Teen Drug
Menstuff® has compiled the following information on the Teen
Drug Resources.
Teen Drug Abuse Articles & Services
- Addiction
- Talking to teens about addiction.Alcohol
- The Health Effects of Teen Alcohol Use.
- Addiction
and the Family
- Raising drug free teenagers.
- Alcohol
on Campus
- The trends of alcohol consumption on college campuses
- Club
- As clubs grow in popularity among teens, so do the drugs
associated with clubs
- Cocaine
Use Among Teens
- A definition and warning signs of cocaine use among teens.
- Drug
- Addiction patterns and statitistics of teen drug abuse.
- DrugRehab.com
- Provides resources for troubled teens struggling with addiction
as well as their family and loved ones who are affected.
- Drug
- The Health Effects of Teen Drug Use.
- Drug
Use Statistics I
- A few alarming statistics of teen drug use.
- Drug
Use Statistics II
- Some more interesting statistics on teen drug use.
- Ecstacy
- Teens and the Drug Ecstacy.
- Hallucinogens
- Understanding hallucinogens and how they are abused by
- Household
- If your teenager decides to experiment with drugs, their first
high may not come from illicit drugs, such as cocaine,
methamphetamine, or marijuana.
- Inhalants
- The Silent Epidemic: Teens and the Use of Inhalants.
- Marijuana
- Marijuana Use Among Teens.
- Meth Action Clearinghouse The National Association of
Counties has developed a clearinghouse of information on
methamphetamines. This website has results of research and
surveys, updates on federal legislation and advocacy, new
releases, and other resources. snipurl.com/tl2x
or 202.393.6226 or www.naco.org/
- Overindulgent
- There is a link between teenage drug use and overindulgent
- Over
the Counter Drug Abuse
- The rising trend of teens abusing over the counter drugs.
- Prescription
Drug Abuse
- Recognizing the prescription drugs that are being abused by
- Smoking
- Why they start and how it is effecting teens socially and
- Steroids
- Effects and warning signs of teen steroid use.
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