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The Benefits of Teaching Suicide
Prevention in Schools
The Benefits of Teaching Suicide
Prevention in Schools Unfortunately, however, most students are not adequately taught about suicide prevention in school or at home. This means that the majority of teenagers are unable to properly handle suicidal feelings. Why Suicide Risk is High Among Teens As many of us know, ones teenage years can be tumultuous. What many dont fully understand is what could lead teenagers to consider or attempt suicide. The answer to this, however, can be complex, and often involves both environmental and emotional factors.
How Suicide Prevention Programs in Schools Can Help Proper access to resources is key to preventing and treating any disease, whether physical or mental. As previously stated, teenagers brains and bodies are still in development, and as such, they need guidance and counseling to properly cope with negative feelings, emotions, and situations. Whether students are experiencing a poor home life or an undiagnosed mental illness, a suicide prevention program could help guide them in the right direction. Important aspects of any suicide prevention program should include:
With this knowledge, students and teachers alike can learn how to identify warning signs, whether within themselves or those around them. Once these signs are recognized, students and staff will have the skills and knowledge they need to reach out for help. When suicide prevention resources are enabled, the risk of suicide amongst teens will decrease. Teens are a vulnerable population of individuals and to
maintain proper health, both physically and mentally, they
must be given the proper resources. By adding suicide
prevention to a schools curriculum, students are
better able to handle and address suicidal thoughts or
intentions. Prevention can save lives, especially those of
younger populations who are at higher risk. Surgeon General Announces National
Plan for Suicide Prevention U.S. Surgeon General Satcher unveiled the National Plan for Suicide Prevention. The Plan acknowledges that males are four times more likely to die from suicide than are females. The federal government is finally beginning to recognize the problem of suicide among men. Goals Promote Awareness that Suicide is a Public Health Problem that is Preventable Develop Broad-based Support for Suicide Prevention Develop and Implement Strategies to Reduce the Stigma Associated with Being a Consumer of Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Suicide Prevention Services Develop and Implement Suicide Prevention Programs Promote Efforts to Reduce Access to Lethal Means and Methods of Self-Harm Implement Training For Recognition of At-Risk Behavior and Delivery of Effective Treatment Develop and Promote Effective Clinical and Professional Practices Improve Access to and Community Linkages with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Improve Reporting and Portrayals of Suicidal Behavior, Mental Illness, and Substance Abuse in the Entertainment and News Media Promote and Support Research on Suicide and Suicide Prevention Improve and Expand Surveillance Systems If you want to contact the Surgeon General about the
Plan, here is his address: David Satcher, MD, PhD, Surgeon
General, 200 Independence Ave., SW. Washington, DC 20201 The
full plan can be found at this address:
Each year in the United States, more than 650,000 attempt to commit suicide. Of these, more than 30,000 die. In an effort to educate the public about suicide and ways to prevent it, May 6 through 12 has been designated as National Suicide Prevention Week. This falls during National Mental Health Month. Dr. Satcher and colleagues have set forth 11 goals with 68 measurable objectives to help reduce this number and save lives. He says, if we are successful, not only will it stop senseless deaths, but also will put on end to the harmful after-effects these acts have on families and communities. The program is the result of work done by advocates, clinicians, researchers and survivors. The program strives to change the most basic attitudes about suicide in an effort to change, the judicial, educations, social service, and health care systems. Some of the objectives set forth include: Increasing the number of states that require health insurance plans to cover mental health and substance abuse care on par with coverage for physical health care. Increasing the availability of comprehensive support programs for survivors of suicide. Increasing the number of professional and volunteer groups as well as faith-based communities that integrate suicide prevention into their ongoing activities. Increasing the number of television programs and movies that accurately and safely depict suicide and mental illness. About half of the states have begun efforts to enact their own suicide prevention strategies. Source: We can't tear out a single page from our life, but we can throw the whole book into the fire. - George Sand ![]()
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