Tired of the same idle chit chat night after
night? Then pepper her with these doozies and
astound her with your knowledge! Some of the
- There are more 20-year-old virgins now than
there were in the late '50s.
- You wouldn't know it from watching Sex and
the City, but most women have had fewer than
five sex partners. Most men chalk up fewer than
10 sexual conquests in their whole lives.
- Both women and men are most likely to have
their first orgasm alone.
- The US has more laws governing sexual
behavior than every country in Europe
- A condom will lasts about a month in a
wallet before the rubber gets worn down by
friction, making it more likely to break.
- The record for male orgasms is 16 in one
- According to a 1996 study, homophobic men
show a higher arousal rate when shown gay porn
than do men with ambivalent attitudes toward
- Jews and atheists have more sex partners
than Catholics or Protestants.
- A woman sexually peaks in her early
30s, a man in his late teens.
- Circumcision
for Christian males became widespread after
doctors claimed it helped curb self-abuse.
(Since this isn't the case, why is it still
- Thirty percent of men suffer from premature
- The average male member in all its glory is
six inches long and five inches in
- Seventies porn star Annie Sprinkle claims to
have had sex with more than 3,000 men. (So, the
truth be known, men aren't the only users of the
other sex. - Ed)
- The average amount of male ejaculate is
about one tablespoon, or 10cc, which is how the
bands 10cc and Lovin' Spoonful got their
- White women get 97% of the boob jobs.
- Texas law makes it illegal for a woman to
own more than six sex toys.
- August and September are the months with the
highest level of sexual activity.
- Brainy chicks are kinkier. College grads
have more oral sex than high school dropouts,
and Ph.D's are twice as likely to want a
one-night stand than those with bachelor's
degrees. (A mind is a terrible thing to
waste. Ed)
- Oral sex is illegal in Arizona, Florida,
Minnesota, Louisiana, part of Michigan, North
and South Carolina, Utah and Virginia. In Idaho,
it can get you life in prison. Premarital sex
was illegal in Connecticut until the late 1960s.
A 15-year old girl in Mississippi can marry
without parental consent, but must wait a year
to legally have sex with her husband.
- One in three men cheats on his partner, as
opposed to one in four women. Only 28% of female
cheaters get caught.
- Fifteen percent of priests and nuns break
their vows of chastity.
- The vast majority of men come within six
minutes of penetration.
- The age of consent in the US is
primarily between 16 and 18. However, in liberal
Hawaii, 14-year-olds are allowed to have sex as
- For centuries, the Catholic church declared
"man on top" the only acceptable position for
sex. It's called the missionary position because
missionaries were to teach it as part of their
efforts to "civilize" non-Christian races.
- Receiving oral sex is No. 1 on American
males' sexual top 10, with straight intercourse,
threesomes and groping in the top five.
- The biggest wang on record is 12 inches
- J. Edgar Hoover, Oscar Wilde, Chief Crazy
Horse, Pope Paul II and Pope Julius III, Leonard
Bernstein, Alexander the Great, Sigmund Freud,
Lawrence of Arabia, Plato, Peter Tchaikovsky and
Florence Nightingale were all gay or bi.
- Until 1972 in the US, homosexuality was
officially a mental illness, classified as such
along with schizophrenia and multiple
- The average age for both genders for a first
sexual experience is 17.
Now, go out and have some great, new oral
Source: FHM Magazine,
List of LGBATQQI + Term
of Sex Terms 
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