cause of the disease,
which so far has killed 161 people worldwide,
mostly in China and Hong Kong, and made 3,293 people ill in 22
Verifying the cause is important for creating a vaccine, should
that be needed, and for refining diagnostic tests to help stop the
disease's spread. It also will help scientists trace the virus'
evolution and possibly determine whether it jumped from animals to
humans. Pigs and poultry currently are being tested to determine how
susceptible they are to SARS. Researchers at the University of Hong
Kong said a new genetic sequencing of the SARS virus proves
conclusively that it came from animals. Asked about the possibility
that the virus was man-made, Peiris said there was no chance of that.
"That whole genome is essentially new,'' he said. "Nature has been
the terrorist throwing up this virus.''
Advice for Travelers About SARS
If you have plans to travel internationally and are concerned about
SARS, the CDC provides the following advice.
Before you travel
- Don't go to mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Hanoi,
unless you really have to. You can still go to Canada. SARS
doesn't seem to spread there right now.
- Be sure you are current on all your shots. See your health
care provider at least 4 to 6 weeks before travel to get the
latest shots and facts you need.
- Check your health insurance. You may want to get more coverage
for medical evacuation in case you get sick abroad.
- Ask the U.S. Department of State (DOS) about health care
services in the country where you're going. DOS has a list of
foreign health care providers and health care facilities at
If you get sick while traveling in an area affected by SARS
- See a health care provider and say that you're worried about
being exposed to SARS.
- Don't travel while sick. Limit your contact with others as
much as you can to help prevent the spread of any contagious
disease you may have.
- If you don't know of any provider in the foreign country, call
the U.S. embassy or consulate to get the name of a provider.
- As with all contagious diseases, the best way to not get sick
is to wash your hands often with soap and water. If you don't have
soap and water, use alcohol-based hand rubs.
When you come back home from areas affected by SARS
- If you were sick on your trip or return home sick, see your
health care provider right away. Mention your symptoms and the
countries you visited. You may be asked to fill out a form about
your disease and give your name and address to public health
- If you leave an area affected by SARS, a screener may ask you
about your health before you board the plane.
- If you come back from areas affected by SARS, you will get a
travel alert card when you land. If you're not sick and didn't get
sick abroad but may have been in touch with someone with SARS,
check your health for the next 10 days.
Suspected United States cases (As
of 4/14/03)
Number of Cases
Number of Deaths
Alabama (AL)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Florida (FL)
Hawaii (HI)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Maine (ME)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
Ohio (OH)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Washington (WA)
Wisconsin (WI)
Source: CDC
Suspected Worldwide Cases (As of
Number of Cases
Number of
Hong Kong
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Source: CDC
Vaccine For Mystery Illness To Take
On a day when cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome climbed to
more than 2,600 around the world, U.S. officials said achieving a
vaccine against the disease will take several years.
* * *
All interest in disease and death is only another expression of
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